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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



Expose the New Apostolic Reformation Supporters!.gif

The NAR’s pronouncements and apostolic authority always miss the mark because they stand contrary to the doctrine Christ gave the apostle Paul in this dispensation of grace. The NAR and the apostle Paul are contrary one to another. Beware.

"And that because of false brethren unawares brought in,

who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus,

that they might bring us into bondage:

 to whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour;

that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. 

But of these who seemed to be somewhat,

(whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man’s person:)

for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:"

Galatians 2:4-6 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences

contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

“A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;”

Titus 3:10 (AKJB)

"If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,

let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant."

1 Corinthians 14:37-38 (AKJB)


"But though we, or an angel from heaven,

preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you,

let him be accursed

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you

than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Galatians 1:8-9 (AKJB)


"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them. 

For it is a shame even to speak of those things

which are done of them in secret.

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:

for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest,

and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."

Ephesians 5:11-14 (AKJB)

"Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear."

1 Timothy 5:20 (AKJB)

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

2 Timothy 4:2 (AKJB)

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

2 Timothy 3:16 (AKJB)

False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."
Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Apostle Joshua Selman


THY KINGDOM COME TV is a Platform that Promotes gospel Contents mostly Apostle Joshua Selman Content, to help the body of Christ grow in faith and Sound doctrine.

And Please don't fall a victim of scam, Apostle Joshua selman is not on any social media platform and will never send you a message to send money anywhere please be careful not to fall a victim of internet fraud. God bless you.





Our world is full of individuals who seems to be icons from different field of endeavor, and the other side of the world contain men and women who are lessons for generations to come, and this people are full of stories of wasted years and wasted time.

There are many people today who are living in regret and pains as a result of poor or wrong choices. When you sit with an old man, half of his stories will be stories of regret of time wasted, opportunities wasted, but yet in the bible, it is very clear as to the fact that we have been called to a life of honour, a life of glory, and a life of dignity.

Bishop Oyedepo once said that there is no low calling in life, everyone was preordained unto a high calling, but unfortunately, only one or two were able to rise to the fullness of what God expect from us.

Our world is full of people who wake up early in the morning and sleep late in the night, yet no progress, the only progress is that they are progressing in their age, nothing else.

There are many who are just existing, but they are not living, but God will open our eyes to see that one of the things that determines our destiny, because anytime that got wasted, cannot be recovered.

Time does not change, time only reveals people, people usually say one day it will be well, and they said this to give themselves hope.

You don't rise and shine because you are tired of sitting, you rise and shine because your light has come.



I declare over your life, The Hand of God rests upon you.

You go from glory to glory; this week is a week of testimonies!

You will experience the ministry of The Holy Spirit in unusual dimensions.

May your value speak for you. May this anointing that has come upon your life speak for you, in the Name of Jesus!



I prophesy into everyone life today, as you knock doors of opportunities shall be opened unto you. As you seek, you shall find favour before men and God. As you ask, all your prayers shall be answered. May God bless you with what you prayed for, reward you with what you worked for, grant you with what you hope for and surprise you with what you have not asked for. In Jesus name No more bad news,No more delay, No more stagnation,No more confusion, Now I Decree in the name of Jesus Satan shall not have dominion over you and your household anymore in mighty Jesus name AMEN

Claim It now



I prophesy to you today, You as a man or a woman that has been looking for children for many years now, now is your time, God is about to remember you, as you type I receive, the blessings of children will fall on you immediately in Jesus name, the doors that will connect you to your desires in this new day will begin to open unto you of their own accord in Jesus name.

This year you will see the fruits of your labours and the fruit of your womb and be satisfied. men and women of worth will summon you to do business with you that will bring you into good fortunes early in Jesus name.

Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the LORD is risen onto you.



Receive , fruit of womb

Receive . Your House

Receive . Your car key

Receive . Your promotion

Receive . Your divine breakthrough

Receive . Your money

Receive . Your visa

Receive . Your Healing

Receive . Your Baby

Receive . Job



Everybody connected to you, I declare for your sake, they are supernaturally exempted.

Over your finances, may help arise for you from His sanctuary in the Name of Jesus! You will not beg in the Name of Jesus!

God will use men and systems to make for your supplies, in the Name of Jesus.

I decree and declare, even in this season, nothing dies in your hands in the Name of Jesus!

Anybody appointed unto death, I knock on the door of death and I command it to be far from you, in the Name of Jesus!

In the Name of Jesus, I pray for you, experience favor from the east, west, north and south!

Any kind of value that can make you to be of demand and live a rewarded life, I stir up that gift, in the Name of Jesus!

Anyone that is in need of your gift and the value you carry, I compel them to locate you, in the Name of Jesus!

Your spiritual life, Word study and appetite for spiritual things will not go down in Jesus' Name!

This week, I release you as a sign and a wonder. I release you as a savior, witness, and ambassadors of the Kingdom.

May no one despise the anointing and mantle of God upon your life, in Jesus Name.




600 people will receive financial favor before 12 pm

tomorrow afternoon

I release your house.

I release your visa.

I release your business.

I release your helpers.

I release your your pregnancy.

I your pending money.

I release your marriage.

I release your promotion at work.

I release your educational success.

I release your breakthrough.

I release every good things in your life.

I release your financial upliftment.

Stop being ashamed of your today. Great men are made in the furnace of affliction.. Oil is made by crushing the olive. God is making something out of you.

Be patient and keep building yourself. Your future is looking for a version of you that is still in making. Stay with God.

When life is giving you a scar, respect it..It is why a crown will be put on your head.

If it means to cry, don't be ashamed..Even Jesus wept.

You maybe going through it now dear powerful man and woman of God in making..yes it is true my sister that you don't understand what's going on now.. Don't worry.. you will see what you will become when God is done with you.

Carry your scar with honour..when God lifts you they will be the witness.

Be patient with God. Wait on and for him. Everybody goes through seasons. There are certain cups you don't pray away..ask for grace to go through them.



Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagles

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.

They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

4. Eagles Love the Storm.

When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

5. Eagles Prepare for Training;

They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies/ when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest./

MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there.

6. When the Eagle Grows Old,

His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.



Top 10 Lessons learned From The Book "The Power Of Now"

1. Be intensely present in the moment to flow with life in a state of joy.

2. You achieve goals effortlessly when you're aligned with your inner purpose.

We change the outer world when we fulfill our inner purpose.

3. You are not your mind

Pain and struggle come from unknowingly identifying with your mind and a false sense of self.

You are a being of love, joy, happiness, and peace. You are pure consciousness.

4. Rise above your ego

The ego is your derived sense of self from your social status, family heritage, religion, and possessions.

You are so much more than your ego.

To transcend your ego, stop identifying with your mind. Learn to quiet it to reach enlightenment.

5. Time is an illusion

Time is great for scheduling appointments and knowing when to wake up. But time is simply an illusion.

The time at this moment is "now." It is the only moment we ever truly have.

6. How to free yourself from your mind

Break free from the prison of your mind with 3 simple steps

• Notice the voice inside your dead

• Watch your emotions

• Dissolve the pain, stories, and baggage from the ego-mind

7. To focus on the now

Move your attention away from the past and future when it's not needed.

Accept your present situation and act with full focused awareness.

8. Self healing

Your outer body will age with time but your inner body doesn't change.

When you connect with your inner body, you improve your natural healing capacity. Healing any internal wounds you have.

9. Enlightenment

Living in the now will connect you to god and the universe.

Connect with love to feel it all around you, this is enlightenment.

10. Connect with the universe

As you connect with your inner body and being, you will realize you are one with the entire universe.

When your inner and outer bodies are one, you transcend your body and connect with everything.



I speak over you, in the Name above all names, everything that makes for mourning, mockery and reproach is rolled away from your life now. Nothing remains small in your life!

I declare, rise in influence; the anointing and mandate needed for the next season of your life, may it come upon you, in Jesus Name.

I place a mark upon you that everywhere you go from now, be distinguished for favour and honour.

Every gift and mandate that God has placed upon your life that's yet to find expression, I empower it by the spirit to begin to find expression.

Prophetically, I open the doors and gates of nations, supernatural resources, and helpers in your life. May the Lord bless and increase you, in Jesus Name!





There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.

— J.K. Rowling


Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.

— Peter F. Drucker


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde


Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.

— Leo F. Buscaglia


Awareness is the greatest agent for change.

— Eckhart Tolle


Know what you want. Clarity is power. And vague goals promote vague results.

— Robin Sharma


The most successful people on this planet don’t let their weaknesses or shortcomings determine what they can and cannot accomplish. Instead, they acknowledge their weaknesses and accept them completely. Then, they focus on their strengths until they become outstanding at the few things they do well.


If you want to change your life you have to raise your standards.

— Tony Robbins


Without self-discipline, you might end up overweight, stuck in a job you hate or unable to find enjoyment in life. Therefore, self-discipline is not optional. Sooner or later, you will pay the price for a lack of self-discipline. Learn to discipline yourself and you’ll be able to have anything you want in the long term.


Who will call you out if you don’t follow through on your commitment?

Greatness requires that you not only demand more of yourself, but that you also ask others to hold you accountable.

Thank you for reading.





When you find me making so much progress in life, it is not because I know alot, or because I am invisible to all the impediment that stops men from making progress, but because I have discovered that the Lord is my shepherd.

One of the reasons why people donot make progress in life is because of ignorance. Knowledge is represented to light, so you are only able to move or make progress to the degree to which you see.

The second reason why people donot make progress is due to demonic activities, demon spirit can hinder your advancement and progress in life.

The third reason, which is the most important reason, is the absence of Divine direction, which is the leadings of God.

Your inability to access the leadings of God is the greatest explanation of stagnation. No matter what kind of vision you have, no matter the kind of great destiny you have , but your inability to access and understand the leadings of God per time, per season and per moment, may keep you stagnated for a very long time.

To fulfill your assignment and your Divine destiny, you need to be guilded and led by God, because it is impossible to actualize destiny outside God's guidance and leading.

People that are called great in the kingdom today were men and women who have mastered accessing the leadings of God and the triumph from one level of result to the other.

The first key to access and enjoy the leadings of God, is to admit that you are limited and insufficient. Knowing fully well and also admitting that you are incapable draws God's help to you.




1) E.A.ADEBOYE: Humility is not stupidity or mediocrity. You can live in humility,purity and prosperity at the same time.

2) W.F.KUMUYI: Holiness is not a big deal but the real deal. And holiness is never an excuse for poverty. You can be richly holy.

3) DAVID O OYEDEPO: Faith is a risk you must continue to take if you must continue to be a burden to none and a lift to others.

4) DR. D.K. OLUKOYA: In the school of destiny discovery, recovery and fulfilment, everyone is a fighter, consciously or unconsciously. You have to fight against something if you must be anything in life.

5) DR. PAUL ENENCHE: You don't have to be big in stature to dare big project. You don't need a big stature to make big impact. All you need is God's grace, big heart and right mentality.

6) DAVID IBIYEOME: You cannot experience divine enlargement on every side until you enlarge your mind set. And nothing will move until you make the move.




1. Reduce Food.

2. Reduce Sleep.

3. Reduce Talks.

4. Reduce Movies.

5. Reduce Sugar.

1. Remove Grudges.

2. Remove Show (Self display).

3. Remove Lust.

4. Remove Darkness.

5. Remove Distractions.

1. Be more Holy.

2. Be more Happy.

3. Be more Honest.

4. Be more Thankful.

5. Be more Simple.

1. Increase Praying.

2. Increase Study (WORD).

3. Increase Exercise.

4. Increase Fasting.

5. Increase Giving.

1. Be Discipline.

2. Be Sober.

3. Be Humble.

4. Be Timely.

5. Be Faithful.

6. Be Positive.

7. Be Ready.

8. Be Sensitive.

9. Be Anointed.

10. Be Peaceful.

1. Always Smile.

2. Always Retreat.

3. Always Remember.

4. Always Practice.

5. Always Learn.

1. Restrict Movement.

2. Receive Counsel.

3. Engage Wisdom.

4. Resist the Devil.

5. Avoid sin.



Top 10 Lessons from learned from the book-- How To Finish Everything You Start

1) Another reason for failing to finish is that you are so unprepared for interruptions that when one or more occur, you get thrown by it.

2) By far the #1 reason for leaving a task or project unfinished is having too much to do.

3) If you have a fear of failure, you will delay finishing a project, so you do not have to deal with the potential negative feedback that you fear. If you fear success, procrastination delays that scenario from happening.

4) If you end whatever you are trying to finish at a good point, it will be that much easier to pick right up again when you can get back to it.

5) Make whatever you are procrastinating about the very first activity that you tackle first thing in the morning, or when you first get to the office.

6)F = Focus on one priority task.

I= Ignore interruptions or distractions.

N = Now is the time, not later or tomorrow.

I= Initiate and innovate so you keep going.

S = Stay the course however tough it gets.

H = Hail finishing by celebrating your accomplishment.

7) Be open to trying new things and even fresh ideas or even new technology that might make it faster, easier, or better to finish what you started.

Those who have too many

unfinished projects or activities often are trying to do everything themselves.

9) Here is what his SMART acronym stands for:

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Assignable

R = Realistic

T= Time-related

10) "Should I have started this in the first place?"

If your answer is, "No, then it is okay to leave it unfinished, whatever it is.

5 lessons from book “Master your emotions”

1. Emotions are natural and necessary, but they can also be challenging to manage. Learning how to master your emotions is crucial for success in all areas of life.

2. Recognizing and understanding your emotions is the first step in mastering them. Take time to reflect on your feelings, and learn to identify them accurately.

3. Emotional intelligence is key to mastering your emotions. This involves being aware of your own emotions, understanding the emotions of others, and being able to manage your emotions effectively.

4. Developing a growth mindset can help you manage your emotions more effectively. This means believing that you can learn and grow from challenges, rather than being defeated by them.

5. Practice mindfulness and meditation to help you stay present and centered, even in challenging situations.



Top 10 lesson learned from the book -"30 DAYS"

1. Stop expecting others to solve your life for you:

Change only happens when YOU CHANGE!

If you are going to be successful, the important thing is not to expect anything from anyone that you are not willing to do for yourself.

2. Quit Sugar, Vegetable Oil & Bread:

Here’s the secret to being just a bit healthier than you are right now:

Instead of soda, drink water.

Instead of fries, get a salad.

Instead of bread or pasta – go for more water and vitamins.

Take care of your body.

3. Start Reading a Good Book:

"The more you read, the more you learn and the more you earn!"

Successful people know the value of reading books.

If you’re looking for something that has the largest long-term up-swing, READ!!!

4. Limit your Social Media and Entertainment Intake:

Most people use social media as a way to feed their dopamine addiction.

Cut social media to 30 minutes per day, and see how your life changes when you’re left with yourself.

5. Plan Tomorrow, Today:

"The moment you start planning your day, you’re taking control of time!"

Every night write down your plans for the next day.

Create a schedule for yourself and try to be specific.

6. Wake Up at the Same Hour Every Day:

By getting up at the same time every day, you may yield some unexpected benefits.

Benefits like:

- Brighter mood

- Improved sleep

- Decreased sleep deprivation

- Better immune system function

- Sharper focus and short-term memory

7. Meditate for 20 Minutes:

Meditation is like cleaning up your room, but inside of your head.

Regular meditation helps you to have full control over yourself.

It helps to reduce stress levels and gets rid of all sorts of worries.

8. Figure out Where you’re Wasting Money:

If you want to win with money, you’ve got to change your actions with money.

The way you do that is by tracking your expenses.

If you aren’t watching where your money is going, you’ll always wonder where it went.

9. Identify What Makes you Happy and What Doesn’t:

Make a list!

Put down the things you do that bring you happiness. Then do the same for what doesn’t.

Now, the secret to winning at life is doing more of the things in the first column, and less of the ones in the second.

10. Track your Goals:

No matter what your goal is and how long it may take to achieve it

There is one specific action that will make sure you are moving in the right direction — track the progress

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7 lessons from the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

1.Be proactive: This means taking initiative and being responsible for your actions, rather than being passive and letting circumstances dictate your choices.

2.Begin with the end in mind: This involves setting clear goals and thinking about the long-term consequences of your actions.

3.Put first things first: This means prioritizing important tasks and avoiding distractions, in order to achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

4.Think win-win: This involves seeking mutually beneficial solutions in relationships and negotiations, rather than trying to win at the expense of others.

5.Seek first to understand, then to be understood: This involves actively listening to others and trying to understand their perspective before communicating your own.

6.Synergize: This involves working cooperatively with others to achieve a greater result than could be achieved individually.

7.Sharpen the saw: This involves constantly improving and maintaining your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in order to be effective in all areas of your life.

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Top 10 Lessons learned From the Book So Good They Cant Ignore You

1. Dont Follow Your Passion

The Passion Hypothesis is the biggest myth in occupational happiness.

It says The key to occupational happiness is to first figure out what you are passionate about and then find a job that matches this passion

2. Grab the Opportunity

Steve Jobs who was well-known for follow your passions, didnt start off loving computers, instead, he only saw it as an opportunity to earn quick cash.

Get the most out of the opportunity, then passion will come.

3. Mindset

The craftsman mindset focuses on becoming better and improving the quality of what you produce.

It focuses on becoming so good they cant ignore you, regardless of what you do for a living.

You simply do whatever you are doing really well.

4. Rare Skills

If you want a great job, you need to build up rare and valuation skills to offer in return.

So, your goal is to acquire as much career capital as possible, then more opportunities would come.

5. When should you leave your job?

If the job:

1. presents few opportunities to distinguish yourself

2. focused on something you think is useless

3. forces you to work with people you really dislike.

6. Deliberate practice is the key to acquiring career capital.

It means that an activity is designed for the sole purpose of effectively improving specific aspects of an individuals performance.

It requires an obsession with improving and constant learning process.

7. Mike Jacksons time-tracking spreadsheet

He tracks how he spends every hour of every day. He ensures that he spends time on whats important instead of whats immediate.

At the end of the week, he checks how well he achieved his goals, and uses this feedback to guide himself

8. Control your life

Control is one of the most important targets you can choose for investment on your career capital.

Gaining control over what you do and how you do it, has been shown up so often in the lives of people who love what they do.

9. Think Small, Act Big

Build your career on a clear and compelling mission.

It focuses your energy toward a useful goal, and this in turn maximizes your impact on your world- a crucial factor in loving what you do.

10. Maximize your chances

You should deploy small, concrete experiments that return concrete feedback.

These small bets allow you to tentatively explore the specific avenues surrounding your general mission.


1. Identify money mentality

2. Improve money skills

3. Handle with money feelings

4. Track spending habits

5. Provide value to earn more

You dont see the world as it is

You only see the world as you're




The arrows of bloodshed over you and your loved ones, I command it to return back to hell, in the Name of Jesus!

Everybody connected to you, I declare for your sake, they are supernaturally exempted.

Over your finances, may help arise for you from His sanctuary in the Name of Jesus! You will not beg in the Name of Jesus!

God will use men and systems to make for your supplies, in the Name of Jesus.

I decree and declare, even in this season, nothing dies in your hands in the Name of Jesus!

Anybody appointed unto death, I knock on the door of death and I command it to be far from you, in the Name of Jesus!

In the Name of Jesus, I pray for you, experience favor from the east, west, north and south!

Any kind of value that can make you to be of demand and live a rewarded life, I stir up that gift, in the Name of Jesus!

Anyone that is in need of your gift and the value you carry, I compel them to locate you, in the Name of Jesus!

Your spiritual life, Word study and appetite for spiritual things will not go down in Jesus' Name!

This week, I release you as a sign and a wonder. I release you as a savior, witness, and ambassadors of the Kingdom.

May no one despise the anointing and mantle of God upon your life, in Jesus Name.



Top 8 Lessons learned from book -365 DAYS WITH SELF DISCIPLINE

1. Self Discipline Is Hard

Self-discipline means living your life the hard way: resisting temptations and instant gratification, in order to receive bigger and better rewards in the future. Its certainly easier to avoid all kinds of discomfort and indulge yourself whenever you want, but in the end, all that you get from that approach is fleeting pleasure now at the expense of your future, which otherwise could have been much better.

2. One Decision Can Set A Wrong Precedent

It takes only a moment to make the wrong choice and jeopardize your future. What feels like an insignificant decision today can have a great, lasting impact on your future. Each choice sets a precedent and when you make the same wrong choice several times in a row, it becomes your standard modus operandi .

3. You Have The Ability To Be Disciplined

Humans have the capacity to act against their urges in exchange for a better future. Unfortunately, many people live by the principle of if it feels good, do it, and if it doesnt, dont do it.

Caving in to your temptations whenever you feel them emerge is like relinquishing your humanity, in a way. As an intelligent human being, you have an ability and I daresay an obligation to make decisions that are based on rational thinking, not on your instincts alone.

4. Be A Better Human

Strive to be a better human and embrace your humanity by exercising your willpower muscle, instead of succumbing to your most primal (and least helpful for your long-term goals) part of the brain. Your most primal instincts may provide temporary comfort, but seldom are good for the long term, except when there is a direct threat to your survival.

5. Setup Systems For Self Discipline

Prepare yourself for difficult situations by putting up roadblocks ahead of time, when your resolve isnt being tested. Your self- control system will do some of the heavy lifting for you, leaving your reserves of self-discipline to be used for the unplanned situations, when they arise.

6. It Is Up To You

While external circumstances can affect you, in the end, whether or not they control your life depends on you. Just like James Allen said, when you achieve self-mastery, no one (and no thing) will have the power to enslave you.

7. Everyone Is Struggling

Behind the scenes, everyone struggles in some areas of their lives.

8. Make The Choice Today

The person youll become in ten years will most likely not be the same person you are today, but it will still be you and its in your hands whether, ten years from now youll look back and feel glad you extended self-empathy well into the future, or find that you decided to be selfish and steal from your future for some fleeting pleasure today.

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9 lessons from the book "Everything Started As Nothing"

1. Entrepreneurship is a state of mind. It isn't merely about implementation of an idea. It is risk taking and trying to create something out of nothing.

2. One must start small and focus on execution, work towards measurable offers and take a leadership into that realm.

3. Only raise money from those who can afford to lose that capital. This is the most vital rule.

4. Early investors don't bet on ideas but on you, the founder.

5. Entrepreneurs don't fail, businesses do.

6. If you cannot beat them, join them.

7. In a start-up, the accounting function must be integral to the business and should be driven by the founder.

8. This thought forms the Core

"Everything Started as Nothing" You have to build everything from Scratch for your business.

You will be the company's first Salesman, admistrator and HR.

9. Jeff Bezos & Mark Zuckerberg are exception not rule — not all startup founders should be CEOs

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Top 5 Lessons Learned From The Book ‘As a Man Thinketh’

1) You Become What You Think

You are what you are right now because of the thoughts you once had or have. If you want to change yourself, you should first start with changing your thoughts. All the actions of man arise from the hidden seeds of thoughts.

Just with the right choice and application of thought, man can ascend to divine perfection; while with wrong choice and application of thought, he can rise below the level of the beast.

Good thoughts and results can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

2)Your Mind is Like a Garden

The author creates an analogy of our mind with the garden. We either choose to cultivate our mind wisely or let it run wild. If we don’t plant the seeds of beautiful flowers in our garden, the garden will itself produce some useless weeds.

Just as the gardener weeds out all unnecessary plants it is the responsibility of every individual to plant the right seeds, nurture them, and at the same time put out all the weeds. When we do this, our life becomes beautiful. But if we do the exact opposite and feed the weeds, our life becomes a mess.

3) Thoughts Not Just Affect Mentally, But Also Physically

How and what we think has a significant impact not just on the mental level but also physical level. The body is the servant of mind and it obeys the order of mind be it deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.

The author argues that the people who live in constant fear of disease are the ones who actually get it. Therefore being healthy is not just about the body, it’s also more about the mind.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.

Thoughts also affect how we age. If we just pause for a second and observe the people around us, we can see people in their nineties with bright smiling faces. But we also can see the people who are just in their mid-thirties whose face is drawn into unharmonious contours. Mr Pawan

4)You Are Not Shaped by Your Circumstances

If you believe you can’t get something just because you came from a different background or because your environment doesn’t support you, you are wrong my friend. You are not shaped by the circumstances rather the outer world of circumstances shapes itself into the inner world of your thoughts.

No matter what the circumstances are, you always have the freedom to choose how to respond. And the best response is always to choose to focus on the areas you have control of. When you focus on what you have control over and improve that way, you win in life.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.

5)Actions And Thoughts Must Go Together

The knowledge preached by some of the self-help gurus about thoughts is that you will achieve whatever you think if you just believe it. This is also represented as a law of attraction and the idea is sold to many people.

James Allen, who is also considered as the pioneer of the self-help movement was clear that just having thoughts are not enough. Thoughts are just the starting point. And if we don’t harmonize our thoughts with the right actions, we will never accomplish what we are set to.

Just wishing for things and waiting for them to come to you will not help you in any way. You must go out, take action and earn it, whatever it is you want. ..

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1. Manage your money:

Many people are able to make money, but not everyone learns how to manage it properly.

Financial intelligence starts with learning the difference between assets and liabilities.

ensure that you have more money coming in than going out, which is what will make you richer.

2. Pay Yourself First:

Most people earn and spend their salary paying bills.

A rich person always pays himself.

Invest in

- Courses

- Books

- Experiences

3. Saving and investing are different:

Saving is considered a must and a good habit.

You need to invest your money instead where it grows at a higher rate than inflation.

Saving weaken the purchasing power while investment will increase the value of your money.

4. Learn taxes:

If you are rich and lack financial literacy, you will end up paying a lot of taxes.

The rich have their investments often in learning, so they have to pay fewer taxes.

You need to have financial IQ in different areas like accounting, investing, market forces, and the law.

5. Do not rely on a single source of income:

Most people rely on a single source of income.

You can never become rich and financially secure if you are one of those.

You should have 2 to 3 streams from where you earn money.

You will be in better position even if you face some financial crisis if you multiple income streams.

6. you become smarter by taking risk:

Unless you take a risk, you cannot grow, grow as in grow really big.

You should take a risk because some opportunities in life have the potential to change the course of your life.

7. Everyone needs to be a financially literate:

Intelligence solves problems and produces money.

Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.

The sad part about the education system around the world is that it teaches to work for money.

The system never teaches how to make, manage, and keep the money.

You should learn how to create wealth and make a plan to achieve financial freedom.

8. Mindset is everything:

Poor dad always used to say” we can’t afford this “whereas rich dad teaches him to replace it with “how you can afford it?”.

In This way, replace your negative attitude into positive and you will definitely find ways to do achieve that target.

Your attitude and mindset matters the most.

The first and foremost thing to do anything is that you must believe in yourself.

9. Surround yourself with people smarter than you:

There is a very popular saying ‘If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.’

If you want to be smart, surround yourself with people smarter than you.

10. Control emotions:

The situation only gets worse for you when you are not able to control your emotions.

The statement holds good for both personal and professional life situations.

You should learn to control your emotional balance and be focused on accomplishing your financial goals.

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MUST READ: Apostle Joshua Selman speaks;

Stop being ashamed of your today. Great men are made in the furnace of affliction.. Oil is made by crushing the olive. God is making something out of you.

Be patient and keep building yourself. Your future is looking for a version of you that is still in making. Stay with God.

When life is giving you a scar, respect it..It is why a crown will be put on your head.

If it means to cry, don't be ashamed..Even Jesus wept.

You maybe going through it now dear powerful man and woman of God in making..yes it is true my sister that you don't understand what's going on now.. Don't worry.. you will see what you will become when God is done with you.

Carry your scar with honour..when God lifts you they will be the witness.

Be patient with God. Wait on and for him. Everybody goes through seasons. There are certain cups you don't pray away..ask for grace to go through them.

I know you don't have house rent but please don't act as if the whole world has ended.. You may not have food but hold your cup of water with tears in your eyes and say Lord I know i will feed nations.. Apostle I've been praying for fruit of the womb what have I not done?

Don't worry.. There is speed in waiting.

My life is a testimony.






I declare over you, in the name of Jesus, let the favour of God rest upon your life.

May the grace for favour available in Koinonia rest upon you, in the name of Jesus!

Shame and reproach is terminated from your life, in the name of Jesus!

From across the seven continents of the earth, every barrier stopping your helper from reaching you, I take it out of the way now, in the name of Jesus.

May the grace for visibility rest upon you and cause you to be seen and heard, in the name of Jesus!

In the name of Jesus, your portion in the land you’re domiciled in locates you now!

Any one in business, I place an anointing upon you, go and prosper in the name of Jesus!

Anyone in need of a job, may supernatural jobs locate you, in the name of Jesus!

I separate you from the company of wicked and unreasonable men.

Anyone who fights you goes down instantly, in the name of Jesus!

There will be no obituary from any family. Whether by road, air or sea, be protected in the name of Jesus!


Biblical Warnings
Biblical Warnings of False Prophets!.gif

The Apostle Paul gives many warnings of "False Prophets" in the present dispensation of Grace,
Romans thru Philemon

“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.”

Acts 20:29 (AKJB)

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;
and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”
Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

1 Corinthians 14:33 (AKJB)

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Awake to righteousness, and sin not;

for some have not the knowledge of God:

I speak this to your shame."

1 Corinthians 15:33-34 (AKJB)

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 
As we said before, so say I now again,
If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received,
let him be accursed.”

Galatians 1:8-9 (AKJB)

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;

whose end shall be according to their works."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (AKJB)

 "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:  which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.  

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you

than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you

than that ye have received, let him be accursed. 

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men?

for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

Galatians 1:6-10 (AKJB)

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 
Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord:
walk as children of light: (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 
proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

Ephesians 5:6-14 (AKJB)

"If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;

he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words,

whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds,

and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness:

from such withdraw thyself."

1 Timothy 6:3-5 (AKJB)

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings,

and oppositions of science falsely so called:

which some professing have erred concerning the faith.

Grace be with thee. Amen."
1 Timothy 6:20-21 (AKJB)

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving, and being deceived” 
2 Timothy 3:13 (AKJB)

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;

but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

2 Timothy 4:2-4 (AKJB)

STOP Sowing Your Seed to False Prophets.gif

Do Not Give to False Prophets Who Corrupt the Words of God?

God will not bless anyone financially contributing to false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, false brethren, etc. The Apostle Paul warns us in Galatians 1:8-9 of those who preach another Gospel, "
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursedAs we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Giving to these culprits whether it be a tithe or a financial gift, is enabling their wickedness (sin), which only separates you from your God. God warns us to "turn away" from them! "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (AKJB). In time past Isaiah (59:2) warned the Israelites their sins would separate them from God, "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.", and in John 9:31, God does not hear the prayers of sinners, "Now we know that God heareth not sinners:". Furthermore, the Apostle Paul instructs us to “Mark and Avoid” these false brethren! “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” Romans 16:17-18 (AKJB).


  • Some important things to know about tithing;


  • God provides all our needs without tithing

 Phil 4:19 says your needs are supplied according to his riches in glory in Christ. What you need is not physical it is spiritual. 

  • The law tithe places you under a curse

If you do continue tithing then you can be cursed (Gal 3:10).

  • Peace with God is attained without tithing – (Romans 5:1)

  • We work to provide for our needs in this dispensation of grace

Paul makes it clear that if we don’t work we don’t eat (2 Thess 3:10). Mat 6:11 and Mal 3:10 are not effective today. If we do not provide for our own today we are “worse than an infidel” (1 Tim 5:8).

Those living under liberty and grace cannot be placed under a curse (Gal 5:1). Mandatory tithing is not a practice for the church, the Body of Christ. Those who teach tithing are either ignorant of Paul’s instructions or are mishandling the word of truth (Titus 1:11). Don’t let ignorance of the Bible rob you of your wealth. Before having a purpose in your heart to give, make sure it is the right purpose, and that from the Bible rightly divided.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,

and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

Galatians 5:1 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."
Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

When your church and/or self-appointed apostles and prophets, talk more about money than ministry (evangelism & edification), then you have found yourself in a "ministry business" not a church. When a group operates on the “customer is always right” business principle, then truth will be the first thing to leave, and you should lead the way. In fact, the first mention of required tithing, giving or sowing a seed should be your cue to stand up and declare the liberty you have in Christ to walk out the door. You have found a church that teaches a false doctrine. From such, turn away!

God does not bless ignorant people who believe false doctrine, and who support false prophets and false teachers!

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:

for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them.

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord:

walk as children of light: (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 

proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:

for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,

and Christ shall give thee light.

Ephesians 5:6-14 (AKJB)

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