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The only Inspired, Inerrant, Infallible and Preserved Words of God!

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart"

Hebrews 4:12 (AKJB)

by Kopiyo Felix

Unfortunately, some people—even in “Bible-loving” and “Bible-defending” circles—absolutely detest the King James Bible.

Seminary or Bible College has so polluted their minds and hearts. These individuals whom Bible institutions corrupted, they “graduate” and pollute common church members with their “education.” They go on to produce “study Bibles,” “better” translations, commentaries, Hebrew and Greek grammars, and other worthless books parading as “Christian” literature.

These very people—educated in error—currently lead and teach in most local assemblies and other “Bible” groups. Thus, today, the average church leader and the average church member alike view the King James Bible as anything but “scholarly” and “reliable.”

The Bible publishers make sure their advertisements report largely just enough information for you to have an “easy-to-read” contemporary perversion. To tell you the full story of the various versions of the “English Bible,” which they often do not know themselves (or knowingly and willfully withhold from the public), that information would cause you to use a King James Bible and you would never want to buy one of their 100 translations they want to $ell you!

Many people—including Christians—have been educated to attack God’s preserved Word in English. If you believe in a perfect King James Bible, these “Bible-believers” will ridicule and slander you for disagreeing with their “scholarly” (ha!!) position.

They have been poisoned by the pro-Roman-Catholic mentality that “educated clergy” must always interpret God’s Word. They have been polluted with the false idea that the Holy Spirit used Roman Catholic manuscripts as a repository for His precious Words.

They assume that He sanctions the use of those manuscripts to “correct” the Protestant Bible Text of the Reformation. All in the name of “unbelieving scholarship” we are urged to toss out God’s precious Words and pick up the worthless teachings of men. Never! Never! Never! Again, I say, Never



Scriptorium Bibles King James Bible Debate


There is no debate…. Only those doubters who are blinded, walking after their own pride filled vanities and lusts, or those who unfortunately reside in ignorance about true biblical and textual history will argue and debate.

For those of us who stand in the assured doctrinal truths of our Lord Christ Jesus, we know full well, that GOD Almighty has perfect preserved His Holy Word throughout all human history, and for all eternity.

So, as you can see, there is no debate.

Those that argue and debate, with their arrogance in the face of GOD, contending that He was incapable of perfectly preserving His Holy Word, do so at their own peril. Those that doubt GOD will be like Korah, Dathan, and Abiram who argued against GOD who is an All-Consuming Holy fire…. and they met their end.

Neither Older, nor better….

Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, two Satanically inspired manuscripts conjured from deception, which disagree with one another in 3,000 places in just the New Testament alone. Originating in Alexandria Egypt, based off a false heretical Gnostic philosophy, known today as the Critical text, associated with the most malevolent people throughout history. These two disingenuous manuscripts do indeed represent a different religion, and a different gospel. Both Codices are the foundational cornerstones of textual corruption that were deceptively inserted into your modern Bible translations over the past 150 years.

Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, two manuscripts of the most depraved type, having been created with the worst kind of literary and textual maleficence. Established for the soul purpose, with the specific intension to sow confusion and doubt, to undermine and to destroy True Christian doctrine, along with faith in our LORD Christ Jesus.

Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, two corrupted manuscripts that have no provenance, no chain of custody, and most definitely no Providence by God.

Codex Vaticanus, a manuscript that literally comes out of the belly of Hell seated in Rome. A manuscript that has 2,900 fewer words, which denies the resurrection and bodily ascension of Christ Jesus, and that differs from the historically proven Majority Received Text, which being establishes by more than 5,000 Greek manuscripts throughout history, that are in agreement with one another.

Codex Vaticanus that contains readings that support the false religious doctrines of the Vatican, which should be outright rejected by the True followers of Christ Jesus and the whole of Christendom.

Codex Vaticanus, a manuscript which contains a false Gnostic gospel text which is associated with a wicked authoritarian religious system, known as Catholicism, that has slaughtered and tortured 10’s of millions of True Christians over the centuries.

Again to drive the point home, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus disagree with one another in a staggering 3,000 places in just the New Testament alone.

Codex Sinaiticus a modern forgery created by Constantine Simonides in 1840 on Mt. Athos in Greece, which has an estimated 23,000 textual corrections. Moreover, Codex Sinaiticus is missing whole books, and huge sections of biblical text, and has heavy rewrites and erasure marks.

Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaitcus were the manuscripts used by heretics Westcott & Hort, to lay the cornerstone for the corrupted text foundation in your modern Bible translations that we see in today’s world.

Westcott & Hort, men who were totally emersed in the occult, talked with “spirits”, rejected the authority of Scripture, who despised God’s True Words. Men who did not believe in the creation account or Genesis, denied the Deity of Christ Jesus. Men who believed in evolution, who were apart of the Oxford movement to bring England back under the authority of pagan Rome. Men who did not believe that Moses and King David were real people, and they did not believe Heaven was a literal place…


And these were the two heretics Westcott & Hort, who used the corrupted texts of Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus to come up with their unfounded and corrupted Greek text, that was based off a faulty textual theory, that had absolutely no historic facts to support it…

These are the manuscripts and heretics that laid the groundwork for the corrupted text found in your modern Bible translations!


So…. If you want to embrace and read out of a modern bible that has a corrupted text, have at it.

If you want a modern bible translation that lowers the Name of our LORD Christ Jesus, have at it.

If you want a bible that was produced by the worst kinds of unbelievers and heretics, who changed and omitted 100’s of key doctrinal words, have at it….

“God has preserved His inspired Word for us. It is preserved in the Hebrew Masoretic text and in the Greek Textus Receptus. It is also preserved for us in the English in the King James Bible. What He at first inspired, the Lord God has now preserved. Therefore, when I hold the King James Bible in my hand, I hold the inspired text. It was inspired and now that inspired Word has been protected, preserved and provided for us!”
SOURCE: What Is That Book You Hold In Your Hand? (by Dr. Shelton Smith, editor, Sword of the Lord)


"Do We Have the Inerrant Word of God Today?"  YES!

Don't believe it when people tell you that the word of God is found only in the originals--which NOBODY has.

Jesus made a promise, and we know that He cannot lie:

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." -Matthew 24:35

Many Bible college students, professors, pastors, teachers and lay people talk about, "we believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures as found in the originals"---NOBODY has the originals. They are saying that we don't have God's word today which directly contradicts what Jesus said in Matthew 24:35. The faith of many young Christians is shattered by the time they leave Bible college. Don't fall prey to this trap.


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"The King James Bible is a word-for word translation (verbal equivalence) from the Hebrew and Greek text. Most modern bible versions are a thought-for thought translation (dynamic equivalence). How do the translators know what God’s thoughts were? This is their own interpretation of what God said, not a translation of what God said into another language. Only the King James Bible is based upon the original manuscripts. The Word of God is preserved in Heaven. The Word of God is preserved in the Hebrew and Greek texts. The King James Bible is an accurate translation from the preserved Hebrew and Greek texts."

“…I must say that if you hold to a modern version of the Bible, you have chosen the sandy ground of ingenious conjecture. The critical scholars behind the modern versions do not believe that God preserved His Words as He said He did. In fact, they are not sure where His Words are. They are frantically revising, adding, deleting, modifying, and changing God’s Words as is right in their own eyes.” David L. Brown, Ph.D., The Indestructible Book, pp.405-406

"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you,
neither shall ye diminish ought from it,
that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you"

Deuteronomy 4:2 (AKJB)

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
Revelation 22:19 (AKJB)


Textus Receptus Academy

Scriptorium Bibles

Laying the foundations for the perverted modern Bible translations, Brooke Westcott’s and Fenton Hort’s corrupted Greek text. A text that both men conjured up based off absolutely no historical or textual evidence to support their false claims. Their text was primarily based off Codex Sinaiticus, a manuscript which in and of itself has over 23,000 corrections.

Westcott & Hort, First Edition

New Testament in Greek

Harper & Brothers



  • "The foundation texts upon which any translation rests are all-important. If the foundation is false the translation will be false. If the foundation is corrupt the translation will be corrupt. If the foundation is erroneous the translation will be erroneous. The texts upon which the modern English perversions of the Holy Scripture are founded are neither reliable nor accurate." Dr. Ian R.K. Paisley, My Plea for the Old Sword

  • “I can say with 100% confidence that the King James Version in the English language that I have today is the exact equivalent to God’s Word when it was written down in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. To say anything less is to call God a liar!” Eric & Lonna Neumann, Bible Per-VERSIONS, p.4

  • “Once Thomas Nelson & Sons abandoned their responsibility to pass on their Christian faith and trust in the King James Bible, the Lord allowed the company to go its own way, stage #4 of the Devil’s plan:

1. Confusion

2. Doubt

3. Disbelief

4. Rebellion

Right now, as far as major publishers are concerned, 55% of all Bibles are produced by the same company: New Corporation. And every single division favors the Catholic religion, Satan’s counterfeit church.” David W. Daniels, NEW KING JAMES THE BRIDGE BIBLE, p. 201

  • “To a large extent, the KJV owes its authority to the rule that inserted words were printed in italics. The Bible reader was thus able to see how carefully the translators treated God’s Word. They were afraid to add even one word, but if they were not able to translate without adding a word for the sake of clarity, they indicated that it had been added.” Jakob van Bruggen, The Future of the Bible

  • “In Bible college I was taught the lie that the scholars of Alexandria were the best in the world. So their copies of scripture were also the best in the world. I bet many of my readers were told that, too. And we were told that the best examples of Alexandrian scholarship were the giant ancient books, Codex Vaticanus and especially Codex Sinaiticus. Do you realize we were told this, but we were never able to see Sinaiticus for ourselves? Think about what that means. It means that not only did we have blind faith in Sinaiticus, a book we’d never seen…We also had blind faith in our professors. Faith in God is one thing, but everyone else? Remember the scripture: Romans 3:4 ‘…yea, let God be true, but every man a liar….’ Or the paraphrase: In God we trust: all others pay cash.” David W. Daniels, Is the World’s Oldest Bible a Fake?, p.131

  • “Only those of us who hold to a ‘King James Only ‘ position believe we have a perfect, preserved, inspired Bible. We simply believe what the Lord Jesus Christ believed.” Bill Bradley, Purified Seven Times, p.124

  • “God has kept His promise and left us a reliable Bible which is inspired (God-breathed) and preserved (1611 King James Bible), which is illuminated by the power of Him who preserved it. The Lord promised His Word would endure in spite of the devil’s attack on it with fire, sword and his most subtle attack, the new versions which are being accepted by both the ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ and the deluded.” Dr. Dennis Lloyd, My Indestructible King James 1611 Bible, p.10

  • “Today, Satan is still getting man to question the second-hand words of God by deceiving good men into thinking the perfect words of God can only be found in the originals by way of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. These theologians, these men with doctorate degrees who stand before us, are often just deceived men pushing deception on others! These men who try to get you to trust more in the so called original Greek are doing the same thing Satan did to Eve! Don’t fall for it!” Dan Goodwin, Hath God Said?, p.68

  • “It’s amazing; people go to great lengths to study, years of arduous and sacrificial time, so that they can put letters after their name that supposedly give them the authority to tell others what Bible is the best, when all the time they haven’t got a Bible to present to us.” Dr. Dennis Lloyd, My Indestructible King James 1611 Bible, pp.21-22


  • “It is a tragedy that today many pastors, preachers, theologians and academics have ‘lost’ God’s Word. They no longer have one book which IS the Word of God, because ‘professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Rom 1:22).” Dr. Dennis Spackman

  • “…there are those who think that most modern versions of the Bible are acceptable, thinking that they add to the richness in diversity of knowledge of what God has imparted to mankind. If one listens to critics, he or she will be led to believe that there is no perfect version of the Bible today, but such an argument is flawed from the outset simply because it is contrary to various promises made by God Himself regarding His Word.” Andrew Steers, Ph.D., Is There Not a Cause, p. 7

  • “When you study the Greek, you are not studying the Bible; you are studying one man’s opinion of the definition of Greek words. Most of the time those Greek theologians that you are studying don’t believe the King James Bible is right. They have come up with their own definitions of those Greek words. Many of the Greek definitions given in these lexicons (note lex-I-cons) line up with the corrupt NIV translation. It is unbelievable that we have been so brainwashed and so lied to and that we have been so gullible to believe that these men can help us understand our Bible better.” Dan Goodwin, Hath God Said?, pp.70-71

  • “The King James Bible is built on the foundation of faith by men who had a high regard for the Bible, using massive manuscript evidence to support their work. They meticulously translated the Greek and Hebrew words, rendering them as closely as possible into English. The Modern versions are built on a foundation of doubt by men who have a low regard for the Bible. A few corrupt manuscripts were used to support their work. For the most part, they loosely translated the concepts of the Greek and Hebrew and some versions are even sloppier, not translating at all but paraphrasing. I have to wonder: If you are not using the King James Bible, why not?” David L. Brown, Ph.D., The Indestructible Book, p. 414-15

  • “…the Westcott-Hort theory is based upon false principles, follows fallacious methods, and is not worthy of the credence given to it by so many.” Alfred Martin, A Critical Examination of the Westcott-Hort Textual Theory

  • “The fact is that many a Christian has had doubts, fears, and skepticism instilled in his mind by these claims of discovering ‘more accurate manuscripts.’ The practical outcome has been that many Christians are uncertain of their ability to believe every word in any translation, especially the King James Version; hence, his prayer life, his witnessing, and his struggle with personal sins has been dealt a damaging blow.” Bruce Lackey, Can You Trust Your Bible?, pp.51-52

  • “The most serious problem created by the multiplicity of versions and half-truths from textual critics is that many believe that we have no accurate, infallible Bible anywhere in the world today. To say that it exists in all the versions is to say, in effect, that you can not find it, since no one can agree on the best way to resolve all the differences in the versions.” Bruce Lackey, Can You Trust Your Bible?, p.51

  • “…I refuse to believe men. I believe God. I believe God made and kept His promise to preserve His words. There is only one Bible, copied and translated accurately for us in the English language, that passes the test and that has passed down that same inspiration: the King James Bible. I can call it SCRIPTURE without any qualification. This is the scripture in English.” David W. Daniels, 51 Reasons Why The King James, p.22

  • “English speaking people were presented in 1611 with a preserved copy of God’s words. Once we had that, we did not need another. satan’s subsequent con job, to ‘fix the King James’ through the ‘science of textual criticism,’ has let him gleefully lead the masses into a mess of confusion and doubt.” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, p.55

  • “Only those of us who hold to a ‘King James Only ‘ position believe we have a perfect, preserved, inspired Bible. We simply believe what the Lord Jesus Christ believed.” Bill Bradley, Purified Seven Times, p.124

  • “The Battle over the word of God today is the same Battle that was fought by our Forefathers. Sadly, the difference today is that many have not the discernment nor the backbone to know and stand for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. If Greek and Hebrew are needed to fully understand our Bible, then we have gone back to the bondage and slavery of the popes of Rome!” Dan Goodwin, Hath God Said?, p.10

  • “God has honored the King James Version. It is the Bible of the 160,000,000 English-speaking people, whose tongue is spoken by more of the human race than any other…The King James Version has been translated into many other languages. One writer claims 886. It is the Book of the human race. It is the author of vastly more missionary enterprises than any other version. It is God’s missionary Book.” Benjamin C. Wilkinson, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated

  • “…God communicates to us specifically by His word, and His word is pure. Our job is not to doubt or destroy it, but rather to study, understand, and obey it. We need not follow apocryphal visions or obscure scripts, nor do we need feelings or repetitive customs to define our final authority for matters of faith and practice. We have God’s word. This specific word, translated at the threshold of ubiquitous English influence and with supernatural accuracy, is published in the world’s language, revealing God to whosoever will know him.” Paul W. Scott, English for Bible Readers, p.3

  • “Now, when someone defends his use of the modern Bibles by expressing his trust in the scholars, you can decide whether to challenge his misplaced faith. You will have to calculate whether you might be subjected to the same ridicule as the many saintly scholars who have defended the preservation of God’s words in history. Two types of scholars, two agendas. Bible-believing scholars believe the Bible over their own opinions. The other kind of scholars believe their own opinions over the Bible. There is no middle ground. There are two types of scholars in the world: which are YOU going to trust?” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, pp.74-75

  • “If God did not inspire the Bible, then ‘preservation’ is irrelevant since there is nothing to ‘preserve.’ If God did not preserve that which He inspired, then there is no perfect Bible on this earth anywhere right now. The claim of infallibility for the Bible was only relevant for the generation that held the original autographs in their hand. Every generation after that had either a mere copy or translation. Thus, no one today could honestly say that the Bible is infallible. If God inspired the Bible without error in the Originals and then allowed it to be lost over the centuries, then it was senseless to inspire it in the first place. Inspiration without preservation is a ‘Divine waste of time.’” Dr. Samuel Gipp, Is Our English Bible Inspired?, p.16

  • “The unfaithful scholars have successfully twisted the conversation away from a solid trust in the one Bible [King James Bible] that has historically produced strong faith in its readers, to many Bibles that leave Christians in a quagmire of doubt and confusion today, even in our ‘Bible-believing’ churches. Now when we hear the statement: ‘But I trust the scholars,’ we must ask the question: Whichscholars are we talking about?” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, p.54


  • “If you were the Devil, how would you get people to disregard over 99.5% of the evidence (right now about 5,700 Greek Bible manuscripts) and fall for a made-up text, based mainly on just two big books? Add to that the fact that one of them, Vaticanus, only showed up in the Vatican’s library about 1475, and nobody got to see it much until 1867. And the other one, Sinaiticus, was the project of a revolutionary monk, with the help of his great-nephew in 1839-40? Easy. Just make the doubting scholars think they were the greatest thing since sliced bread.” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, p.59

  • “So the question is this: is the King James Bible ‘inspired’ or ‘preserved?’ The answer is simple, both! It is not inspired in the same fashion as the Originals were. In the case of the Originals, they started with a blank sheet of paper and when a man was done writing, the result was the inspired originals. (Ps. 12:6) We all know the King James translators did not sit in a room with a blank sheet of paper and write as did Isaiah. No, they had both Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, numerous early English translations as well as foreign language translations. For that reason we say the King James Bible is the preserved word of God. (Ps. 12:7) But, is the King James Bible inspired in that it is the preservation of the inspired words of God? Absolutely. As one great preacher asked, ‘If the King James Bible isn’t inspired, at what point did inspiration ‘fall out’?’” Dr. Samuel Gipp, Is Our English Bible Inspired?, p.69

  • “The OAO [Original Autographs Only] doctrine, has been taught from April of 1881…to the present day. What started in Princeton University [by ‘A.A. Hodge and B.B. Warfield’] is now in the statements of faith in conservative Christian churches and taught in Bible colleges and seminaries. Maybe even yours. According to OAO, all subsequent documents contained intentional or accidental errors left by sloppy copyists or translators with their own ideas. That means it’s now up to the scholars to decide which readings they feel are most likely to be what God said. When they can’t agree, which is often, they simply add a footnote and push the decision off to the reader, as to which one heor she likes. This essentially leaves us with a multiple-choice Bible, up for grabs as to what God really said. It became popular and ‘scholarly’ to ignore Christ’s promise to preserve His words.” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, pp.52-53

  • "So if I have a preserved copy of the Bible, I also have an inspired copy of the Bible, because it is impossible to start with something inspired and to preserve it, without it continuing to be inspired." Dr. Dennis Corle, God's Inspired Book, p. 14


  • “Tyndale gave us our Bible language. No sets of words in English have ever been so deeply considered by so many good minds in our nation for so long, and then carried so far in space and time through the KJV.” David Daniell, The Bible in English, p.263


  • “It would be impossible, as has been demonstrated in the foregoing biographical sketches, to collect at this day a body of professors and divines, from England and America together, which should be equal in numbers and in learning to those assembled by King James…” Alexander McClure, The Translators Revived, 1858, p.189


  • “If the Bible is not the very Word of God, then it cannot be a good Book, because it would be filled with lies. Four hundred thirteen times we find the expression, ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ Two hundred thirty-five times the Bible describes itself as ‘the Word of the Lord.’ Forty-eight times it describes itself as ‘the Word of God.’ Eight times, speaking of its contents, it says, ‘the Spirit saith.’ Inspiration is what sets the Bible apart from all other religious books, such as the Koran or the Book of Morman. A preserved Koran has no life in it, even if it is a perfect copy of the original, because there was no inspiration of God in it to start with. If you take the inspiration out of the Bible and have a perfect copy of the words, you have reduced it to just another religious book, rather than ‘the power of God unto salvation.’” Dr. Dennis Corle, God's Inspired Book, p.16


  • “I have found that a number of the people who fight against the King James as God’s preserved words do so because they have some preferences they don’t want God to pronounce against, or simply because they don’t want to have a singular authority in their life. They want a PAC Bible: a Pick-And-Choose version, with options at every turn, so they can worm out of any sin or find agreement with any religion, and have no absolute standard to judge them.” David W. Daniels, 51 Reasons Why The King James, p.12


  • “It is inspiration that gives the Bible life. (Hebrews 4:12) It is inspiration that gives it power. (2 Timothy 3:5) It is inspiration that makes it holy. (2 Timothy 3:15) It is inspiration which makes it able. (2 Timothy 3:15) It is inspiration that makes it Scripture. (2 Timothy 3:16) It is inspiration that guarantees its authenticity as the Word of God. To question inspiration is to question the Source and authenticity of the document, as well as to remove any force and power that it had in its origin. We have an inspired and preserved King James Bible. It is perfect, it is complete, and it is alive. It has as much life and as much force to transform the lives of people as it had in its original form.” Dr. Dennis Corle, God’s Inspired Book—The Bible, pp.20-21

  • “We’ve allowed the entire discussion of the doctrine of scripture, the text of scripture, and the translation of scripture to be determined by two men who believed in the communion of spirits and one of whom at least, routinely communed with spirits.” Phil Stringer, Westcott & Hort and Their Occult Connections


  • “…God promised to inspire, preserve and keep His words whether we discovered all the secrets of the process or not. We would still have the Bible even if we were obstructed from exploring its lineage. God promised us His words, not an exhaustive log of each progressive step of preservation. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God(Rom. 10:17). We walk by faith, not by science; not by archeological discovery; not by manuscript evidence. We walk by faith, not by the linguistic excellenceof Dr So-and-so.” Kyle Stephens, The Certainty of the Words, p.57


  • “…how you feel about the Bible is how you feel about Jesus and they do not have a Bible they can totally trust. So that tells you where they are with Jesus.” Pastor Paul Reno, The Case for Inerrancy and Preservation

  • “The King James Bible is the Word of God. The greatest thing that any preacher could ever do for himself would be to quit worrying about it. Just use it. Quit trying to second-guess what it says. Quit throwing it aside every time a contradiction seems to appear. Moses approached the burning bush because it was a contradiction. It was clearly on fire but it was not consumed. He didn’t walk away in frustration. Instead, he drew closer and found the depths of God. To the Bible student who has accepted the King James Bible, contradictions are an invitation. They are not evidence of a weak Bible. They are evidence of the student’s ignorance. Like the burning bush, the inexplicable draws us to take a closer look. While others run to lexicons and commentaries, the Bible believer prays and searches deeper. God reveals himself in those searches.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, p.124


  • "...those who claim allegiance to the Bible cannot seem to do enough to weaken its power. Scholars dilute the Bible text. Publishers come out with new, better-than-ever bibles every few months. Preachers freely correct the words of the living God. And young men herd off to seminaries (or rather cemeteries) to be taught the inadequacies of the Word of God. No one claims to have a painting that contains the work of Rembrandt. They either have a painting by Rembrandt or they do not. Even a careful imitation is worthless next to the real thing. Likewise, we either have God’s Word or we do not. Since God’s Word by reason of God’s own character must be totally pure, then an impure word cannot be God’s Word. God’s Word is incorruptible (I Pet. 1:23). That which is God’s Word is completely pure (Prov. 30:5). Other forms of printed matter (printed sermons, tracts, corrupted "bibles," etc.) may contain portions of God’s Word, but they cannot be said to be God’s Word." David Reagan, A Tale of Three Cities


  • “Consider this: if the preserved text of the Bible is flawed in matters of history, then there are books that are more accurate than the Bible text, and these books stand in judgment upon the Biblical text, instead of the text of the Bible judging these other books. Something is seriously wrong with a position that makes other books more accurate than the Scriptures. Jesus said, ‘Thy word is truth’ (John 17:17). What can be truer than truth?” Chester W. Kulus, Those So-Called Errors, p.147


  • "No single TR [Textus Receptus] edition matches every reading of the KJB. The KJB has all the correct readings in one place. Missionaries have translated the KJB int many languages. There is no THE TR. There are some 70+ differing TR editions and none of them match every reading of the KJB. Which TR edition would you use? What would you do when the reading differs from the KJB (which is your authority the KJB or any single TR edition)? There is no need to know Greek or Hebrew to translate to another language. The KJB is God's pure words perfectly preserved in English." John Word


  • “What we need, therefore, is not to replace the Authorized Version… We need rather to teach and to train people up to the standard and the language and the dignity and the glory of the old Authorized Version”. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Knowing the Times, p. 112


  • "A lot of folks say that a translation can’t be inspired. They say that only the original languages are inspired or that only the original manuscripts were inspired. (They are no longer with us). Scripture does not support this view. Many folks say that saying a translation is inspired is 'double inspiration’ That is a false statement as preservation KEEPS the inspiration and as such is not 'double inspiration'." John Word, Inspiration Is In The Words, pg. 1


  • “…as all new bibles, including the NKJB say ‘the new translations are revisions of the King James Version of 1611’—THEY LIE!. The facts are: NO BIBLE on the market is a REVISION of the King James Bible of 1611. NO ENGLISH BIBLE has been TRANSLATED off the Textus Receptus group of manuscripts since 1611. ALL the new Bibles since 1881 till now, were translated off a COMPLETELY different set of manuscripts. They do not agree with the Textus Receptus group of manuscripts your King James Bible came from.” Jack Mundey, Corruptions in the New King James Bible, p.5

  • “We must first understand our need for the Bible before we can ever begin to discover the version that is the truth. How sad would it be for us to go through life as Christians, as children of God, to just realize that the only source of truth for us was a lie. In other words if all we had were an ALMOST Holy Bible, then that means that God would have saved us and then let us live lives based on a book that lies.” Christopher E. Howe, The KJV is for Me, p. 13


  • “The problem with placing your faith in modern-version-only theologians, especially those on the radio, instead of God is that you come away with the mistaken notion that you do not have an infallible Bible by a perfect God. It impugns the character of God to claim that He could not preserve His word. The modern-version-only cult walks by sight and not by faith. They have to hold the manuscripts in their hand whereas those of us who trust the Lord in this area do not need those critical text crutches.” Dr. Ken Matto, The Modern Version Incursion, p.6


  • “At this point, I am not trying to convince anyone that the King James Bible contains the very words of God. I am trying to get you to accept that there is one. You cannot believe that all Bibles contain the words of God. Only one can be right because the words are not the same in all these so-called Bibles. Think about it! If God's words are preserved, they are written down somewhere. If two books do not contain the same words, one of them cannot contain the words of God.” Dr. Jack Hyles, The Need For An Every-Word Bible, p. 14


  • “Another classic objection to the King James Bible is that it should never be used for translation purposes. According to this thinking, the King James Bible is good, but an honest translation could only come from the Greek text. That thinking might be good if its proponents could find a person who spoke ancient Greek… The first and obvious fallacy to this policy is that there is probably not a translator on the field today that is conversant in Greek. This objection to translating from the AV 1611 is all part of the great charade imposed upon the ignorant.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, p.123


  • “Preachers that believe in the resurrected Christ, who will soon return, are certainly needed today. But how will men believe these truths, with certainty, unless they believe in the preservation of the Scriptures which testify of these important doctrines?” Joey Faust, The Word: God Will Keep It, p.254


  • “While apparent contradictions can strengthen faith, since they can define and limit doctrine, substantiate inspiration, and motivate study of the Bible; yet they can also serve as a test of faith. If the preserved text has an apparent contradiction, the responsibility of the student is to receive the preserved Words of God (John 17:8) by faith and to believe that they are without error (John 17:17).” Chester W. Kulus, Those So-Called Errors, p.117

  • “What is a Westcott/Hort bible? Let me give you some names—see if you recognize these. The English Revised Version, The American Standard Version, The Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Version, The Living Bible, The New Living Translation, The New English Bible, The Revised English Bible, The NIV, ISV, ESV, New World Translation, Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, New American, New Revised Standard, Holman Christian Standard, Today’s English Version, Today’s NIV, International Children’s Bible. Shall I go on? The legacy of the King James Bible is ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ The legacy of these doubting Thomas bibles is ‘Yea, Hath God said?’ I may not understand every word of my Bible but I believe every word of my Bible. Brothers and Sisters, it makes a huge difference which Bible you use. Choose wisely!” David W. Daniels

  • If one doesn't realize that Satan questioned the spoken words of God before he denied them in Genesis 3, attacked the Living Word of God while Jesus was here on earth and was attacking the written word of God while it was still being given per 2nd Corinthians 2:17, one doesn't understand the enemy and his strategy. Why would Satan change his strategy as it works for him. Scripture is our only defense against false doctrines and how we are to try the spirits. Corrupting scripture makes the corruption a weakened sword that will break in battle. No one believes the modern versions are perfect. The KJB is the bible folks like to attack. It has been here for 412+ years with every modern publisher trying to replace it. Modern versions are everchanging just to keep sales up as that is why they are produced. The KJB marches on despite every attempt to replace and remove it. Think on these things. - John Word, King James Bible Debate

  • “…two biblical principles must be understood. The first principle is that God has promised, without exception, to preserve not only the ‘word’ which He has given to man, but also the ‘words.’ This promise is confirmed every time God commands us to read, memorize, meditate upon, learn, or obey the words which He has given us. Nowhere in the Bible does God suggest the possibility of us not having His words. The promise of preservation is stated as follows in Psalm 12:6, 7: ‘The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.’ This passage demands responsibility from present-day Christians. According to God, His words are preserved pure. If they are preserved, then we had better find them and believe them without correcting them.” David F. Reagan, Th.D., A Tale of Three Cities, pp.1-2


  • “…God holds us responsible for adding to or taking away from His words. It doesn’t take a genius to know that we need to have God’s words. Otherwise, how would we know whether we are adding to or taking away from them? So, God promised to preserve His words, and to hold us accountable for changing them in any way. That means first, they exist. And second, that means we can find them.” David W. Daniels, 51 Reasons Why The King James, p.9


  • "The King James Bible believer is the only one today who consistently, historically and logically stands for the doctrinal truths that God has kept His promises to preserve His inspired words and that there really exists such a thing as a complete, inerrant and 100% true Holy Bible." -Will Kinney


  • “In scripture, the word ‘scripture’ is used 53 times. One time in Daniel 10:21 and 52 times in the New Testament, and every single time its not referring to the Autographs [Originals], its referring to copies. I don’t believe in OAO [Original Autographs Only]. I believe in God’s providential preservation of His Holy words…Starting in the 1800s a new group in Princeton did not believe in providential preservation and made that doctrine of OAO. So, people like to make you think that our idea of the Bible being preserved is something new…its not. When they say ‘Bible’ and ‘scriptures’, they’re referring to what? There is nothing to point to. Because it is not there. When I say, ‘I believe in the Holy Bible and the Holy Scriptures, I can point right to it…It’s in my hand. Like the people of old, I believe in God’s providential preservation and that I have the same authority as the Originals had, because they were copied correctly and translated right. So, the OAO people…got nothing to point to but invisible originals, and professors that they can trust. Which do you trust?” David W. Daniels


  • “…there are people who HATE the King James Bible. When I came to Bible college, I was told: 90-something percent of all Bibles are the same. But don’t you DARE trust that King James Bible! That’s a BAD BOOK!...But if you go into Bible college or seminary, you have to know where your faith is before you go. They are good at persuading people out of trusting the King James. Know the facts.” David W. Daniel, YES You Can (And You Should) Read The King James Bible, pp.37,39


  • “Most of the people I talk to that use other translations will admit their version is not perfect. In essence they believe in an ALMOST Holy Bible where I believe in a completely Holy Bible. I believe this based on scripture itself where God has promised that he would preserve his word to ALL generations. (Psalm 12: 6-7)” Christopher E. Howe, The KJV is for Me, p.7

  • A heretic is one who affirms doctrines that are contrary to Scripture. Heresy occurs when someone changes the Scriptures to prove their doctrine. If there is no preserved Bible in the world today, then no one can be charged with heresy; however the doctrine of preservation serves to protect those of us that want to be right in our faith and practice from perverse teachers, and it maintains our right to reject heretics after 2 admonitions (Titus 3:10) - G Antonio Smart 

  • “Some have concluded that because the original words that God spoke were in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic, that God only inspired and preserved the words in the original languages. This is an erroneous teaching for at least two reasons. First of all, because we learn at the Tower of Babel that God is the Author of all languages, and therefore experiences no language barrier. He is capable of articulating His Word in English without losing the perfection and power it had in the original languages. Second, God’s words are spirit, and His Spirit is not limited to a single language. We therefore conclude, on the premise of Psalm 12:6-7, that God has preserved both the perfection and the inspiration of His Word in the King James Bible.” Dr. Dennis Corle, God’s Inspired Book—The Bible, p.18


  • “I believe the Bible is the Word of God. I do not try to explain that, nor do I try to explain it away, nor apologize for my faith. I believe we have the Word of God in the English language, and that Word is faithfully set forth in the King James Version. If we do not have a translation that we can trust, and that we can rely upon as being God’s Word, how could we know WITH ANY AUTHORITY that what we are preaching and teaching is true? Either we have a Bible, or we do not have a Bible. Either we have an accurately translated Bible, or we have a book full of holes, errors, mistakes, and question marks.” Dr. Bruce D. Cummons, The Foundation and Authority of the Word of God


  • “So you have to come to a point, no matter how ‘intellectual’ you are, no matter how much training you have, of believing that either God told the truth, and His words (plural) are preserved… or that God lied.” David W. Daniels & Jack McElroy, Can You Trust Just One Bible, p.58


  • “Our King James Bibles in the twenty-first century read substantially as the King James Bibles in the twentieth, nineteenth, eighteenth, and yes, even the seventeenth, centuries. It is the modern versions that have made significant changes to their texts. The King James Authorized Version continues to be the trusted authority for Bible-believing Christians the world over.” Laurence M. Vance, King James, His Bible, and Its Translators, p. 277

  • “As long as I have been a preacher there has been discussion of an updates King James Bible. Several attempts, like the King James II, have been tried. They have all failed spectacularly. The King James critics are not really concerned about archaic words. That is a smoke screen. They want a series of Bibles translated according to the whims of modernist "scholars". They will never accept any bible as the sole authority. Their ego is their final authority. Those who love and respect the KJB are not looking for a new translation. There is no market for a King James II type translation. That has been proven over and over again.” Dr. Phil Stringer

  • “Recently a new theological discussion has surfaced. It is based on the false idea that the King James Bible is preserved but it is not inspired. My question is very simple. If we begin with something inspired, and we preserve it, how do we lose inspiration in the process of preservation? This is theological double-talk. Furthermore, it is important to note that both inspiration and preservation are supernatural acts of God. Everyone involved in this debate believes that the Bible was inspired by God in the Originals, but some believe that inspiration was lost in translation…if you take the breath or the inspiration out of the Scriptures, it is a dead book. If our Bible is not inspired, then it is equivalent to an embalmed Bible. The form is still there, but the life is gone.” Dr. Dennis Corle, God’s Inspired Book—The Bible, pp.11,13


  • “The Bible has ceased to be the ‘last word’ for most Christians. They want to know what another version says or, if they do not like what they read they assume that it is a bad translation. So, instead of the word of God correcting us, we correct the word of God. In the minds of today’s Christians, the Bible has ceased to be solid substance that can be checked as an absolute authority.” Dr. David Reagan


  • “The Word of God today is the King James Bible. It is not the RV that came along in 1881. It is not the ASV, or the NKJV, or the Living Bible, or the Good News for modern man. It is not the NIV that has corrupted the Scriptures and left out entire passages from the word of God. It is the old KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE! It has stood as the authority for 400 years now.” Dan Goodwin, Hath God Said?, pp.35-36

  • Respectfully, and I’m truly not saying this to be rude at all, but I don’t see any reason to spend any energy pondering the versions that came before the KJV (like the Geneva bible). Or any versions that came after the KJV. The GB was a stepping stone to the masterpiece. And anything that came after the KJV is a perversion. So now that we have the divine masterpiece we can really forget about everything else.


  • "Is there some noble spiritual objective behind all these modern versions like there was with William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale, John Rogers, those behind the Geneva and King James Bible? I think not! The truth be known, I fear that the publishers are rooting for revenue in the religious pigpen." David L. Brown, Ph.D.


  • Romans 8:1 (KJV) There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The NIV and RSV do not contain "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." The words are omitted because they were not included in the Westcott and Hort Greek text that forms the foundation for the vast majority of the modern translations; however, the KJV reading is supported by a large number of ancient manuscripts and is doctrinally sound when compared to other Bible texts that clearly show that there is condemnation for believers who forsake the leadership of the Spirit to walk (be ruled in their conduct) after the flesh.


  • “Let us stay the course! In the KJV is found the source of God’s blessings! You who love and use the KJV can be proud you use it! You can use it with the total confidence and full assurance that it is the preserved, inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God, in the God-developed English language!” H. Wayne Williams, Does God Have A Controversy With The King James Bible? p.62


  • “The NKJV translators all signed a document affirming they each believed in ‘the Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture as originally written’ (NKJV Preface). This ‘as originally written’ disclaimer is a sophistry—a subtle deception, participated in knowingly or unknowingly—since there are no original ’Autographs’ extant today. To say you believe every word of a document no one can hold in his hand today is irrelevant as a stand for inerrancy of the Bible today.” Dr. Chris Sherburne, ENOUGH of this Bible “Confidence Game”, p.113


  • “The doubting scholars and Bible Societies gave the impression they wanted to ‘fix’ the King James. But it turns out that what they really wanted was to replace the KJV with a text of their liking. The replacement text, of course, had nothing in common with the thousands of manuscripts that we know support the KJV. Instead, they wanted a ‘doubting text,’ one that reflected their own doubts about what God said, if He said anything at all. The result is a Bible what leaves the reader so confused that he is not sure what God meant to say.” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, p.59


  • “All the Devil wants is to get you away from the King James, by any means. Satan will promise anything if it will get you away. But if you buy into his smooth arguments, then you have lost the pure and preserved words of God. And all the Devil (or anybody else) can offer in its place are man’s fallible opinions.” David W. Daniels, NEW KING JAMES THE BRIDGE BIBLE, pp.24-25


  • “It is important that we learn not to treat the Bible like any other book…People talk about the Bible as if it were any other book. They debate the preservation of the Bible as if they were debating the preservation of any other book. They debate the translation of the Bible as if they were debating the translation of any other book. But the Scripture is not just any book. The Scripture has the power of God and promises of God upon it. It is the very Word of God. The Bible is the only authority for faith, doctrine, and practice. Please understand that one of the Baptist distinctives is that the Bible is more than the final authority; it is the sole authority. It was given supernaturally. It is preserved supernaturally.” Dr. Phil Stringer, The Unbroken Bible, p.81


  • “Textual Criticism of the higher critical nature is a humanly contrived method to undermine the credibility of the Bible and is fueled by Satan.” David L. Brown, Ph.D.


  • “Only the King James Bible is the true Word of God. I believe that every other English translation of the Bible is a perversion, a corrupt tool of the devil. Unfortunately, good people are unaware of these unholy bibles and read them in ignorance. I own many of these perverted translations so that I may be able to expose their errors to someone who is seeking the truth. But I have never read them, would never study out of them, would never quote them, would never memorize them, and would never recommend them.” Tim Fellure, Neither Jot Nor Tittle, p.180

  • “Believing the KJB is word perfect in English is NOT double inspiration. The inspiration is in the words not the men nor the languages. Preservation KEEPS the inspiration (it is not lost through translation). Here are some translations in the Greek and Hebrew texts: 1. Joseph spoke to his brothers through an interpreter. He spoke Egyptian but it was recorded in Hebrew. Genesis 42:23. 2. Jesus spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus in the Hebrew tongue. It was recorded in Koine Greek. Acts 26:14 Here is biblical evidence that translations can be perfect. I believe by faith that God preserved His words perfectly and purely in English in the KJB. That means I believe that if God had given the originals in English they would read Exactly as the KJB.” John Word


  • “The truth is you will not know the full implications of the KJV as God’s actual word and finished Bible until you have come to it with your heart full of willingness and conviction to receive it as such. Just like you will not truly know who Jesus is until you are actually saved by Him.” G. John Rov, Concealed From Christians, p. 9


  • “Have you looked at your churches Statement of Faith lately? Is it possible it confesses a bible that does not and never did exist…Why do most Statements of Faith say, ‘We believe the Bible to be the word of God, but it is only inerrant in the original Autographs?’ Who cares about the original Autographs? All we have are copies of copies of copies. Nobody has the original Autographs…But don’t despair. Because God promised to preserve His words…Since God gives us this promise, and He preserves His word in copies, then you must believe a copy. Only one Bible has withstood the test for over 400 years, the King James Bible—for us in English…Now If your Statement of Faith for your church says they only believe in the inspiration of God, infallible or whatever, in the Autographs, they’ll have to admit they have never seen a Bible like that in their lives and they never shall…They can never hold a Bible in their hands and say, ‘This is the preserved words of God in my language.’.. So, if you only trust in the original Autographs that don’t exist then you doubt everything and have faith in nothing. How can you trust what you are reading as the Bible? See, I believe God’s Holy preserved words in English, the King James Bible. I believe I have a preserved copy and an accurate translation. I believe I have 2 Timothy 3:15 fulfilled in my hands. The Holy inspired scripture, the King James Bible. Go check your groups Statement of Faith…and ask them to rewrite it. If they’re serious about God’s truth they will rewrite it or if they are honest, they will admit that they believe in a bible that does not exist. I like my choice!” David W. Daniels, Does Your Church Trust a Bible that Doesn’t Exist?

  • “…the entire anti-inspiration, anti-preservation controversy is all about a worldwide effort to destroy the holiness and perfection of God’s Word. Satan is behind this effort, around this effort and at the head of it. He hates God’s Word. He employs any and all who, through ignorance or intention, will swallow his carnal intellectualism and worldly wisdom. In the English-speaking realm, his attack is against the King James Bible. Interestingly, Satan’s wrath has not been kindled against any of the copyrighted versions translated from the corrupted texts with their additions and deletions, their pollutions and dilutions, and their allowances and perversions. No other version is under attack at all. The newer versions simply die out of circulation for lack of interest and readership.” Jeff Farnham, God’s Forever Word, p.161


  • "If the Bible was not inspired, then it CANNOT be used as a reliable standard! If the Bible was inspired and the readings lost, then it CANNOT be used as a reliable standard! And if the Bible texts are not preserved, then it CANNOT be used as a reliable standard! That IS the belief and teaching of those who laid the faulty foundation of the modern Bible versions; the Bible CANNOT be used as a reliable standard! They adopted the higher critical view of the Bible. Underlying every modern version of the Bible is the diabolical teaching that the Bible is NOT a reliable standard for belief and practice!" Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D., The Motley Crew Behind

  • The Modern Bible Versions


  • “It only takes ONE change to make God’s Word an UNHOLY Bible. Therefore, you should not argue, ‘Well, I can use the NKJV because it is easier to understand than the KJV and is not as bad as the other versions.’ That is like saying, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to the lake of fire, as long as I get one of the less hot sections!’ If there is just one error in the translation, it is not God’s Word, it is not true, and it cannot be relied upon, no matter how attractive the package that the devil has put it in for you.” Eric and Lonna Neumann, Bible Per-VERSIONS, p.11

  • “What more could God possibly give you than what you have? [the King James Bible]. The Greek is dark. No one knows it. Preachers can’t preach in it. They can’t think in it. They can barely read it without a dictionary right at hand. Year after year young preacher boys will be sent off to Bible colleges where professors who can’t speak Greek will tell their charges that they are being empowered by Greek. This is called ‘light.’ Meanwhile the great work of God that was begun 400 years ago in the English-speaking people is being slowly snuffed out.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, pp.66-67

  • “The five reasons a revised Bible should not be used in our daily Bible study or churches.

1. They cause widespread confusion.

2. They discourage memorization, for they are all different.

3. They provide an opportunity for perverting the truth. They are not all right with all the different slants on the Scriptures.

4. They make it challenging to teach the Bible. When everyone in your church is reading from a different bible, it is challenging to be unified in studying God’s Word.

5. The most significant reason is that the King James Bible has never been proven incorrect.” Stephen R. Gentry, God’s Word to Man, pp. 170-171

  • "It was the conspiracy of Westcott and Hort to force secretly upon the Revised Version translators their new Greek Text which put the Revised Version off the rails and commenced the rash of English perversions of the Holy Scripture. So dishonest was their behaviour that Charles Wordsworth, Bishop of St. Andrews, refused to sign his name to a testimonial of thanks to the Chairman because he was so discouraged by "the number of minute and unnecessary changes made in direct violation of the instruction under which the work was undertaken." Looking back on the translation, the Bishop called it "a deplorable failure". It was however, more. It was a damnable conspiracy to set up false Bibles seeking to usurp the place of the one and only true Bible." Dr. Ian R.K. Paisley, My Plea for the Old Sword

  • “The Revised Version New Testament was first published in 1881, followed by the Old Testament in 1885. It was then republished in 1952 as the Revised Standard Version, then republished again in 1989 as the New Revised Standard Version, and finally republished most recently in 2001 as the English Standard Version (ESV). Changes were made to each of the three revisions in order to meet the copyright law regulations. The original version was flatly rejected by the church at large and it never gained acceptance due to its drastic butchering of the Word of God. The two Revised editions which followed the original were also rejected and never gained acceptance. However, the ESV has finally gained some acceptance in these recent years; but it is just as corrupt as the earlier editions. The old adage is true … if you present a lie over and over again; there are those who will eventually believe it, accommodate it, and promote it. May God help us!” James Grumblatt, The Dangers of the ESV “Bible”

  • “There are no ‘NIV-only,’ ‘NAS-only,’ ‘ESV-only,’ or even ‘New King James-only’ movements. Only the King James Bible in English has inspired people to trust it, to the rejection of all other English Bibles. They trust it exclusively, because of its faithfully preserved text, as well as its faithfully written translation. It is, they believe, exactly what God would have said, had He written down His words in Classical English.” David W. Daniels & Jack McElroy, Can You Trust Just One Bible, p.12

  • “Why not IGNORE the Septuagint? It’s a mess. Why don’t we rely on the great translation, the KJB, translated by linguists who knew all the early Greek Christianmasters’ works? Why don’t we quit trying to be pseudo-scholars, forever questioning the well-documented and superior translation by superior scholars? We should stop using corrupted lexicons and manuscripts (e.g. Septuagint revisions and recensions by the dozens) written by unbelieving scholars." H.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., The Septuagint LXX, p.35

  • “The major problem in the Bible controversy is that many people in the pew and many in the pulpit do not understand that there are two Greek texts. There is the Traditional Greek Text, which can be traced right back to the beginning, and there is the modern Critical Text which was developed about 130 years ago. From the Traditional Text there is only one major English Bible translation, The King James Bible. From the Critical Text comes virtually every other modern translation. …It is not an issue of ‘Readability’ or a particular version you prefer, but one text is based on the true word of God and one is not.” Dr. David Sorenson

  • “The major problem in the Bible controversy is that many people in the pew and many in the pulpit do not understand that there are two Greek texts. There is the Traditional Greek Text, which can be traced right back to the beginning, and there is the modern Critical Text which was developed about 130 years ago. From the Traditional Text there is only one major English Bible translation, The King James Bible. From the Critical Text comes virtually every other modern translation. …It is not an issue of ‘Readability’ or a particular version you prefer, but one text is based on the true word of God and one is not.” Dr. David Sorenson

  • “If the Bible was not inspired of God, then there is no need of a divine act of preservation. After all, why should God expend any energy to preserve a book that He refused to expend any energy to create? If He did not inspire the Bible, then to preserve it would have been a greater effort on His part than He used in its generation. Preservation without inspiration is impossible. If nothing was inspired then there is nothing that can be preserved. God’s promise of Psalm 12:7 is useless.” Dr. Samuel Gipp, Is Our English Bible Inspired?, p.22

  • “By perverting the many important verses of scripture which deal with the fundamental doctrines of Christ, the new "bibles" have a CONTINUOUS ATTACK launched against our beloved Savior, and this is NOT an overstatement! His Virgin Birth is under attack in Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:34, and Luke 2:33. His Blood Atonement is under attack in Colossians 1:14, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 1:7, and Revelation 1:5. The Bodily Resurrection is under attack in Acts 1:3, Luke chapter 24, and the last twelve verses of Mark. His Deity is under attack in Acts 10:28, John 9:35, and I Timothy 3:16. The new versions attack the Second Coming in Revelation 11:15, and Titus 2:13, and the list goes on, because the new versions have an extreme bitter HATRED toward the Authorized Version and the way it gives the Lord Jesus Christ the preeminent place.” James L. Melton, How I Know the King James Bible Is the Word of God

  • “Inerrancy without preservation is senseless. Was God careless? Or didn’t He realise that these errors were creeping in? Or was He impotent that He could not keep His Word even if He wanted to? Look out yonder into space. Listen to some of the Christian astronomers and scientists who study the stars and all the planets and constellations there in outer space, and they will tell that God has so created them in such a meticulous fashion that they obey all the laws that He has laid down for the whole vast creation. If God is that careful to keep His universe, do you think He is going to be careless about His sacred, holy Word upon which hangs the destiny of the souls of men, whether for heaven or hell? You know good and well He could not possibly be careless about such a wonderful Book. But if you want to go ahead and believe in a God who has just let His Book go and become filled with errors through the mistakes of men, you go ahead, but please count me out as of now.” David Otis Fuller, Which Bible, pg. 4

Search the Scriptures means you have Scripture to Search!

"Search the scriptures;
for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me"

John 5:39 (AKJB)


  • “Scholars constantly ask the question Pilate asked Jesus, ‘What is truth?’ (John 18:38). Although many claim to love and strive to find truth, most of them are looking for something that agrees with their view or postion. There is no reason to change the God-preserved King James Bible. The only reason anyone would want to change it is: For Satan inspired purposes, intellectual pride, money, accommodation of some sin, or to lessen the authority of the Word. There may be other reasons, but they are just as satanic as the above reasons. The blood of the martyrs enabled us to have a preserved Bible. The scholar desiring to change the blessed Word of God, whose greatest suffering in life has been enduring the dust of his library, will one day stand before the living Word and give an answer for his efforts.” Pastor Kenneth Rainey, The Cost of Truth

  • “…the Devil has obscured Scripture, not by touching Scripture, which he cannot do, but by authoring counterfeits.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, p.62

  • “The Bible is the word of God! We believe that. We do not interpret the Bible based upon the works of men or theologians or ministers or denominations or church fathers. We interpret everything that every man has ever said or written in light of the Bible. The Bible first, man’s words second, if at all…We also believe that the God who gave us His word, without error, in its original form, we believe that same God over saw the preservation of those words. So that we have in our English Bible the perfect and inerrant word of God. We will not question, cast doubt upon, alter, or change one single word in the text of the Bible.” James W. Knox

  • “History will show that all other of the numerous modern versions of the Bible have a history of popularity between 20 and 30 years before they are either modified significantly or start to fade into oblivion. The KJB stands head and shoulders above all other translations of the Bible in any language in its publication. It has continued for over 400 years as the Word of God.” Dr. David H. Sorenson, Broad is the Way, p.132

  • “Today, the Christian is being seduced and asked to believe in the ‘INSPIRATION’ without believing in the ‘PRESERVATION’ of the Scriptures. We are being asked to believe in the inspiration of the ‘originals’ without believing in the preservation of the text of the Scriptures. It is a statement of unbelief when we say that we only believe that the original autographs were inspired. What we really are saying is that we do not believe that we have the infallible Word of God on this planet, or at least in our hands, at this moment.” Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones, Th.D., Ph.D., Ripped out of the Bible, p.60

  • “Since THE BIBLE IS SO IMPORTANT, it should come as no surprise that the true Words of God, as found in our King James Bible, are under attack by our adversary, the Devil, who has transformed himself into an angel of light and his ministers into ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).” Dr. David L. Brown, Understanding the Battle Over Bible Versions, p.8

  • “I have found that a number of the people who fight against the King James as God’s preserved words do so because they have some preferences they don’t want God to pronounce against, or simply because they don’t want to have a singular authority in their life. They want a PAC Bible: a Pick-And-Choose version, with options at every turn, so they can worm out of any sin or find agreement with any religion, and have no absolute standard to judge them.” David W. Daniels, 51 Reasons Why The King James, p.12

  • “What good is inspiration without preservation? Who cares if there ever was an inspired Bible if we don’t have it today? The whole point of inspiration is defeated without God supernaturally preserving the Book.” Dr. Dennis Corle, God’s Inspired Book—The Bible, p.9

  • “In spite of what you may be thinking, however, the Living Word was not preserved by the professors and administrators of the institutions of higher learning, but by the lesser known and often discredited priesthood of believers. It is the priesthood of believers guided by the Holy Ghost that keeps the local church, which is the pillar and ground of truth [1 Tim 3:15], on solid ground, and that protects, guards, and keeps the only sure foundation for the church, the Words of God. It is not the institutions of scribes, Pharisees, or scholars that guard, protect, and keep the Holy Words. Hopefully, this concept will be established in your mind and heart by the testimonies in this work. It is the local, independent churches of God that have maintained, guarded, protected, preserved, and kept the pure Word. The Scriptures have not been lost and we do not need ‘editors’ to ‘reconstruct’ or ‘correct’ the Bible.” H.D. Williams, M.D., The Lie That Changed the Modern World

  • “If you choose not to believe that God preserved His Word without error over these years, then He lied. If He lied, He is not God, because God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). If He is not God, then why would you even study His book in the first place, as it would be no better than the millions of books that men have written?” Eric & Lonna Neumann, Bible Per-VERSIONS, p.5

  • “How then does modern textual criticism stand in light of God’s plan for Bible preservation? Modern textual criticism stands condemned by God’s Word, confused by their own differences in subjective evaluation, and confident of only one thing, the traditional Greek text perpetuated by the churches, by faith, must be corrupted. They seem blind to the fact that they are rejecting the preserved Word of God, perpetuated by the people of God in local churches in obedience to the plan of God already provided.” Robert J. Barnett, The Word of God on Trial, p.19

  • “…God’s book should be dripping with authority and should be obvious to any child of God. If it’s the Lord’s book, it should be a bestseller because of his blessing. Like him, it should have loving friends and fierce enemies.

  • -Like him, it will both unite and divide men.

  • -Like him, it should have the power to change men’s lives.

  • -Like the Lord, who spoke with authority, even so his Bible should speak with authority. ‘The officers answered, Never man spake like this man’ (John 7:46). Even so should his book speak like no other.

  • -Like him, it should be pure—containing all of God’s words and not adulterated with men’s words.

  • -Like him, it should have a name above all others.

  • -And like the Lord, unto whom all power in heaven and earth is given, it should be a powerful book.” Jack McElroy, Which Bible Would Jesus Use?, pp.7-8

  • Recently, I was given a copy of the original Westcott and Hort critical text New Testament published in 1881. There have been many editions based on their work since then. Almost all new English translations stem from their work and theory. I was especially interested because of their introduction to their original work. They clearly state that they saw no objective way to determine the text of Scripture. "Experts" must determine the wording of Scripture base upon what "seems authentic " to them. Bible translator J B Phillips made the same point in his book "Ring of Truth". The Tyranny of the Experts! I am glad not to need these self- appointed experts. I am glad for the Received Text and the King James Bible. - Phil Stringer

  • Westcott & Hort Greek text: “Are the modern versions like the ESV, NIV, NASB, NET, Holman Standard etc. still based on the Westcott and Hort Revised Greek critical Text? The short answer is an absolute and unequivocal Yes, they are.” Will Kinney

  • “This Scripture (1 Corinthians 2:11-14) shows that it is indeed delusional to think that one can publish a Bible that makes it easier to understand since the ability to understand the Word of God comes only by the Spirit of God; not by an easier to read Bible! The publishing companies are motivated by their greed for filthy lucre; which is accomplished by convincing people that they need the latest and greatest new ‘Bible’ translation. At present there are more than 100 English Bibles on the market with more coming every year. God help us not to fall into the publishing companies trap.” James Grumblatt, The Dangers of the ESV “Bible”

  • “God’s Word is not to be trifled with, especially when it is dealing with the crucial subject of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, in spite of its shameful attacks upon the Person and work of Jesus, some not only prefer the NIV, but also will vigorously defend it on every ground. It is a strange philosophy, indeed, that persuades a Christian to be more loyal to a book that dishonors his Lord than he is to his Lord.” Chick Salliby, If the Foundations Be Destroyed, p.87

  • “Clearly,…the so-called revision of the King James Version was used, and even designed, to destroy the foundations of Biblical Christianity.” Joey Faust, The Word: God Will Keep It, p.67

  • “Clearly,…the so-called revision of the King James Version was used, and even designed, to destroy the foundations of Biblical Christianity.” Joey Faust, The Word: God Will Keep It, p.67

  • “Scholar for scholar, the men on the King James translating committee were far greater men of God than Westcott, Hort, or any other new translator. They were not only educated in a powerful, anti-Roman atmosphere, but they looked at the manuscripts which they handled as representative of the Holy Word of God.” Dr. Samuel Gipp, Understandable History of the Bible, p.289

  • “The preservation of the Scriptures depends on the character of God. Numerous verses say God would keep His Word for all generations, but did God break His promise? If the Scriptures have not been preserved even to the present, then God lied. It is our belief that preservation is as full and complete as inspiration: God has kept His Word.” Tim Fellure, Neither Jot Nor Tittle, p.56

  • “It is obvious to students of the Scripture that God had a providential hand in the translating of the King James Bible. The translation was made in ‘the fullness of time,’ so to speak, because of the spirituality, learning, and scholarship present in England in the sixteen hundreds. Furthermore, God’s ‘right hand of power’ was evident in the translation. God knew that the work of the translators was going to have international influence, which continues to this day. This fact cannot be overstated.” H.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., The King James Bible’s Accuracy & Faithfulness, p.15

  • "So if I have a preserved copy of the Bible, I also have an inspired copy of the Bible, because it is impossible to start with something inspired and to preserve it, without it continuing to be inspired." Dr. Dennis Corle, God's Inspired Book, p. 14

  • “The people who produced and promoted the New King James told the world that they were only “updating the language.” Nothing could be further from the truth. In addition to changing words to match some other modern translations, they also included doubting notes to show them the Westcott and Hort-influenced Greek text, so they could become their own text critics. Think about this: if they lied to the public about the reason for the New King James, do you really believe it could be the words of God?” David W. Daniels, THE REAL REASON THEY MADE THE NKJV

  • “Many anti-KJVists are conceited enough to think that their command of the English language is superior to that of the King James translators. They want to correct the King’s English of the KJV. They are like kindergarten pupils trying to correct the university professors.” Jeffrey Khoo, KJV-Questions & Answers

  • “With each modern version saying something different, if you have a church full of Christians with modern versions, then what you have is a situation of total confusion. The pastor is teaching from his ESV, you are sitting there with your NIV, your wife or husband has the NASV, and your child has the Message. It is just like the judgment of Judah with the foreign tongues. Each modern version is a tongue of its own and since so many Christians have multiple versions in every church, it is not a place of growth but of confusion.” Dr. Ken Matto, The Modern Version Incursion, pp.632-633

  • A perfect Bible: “If the Lord determined that there should be a perfect Bible, would he be capable of doing it, or would the general incompetence of fourth century scribes and centuries of imperfect translators ultimately stymie the Almighty God? There is only one obvious answer. If the Lord determined that the twenty-first century should have a perfect Bible, you can be sure that one would exist. You can also be sure that, just like everything else the Lord does, very, very few people would recognize it for what it is.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, p.19

  • “…the King James Bible has no translational errors. It has no mistakes. It is so accurate and faithful that, for many reasons related to time, learning, scholarship, and finances, it will never be surpassed. The voices in history echo throughout the centuries proclaiming this truth: The King James Bible is the Words of God in English. Let us praise God for it. Let us be thankful that we have an English Bible so well prepared under His guiding hand. LET US CELEBRATE THE KING JAMES BIBLE!!” H.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., The King James Bible’s Accuracy & Faithfulness, p.87

  • “Some would presume that they can depend on different commentators to help them decide one way or another which version is better or more reliable over another. However, if anyone was to examine what different Bible commentators might actually say on the scriptures, he or she would likely be left quite confused. This is due simply to the fact that commentators offer such diverse opinions over any one portion of the scriptures, and this is not always based on one translation but different versions of the Bible; hence, one cannot honestly rely upon them.” Andrew Steers, Ph.D., Is There Not a Cause, p. 147

  • Liberal Lexicons: “You don’t need to sit around with somebody’s liberal Lexicon and seek to find out what words mean. I’m saying God has promised to preserve His word, and Jesus said you’ve got to have His word to live. [Matt. 4:4] And so folks do you think that if you have to have God’s word to live, do you think for a minute that God is going to hide His word from you? Of course not!” Dr. Norris Belcher, Hush, You Don't Speak Greek!

  • What is in error: “I believe the KJV is God’s Word in the English language. I do not believe that it needs to be ‘revised’, ‘re-written’, ‘corrected’, or ‘up-dated.’ I am weary with ‘scholars’ pointing out ‘errors’ and ‘mis-stakes’ in the KJV. I am weary with preachers and professors down-grading the Authorized Translation, or KJV. I am weary with preachers, professors, and authors making statements like, ‘A better translation would be…’, ‘a more correct rendering of this verse would be…’ and ‘the xyz translation is far more accurate than the King James Version!’ By whose authority? By whose wisdom? By what ‘new discoveries’, and ‘more ancient manuscripts?’ According to whose line of thinking, and what book of Textual Criticism? Where did man get his authority to judge the Bible, and with what wisdom does he determine what is truth, and what is ‘false,’ and ‘in error?’” Dr. Bruce D. Cummons, The Foundation and Authority of the Word of God, p.50

  • It can't be both: “The fact of the matter is, either the word of God exists intact and in total or they exist incompletely and in part and no one can know for sure what they are. It can’t be both. It has to be one or the other.” David L. Brown, Ph.D, Sermon: Providential Preservation: The Doctrine That Virtually Disappeared,

  • The "deluded": “God has kept His promise and left us a reliable Bible which is inspired (God-breathed) and preserved (1611 King James Bible), which is illuminated by the power of Him who preserved it. The Lord promised His Word would endure in spite of the devil’s attack on it with fire, sword and his most subtle attack, the new versions which are being accepted by both the ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ and the deluded.” Dr. Dennis Lloyd, My Indestructible King James 1611 Bible, p.10

  • “Should an actual Greek original of 2 Timothy 3:16 be uncovered, it would be no ‘quicker’ or more ‘powerful’ than 2 Timothy 3:16 in our King James Bible. God’s Spirit imparted the life and spark to the scriptures, and that spark was passed on from generation to generation, from translation to translation, from mouths to ears, from lips to paper, from heart to heart and from Spirit to spirit. The life-spark does not abide in Greek or Hebrew. The issue is not comprehended within mere manuscript families, and its secrets do not abide behind the brilliant linguists desk. The spark of life and the mysterious power of God’s living words in the King James Bible come from the Living God Himself.” Kyle Stephens, The Certainty of the Words, p.811

  • “I greatly fear for the man who is telling God’s people that the King James Bible is not the very word of God. Such a man is under the seduction of the ‘spirit of the world (1 Cor. 2:12).’ I fear greater yet for the man who has made a career, a so-called ministry, out of tearing down the King James Bible as the very word of God by exalting his own mind...” G. John Rov, Concealed From Christians, p.125

  • “Naïve Christians equipped with a library of Greek and Hebrew reference works, readily accessible via computer, with a few keystrokes find an abundance of alternatives to what the Bible says. They have been ardently taught that all the treasures of the knowledge of God lies, not in their Holy Bibles, but in the oft moth-eaten works of Greek and Hebrew scholars, not available online. All translations are mere superficial representations and shadows of the real truth, so they are urged to sally forth to battle in a war they do not understand, with the armament of fools and with the confidence and courage of the deluded. Satan takes them, exploits their simplicity, damns the next generation by their complicity, and then watches them die without light.” Kyle Stephens, The Certainty of the Words, p.788

  • "Authorized" is the key word here. KJB is the ONLY "Authorized" version of God's Holy word for English speaking peoples. The Holy Bible is replete with events that God used men of great authority, usually Kings of various nations, some good & godly & some pure evil to mold those events to serve His will. Such as Sesostris II Pharaoh in Joseph's time, king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel's, kings: Saul, David & Solomon, & Caesar Augustus at the time of Jesus's birth just to name a few, so it's not hard to understand or believe that God used King James I to authorize the preservation of His holy word" - David Edward Studer

  • I came to the conclusion that the KJV is the ONLY English version of God's word is when a friend & I were reading from different versions of the Bible. I was reading from a NIV & my friend from a NLV & I came across a verse I really liked & read it aloud, then my friend said, "That's nice but listen to how this version says that verse." He read it aloud & it sounded nice too, but then it hit me like a brick, that the same verse from 2 different versions of the Bible said & meant 2 different things. I then asked my friend the same question I was asking myself in my head & that is, if both of these are supposed to be the written Word of God shouldn't they both say & mean the exact same? I started looking at all the other versions & each of them say some things a little different. I started looking into the KJV & that's when I noticed these other versions, every single one, took words & whole verses out that were in the KJV & I chose to study the KJV only ever since. I attended & then joined a KJV only preaching & teaching church & grew more in Christ studying the KJV in a couple months than I did in several years of using the NIV. I recently read a book by David W. Daniels called "Look What's Missing" this man did his due diligence of research. The book is loaded with completely verifiable sources, like 1/3 of the book is source info, & goes into each version & compares them to the KJV. I often recommend this book to new born Christians, so that they can see the truth about the KJV & they don't have to go for years reading a false version of the Bible as I did but can jump right in & start growing in Christ. - David Edward Studer

  • “The truth is you will not know the full implications of the KJV as God’s actual word and finished Bible until you have come to it with your heart full of willingness and conviction to receive it as such. Just like you will not truly know who Jesus is until you are actually saved by Him.” G. John Rov, Concealed From Christians, p. 9

  • “The Greek tongue agreeth more with the English than with the Latin. And the properties of the Hebrew tongue agreeth a thousand times more with the English than with the Latin. The manner of speaking is both one, so that in a thousand places thou needest not but to translate it into the English word for word, when thou must seek a compass in the Latin, and yet shall have much work to translate it well-favouredly, so that it have the same grace and sweetness, sense and pure understanding with it in the Latin, and as it hath in the Hebrew. A thousand parts better may it be translated into the English, than into the Latin.” William Tyndale, The Obedience of a Christian Man (1528)

  • “KJV TRANSLATORS ONLY ‘POOR INSTRUMENTS’ ...FABLE: The King James Bible cannot be infallible because the translators were only men, and all men are sinners. The human element prevents the KJV from being infallible. FACT: If this is true, then even the ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPHS in Hebrew and Greek were not infallible, because they too were penned by men! The fact of the matter is that the King James translators were only INSTRUMENTS of preservation (which is exactly what they called themselves in the Dedicatory to the A.V. 1611). God has always been the Divine Preserver of His word (Psa. 12:6-7), but He has used men as tools and instruments of preservation, just as He uses men to teach and preach His words. When men humbly yield themselves to the will of God, God can use them to accomplish His will (Rom. 12:1-2), and this is precisely what happened between 1604 and 1611.”  - James Melton

  • “Be on guard against tampering with the word. For a scholarly attempt at hidden meanings. And beware of the confusion caused by the senseless rash of new revisions, translations, editions and improvements upon the tested and tried Bible of our fathers and forefathers.” M. R. DeHaan

  • "The King James Bible of 1611 has not undergone four (or any) major revisions. Therefore, the New King James Version is not a continuation of what has gone on before. It should in fact be called the Thomas Nelson Version. They hold the copyright. The King James Version we have today has not been revised but purified. We still have no reason to doubt that the Bible we hold in our hands is the very word of God preserved for us in the English language. The authority for its veracity lies not in the first printing of the King James Version in 1611, or in the character of King James I, or in the scholarship of the 1611 translators, or in the literary accomplishments of Elizabethan England, or even in the Greek Received Text. Our authority for the infallible words of the English Bible lies in the power and promise of God to preserve His Word! God has the power. We have His Word." David F. Reagan

  • “Some versions such as the Revised Version and the American Standard Version are based directly on the Westcott and Hort text. Other versions are based on texts which are either revisions of the Westcott and Hort text, or ones which utilize the theories of Westcott and Hort, for example: Nestle's text (the basic text for the new American Standard Version) and the Bible Society's text (the basic text for the New international Version). Every bible published Today, except the A.V. 1611 is Based on the work of Westcott and Hort. This is the crux of the difference between the various versions. On one side stands the A.V. 1611 (KJV)…supported by the vast majority of manuscript evidence (95 percent). On the other side stands virtually every other version based on a text invented in the nineteenth century and support by only a handful of manuscript evidence.” Norman Ward, Perfected or Perverted?

  • “How many times does your pastor stop the sermon to quote another version or how many times does he go to the Greek or the Hebrew and expound the word from his Nestle-Aland or UBS Greek New Testament? The reality is that multiple versions in a church is just like God speaking to Judah through the stammering lips of the Chaldeans. The gospel needs continuity in its teaching and not confusion. If your church suffers from multiple-version disorder, then your church is under God’s Judgment. If the Bible that He gave us in 1611, which is bathed in the blood of the martyrs, is not good enough for you, then you are a traitor by embracing the Roman Catholic modern versions. Then you, like Judah, have become an enemy of Christ, and your Christian walk will be a total disappointment.” Dr. Ken Matto, The Modern Version Incursion, p.633

  • “WITHOUT EXCUSE: Fifty years ago, a preacher might have had a better excuse for not standing on the KJV. Not too many pro-KJV books were available at that time, and the debate, as we know it today, was still fairly small. But today there are hundreds of books, web sites, and churches that take a strong KJV stand and explain it well. There’s just no excuse for any preacher to keep sitting on the fence. He’s either too lazy to take a serious look at the issue, or he’s too much of a coward to risk losing church members and friends over the issue. No one needs to say, “Oh, but he’s a dear pastor, and he has a great heart for God.” If he had a great heart for God, then he’d get serious about God’s word that is under attack. There’s no justification for him.” James Melton

  • "FABLE: New Translations are needed to bring the archaic Old English language up to date. People have trouble understanding the language of the King James Bible. 

  • FACT: The King James language is NOT hard to understand. Most of the so-called "archaic" words are explained by the context of the passage or by comparing the passage with other passages in the Bible where the same word is used. Heady and high-minded people resent the King James language because it is plain and simple, and it isn't in tune with their high-minded vocabulary. In fact, the Grade Level Indicator of the Flesch-Kincaid research company says the King James language is EASIER to understand than the new versions. We certainly agree that the language of the King James Bible is a unique language, but why shouldn't it be? It's the WORD OF GOD!" James L. Melton, James L. Melton, Fables and Facts about the King James Bible


  • “Folks, your King James Version of the Bible has been preserved by God, it is pure, it is Holy, it is filled with promise. Read it. Study it. Meditate in it. Learn it. Love it. You don’t need a Greek class to be a good Christian. You don’t need a Greek class to understand the Bible. All you need is the King James Bible in your lap and let the Holy Spirit of God teach you what God is saying. If we just read the Bible.” Dr. Norris Belcher, Hush, You Don't Speak Greek!


  • "Over the past few decades, new Bible translations have been popping up like popcorn. Many strong Christians have stood their ground and continued to believe, read, and study only the Authorized King James Bible. Many others, however, have forsaken the Book that God has used for centuries. Such people have fallen for smooth advertising schemes and have actually started believing that the modern versions are superior to the King James Bible. It's very sad that most Christians today have not taken time to study the subject thoroughly enough to see what is really happening." James L. Melton, Fables and Facts about the King James Bible


  • The fact that we do not have the Original Autographs does not reduce or eliminate the breath and power of the Word of God. There are those today who speak of re-writing the King James Bible. Several years ago they put out a New King James in an attempt to improve what was already perfect. It was a disaster, as you might imagine. I like what was said in an article in the Wall Street Journal, which I’m sure you’re aware is not a Christian newspaper. The writer of the article said, 'To try to re-write the King James Bible would be like turning an amateur watchmaker loose on Big Ben.' Amen!" Dr. Dennis Corle, The Inspiration and Preservation of the King James Bible


  • “The common complaints about the KJV being difficult to read due to the pronouns thee, thou, thy, thine, and ye, are objections based in ignorance. These precise words, when understood, actually clarify and precisely define the text. It’s also grammatically incorrect to simply replace the ‘old’ pronouns with you. When God speaks through His word, we know exactly whom He is addressing because there is no mistaking the clarity of the KJV’s English.” Paul W. Scott, English for Bible Readers, pp. 60, 57


  • “When one uses a modern version, they are using a seriously corrupted version that has been handed down to modern-day scholarship by the Gnostics of the second and third century. These modern versions are counterfeits and have brought nothing but confusion into the church and the Christian. A Christian who uses multiple versions for their study is basing their study on corrupted versions.” Dr. Ken Matto, The Modern Version Incursion, p.3


  • “One of the many proofs of the appalling apostasy of our day from the faith once delivered to the saints is the eagerness shown to discredit the Authorised Version of the English Bible on the one hand, and to popularise on the other, modern versions based on untrustworthy manuscripts whose translators have proved themselves unfaithful…” W. MacLean, The Providential Preservation of the Greek Text of the New Testament, p.26


  • “Would it make a difference if you knew that the New Testament of your Modern Bible did not have First and Second Peter? Yet if the total number of missing words were added up, this is how much shorter the modern translations are than the King James Version. Is it a cause for concern if the names of Christ are missing 175 times, or if the word ‘hell’ is not found in the Old Testament, or if key doctrinal passages have been diminished?...Many have gone over to the new Bibles without realizing that much, much more is involved than the question of modern English. The entire fabric has been affected! The underlying text is substantially different. The philosophy and methodology of the translators is in marked contrast to that of the Authorized Version.” Jack Moorman, Modern Bibles—The Dark Secret, p.1


  • “What we need, therefore, is not to replace the Authorized Version… We need rather to teach and to train people up to the standard and the language and the dignity and the glory of the old Authorized Version”. Lloyd-Jones, Knowing the Times, p. 112


  • “…it is obvious that multiplicity of modern Bibles has weakened our fellowship as believers, our fervency as His ambassadors, and our witness to the lost world.” R.B. Ouellette, A More Sure Word, p.64


  • “Do you want an evolving Bible or a solid foundation? Do you want a Bible that was lost for 1,800 years or the Bible that true Christians have approved, used, and proven for 2,000 years? Do you want a Bible that takes significant steps away from doctrinal purity or do you want one that solidly protects the major tenets of our faith? Do you want a Bible that settles confusion or creates it? Do you want a Bible that removes doubt or raises it? Do you want a Bible that was the product of men influenced by German rationalism with a deep personal bias or one that was the product of God-fearing men who had a deep awe and reverence for the words they were translating? Do you want a Bible framed upon a few obscure manuscripts that were rejected for centuries or a Bible framed upon the majority of manuscripts that coincide with the historical trail of the true Christian church? Do you want a Bible that will stay the same for the next twenty-five years or one that will undergo continual revisions as scholars find ongoing reasons to insert their interpretive changes? Do you want a Bible that is freely accessible to the world or one that is copyright protected by popular Christian publishing houses, many of which are owned by secular corporations? Do you want a Bible that works for many different ‘Christian’ religions and cults, or one that clearly defines the faith once delivered? Do you want a Bible that is preserved or one that is ‘being restored’? Did God keep His promise or not?” R.B. Ouellette, A More Sure Word, pp.163-164


  • “The LORD did not authorize any of the modern Bibles, they were all made with inferior and corrupted manuscripts in both the old and new testaments. The LORD did not send these theologians to produce another Bible because his blessing was upon only one and that is the King James Bible. This means that those who translate, produce, and use the modern versions are in rebellion to God…” Dr. Ken Matto, Dangerous Doctrinal Attacks in the Modern Bible Versions!, p.193


  • “Inspiration only applies to those scriptures from Gen. 1:1 to Rev. 22:21. Inspired means that "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." The KJV is a perfectly translated text which was perfectly inspired and perfectly preserved which makes it both inspired and preserved. Modern translations don't meet those criteria and, therefore, cannot rightly claim inspiration.” Glendon Gray


  • "Your view of God will determine your view of preservation. To argue against the perfect preservation of God's Word is to display your disbelief or lack of trust in Him. To deny preservation you must conclude (albeit privately) that God was either incapable or unwilling to perform His promise. If you believe that God is scrupulously truthful, then preservation is easy to accept." Tim Fellure, Neither Jot Nor Tittle, p.56


  • “When you study the Greek, you are not studying the Bible; you are studying one man’s opinion of the definition of Greek words. Most of the time those Greek theologians that you are studying don’t believe the King James Bible is right. They have come up with their own definitions of those Greek words. Many of the Greek definitions given in these lexicons (note lex-I-cons) line up with the corrupt NIV translation. It is unbelievable that we have been so brainwashed and so lied to and that we have been so gullible to believe that these men can help us understand our Bible better.” Dan Goodwin, Hath God Said?, pp.70-71


  • “The unfaithful scholars have successfully twisted the conversation away from a solid trust in the one Bible [King James Bible] that has historically produced strong faith in its readers, to many Bibles that leave Christians in a quagmire of doubt and confusion today, even in our ‘Bible-believing’ churches. Now when we hear the statement: ‘But I trust the scholars,’ we must ask the question: Which scholars are we talking about?” David W. Daniels, But I Trust The Scholars, p.54


  • “…I must say that if you hold to a modern version of the Bible, you have chosen the sandy ground of ingenious conjecture. The critical scholars behind the modern versions do not believe that God preserved His Words as He said He did. In fact, they are not sure where His Words are. They are frantically revising, adding, deleting, modifying, and changing God’s Words as is right in their own eyes.” David L. Brown, Ph.D., The Indestructible Book, pp.405-406

  • “The Bible has ceased to be the ‘last word’ for most Christians. They want to know what another version says. Or, if they do not like what they read, they assume that it is a bad translation. So, instead of the word of God correcting us, we correct the word of God. In the minds of today’s Christian, the Bible has ceased to be a solid substance that can be checked as an absolute authority. Rather, it has become a process that is always becoming but never quite arrives. The real authority becomes the scholar who tells us what the passage really means.” Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer, PH.D.

  • “I can say with 100% confidence that the King James Version in the English language that I have today is the exact equivalent to God’s Word when it was written down in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. To say anything less is to call God a liar!” Eric & Lonna Neumann, Bible Per-VERSIONS, p.4


  • “Biblical Christianity is facing one of its biggest tests as the twentieth century closes: A return to Papal Rome of the ‘separated brethren’; A continuing stream of new bibles, with no end in sight; A decadent morality rivalling that of Noah’s day; A revival of witchcraft and other ancient religions, and old heresies with new names. The prospect of a world government forcing conformity in religion. Christians had better be certain that they have the right SWORD, to ‘earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.’ Jude 3 ‘When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.’ Isa. 59:19” J.W. Sawyer, The Legacy of our English Bible, pp.11-12


  • “Inerrancy, infallibility and TRUTH, go hand in glove. The point is that if it is God’s Word, there cannot be error! If it is truly Scripture, it is TRUTH indeed! If there are no inerrant Scriptures except the original autographs, as KJV critics claim, then there are NO Scriptures of TRUTH today!” H. Wayne Williams, Does God Have A Controversy With The King James Bible? pp.12-13


  • “One of the most outstanding things about the character of God is found in Psalm 138:2. He holds His Word above His name. Why? Because if a man’s word is no good, his name is no good. If God’s Word is no good, His name is no good.” Dr. Dennis Corle, Elements of a Godly Character


  • “It is incorrect to claim that the “thou” represents the usage of the 1611 period when the AV was prepared and that that usage is out of date and should be rejected for that very reason. Such a claim misrepresents the facts. The AV usage is not Jacobean or 17th century English. It is biblical English. The Greek of the New Testament distinguishes between the singular and the plural forms of the second person. The AV makes this distinction simply because NT Greek does so, and because that is the only way to translate the Bible correctly.” Oswald T. Allis, The New English Bible, The New Testament of 1961, A Comparative Study


  • “The King James Bible is built on the foundation of faith by men who had a high regard for the Bible, using massive manuscript evidence to support their work. They meticulously translated the Greek and Hebrew words, rendering them as closely as possible into English. The Modern versions are built on a foundation of doubt by men who have a low regard for the Bible. A few corrupt manuscripts were used to support their work. For the most part, they loosely translated the concepts of the Greek and Hebrew and some versions are even sloppier, not translating at all but paraphrasing. I have to wonder: If you are not using the King James Bible, why not?” David L. Brown, Ph.D., The Indestructible Book, p. 414-15


  • “The Bible has ceased to be the ‘last word’ for most Christians. They want to know what another version says or, if they do not like what they read they assume that it is a bad translation. So, instead of the word of God correcting us, we correct the word of God. In the minds of today’s Christians, the Bible has ceased to be solid substance that can be checked as an absolute authority.” Dr. David Reagan


  • “…the KJV debate has already been won. The case is already closed as we have an advantage that the scholars and skeptics do not have, we have FATIH! To those who are true Bible believers, we already know in our hearts what, where, when, why, and how God’s Word came to us through divine preservation. If God had power enough to write His Word, He has power enough to preserve…a Bible in 1611 that is perfectly pure and preserved.” Michael Hollner, The King James Only Debate-Can You Trust the Modern Scholars, p.17


  • “The AV/KJB will always be the best English version of the Bible because it is tied so wonderfully to the ‘original’ ‘God-breathed’ Words. And, it is translated in such a way that it will never be surpassed because of its simplicity of phrasing, beauty of words, preciseness, accuracy, faithfulness, and method and standard of translating. There are no translational errors.” H.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., The King James Bible’s Accuracy & Faithfulness, p.83


  • “If you and I believe that the original writings of the Scriptures were verbally inspired by God, then of necessity they must have been providentially preserved through the ages.” Dr. D. O. Fuller


  • “…your precious King James Bible is under attack by today’s money-worshiping Christians simply because it commands the same unconditional surrender that Jesus did. ‘For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.’ (Matthew 7:29) The problem with the King James Bible is a problem with final authority.” Dr. William P. Grady, Ph.D., Final Authority, p.3


  • “How can you argue for authority from a fluid text source…How can you say, ‘this is my authority’ but it keeps changing?...The constant stream of new translations coming out does not help the issue of authority at all. It takes away from it.” Evang. Ben Everson, You Can Understand the Bible


  • “…the assertion can be made by this author that there are no translational errors in the AV/KJB! There are no ‘better’ words. There are no better-trained men to translate. The product, the King James Bible, is absolutely a superior work of God and men that will never be repeated for English-speaking people.” H.D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., The King James Bible’s Accuracy & Faithfulness, p.15


  • We have the pure words of God perfectly preserved in English. We have a perfect copy of the originals in English in the KJB.





  • (1) He is guilty of receiving it "not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God." They actually believe the words are God's words.

  • (2) He is guilty of magnifying the word of God above the name of God....just as God Himself does.... Ps 138:2 "I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." Why so? Think about it -- the word of God tells us EVERYTHING we know about man's sin, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, salvation that is offered by grace through faith, etc. The word of God is the ONE MATERIAL THING that God has given to man to represent Himself, that we may read it, believe it, study it, and count on it.

  • (3) He is guilty of believing that God actually DID preserve his words to every generation, and that those words are not "lost", but he actually has all of those preserved words in the Bible in his hand. Psalm 12:6-7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."

  • “I am a King James Bible believer. I read it, study it, believe every word of it, and count on it completely. When I am done studying it, I put it in a drawer, or lay a notebook on it -- I am not superstitious, and the words of God are not my ‘idol’, but those words are a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I thank God for the King James Bible; the inspired, pure, preserved words of God in my mother tongue.” Mark Varney


You are a f00lish god of yr own self.

The KJV has many errors which you vhoose to ignore because you condemn every Version but the KJV.

Just to name a few of the #KJVbible #Error

"Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people."

Exodus 22:28 KJV


"“Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people."

Exodus 22:28 NIV

(for as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)"

Acts 8:16 KJV

"because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."

Acts 8:16" NIV

And you have the nerve to call it (KJV) the only WORD of the LORD.

I'm not going to ask you anything, because you have no int.ergrity as I said before, because you failed to answer my questions YET I answered yours. It's a shame, especially if it's a male doing that. Running away from answering questions is a clear sign of Weakness and Cowardice period.

Since according to you the KJV is the only True source of the LORD GOD'S WORD, then you're basically saying HE makes mistakes as indicated in the KJV Verses I provided above.


You are defeated by the LORD JESUS CHRIST


You do not address the errors of KJV which I shared with you. But I'm not surprised of your behaviour, as you've got no honour and integrity at all.

You are truly #The #proud #catholic wow 

Here is proof of of one of the greatest errors of the KJV

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭22:28‬ ‭KJV‬‬

[28] "Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people."


This is   blasphemy.


Do you choose to ignore this Verse "The Proud Catholic"

Repent from denying the written truth and the dece.ption of believing that the KJV is the only truth. You do not believe the truth of SCRIPTURE but you believe the Version.

You are delus.ional hence you believe a Li.e.

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:11‭-‬12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

[11] "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie [12] and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."

To you the KJV onlyite

More Errors of the KJV 

‭‭John‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

[1] "When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John,"

Here the KJV made this Verse seem to be referring to two people, by msking it seem as if the LORD is not JESUS. It is very confusing. This is another evidence of exposing the KJV onlyite like you, who are busy condemning and blaspheming the WORD of the LORD and calling the WORD sh*t as you did, because it is written in other Versions not the KJV.

‭‭John‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

[1] "Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John—"

You are going to answer for your vain utterings.

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:36‭-‬37‬ ‭KJV‬‬

[36] "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. [37] For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

And I see that you deleted your comment were you blasphemed the WORD and referring it to sh*t.

BTW, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY saw your blasphemy against HIM even though you deleted it. You hardly repented from your vain words and blasphemy against the LORD and you also did not ask for forgiveness of your blasphemy. How do I know that? By your ro.tten fruits of insisting that the KJV is the only true WORD, though I showed you many of its errors.

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