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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


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False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
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Unbiblical Prophecies
  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Vain Babblings of False Apostle Kathryn Krick

Jesus moved so powerfully last night in DC at George Washington University Lisner Hall! He broke demonic chains, freed many of demons, healed the sick and revealed His love so powerfully. And he kept moving throughout the book signing! Glory to God for all of the miracles He did!


Five-Fold Church


James 4:2-3 NIV 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.


I will be going live tomorrow (Wednesday at 12PMT)! Come and encounter the power of God as you tune in! I will teach for about the first hour and then will transition to a zoom meeting where I will minister prophetically and pray for healing and deliverance. The zoom link will be released in the YouTube and Facebook live comments about one hour into the live after I finish teaching. Come expectant to encounter Jesus and receive healing, deliverance and a touch from God!


Free from the Religious Spirit (Replay from 8/13)

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To order ‘The Secret of the Anointing’ go to

We’re excited to announce that there will be a branch of 5fchurch in Washington DC in the near future! At 6pm on August 25th there will be an an equipping and impartation service for those who feel a call from God to serve Him and would like to be a part of 5fchurch DC branch opening in the future. The service is also open to ministers who would like to receive impartation.

For tickets for Revival is Now DC go to the link below. There are no tickets or registration required for the equipping & impartation service at 6pm.

I’m so excited for REVIVAL IS NOW DC! It’s going to be a powerful move of God where many miracles will take place! Come expectant to receive healing, deliverance, impartation and a touch from God! Get tickets now at


I declare peace, restoration and healing to the people in Maui where the fire took place. May God’s hand be upon you and may you be comforted and strengthened by His Spirit!


Revival is Now! By in large, the anointing has been lost from the church. But now, God is restoring and reviving His power in the body of Christ! In my book, “The Secret of the Anointing” I release keys of how to access God’s power: how to be a trustworthy vessel so God can CHOOSE you and how to adequately walk in the power of God so miracles may truly happen. The book is out on August 1! You can preorder at


REVIVAL IS NOW DC! I am so excited to be ministering in WASHINGTON DC next month and I can’t wait for what God is about to do! Come receive healing, deliverance, impartation and encounter Jesus in power! Get tickets here:

Children under 12 are free. (Tickets are to help cover for the event cost; for ex: the large venue that’s required so there isn’t a limit on attendees). Please contact the host of the event via the eventbrite link (above link) if you have any questions (don’t contact the University).

Preorder my book “The Secret of the Anointing” coming out in August 1 here:

I’m so excited for all that God will do as you read; the impartation and revelation that you will receive from

this book! I believe so much transformation will occur in the body of Christ as the secrets of how to access and walk in the anointing get out and are applied!

We are in the end-time revival where God is radically transforming and BEAUTIFYING his bride. This revival will look different than past revivals. Be careful to not hold too tightly on what your idea of what Revival should look like, and revivals of the past. Be humble and open to receive GOD’S REVIVAL. God is purifying His bride and as He does this, He is raising up pure hearted leaders; no more of this selfish ambition, and choosing entertainment/charisma/people pleasing over the power of God and the true leadership and Lordship of the Holy Spirit in the church. It’s time for God to have His way in His church and it’s time the church be PURE and radiant!


Today I began narrating the audiobook of ‘The Secret of the Anointing.’ It’s been such an amazing experience reading aloud these words that came from deep in my heart. As I was reading, I was envisioning the power of God flowing through the audiobook and touching whoever listens, so powerfully. Reading it aloud today got me so excited for you all to read it and listen to it! The book comes out in August 1! You can preorder the book now at (and anywhere books are sold like Amazon, Walmart and Barnes and Noble). Stay tuned for when the audiobook will be released


Tomorrow I will be live at 12PMPT! I will teach for about the first hour and then I will be ministering on ZOOM where God will move in power and many will be healed and set free! Come expectant to encounter Jesus as you tune in! The link for the ZOOM call will be released on the YouTube and Facebook Live about one hour into the live after the teaching. Can’t wait for what Jesus will do tomorrow!

SO EXCITED FOR THIS SUNDAY! Church on the beach! Baptisms, deliverance, healing and the word! It’s going to be such a powerful day!


What a POWERFUL move of God in Cape Town! Jesus left us in awe as He moved in such incredible power and delivered person after person. The works of the devil were destroyed and Jesus was glorified! I’m so excited for what God is about to do next in Pretoria, South Africa on Friday & Saturday! Glory to God for all of the miracles He did today! Watch the replay from tonight here:

Get tickets for Revival is Now Pretoria here:

We headed straight to the airport after a powerful service at @5fchurch. Jesus moved so powerfully, delivering so many! We had so many international visitors from such countries as Japan, Hong Kong, Australia & Canada. It’s truly revival! Now we’re off to Capetown, South Africa! For Revival is Now Capetown on Wednesday & Revival is Now Pretoria, SA on Friday & Saturday! I’m so excited for all that God is about to do!

Come receive deliverance from demonic oppression (anxiety, depression, addiction, generational curses, etc), receive healing, & receive impartation to be a vessel of God’s power. This is going to be such a powerful move of God!

Go to for tickets and all the details.

-Also, there will be a @5fchurch branch in Johannesburg in the near future. On May 14 we are having a Ministry Equipping & Impartation service for all those who feel a calling on their life to serve God & would like to be a part of leadership of our future branch. The service is also open to ministers who would like to receive impartation and be equipped in ministry. Email if you would like attend this service so we can send you location and time details.

AUSTRALIA! It’s time! REVIVAL IS NOW! I’m so excited to announce Revival is Now Australia - a 2 day event in Melbourne. Get tickets now at this link:

Make sure you get tickets soon because we are expecting the venue to be at full capacity.

I’m so excited for what Jesus is about to do in Melbourne, Australia!

We made it to Prague, just in time to see a beautiful sunset over the city! I’m so happy to be here and I have so much anticipation for what God is going to do in Prague on Good Friday. My heart is so full of gratitude to God for what He has done and what He is doing in His revival! For tickets to the Intl Revival Conference in Prague on Friday, go to


When revival comes and God moves in a new and more powerful way than people have seen before; there is a temptation that will come from the devil to be skeptical simply because you’ve never seen it before and it’s so shocking “how can it be real”? Jesus said that we will do the things He did and greater. So we better prepare ourselves to be shocked by the new and greater things we see God do today, through vessels that are discounted; through “the weak and foolish things.” Otherwise, you could miss out on receiving miracles from God (like in Jesus’ hometown), miss the revival, and be skeptical of Jesus Himself.

“When Jesus arrived in his hometown of Nazareth, he began teaching the people in the synagogue. Everyone was dazed, overwhelmed with astonishment over the depth of revelation they were hearing. They said to one another, “Where did this man get such great wisdom and miraculous powers? Isn’t he just the wood-worker’s son? Isn’t his mother named Mary, and his four brothers Jacob, Joseph, Simon, and Judah? And don’t his sisters all live here in Nazareth? How did he get all this revelation and power?” And the people became offended and began to turn against him. Jesus said, “There’s only one place a prophet isn’t honored—his own hometown!” And their great unbelief kept him from doing any mighty miracles in Nazareth.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭54‬-‭58‬ ‭TPT‬‬

How to See the Promise Fulfilled

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REVIVAL IS NOW TORONTO! It’s going to be such a powerful move of God in Toronto. I can’t wait! For details and tickets:

Upcoming events:

4/7 - Prague, Czech Republic

4/12 - Des Moines, Iowa

4/27 - Florence, SC (2 day conference. I minister only on 4/27)

5/10 - Capetown, South Africa

5/12 & 5/13 - Pretoria, South Africa

For tickets:

For the Iowa event, if you are interested in volunteering at the event please email sharing that you’d like to volunteer.

For the Florence, South Carolina event tickets are required. If you are unable to afford a ticket you can email the hosts (their info is on the eventbrite link found at


Tomorrow I’m going live and I’m so excited for all that God will do! I will be teaching for about the first hour and then will minister on zoom where God will move in power and miracles will happen. The zoom link will be released about one hour into the live on the YouTube and Facebook lives. Come expectant to receive healing, freedom and encounters with God!

I’m back from Hawaii and am so excited for Five-Fold Church tomorrow! Last Sunday God kept leaving us in awe as He delivered and powerfully touched His children (some who traveled from Thailand, France & across the US). Come hungry and expectant for an encounter with Jesus tomorrow! REVIVAL IS NOW!

PRAISE GOD! And I found out that he came to church at Five-Fold Church this past Sunday! God is moving through the screen and healing and delivering His children! It is not just one on one prayer that He is moving! Tune in tonight to Revival is Now Hawaii and God will touch you through the screen! 6pm Hawaii Time (9pmpt/12amest). He’s also moving on the replays! HALLELUJAH!

Isn’t it interesting how Apostle Kathryn Krick has outlasted all of her critics? Where are the YouTube theologians now? Where are the jealous Facebook commentators? Where are the armchair “discernment” experts?

Meanwhile, she’s still bearing fruit. She’s still giving glory to Jesus. She’s still seeing masses of people saved and set free. The fruit of our lives over time vindicates the gospel we preach.

Repentance and apologies are in order, including from many church leaders. I pray the body of Christ would outgrow the immaturity and embrace one another’s complimentary natures, styles, and ministries. Jealousy, gossip, and competition are child’s play. Unity of the Spirit means celebrating the gold in one another. Those with Christlike character and fruit remain.

- @Josh Adkins

The Pharisees were the most well-versed in the word of God, yet they had the complete wrong revelation of the word of God. They kept accusing Jesus of going against the word of God, when in reality He came with the true revelation of the word of God. The spirit of religion in the Pharisees is what made a case against Jesus and crucified him. The ‘angel of light’ (the devil) speaking this same religious revelation today is what keeps Christians in bondage, keeps them from knowing God’s love and grace and is also what condemns the true move of God.

The spirit of religion has creeped its way into much of the body of Christ. God is purifying His bride now and there will be NO RELIGION in His beautified church! Absolutely none! This means every one of us in the body of Christ must humble ourselves and allow God to confound us and correct us with any wrong ‘religious revelation’ that we have in us. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! It’s time for FULL FREEDOM in the church and ZERO RELIGION!

2 Corinthians 3:17

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

2 Corinthians 11:14

Watch this past Sunday’s Revival in the Park at @5fchurch for a full teaching on this!

Few hours of sleep and tired eyes, but heart of fire and full of joy for what God has done last night. Thank you Jesus for bringing revival and delivering/healing/touching your people! I’m in awe!

Revival spilled out onto the parking lot in Maryland today! About 500 filled the venue to capacity. We removed all the chairs to make room for more people as there was a line of about 200+ that wrapped around the building. God set many free in the building! And then mass deliverance and healing continued outside in the parking lot! (Many could not get in the building and we’re outside receiving). The hungry came from many states, one driving 13 hours and a family came all the way from Mongolia! Glory to God for all of these miracles that He has done tonight! Thank you Jesus for REVIVAL! REVIVAL IS TRULY NOW! Swipe left to see many moments from the evening!

Lead Pastor of 5F Church Join us Sundays at 1PM Traveling Minister for service details

Tomorrow night! I’m excited for what God will do on the live! After about one hour of teaching I will be ministering on Instagram Live, bringing individuals on one by one. God is going to do many miracles as His power moves through the screen! Come expectant to be touched by the power of God!

miracles on zoom

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This powerful move of the Holy Spirit took place during the morning session on Saturday at the BOLD Conference in Vegas, as I taught on how to be bold in Christ! One of my favorite parts was that right after I said “I am not ashamed of the power of the Holy Spirit (the Anointing) who disrupts my sermons (to expel demons)” suddenly a demon screamed. And God showed us right in that moment that when we are ashamed of Him, we quench His spirit and He doesn’t move. But when we are the opposite of ashamed (we scream and cheer that we love Him in all of His ways, we welcome Him & declare we are unashamed of Him), HE MOVES! HE MOVES SOOO POWERFULLY THAT HE SHOCKS US AND LEAVES US IN AWE & WONDER!

When you allow the Power of God to move through you as He pleases, it will definitely come with those who say you are “foolish,” misunderstand you, become jealous and falsely accuse you, hate you. But to please the Holy Spirit & to see & experience Him moving how He wants IS WORTH IT; IS WORTH IT ALL! We love you Holy Spirit! We want you to have Your way, no matter the cost, no matter the discomfort, no matter the reputation we have, no matter the persecution!

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