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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


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False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of SEAN FEUCHT

  • Make a Donation(Copied from his website)

Thank you for your generous donation into the ministry of Sean Feucht. Sean travels tirelessly bringing hope, life, perspective, prayer, and worship to over 25-30 nations per year! We are honored that you are freely willing to be a part of this kingdom initiative.

Your gift will be immediately invested back into the various needs of the ministry as we continue the mandate God has given us. With your help, we can see not only revival, but reformation as people encounter God and are moved into a lifestyle of gospel action.


Facebook Intro

Sean Feucht is a husband, father, missionary, musician, author and founder of global movements


This right here is what makes the media, the left and nominal/apathetic Christian’s angry:

“Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.”

We are bringing the KINGDOM into the halls of the governmental CAPITOL through prayer, worship and declaration.

When well over a thousand voices cram into the state Capitol in Texas singing out praises to King Jesus, change happens.

Jesus BELONGS at the center of everything we do —even government. It’s Davidic and it’s beautiful.

This is our mandate from God across America. We’re just getting started


Sean Feucht is at International House of Prayer.



 · Kansas City, MO, United States



Got to spend the day with a great friend and legend in the body of Christ Mike Bickle Official Page at International House of Prayer


For all those in Israel

I will be leading a set at Succat Hallel (house of prayer) in Jerusalem tomorrow night (Saturday) at 8pm Israeli time.

I feel God has something I am called to impart here in the land!

See you then!!!


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels."

Psalm 122:6-7

Praying for the revelation of Yeshua to go forth across this land!


Arrived on a layover in Germany and decided to go prophesy this morning over Europe

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.”


I believe there is a harvest coming in America to those who have battled with identity issues


Just was invited to pray over President Trump tonight on the phone from South Africa.

Thank you for your prayers and wisdom on what to say and how to pray.


Free First Class Upgrade to South Africa!!

This is all God-ordained!!


Our Nashville Day of Prayer airs TONIGHT on TBN!!!

Don’t miss it! This was a POWERFUL encounter of hope, healing and God’s spirit poured out over a city desperately in need!


The altar call was SO POWERFUL tonight that it caused me to miss my flight to South Africa

And I NEVER EVER miss flights!!! I was just caught up and couldn’t leave! WORTH IT!!!

So now I have to drive to Kansas City and fly out tomorrow

PRAYERS PLEASE!!! Coming for ya South Africa!



Over 3500 worshippers flooded the Missouri Capitol! REVIVAL IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR AMERICA!


God met us in Nashville tonight.

Thank you to all who made this possible. Our team worked tirelessly to bring healing to this city.

May King Jesus be lifted high over Tennessee


I watched God do things tonight that the world would say are impossible.

I physically saw bodies healed, souls restored and hearts set on fire.

This is America needs. This is only hope for our nation and the future of our children.

See you tomorrow Nashville.


The “Day of Prayer for Nashville” tomorrow is going to be a POWERFUL event of HEALING for the city.

You really do not want to miss it. IN PERSON and ONLINE at the War Memorial Plaza (across from the Capitol) at 5pm.


TONIGHT AT 7PM CST / 5PM PST we are having an URGENT prayer call with pastors across Nashville.

Join online and spread the word!


When will the prophets rise up and speak out?

It seems we’re only left with politicians.

They’re crafty, calculated & “prophesy” only what itching ears & culture wants to hear.

Prophets emerge from the woods knowing their message will get them killed, yet they preach it boldly anyways.


Day of Prayer for Nashville

This Saturday at 5pm

“But I will heal this city and its people and restore them to health. I will show them abundant peace and security.“

Jeremiah 33:6


God had it planned from the beginning of time for us to be in Nashville this Saturday.

Pray for a the healing balm of Gilead to go with us.

Jesus, this city is broken and needs you. I can’t imagine the pain so many are feeling.


I had a long-time ministry friend call me up this week asking what we were doing on this #KingdomToTheCqpitol tour and why it seemed like I was getting “so political” lately.

This was my response:

“The altars were filled with broken hearts responding to Jesus. There was salvations, healings, freedom from addictions, drugs, porn, same-sex attraction and more! Repentance broke out in every city, worship was raised up and communion was taken on the Capitol steps.

You may call this political, but I call it Biblical. This is what America needs.”

We have 180+ cities captured on YouTube for anyone that ever wonders what we do at these things.

I know one thing though, we aren’t stopping now.



Lessons from the Jesus People Movement: The moment we make “worship” a business, the oil stops pouring.

Jesus help our generation.

Full podcast on Apple or Spotify.


I often feel like the bigger the ministry platform God entrusts you with, the more your your full time job becomes "crisis management."

I cant imagine what Paul or Peter felt like in the New Testament.


God sent me here with legacy and history. This moment blessed me beyond what words can say.



So many PROPHETIC moments happen before or after the main event on this tour!

The chief Justice of the state of Alabama was with us for #LetUsWorship and invited us to pray and worship inside the Supreme Court tonight.



Join us as we bring the Kingdom to the Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama!



This is not just another tour, event, concert or marketing campaign.

This is a move of God. And we need it in America.


Mississippi: you’re up next.



The Lord told me to take communion at every US CAPITOL and we started tonight in Louisiana in wind, rain and 40 degrees!

A movement of surrender and humility will change America!

See you at Bethany Church at 7pm!


God’s Spirit is about to DROP IN THIS PLACE TONIGHT

Baton Rouge tonight at Bethany Church 7pm!


We have a MASSIVE announcement coming about THIS FRIDAY IN BATON ROUGE!!!!!

You dont want to miss it! I will be announcing it LIVE in 1 hour!!!!




I heard this during prayer this morning as we launch the #KingdomToTheCapitol tour Friday.

We must build an army of intercessors that will join us state to state across America.

Please text the word "SEAN" to 20221 TODAY to join the fight.


Can you do me a MASSIVE but SIMPLE favor today?

Can you please leave an incredible review, testimony or 6 star remark here on iTunes! The album is only $3.99 but it’s still ranking in the top 10 in the world right now!!!

May God get all the glory!!!! Link below


The album cracks the TOP 5 of MAINSTREAM music and all the trolls come out

Here’s a fake parody account (that always trashes me) wishing I died like Keith Green in my plane the other night.


thanks for all fhe prayers everyone!


Met this sweet lady in Pennsylvania today who blessed my with this amazing testimony!

I get stopped in grocery stores, airports all over and NEVER GET TIRED OF HEARING THESE STORIES! They fuel me to keep going!

We kick it all again starting next Friday in Louisiana! Come get baptized, come get healed, come get your heart set on fire for JESUS!!


The sound of worship & prayer echoed through US Capitol rotunda last night

We know that worship changes atmospheres and this is an atmosphere that must change.

We all felt a significant shift last night. Now we bring this fire to every State Capitol in America.


During the height of the pandemic and rioting in the Summer of 2020, over 300 bold worshippers prayed from the Golden Gate Bridge for a New Jesus People Movement in America.

Is God answering our prayers?


God is ushering in a revival of HIS POWER. It will offend many of the intellectuals who are content to live in and promote powerless Christianity.

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

1 Corinthians 4:20


7 days of prayer for #revivalinamerica

Day 6: Pray for the foundations of the enemy to be shattered as we bring the kingdom of God, which is within us, to the US Capitol.

Deuteronomy 20:4



We’ve prayer walked EVERY DAY from our ministry base in DC to the Capitol 5 days in a row. (Thank you all who have joined!)

We finish 7 days this week with a worship service INSIDE the Capitol along with members of Congress.

God is building His house of prayer in DC.

Let’s bring this to every Capitol city in America starting NEXT WEEK


A church service planned for 40 turned into over 700 in a very persecuted part of India today with our team.

God showed up with miracles and signs and wonders!!

I had to ask myself this morning: Do I carry this kind of hunger for Jesus today?


We were rejected, ridiculed, despised and slandered by many pastors, worship leaders, friends we loved (you know who you are) and media outlets for refusing to stop gathering to worship during Covid.


Now, every single data point reflects what we’ve always known, when the church shuts down, suicides explode.

Have you seen #SuperSpreader? We documented all this and shared testimonies.

It’s time for some accountability and some apologies, not even to us, but to your people who were abandoned because of your fear.


Who is with me?


The decrease in church attendance ALWAYS leads to an increase in suicides.

We documented this CLEARLY in our #SuperSpreader film.

Why did so many Gov’t officials, PASTORS & church leaders advocate for shutting down our churches as the only way to truly “love our neighbor?”


For all those who have seen the new JESUS REVOLUTION film, have you also seen SUPERSPREADER?

I feel like they are a 1-2 punch with the latter being a modern day story of Jesus People Movement born in the height of the pandemic!

You can download, stream and watch TODAY below:


Even evil mayors cannot stop God’s plan! Lori Lightfoot made it a PERSONAL AGENDA to send police to shut down the park and stop #LetUsWorship back in 2020, but the people of Chicago persevered and LOOK AT THE FRUIT OF REVIVAL!!

Salvations, healings, baptisms broke out and a 1000 person JESUS march through the streets!

Never bow to government over God!

Boredom is killing the American church.

Nothing about following Jesus is boring or safe.

Yet we’ve eliminated risk, adventure and the danger of the gospel. “Safety” has become an idol that has sanitized & neutered our faith.

Time to recover the wildness of Jesus.


Up late praying…dreaming…thinking about the #KingdomToTheCapitol tour kicking off in a few weeks!!


Exhort and Contend

In this tweet ( from April 24, 2023, Sean Feucht states:

"Got to spend the day with a great friend and legend in the body of Christ @ mikebickle at @ ihopkc.

Day/night prayer & worship has been going nonstop since 1999 here!

We may/may not have a pretty epic podcast coming out soon "

But, Sean Feucht’s promotion of Mike Bickle comes as no surprise since he hobnobs with all the heavy hitters in the NAR. Here are examples of him associating with Bill Johnson, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Todd White, and Rick Joyner.

1) This post ( discusses the fact that on day 5 (Sept. 17, 2021) of Feucht’s “21 Days of Prayer for America” endeavor he was joined by Bill Johnson. At the 1:26 point of this video ( we hear Feucht refer to Bill Johnson as his “pastor and hero in the faith.”

2) According to this post ( Feucht participated with Cindy Jacobs in an event titled, “Awaken the Planet,” that took place in Tacoma, WA, on Aug. 14, 2021.

3) In this post ( we learn that on May 17, 2022, Sean Feucht, Lou Engle, Todd White and others held a “Rally for Life” event at the Supreme Court.

4) On April 26, 2022, Feucht posted ( the following about his “Hold the Line” podcast with Rick Joyner:

"This podcast with Rick Joyner is just So much revelation and perspective for the days we are living in!

It’s a MUST LISTEN!!!!"

Sean Feucht is a false light, NAR/dominionism/7MM adherent and I pray for people to mark and avoid him and the rest of the NAR deceivers mentioned above as well!



False light dominionist/Christian nationalist Sean Feucht is a deceitful worker, as spoken of in 2 Cor. 11:13, and I cannot warn about him enough.

In his post ( from April 28, 2023, pictured below, Feucht states:

“If you are a believer in the Gospel and the Great Commission from Jesus (Matt 28), this should not in any way be controversial.”

The “this” he references is the title - “Missionary Sean Feucht insists that Christians should rule nation and write laws” – of the article ( he shares with his post.

Feucht states the following in the article:

“Proverbs says, ‘When the righteous are in rule, the people rejoice.’ We want to see the righteous in rule. Jesus prayed, ‘Let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ We want to see God’s will done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We are called to be ‘salt and light’ to this world, and that includes being salt and light to America.”

However, in the above paragraph Feucht manages to rip three verses out of context and to totally ignore Jesus’ words in John 18:36:

“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom not from hence.”

Upon His return Jesus will rule and reign on earth in His Kingdom as expressed in this verse:

Rev. 11:15 “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

The passage known as the great commission reads as follows:

Matt. 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Please notice there’s no mention of ruling nations or writing laws, no matter what Sean Feucht says…


SEAN FEUCHT: “We’re not going to be deterred, and we’re not going to be afraid and we’re not going to be pushed into a corner and we’re not going to be intimidated,” he said. “This is not our first rodeo with them.”

REPROVE THE DECEIVERS: If a person such as yourself were actually “anointed”, the Satanists and their demons would have left the moment you arrived! The truth is, is the demons are NOT afraid of any NAR adherents. What does that tell you? In this current dispensation of grace, the only anointing is found in the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, preserved and completed Words of God, the King James Bible!! "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16 (AKJB) You and all other false NAR Apostles, prophets and adherents have NO anointing or authority to "cast out" and "bind" demons in this dispensation. You are NOT spiritual Israel, taking Scripture (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) and mixing it in with Paul's teaching for us today (Romans thru Philemon). The whole Bible is written FOR us, but the whole Bible is NOT written TO us. Sadly, none of you false brethren will ever know this if you don't learn to "rightly divide" the Scriptures as commanded in 2 Timothy 2:15, " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (ONLY FOUND IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE!!)
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