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The Passion Translation

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The most important problem with The Passion Translation of the Bible (TPT) is actually found in its name—specifically, the term translation. In truth, The Passion Translation is a re-worded and re-written Bible, apparently intended to support a particular strain of theology. If the same material was marketed as a “commentary” or as a “study guide,” it would still be concerning. As it is, The Passion Translation cannot honestly be called a translation or even a paraphrase. The TPT goes well beyond the idea of “translation” and reimagines the Bible as one human author thinks it ought to be written.


“Bible Gateway removing TPT after reviewing the work in more detail is a signal to everyone that the work may have issues,” he said. “When you add that to the growing number of scholars, pastors, and laymen who are raising the red flag about TPT, you have a loud and simple message: ‘TPT has enough issues that it is best to avoid it.’”


"If you believe Beni Johnson, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you. During the past few years, many pastors and scholars have exposed the glaring flaws of The Passion Translation. There is literally no excuse for any believer to use or condone this “translation” that originated in the imagination of one man’s mind -and probably with a little help from deceiving spirits. It comes as no surprise that Bethel use this New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) “bible” and make a profit from selling it in their store. There’s only one good thing about The Passion Translation (TPT) – it’s a means of identifying a certain group. The book of Mormon and The New World Translation for example, help us identify Latter Day Saints/Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Passion Translation helps us identify those involved in what is arguably one of the world’s largest growing cults – the New Apostolic Reformation". -By Rick Becker 


“The Spirit of the Lord came upon me, I told you I had a visitation from the one I love. He walked through the wall and breathed on me and released me to do this translation project” -Apostle Brian Simmons

“Well, years ago, I saw an angel in our church meeting and the Lord spoke to me, not audibly but internally and said that angel is with your ministry, it’s the angel of passion.” -Apostle Brian Simmons

Apostle Brian Simmons
NAR Supporter
  • Why should one man translate the Bible?

Brian Simmons

Ask William Tyndale, a sole Bible translator who wanted the common people to have the Scriptures in their language. In 1535, Tyndale was arrested and jailed in the castle of Vilvoorde (Filford) outside Brussels for over a year. In 1536, he was convicted of heresy and executed by strangulation for translating the Bible, after which his body was burnt at the stake. His dying prayer was that the King of England's eyes would be opened; this seemed to find its fulfilment just one year later with Henry's authorisation of the Matthew Bible, which was largely Tyndale's own work, with missing sections translated by John Rogers and Miles Coverdale.

Tyndale's translation of the Bible was plagiarised for subsequent English translations, including the Great Bible and the Bishops' Bible, authorised by the Church of England. In 1611, the 47 scholars who produced the King James Bible drew significantly from Tyndale's original work and the other translations that descended from his. One estimate suggests that the New Testament in the King James Version is 83% Tyndale's words and the Old Testament 76%. So a "lone" Bible translator gave us the vast majority of the King James Bible.

  • Why should one man translate the Bible?

Ask John Wycliffe

He translated directly from the Vulgate into Middle English – a version now known as Wycliffe's Bible. It is probable that he personally translated the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; and it is possible he translated the entire New Testament, while his associates translated the Old Testament. Wycliffe's Bible appears to have been completed by 1384, additional updated versions being done by Wycliffe's assistant John Purvey and others in 1388 and 1395.

The Council of Constance declared Wycliffe a heretic on 4 May 1415, and banned his writings, effectively both excommunicating him retroactively and making him an early forerunner of Protestantism. The Council decreed that Wycliffe's works should be burned and his bodily remains removed from consecrated ground. This order, confirmed by Pope Martin V, was carried out in 1428. Wycliffe's corpse was exhumed and burned, and the ashes were cast into the River Swift, which flows through Lutterworth.

  • Why should one man translate the Bible?

Many solitary missionary/translators labor among unreached tribes to translate the Bible because they are the only ones with the linguistic training to produce a translation of the Bible into the receptor language.

I’m so thankful for Kenneth Taylor who gave us the Living Bible which morphed into the New Living Translation.

And J B Phillips

And Gerrit Verkuyl (The Berkeley Translation)

And Eugene Nida

And Robert Bratcher

And Eugene Peterson

And James Moffatt

And N.T. Wright

And Frances Siewert, the widow of a Presbyterian minister. She gave us the Amplified Bible.

And here’s to every lone scholar who translates the Bible today in their scholarly commentaries.



"As I noted earlier, the description of Simmons from the translation’s own website doesn’t provide any indication that Simmons has the skills to produce a translation from the original texts. His credential is being a linguist, church planter, and Bible translator for the Paya-Kuna people of Panama (Simmons worked with New Tribes Bible Institute). Being someone who translates the Bible into a modern language (especially a language that doesn’t have a Bible translation) does not guarantee the translator knows Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. I know that because I know people who have translated the Bible into such languages (tribal) who don’t know any of the biblical languages. They use an English translation (or whatever their own first language is) and, perhaps, tools keyed to Strong’s numbers. The results are quite serviceable, so I’m not being critical of the method. I’m being critical of the deceptive marketing. The marketing for the Passion Translation suggests it’s a translation from the originals that is chock-full of insights heretofore neglected or missed."

Chapman is a scholar of biblical Greek, and he examines a number of passages in The Passion Translation. He is kind; he is polite; and he is thorough. At one point Chapman concludes, “It has become clear to me that Brian does not know Greek.”




It's really foolish to try to defend yourself before critics who have already made up their mind. So, I don't even try.

But you, my friends, please bear with my "foolishness."

For the record:

I did not add a chapter to the Bible. The Bible is a closed canon. There will never be an additional chapter added to the Bible. There is not going to be a “John 22” added to Scripture. I made this very clear on a TV interview I did a few years ago, but that part unfortunately got edited out due to time. 100 people were present in the studio who can confirm the clarification which I assumed would be part of the program.

An angel named "Passion" did not help me write The Passion Translation. A lot of Greek and Hebrew word studies for 50 years have helped me with the translation.

There are other scholars who do assist me and help me with word meanings, who critique my work, and have significant input. I am not a "lone translator." My “title" is lead translator.

The Passion Translation is not based on Aramaic. It is a Greek based translation with a sprinkling of Aramaic (especially footnotes) to help the reader see a Hebraic mindset along with the Greek text. Btw, Jesus spoke Aramaic. Just that would make me want to read the Bible in the language He spoke. I believe the language of Jesus brings a nuance and flavor to His Words which are sometimes lost in translation.

I believe in Greek primacy over the Aramaic. Btw, no one can be 100% certain, since scholars today possess not even one original fragment or manuscript of the Bible.

My work is flawed, imperfect, and incomplete. I think that could be said of every translation and every translator.

I have never, to my knowledge exaggerated my "credentials." I completed the full linguistic training our mission group offered at that time. My credentials are found in my commission. "I will help you." - the words spoken to me.

I worked on the Paya-Kuna translation, but have never claimed that it was only me that did so. Additionally, I translated 20 Chapters of Genesis by myself before our departure from our village. I've used the term co-translator, but have now begun to refer to my work in the tribal Darien province as one who "helped" or "assisted" in the translation process.

Yes, I was given a divine commission to do the translation project. But in no way means it is perfect.

I have never claimed to be a Hebrew/Greek scholar. My claim to fame is that I am a lover of Jesus, a lover of my family, and a lover of the Word of God.



Thank you so much for this Alex. So helpful! 

From when I was in NAR, I still have a passion translation bible at home. Now I don’t know what to do with it

Laura Anne If you have a wood-burner, one could transform it into FIRE and LIGHT

L Alex Smith I was thinking that but then again, even though it’s a terrible translation, would it still be classed a holy book?

Laura Anne no

Laura Anne My own opinion is that as a "Bible" it is so distorted, and ADDED TO, that it is a disgrace that ought to be destroyed. That's why I made the crack about Fire and Light - those people are always shouting "Fire!" and claim they have Light.

It's more useful to heat your parlour.



  • From the SID ROTH show "It's Supernatural!" (2 February 2015)

transcript excerpts:

  • SID: Okay. 2009, Brian Simmons gets a new assignment. What happened?

  • BRIAN: Jesus Christ came into my room. He breathed on me and he commissioned me.

  • SID: When he breathed on you, I have to ask you this, what did it feel like?

  • BRIAN: It felt like a kiss from Heaven. It felt like Heaven's wind. The rock, the breath, the wind of God came upon me. And he spoke to me and said, "I'm commissioning you to translate the Bible into the translation project that I'm giving you to do." And he promised that he would help me, and he promised me that he would give me secrets of the Hebrew language.

  • SID: Do you believe that when he blew on you it was an impartation for revelation?

  • BRIAN: I do. I believe the spirit of revelation was given. And I have to say, when he breathed on me in no way would I want to compare that to the writers of the New Testament, the original writers, you know, Moses and the Torah, and Ezekiel. He breathed on me so that I would do the project, and I felt downloads coming, instantly. I received downloads. It was like, I got a chip put inside of me. I got a connection inside of me to hear him better, to understand the scriptures better and hopefully to translate.

  • SID: Are you finding that when people read the translation you're working on that it almost does a mind bypass and goes directly into the heart?

  • BRIAN: I think that's a brilliant way to say it. The poetic language of Hebrew and Aramaic released something inside of us. It's Divine. It is full of revelation. There's flavor. It's not, it's like thinking with your heart. It's like heart level to heart level, spirit to spirit, deep calling out to deep.

  • SID: Passion is the operative word. This translation will give you that passion back. When we come back, I'm going to talk, as a matter of fact, Brian told me that he had a word. I believe it's going to release some miracles. Also, I got to find out about that library. Are you interested? I know you are. Are you?

  • SID: Now, Brian Simmons was telling me at dinner last night about some revelations he got in translating the Bible about women. Tell me one.

  • BRIAN: Well there is a well-worn verse in the Bibles of many men that have used this verse and have hurt people because of possibly a mistranslation, and it's Ephesians 5:22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your husband as unto the Lord."

  • SID: That's powerful.

  • BRIAN: That's a pretty daunting command. But the Aramaic language, again, Jesus spoke in Aramaic. He taught it in Aramaic. The apostles taught in Aramaic as well. The Aramaic text is,

  • "Wives be tenderly devoted to your husband as the church is tenderly devoted to Christ."

  • SID: Big difference. Okay. How in the world did you get into the library room of Heaven? I want to go there.

  • BRIAN: Well, you know, as believers in Christ, there's only one entrance into the realm of the spirit, and that is the name of Yeshua, the name of Jesus Christ. We don't work it up. We don't get into an ecstatic state on our own. I was actually asleep and I was taken out of my body, and I was brought into this immense library room. I loved being there. And the Lord came up to me and he said, "Brian, I have brought you here to let you take any two books you want." And I'm just walking around. But it didn't take long before I saw a book that I knew I was to have and then soon I saw another book I knew I was to have. But you'll never want me back on the show

  • when I tell you what happened then.

  • SID: What?

  • BRIAN: Well, I have to tell you the truth. I saw a third book and I knew the Lord told me I could only take two. And in Heaven, whatever you think is put out over the loud speaker, everyone

  • hears it. Your thoughts are broadcasted. So here's what I hear coming out of the loud speaker, and it's my own thoughts, how can I steal this book. And then I said, oh, no, I'm shoplifting on God. I felt so ashamed. But I knew if I could take this book, there was this book, so, if I could just take this book back with me to the natural realm it would trigger awakening in all the nations of the earth. It would bring, it would make the name of Jesus famous in the world. But Jesus came to me and said, "Brian, I cannot let you take this book." And he looked at me in the eyes with love that melted me and he said, "You are not ready for that book." Then he promised that, "I will bring you back one day and I will give you that book."

  • SID: What was the title?

  • BRIAN: Written on the cover of the book was John 22.

  • SID: But there's only 21 chapters in John. What's this 22?

  • BRIAN: Well, John 22, go back to John 14:12 and you'll see that there is a greater works generation. "The works that I do you will do even greater works than these." I believe the John 22 generation will be a people that do the greater works of Jesus. They will not add to the scripture, and that's a sealed book. But it is a book that is unfolding and the works of Jesus will be replicated by an entire generation of people that believe fully in the power of God."

by L Alex Smith



  • Thankfully, Biblegateway removed it form their online collection of translations. - Jeff Mein


  • Aside from all the imaginary mystical baloney, the whole subject of Aramaic is entirely off-base. Only a few short passages of the OT were written in that dialect, and not one syllable of the NT. Anybody who has ever had even a single class about the Biblical text knows both that, and that the Aramaic text was not produced until centuries afterward. But then, Simmons has no problem with publicly lying through his teeth about his own training, qualifications, and experience. In fact, he has not one iota of background in linguistics or translation. A total scam artist making millions of dollars off of te ignorance and gullibility of many Christians. - Bryce Self


  • He (Brian Simmons) approached me via e-mail to review his translation before it was published. I touted his expertise in Hebrew and Greek, as well as all of his ministry work. I told him to send me the text to look over. I am no Greek expert, but I knew enough to see that he was adding, and taking away from Scripture. - Bob Snyder

  • This guy, Simmons, is preaching from his own non-biblical concepts. He's simply preaching fairy tales and sensationalism. - Ad Mark

  • Last night I threw my "passion translation" in the trash. Holy spirit was convicting me of it for a while but this was the turning point. -Jessica Duncombe

  • Remember everyone, Dr. Michael Brown endorses Brian Simmons and his horrible "Passion Translation." - The Messed Up Church

  • Many today are preaching/teaching falseness and many are going to hell over this. The thing to me is though we live in a day where there is so many Bibles yet no one has any Bible knowledge. What a sad state to be in. - Jesse Powell

  • I've read passages of the passion book (I won't call it a bible) . It's not even a good paraphrase. Satan is doing a good job misleading people with this heretical book. It's the book endorsed by Bill Johnson of bethel in Redding. The heretical book and the heretic make a good couple. It's tragic so many and on the broad path and all the time convinced they are on the narrow path. These people may be part of the "many Jesus tells to depart for He never knew them. - larry sergent

  • The fact that these blasphemies can flow out of him so freely is an indication of who indwells him...- Vanessa C

  • WOW........ Brian Simmons is NOT a Christian, and obviously does not have the revelation of the Holy Spirit to reveal the true meaning of the Holy scriptures, otherwise he wouldn't have made up his own bible...... false teacher, itchy ear tickler, etc.... this guy is all of them - TheAussieonvanisle

  • It is the “Bible” of the New Apostolic Reformation. It says just what they want to hear.


  • It seems like Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation, does whatever he wants to the meaning of the Scriptures, whenever he wants, and however he wants.

  • Brian Simmons claims Christ came to him and gave him the task of issuing forth The Passion Translation. Simmons is a New Apostolic Reformation leader, and The Passion Translation serves many as an NAR “Bible.”

  • Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation, is teaching heresy about the return of Christ. Simmons says the Bible uses “clouds” as a term for men eight times. Simmons states the Bible says Jesus comes within clouds, so therefore it means Christ is coming from within us. 

  • The Passion Translation will be coming your way, if it hasn’t already. This “Bible” is custom-made for the New Apostolic Reformation, a movement that is flooding into the Body of Christ.


“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God,
should shine unto them.”
2 Corinthians 4:4
Authorized King James Bible



Btw, it was William Tyndale's translation that became the basic text for the King James Bible. Over 83% of KJV New Testament is Tyndale's translation. One man influenced the world. A fluent speaker of 7 languages including being proficient in Hebrew and Greek, he gave the world the Word in the common language. Every English speaker today who believes in Jesus is part of William Tyndale's legacy

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