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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Colette Toach

Do you feel your prayers lack authority lately? Do this project to reignite the anointing and see greater results in your prayer times. Guaranteed, this will boost your prophetic effectiveness.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

• How interpreting tongues leads to building the Kingdom.

• Why edification is the most powerful tool you’re not using.

• The 2 ways a prophet builds the Kingdom through the gift of interpretation.

A Message From Your Spiritual Parents

“When you interpret your tongues and speak the mysteries into the earth you bring the power of God and the agreement of man into a decree! This is how you bring heaven to earth and build the Kingdom of heaven.” - Apostles Craig and Colette Toach


Founder, Apostle, Author, Mom at Toach Ministries


Hey leaders, if someone left your ministry in a huff and spreading lies about you. DON’T SWEAT IT! It’s not for you to defend yourself. Also rest assured that the experience they had in your ministry will repeat until they repent and allow Jesus to heal their hurts. You can’t save everyone. It’s ok. Sure - it sucks… like A LOT But it’s also ok, to wash your hands and let go. Move on. Invest EVERYTHING you got into those that stuck around. They deserve more of your love and time. #DontWasteYourEmotionalEnergy #WashYourHands #LetsGo


Just as the curtain was torn in two as the earth shook, so also do you need to cry out to God to rend the veil around your own heart and shake you out of your complacency. The death He’s taking you through isn’t to destroy you! Its to remove the curtain between the two of you and draw you closer. #FacetoFaceWithJesus #Process


I’ve had people separate from our ministry in honor and some separate in bitterness. There were some in my life that God truly told to leave and begin their own ministry or join another. We are still friends today! I honor them and they honor me. I will invite the back to my platform ANY day!! I respect them for leaving with such grace and continuing to show me and my ministry respect.

THEN… there are others that left in bitterness and offense. They were dishonorable. They posted nasty social media posts. Or worse… they reached out to members in my team or ministry to garner supporters for their offense. Bitterness CRAVES company! I will never allow them into the safety of my ministry again. They will never stand on my platform. I will not speak badly of them openly and become like them.

However, they create a bondage for themselves because… how you leave a season is how you will enter the next.

BE WISE!!! Separations HURT! Sometimes God even has to start a fight like He did between Barnabus and Paul to bring division for Godly purpose. It doesn’t feel great at all. After that conflict comes to bring the cut will define you. Are you honorable or dishonorable? Whichever you are is what you will be paid back with in the next season. Separate with wisdom! #ApostolicRealities


Today the Holy Spirit said to me, “Do you know that I gave you the spirit of joy from your mother’s womb? It’s because I knew the hardships you would face. I knew the suffering to come. So I gave you, what you needed to always get up again.”

He took me on a journey from the womb through every hard time after. He showed me how He was there in those moments and how joy always broke me from going down a dark road.

He said, “The devil will always attack your joy because he knows its your strength. Guard it. Stand in it, because it holds the power to your mandate.”

Y’all… I was DONE DONE DONE! #JoyIsAForce #DontLetItGo


How do you impress an apostle? You brag on her TEAM!! I received the following testimonial and I feel soooooooo blessed!


Testimony from a post in Facebook…. My team rocks!!! So thankful for your team. Just got off chat with one of them and all I can say is my makeup is a mess and my puffy eyes probably wont recover until tomorrow. Jesus knew I needed it.

What you're building is absolutely beautiful. Thank you!


The Next Gen Prophets team pay the price for the call. They do the work of God FULL TIME! Their are dedicated to the things of God and love you guys more than you know!

I’m beyond humbled to serve Austin Allen Toach, Jessica Toach, Dalton Beckering, Rebekah Jade Beckering, Nathan Berry, Chaifa Berry, Deborah-Anne Danae Velthuysen, Michael Velthuysen, Anne Chen, Bethany Sealy, Denise Jordan and Jodia Mattison.

Thank you for sharing our vision for the Bride.


PROPHETIC PROJECT FOR TODAY: I give my prophetic students the project of speaking in tongues for an hour every day, for a week, to break through spiritual blockage. NEW CHALLENGE INCOMING! Have you ever tried SINGING in tongues for an hour? Allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation and take you into the Secret Place. It revolutionizes your worship!!! #NextGenProphets


I’m gonna upset a few peeps cause I know some prophets don’t want to hear this… but ACCOUNTABILITY IS KEY to your success!! Accountability gives you a different perspective. You don't have to cut the path alone!

It's time to come out of the wilderness, prophet. You need to subject yourself, and deliberately put yourself in a position of accountability to drive the prophetic movement forward. It takes courage, but that courage makes you a NextGen Prophet! Press play and learn the 5 reasons why you need to be accountable.

A Message From Your Prophetic Mentors

“When you refuse to be accountable, you short-change yourself. You cut off your opportunity to be used more of God." - Apostles Craig and Colette Toach


After a demon gets cast out of you, these things are ESSENTIAL!

So, you just got delivered and you feel great. Yay! But, you probably noticed that you feel different too like something is missing. These 3 things will help you come closer to Jesus

A Message From Your Prophetic Mentors

“Demons cover wounds! There’s a reason that a demon jumped into the empty space in your life. You were broken and he took advantage. Now that it’s gone, you need to make little steps to invite Jesus to meet the needs that it once did. We’re here for you and want to show you how to do this in a judgment free zone." - Apostles Craig and Colette Toach


I hated that I came off so strong when I ministered. I tried SOOOOO hard to turn it down but every time the anointing hit - BAM - out came that sledgehammer! Especially as a woman - I felt like I was way too intense. When I complained to Lord about it, He said, “Stop telling me who you want to be and stand in who I called you to be.” I surrendered and have come to terms with offending people and exposing works of darkness. THEN… I got to minister with another apostle who had such a different grace than me.

Apostle Katy Cornell ministered with me for our ladies event and her grace was SOOOOO opposite to mine. She said the exact tough things that I did, but she said it in such a nice way that the ladies thought she was giving them a compliment. I was like… WHAT THE?! So Jesus give me the hammer and gives Apostle Katy the vial of oil?!

Rebekah Jade Beckering said it so well at the end of the session: Together we are sweet and spicy. We make the perfect blend. And this is my point - we all carry a different grace. Together, we build up the Body of Christ. STOP TELLING GOD TO CHANGE THE THINGS HE PUT INTO YOU! Rather embrace them! It’s what the church needs in this season. GO BE YOUR AUTHENTIC YOU!


#PropheticProject How often do you practise the gift of utterance? The Holy Spirit gives powerful downloads as you speak in tongues, but there is so much more to receive! Do this project to know the mind of the Holy Spirit!

1. You can do this project throughout your day but to get started, perhaps find a quiet spot.

2. Speak in tongues with your mind focused on your prayer point or what God has told you to pray about.

3. Speak until you see a vision or receive an impression in your spirit.

4. NOW SPEAK IT OUT! Take that vision or impression and speak it’s interpretation in English.

5. Now go back to tongues. Repeat.

You know what’s cool about this? IT’S OK TO MESS UP! It’s just you and Jesus. No one else is there to judge. So fumble. Get used to the sound of your voice. Become acquainted with the nature of the Lord Jesus during these private times.

When when you step out to minister, you will do so like a pro, having gained the confidence in your quiet place. GO FOR IT and let me know how you do! #NextGenProphets


SPIRITUAL WARFARE PROJECT!! Craig W. Toach and I promised to teach on the JERICHO MARCH after many of our TRIBE shared that they were called to engage in spiritual warfare. This project is the We personally apply it in our ministry and expect supernatural breakthroughs in your life when you apply it too!

P.S. THIS IS OUR FIRST WEEK adding podcast VIDEOS to YouTube. Let us know what you think ok? Do you like the video option or should we stick to audio only?


TRUTH BOMB: No matter how much you love, invest and try to “do the right thing” people will leave your ministry in offense. They will be bitter at you. They will go behind your back and tell lies about you to get people on their side. It will hurt more than you can imagine.

HOWEVER… If you remain humble and in the palm of His hand, God will fight on your behalf. You don’t need to defend the steps God told you to take. You don’t need to apologize for speaking the truth. You don’t need to stoop to the same level as tearing down someone that speaks badly of you.

You’re too busy on assignment. Ditch the condemnation. Do spiritual warfare against the curses that are coming your way. Then move on and GET THE JOB DONE! #ApostolicRealities


I was sitting on this reveal until the visas were in our hands, but now I can let the whole world know… WE WILL BE IN LONDON!!!! No one knew this part of our journey and yet this week, we suddenly had students and members of our ministry from London saying, “Will the apostles be coming to us?!” I LOVE IT when God opens doors. Listen, God told us to go to Europe to find His Next Gen Prophets. We don’t have any financial backing. We got no big ministry inviting us to Ireland or England. We going in Faith and with each step we take, doors open! #NextGenProphets

HUGE THANK YOU to Rakel Knutzen and Bruno Knutzen for inviting us to Denmark! If it wasn’t for you two, our vision would not have been turned to Europe just yet. You guys are trailblazers! We honor your investment into us. #MadRespect


Pray this to expose the source of your spiritual warfare:

If the enemy is all up in your space, he has license either from personal sin or contamination of the leaven of others. When the Lord taught me on spiritual warfare, He took me to this passage:

1 Corinthians 4:5–6 (NKJV): Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God.

He said to me, “Speak the light into the darkness to expose the works of the enemy! Don’t just hit the battlefield mindlessly. FIGHT FOCUSED!”

So I began to pray, “Holy Spirit I ask you to expose every work of darkness that is hidden. I shine your light now to reveal every curse and open door that the enemy has.”

Every time I pray this, in a matter of hours sometimes something is exposed. An email tearing us down is “accidentally” sent to me instead of the person it was intended for. The Holy Spirit exposes sin in my own heart. Or the hidden agenda of satan to undo a promise is revealed.

When this happens - I GET STRAPPED! Cause once I know where satan is sneaking into my camp, I go right for the jugular! NO MERCY!!!

(Revisit my book Strategies of War for the full teaching)

Give it a try. FIGHT FOCUSED! #SpiritualWarfare


WE DID IT!!! My Dreams and Visions Symbol Dictionary is officially the #1 BESTSELLER on Amazon!

When I wrote this and The Way of Dreams and Visions, I was reticent due to the obsessive nature of some to use dream interpretation as a substitute for the Word. The Lord Jesus said clearly to me, “I want you to write this book and give my people what they want. However, I want you to fill the pages with what they NEED - a face to face relationship with me.” Now THAT I could do!

I share this story because although I obeyed God, it also took obedience of Jenny Weaver to promote this book shamelessly to her CORE network. I didn’t get here on my own. I’m no overnight success. I stand on the shoulders of men and woman that love and support me. This humbles me even more. CORE men and women, TRIBE, my #NextGenProphets… WE DID IT… TOGETHER!


If your fights start with “I’m just tired” you need to hear this!

The devil will stop at nothing to eat away your marriage and relationships. But you’re about to identify his foolish tactic to derail the connections you have with the people you love. Apply these three steps to kick him out and get your relationship back.

#NextGenProphets Tip: If you can see it, you can beat it!

A Message From Your Prophetic Mentors

“The spirit of strife feels like a knot in your belly. It's followed by words that make you feel entitled. ‘They should have treated you with respect. Don’t they know how hard you work?’ Yup! If you’re hearing those words, strife has entered your home. But here’s how to get it out and enjoy your relationships again. ” - Apostles Craig and Colette Toach


Y'all I'm having such a blast putting my notes together for our writer's workshop tomorrow! My biggest teaching point? Knowing the heart of your audience. Every time I write a FB post or chapter in a book, I see you guys. I see your faces. I see your names. I don't write just for the sake of it. I want to CONNECT. You give my writing WINGS! I feel your struggle. I feel your victories. I guess that's a huge benefit of being a prophet! When you take your eyes off yourself and put them on the broken that you can heal, it changes your narrative completely. Come on guys... how about we use our journeys to heal, restore, and arm others?


YOU’RE BEING PRUNED! When God’s about to promote you, expect a shift in relationships and environment. It’s not comfy but it is essential for growth!


Prophetic Project For the Weekend: The Word doesn’t just say “STOP SINNING!” Rather, it gives an action to DISPLACE sin. If all you’re focused on is stopping that bad habit, your mind is filled with your temptation - you will fall into it again. So today ask yourself, “What can I DO that DISPLACES the evil in my life?”

This passage says to be filled (satisfied) with the spirit instead of entertaining addiction. How do you do that? SPEAK IN TONGUES UNTIL YOU FEEL THE ANOINTING!

Ephesians 5:18 (NKJV): 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit

1. Every time you feel tempted or drawn to your sin, speak in tongues.

2. Focus on the promise. See the outcome of yourself free and the kind of person you will be whose free of this bondage.

3. Keep praying in tongues and visualizing God’s promise until you feel His presence.

When you DISPLACE sin, you do something supernatural…. You turn around what satan sought to destroy you with, for good. The very work of satan becomes the turning point in your life for Christ. COME ON! Give this a try this week. It changes everything! #Displacement #NextGenProphets


I’m calling out all the MEN PROPHETS! Let me remind you that you’re powerful. You’re called. The Church needs you. ARISE YOU DAVIDS!!!


Hey guys I covet your prayers. Tomorrow I step into our classroom to teach on a heavy subject that I’m aware will garner a lot of opposition. I’ll teach on how to counsel a narcissist to healing. We’re taught in the world and church alike that there is no cure. Over the last 5 years I’ve studied and lived this subject. I’ve counseled a number of narcissists to healing but never taught on it publically. Unfortunatley narcissism is a harsh reality in the church and we MUST do something about it! Just cutting narcissists out our life isn’t a solution! So please pray for wisdom and boldness. Especially my #NextGenProphets - I’m counting on you heavily tomorrow! Thank you in advance! #FivefoldMinistryCampus #SaturdayClass


Are you a recovering narcissist? I want to hear your story!


YES YOU’RE CALLED! Now qualify for commission! The hardest part is just before God opens the doors. Like a woman giving birth now, is the time to PUSH!!


Dalton Beckering, Michael Velthuysen and Jessica Toach came together and said, “How can we take a course on Prophetic Types and make it look Next Gen?” And THIS IS WHAT THEY PUT TOGETHER FOR ME!? COME ON!!! I want to do this course just reading this page… and I taught it!! Ignore this boring thumbnail and actually click on the link. Its… EPIC!!! Next Gen ROCKS!!


Stop the painful prayers and start the signs and wonders

I can’t be the only one who has had to endure prayer meetings that dragged on with no power. That’s why I created 5 points that will help your group tap into the anointing during intercession. Expect fire because as the Holy Spirit leads, your group will see major fruit. #NextGenProphetsPodcast



Someone out there needs me to prophesy this into their lives for Sunday Service: TURN ON FLIGHT MODE WHEN PREACHING OR SIRI WILL TRY TO FINISH YOUR SENTENCES! I felt the urgency to impart this very lived, very embarrassing, very relevant word into your life!


For those that don’t know the story of our prophetic school directors (And our eldest daughter) - What Michael left out is how during this process, God used them to minister to parents in the NICU! They continued to run the prophetic school and minister to their students while warring and praying through their process. Talk about 100% GIVE!!! Let’s take a moment to CELEBRATE this HUGE victory with them!


Last night during worship, the Holy Spirit said to us as a ministry, “You often remind me of my promises to you. Tonight I remind you of the promises you made to me!”

He took me to the first time I encountered Him and said,”I will do anything for you Lord!” He brought to memory each time I worshipped and said, “I’m completely yours.” Then He led us through a vow renewal.

When you enter a covenant, each party pledges and commits toward it. What covenant have you made with the Lord over the years? REMEMBER it today! #NextGenProphets #CovenantKeepers


When I was 13 years old I saw the Lord Jesus for the first time. I was in deep intercession at a rough time in my life. I saw Him come up to me riding a white horse. He was majestic! He extended His hand toward me and said, “Will you come with me Colette.” I said yes without hesitation and He took me on that horse!

Last night in worship, I was in the Spirit and I saw Jesus approach me in the same way again!! On a white horse. This time He extended His hand and said, “Are you ready now for me to take you and show you what I meant when you were a child? Today you have come full circle.”

As we prepare for our trip to Europe I have no clue what all God has in mind. Only that He keep speaking about the entrance of the king. A crazy fun fact that we didn’t know before booking this trip. Craig W. Toach and I will be in London during the king’s coronation!

After last night, I feel His presence tangibly around me. I feel the weight of my call. I feel my responsibility to the Church. For those that have walked alongside Craig and I each step of the way so far, your love and support means the world to us.

So onward we go! We will be sure to post updates as our journey progresses! LOVE Y’ALL!!!



When you’re aligned in the spirit with other leaders, it might seem that they’re “copying” one another. However it’s not the case. Because you’re both focused on the same section of the Kingdom, you begin picking up the same needs and receive the same answers from the Holy Spirit. This is how movements are born! #LetsGo


Receive clarification and training for your prophetic type! Our latest course for Prophetic Office is now available! Receive markings for projects from a prophet in office and BONUS live session with me at the end. Study online. Study at your own pace!! #WhatsYourType?



Today you’re going to position yourself to never deal with curses again. You’re body will heal. Your bank account will be blessed. Your life will be unrestricted to serve God. Follow this project and the devil won’t touch you!

Bitterness is a root that is responsible for many of the curses in our lives. It grows deep and tends to be very difficult to pull out without help. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can forgive, repent, and break the back of bitterness once and for all.


Big News About Your Prophetic Call - 3 Tests You Need To Pass Today

The pressure is on and you feel it on every side. But relief is here! Pass the three most important tests in your life to discover your prophetic anointing. Unlock supernatural strength for the rest of your prophetic training.


The enemy can trigger your emotions to get you off track. That’s why every time God opens up a door for you, your life goes haywire. But DON’T WORRY, God can also trigger the anointing and it has a much stronger effect on your life. Listen to find out how.

PROPHETIC TRAINING ON OUR PODCAST CHANNEL! On the Next Gen Prophets, Craig and I are ramping up the training. Today: The Trigger Project! Do it… share it… break free!

Prophetic Tip: Learn to trigger the anointing and you will increase your portion of anointing FAST

The Trigger Project

1. Identify the conflict situation.

2. Who did you have the conflict with?

3. Describe your emotions (unfliltered).

4. Document your sinful response.

5. What should have been the Scriptural response?

6. Forgive and repent.


If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to separate soul and spirit through our prophetic process this is what happens… when people get around you, instead of feeling Jesus, they feel your doubt. They feel your discouragement. They feel your self-importance. They feel… YOU! What kind of atmosphere do you wish to create today? One that reflects your SOUL DNA or one that exudes the power and love of Christ? #GetBroken #GoToTheCross #PropheticProcess


Which would you rather have? To FEEL anointed or to bring change to the person in front of you?!?!?


Have you experienced a sudden attack on your finances? Seek God if you have, in any way, judged a ministry, friend… ANYONE on their use of finances. You ain’t God. Don’t set yourself up on the judgement seat. Besides… here’s the clincher… when you judge you ATTACH yourself to any financial curses they operate under! When you judge, the same judgement is measured against you. Repent of your judgement. Let that offense go and seek God for the next financial step of wisdom! #BreakTheCurse


Prophetic Office Training

Do you or someone you know want to start making a serious impact in your ministry? Cause as a prophet... you've got a lot of ways to do that...

How does this sound?...

One on one training

High-level prophetic teaching

Confirmation of your prophetic call, grace, & mandate

Specialized teaching for your prophetic type

Strategies for prophetic leadership

I believe God wants to use you at a greater level in your prophetic call. I also know that He told me to create the Prophetic Types Workshop for prophets like you. It's an incredible way for you to find your prophetic identity, place in the body of Christ, and purpose on this earth.

Learn more about how this workshop can boost your prophetic impact


The #1 Way to Experience God as a Prophet

Have you ever wanted to encounter God in such a deep way that you can hear Him speak to you and feel His heart? This is how you do that! Learn how to enter the throne room of God through worship.

Prophetic Tip: Worship comes naturally to prophets. If it’s not natural to you, this project can help unblock your secret gift.

This is our favorite topic ever! We’re going to share with you how we’ve had the most powerful encounters with the Lord. It’s not hard and it’s not something special only a few people can do. You can enter this spiritual realm as often as you want with this project! #PropheticWorship


Moses established the tent of meeting way outside the camp so that he could commune with God. You too need to separate yourself from the noise to receive clear direction. While the voices of others influence you, you’ll only get bits and pieces of God’s will. Go to the secret place. Put your devices on airplane mode. Close the door. And get alone with Jesus!!! REPEAT OFTEN! #FacetoFaceWIthJesus #NextGenProphets


25 years ago this week, Craig and I took a flight from Johannesburg South Africa, layover in Heathrow on way to San Diego. It was the day we began fulltime ministry. We left with one request from the Lord, “CAN I SEND YOU?” We were 24 years old and full of fire for the call! Two toddlers, 6 suitcases and off we went. No financial backing. No organization sent us! We joined my parents and began a work from ground zero in Rosarito Mexico.

Immediately the doors that were open to us… SHUT TIGHT! What now Jesus? On a midnight walk to pray on the beach the Lord gave me the idea, “What if we began a prophetic school online? It’s the only open door we had!” So in February of 1999, that’s exactly what we did. My Dad taught, I trained. Craig led the prayer groups.

We disembarked that plane in 1998, and had no clue that we would:

1. Have a glory encounter with Jesus that revolutionized our doctrine on the prophetic and apostolic

2. Suffer extreme poverty and be homeless for a season

3. Reach NATIONS online that joined us for our first international conference live in Rosarito, Mexico (2000)

4. Have my children go through with us and embrace the call for themselves

5. Be mentors and then spiritual parents to the prophets

6. Publish over 40 books and 30 courses


7. Find ourselves right back in London, the first international land we ever stepped on - EXACTLY 25 years later.

When God promised us the nations, our feet had to move before we saw the promise. A promise requires MOVEMENT. And know this, it WILL NOT always be easy. The hard times will shape you. The times of rejoicing will inspire you. So today, who is God asking, “Can I send you?” Your decision changes EVERYTHING!


His anointing doesn’t require you to “feel” powerful to have impact… it only requires OBEDIENCE!


We fly to Dublin in just 2 days. We’re EXPECTANT! The Next Gen Prophets of Northern Ireland are hungry and ready to be catalysts for the next move of God! We will post our itinerary and live stream links where applicable! To all our TRIBE… LET’S DO THIS!! We take the land TOGETHER!


CONTEND for the promise. FIGHT for the revelation. PERSIST in prayer. Take the Kingdom by force #NextGenProphets


Prophecy and decree are two COMPLETELY different expressions of the Spirit. Hit play to receive prophetic training!


3 Steps to Pass any Test God Sends You

Your path to promotion is unique. It won’t look like the next prophet’s process but there's a definite way to identify God’s hand in your life. Identify the signs and move closer to your promotion date!

Prophetic Tip: Whoever frustrates you the most is being used by God to promote you #NextGenProphets


BIND until the demon leaves. PRAY until the body heals. DECREE until the finances flow. #DontQuit #PersistentPrayerAvails


Apostle Ryan LeStrange inspired me when he shared an incident where he cast out a demon from a witch. He said, “It took me some time! I had some back and forth but eventually God overcame!” We get this idea that victory comes after the first prayer. The demon leaves after the first command. NO! Answers come through persistent faith. So keep binding that demon. Who cares what people think if you’re standing at the altar for half an hour for the same spirit of infirmity! DO NOT LET UP!!!!


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