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No Casting Out

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,

transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed

as the ministers of righteousness;

whose end shall be according to their works."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (AKJB)



Kopiyo Felix

  • For this reason, we do not read about Satan or any other evil spirits possessing people today. There are never any instructions given in Paul’s epistles about exorcism (casting out devils).

  • However, this does not mean that Satan is not active today in some capacity. Most definitely, Satan is alive and well… wise and sneaky as ever! (1Timothy 4:1-5)

  • Notice the “doctrines of devils” in verse 1. How do evil spirits operate today? Possessing people? No, the evil world system of which they are a part has deceived preachers and teachers everywhere—and those preachers and teachers then deceive others with their denominational tenets and church traditions.

  • How do people escape Satan’s trap of deception today? What can we do to fight Satan as Christians?! (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

  • We teach anyone and everyone sound Bible doctrine—and they believe it and they deliver themselves from the deception in which they find themselves.

  • There is nothing here about praying that evil spirits will leave them alone, or binding evil spirits so these people can be liberated.

  • The issue is teaching not praying. In other words, frankly, those who claim to be using prayers to free people from spiritual bondage are really doing nothing meaningful with these “binding-evil-spirits” prayers.

  • Victory is found in believing sound Bible teaching, not reciting prayers that superstitious and denominational people have written.

Demon Slayers Deception

There is NO such thing as demon slayers!

BUT ... there are deceived NAR deceivers!


by Kopiyo Felix

In this the Dispensation of the Grace of God, the battle is not on the Earth as it was during Christ’s earthly ministry. Currently, there is “spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:20, Ephesians 2:6, and Ephesians 3:10).

For this reason, we do not read about Satan or any other evil spirits possessing people today. There are never any instructions given in Paul’s epistles about exorcism (casting out devils).

However, this does not mean that Satan is not active today in some capacity. Most definitely, Satan is alive and well… wise and sneaky as ever! (1 Timothy 4:1-5)

How do evil spirits operate today? Possessing people? No, the evil world system of which they are a part has deceived preachers and teachers everywhere—and those preachers and teachers then deceive others with their denominational tenets and church traditions.

According to 2 Timothy 2:24-26, the key to escaping Satan’s influence today is teaching people sound Bible doctrine and urging them to believe it, not praying to bind evil spirits that afflict them. Paying special attention to Paul’s epistles of Romans through Philemon. Herein is the information that will free us and those we reach, from Satan’s deceptive teachings.

Victory is found in believing sound Bible teaching, not reciting prayers that superstitious and denominational people have written.


Primarily, Satan’s goal is to use false religion (works-religion), counterfeit miracles, counterfeit Bible versions, false brethren and false ministers to influence (deceive) people, whether saved or lost.

The Devil wants to distract people away from God’s truth for today. Recall how he distracted Eve and the Galatians!

(2 Corinthians 11:3-4)

The way Satan operates today is to use non-dispensational Bible study, to make us focus on the Gospel that Paul did not preach, to make us focus on the Jesus Christ whom Paul did not preach, and to make us focus on the spirit that Paul did not preach.

Satan wants us to ignore the Jesus Christ whom Paul preached, “the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery” (Romans 16:25-26; 2 Corinthians 5:16), and instead focus on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, which was not to us Gentiles (Romans 15:8; cf. Matthew 15:24).

Satan wants us to ignore the “spirit”/attitude/viewpoint of the grace of God that Paul preached (Romans 6:14-15; Romans 8:15), and instead observe the “spirit” of the Law as means of Christian living (Galatians 3:1-3).

Satan wants us to ignore the Gospel of God’s Grace of 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and cause us to believe some other Gospel for salvation (such as Acts 2:38).

(Colossians 2:8 )Satan will use philosophy, church tradition, and secular “wisdom” to mislead us. We must be careful! Rather than dispensational Bible study, these very systems/schools of religious are often used in most churches and Bible colleges to “explain” (confuse) the Bible.

(Colossians 2:18) Satan wants us to focus on angels instead of Jesus Christ—such is the case of “angelic appearances,” “apparitions,” “Holy Ghost encounters,” and all the other supernatural phenomena religion often discusses today. Again, we must be careful! Idolatry can take even the subtlest forms, but the student grounded in God’s Word rightly divided will withstand such duplicity

(1 Timothy 4:1-2) Satan has preachers (“spirits,” as in voices, speaking; 2 Thessalonians 2:8 ) who speak “doctrines of devils.” Verses 3-5 talk about forced celibacy for religious purposes and abstaining from certain meats/foods for religious purposes as being “doctrines of devils.” These would be some of the teachings Satan would advocate.

(2 Corinthians 4:3-4:)Satan blinds people by having them focus on works-religion instead of Jesus Christ’s finished crosswork. They really believe they can do enough religious works of measure up to God’s standard of righteousness.(Galatians 3:10 ,Romans 4:15 )


I know people in biblical times were possessed with demons…but why and how? And then, is Satan able to possess bodies today?

In the books of Matthew through John, we read of several instances of devil possession and exorcism. Satan was actively opposing the establishment of God’s earthly kingdom.

The Devil knew that as long as he possessed Jews, as long as he controlled Jews, the Holy Land would be defiled, Israel could not be God’s people in the earth, and God could not use Israel for His purposes (that is, to establish His earthly kingdom through them).

One prophecy associated with Jesus Christ’s earthly kingdom is that there will be no evil spirits in the land (on the Earth, but particularly in the Holy Land). Zechariah 13:1-2

Satan is the chief of evil spirits, and all of the evil spirits will be removed from Earth and confined in the bottomless pit during that 1000-Year Reign of Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:1-6).

The way that Jesus Christ demonstrated that He was Messiah/Christ was to cast out devils, a confirmation of the kingdom being at hand, to validate the Gospel message He Himself was preaching and the Gospel He was commanding His apostles to preach (Matthew 10:7-8 Luke 8:1 )

Satan originally desired to be “like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14)—the Devil wants to rule heaven and earth.

In order to prevent Jesus Christ’s kingdom from being established on earth, Satan had possessed the nation Israel (which was to be God’s chief nation on earth; Exodus 19:5,6; Deuteronomy 7:6,7; Isaiah 2:1-4; ). Why did these unclean spirits not want to leave the land of Israel?

As per Satan’s command, these devils knew that their job was to maintain strongholds—or footholds—in Israel, that God’s earthly kingdom not be set up. Hence, Jesus Christ told apostate Israel, “But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you” (Luke 11:20).

The Gadarene was a picture/symbol of the nation Israel in satanic bondage, and Messiah Jesus was proving to Israel that he could deliver them from spiritual/satanic/sin’s bondage.

God is forming the Church the Body of Christ today, a people to use for His glory in the heavens. God is not forming an earthly people, Israel, and He is not trying to reclaim Earth (He did that in the past before our dispensation, and He will do that after our dispensation).

Satan knows that the battle today is not really focused on the earth, but on God’s purpose and plan for the heavens.

Thus, Satan has adjusted his tactics; Satan attacks the Body of Christ instead of Israel today. While the Apostle Paul never talks about devil possession in his epistles, and the Holy Spirit through him never instructs us to exorcise anyone, he does warn about satanic deception.


(MATTHEW 12:22-30; MARK 3:22-29)

Binding of the strong man is a doctrine that does not fit the Lord’s words through the Apostle Paul, His spokesman to us Gentiles today (Romans 11:13; Ephesians 3:1-2; Acts 26:16-18). It is information that does not belong in our current dispensation of the grace of God.

The issue of “binding” here is definitely in the context of binding Satan (the “strong man” of verse 29).

Satan has polluted the nation Israel with false religion. Messiah Jesus has come to demonstrate He can cleanse God’s earthly people—and God’s earthly domain—of satanic influence ( Zechariah 13:2).

By having his own “kingdom” of evil spirits occupying Israel’s land, Satan is preventing God’s earthly kingdom from being established. As long as the land of Palestine is defiled, God’s earthly kingdom cannot be brought to pass. “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you” (Matthew 12:28).

In order to prove He has the ability to bring in Israel’s earthly kingdom, Christ casts out devils from Israel’s citizens. “The Jews require a sign,” 1 Corinthians 1:22 says.

Again, this is a Jewish passage, connected to God’s dealings with Israel. Never one time do Paul’s epistles, Romans through Philemon, instruct us to cast out devils.

The truth

The Truth about Devils, Ghosts, and Spirits

Grace Ambassadors

Far too few Christians take devils, ghosts, and spirits serious enough.

Either they are taken too lightly and made the subject of cartoons, fictions, and festive holidays, or they are surrounded in superstition and fear.

There are many false ideas, superstitions, and pagan ideas about the spirit world, but the Bible is the only source that can be trusted on the matter. (It is inspired by God who is the sole trustworthy authority on spiritual things.)

Ghosts are Real

First, every Christian ought to believe in ghosts. A ghost is a spirit or soul without a body, an immaterial person.

Once you die, you will give up yours (Gen 25:8).

God is a Spirit (John 4:24). The Holy Ghost is God (Matt 28:19Acts 5:3). Jesus gave up the ghost when he died on the cross (Luke 23:46).

“Know ye not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you…” – 1 Cor 6:19

If anyone thinks this is all unscientific or the stuff of myths, then consider the conversation among scientists about if there can be ghosts in machines, or how we can create and transfer what is immaterial about us into robots and computers. (The Bible is not anachronistic, it is far ahead of its time.)

  • The Devil Exists

Second, the Devil is real, and so are the many devils and evil spirits that have followed him in his rebellion to God. (The Bible does not call them demons, which could be good or bad; devils are always bad.)

What’s more is that all the devils and evil spirits know God, Jesus, and even the apostle Paul (Acts 19:15James 2:19). This is more Bible than most people know.

Jesus was tempted by the Devil (Matt 4:1). The Devil has set snares for men (1 Tim 3:72 Tim 2:262 Cor 11:14). Christians are instructed to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11), and should not be ignorant of his devices (2 Cor 2:11).

Consider the rise today in witchcraft, spiritism, and the pursuit of spiritual energy and power through spirits that are not the


  • God of the Bible.

All of this is forbidden by God as it leads to people being deceived, controlled, and ultimately the possessions of beings that do not bear truth, righteousness, peace, or joy.

Only God can fulfill this spiritual need. Only truth can reveal devils, evil spirits, and their lies for what they are – ungodly. Only faith in God’s word can enlighten your eyes.

  • Are You Possessed

Third, upon belief in the gospel you are sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, and have been delivered from the power of darkness (Eph 1:13Col 1:13).

In the Bible, evil spirits and devils possess people and cause them to do strange and sometimes powerful things. This can be a fearful thing for those who are not saved or do not have knowledge of the true power of Christ.

For those saved by the gospel of Christ, God has not given the spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7). Why?

Christians are made members of the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit once we trust the gospel (1 Cor 12:13). We become God’s possession, and the Devil has no claim or power to take that possession away from the more powerful One in whom we trust (Eph 1:14Eph 1:22Col 2:10). That is God’s great power through Christ.

This is not to say Christians cannot be influenced by the Devil or evil spirits. Satan hindered Paul, and Satan has ministers (1 Thess 2:182 Cor 11:15). But this is why Christians ought to learn the truth about evil spirits from God’s word alone, not from stories, cartoons, pagan myths, or Catholic tradition.

  • Responding to Evil Spirits

The way our culture deals with evil spiritual phenomena is to ignore it, deny it, or play with it thinking it to be harmless. The widespread presence of evil and lies in our culture is a result in part of leaving that door wide open.

Christians are instructed not to give place to the devil (Eph 4:27). The only beneficial source of spiritual power is from God.

The way religions deal with evil spiritual phenomena is with ignorance, superstition, objects, rituals, and incantations. It is no coincidence that bizarre spiritual activity is seen most among religious groups who claim to have access to spiritual power, but who have the gospel wrong.

Unsaved people who do not know God accessing spiritual power is a recipe for devilish disaster. Perhaps the reason there is such a need for exorcists in the Catholic Church is that their parishioners are not protected by the gospel of salvation. That is a scary thing.

The way the Bible responds is with the power of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:16). Every time a soul gets saved he is delivered from the power of darkness (Col 1:13). Every time a soul comes to a knowledge of the truth he is delivered from the snare of the devil (2 Tim 2:26).

When Christians do not take the Bible seriously is when they do not take devils, ghosts, and spirits serious enough.

How are you supposed to respond to devils, ghosts, and spirits if you don’t understand them? This leads to an increasing ignorance and fear when confronted with their reality.

Christians are instructed to withstand them with the word of God (Eph 6:13-18). Christians are in a battle without the armour.

That’s a sure way to lose.

Devils, ghosts, and spirits are real, but we need not fear them if we trust in the power of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Put off the spirit of ignorance and fear about unseen things. Put on power, love, and sound doctrine from Jesus Christ.


“My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” – Ephesians 6:10


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

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occurs 55 times in 48 verses in the King James Bible

occurs 61 times in 57 verses in the King James Bible

occurs 56 times in 49 verses in the King James Bible



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