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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Christie Williams

I hear Holy Spirit saying, "I am your Vindicator."

The battle is not yours, but the LORD'S.

Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD which He will work today.

Apostolic Prophetic Woman, don't fear anything.

Stand still-be firm, confident, and undismayed-trust that you will see the salvation-the rescue- of the LORD- show up for you today.

The things that are chasing you, surrounding you, believe that you will see them no more.

The Rescuer will respond.

The Vindicator has provided you with victory.

He makes crooked places straight and turns wrongs into right.

He is holy.

He is just.

He is righteous.

He is true.

God is exalted over man. He will clear you from every false accusation, demolish every lie, and exonerate you from every evil against you.

He will justify you. He will lift you up and exalt you over every wicked word, injustice, and wrong person.

He is I AM!

He will dismantle all charges against you.

Trust Him!

The Vindicator will deliver you in such a way that people will be astonished to see the demonstration of vindication come into manifestation.

They will undoubtedly know, surely THE LORD is with her.

You don't need to take revenge. Just stand still knowing that you are vindicated by The Vindicator.

Now, celebrate your victory!

Christie Williams


Death births a true anointing.

Myrrh was used for embalming.

The authentic Bride is willing to be prepared for the Bridegroom by allowing myrrh to do its work.

She is willing to die to herself to preserved for Him.

Here comes the Bride.


We must discern the SOUND between the language and lifestyle of the BRIDES!

One carries the pure, holy sound, The Bride of Christ, and the other carries a perverted, compromised sound, The Harlot Bride, the imposter.

There's a SOUND CHECK occurring!

Just because things SOUND authentic doesn't mean it's not coming from an IMPOSTER.

Heaven has its own frequency!

And the Harlot System/Bride has its own! We must come out of her!

The Messiah has only ONE BRIDE/WIFE!


Personal revival happens at the feet of Jesus Christ.Come and receive the pour of refreshing, reviving, and restoration as we worship Him.


The Harlot Bride/System has her own ministers: apostles; prophets; evangelists; and pastors and teachers. She has miracle workers, healers, administrators, helpers, government, and various tongues too.

Discern the sound of the sound.


I believe there are some in The Body of Christ sensing a drawing, a wooing, a come in and come closer that Christ is extending.

Don’t take His invitation to intimacy lightly.

Don’t allow distractions make you miss the drawing.

Don’t allow people misunderstanding to cause you to misdiagnose the importance of the moment.

This is a pivotal time.

His invitation to come isn’t casual, it’s bridal.


People of God, we must stay postured in prayer and firmly positioned in the Word of God. It is necessary.


There is a mighty apostolic move gathering momentum on the earth. God is raising up and releasing true apostolic teams and voices that will not only usher in His Presence but His Power.

God is sending forth pure Apostolic Teams into regions that will unlock territories, divine destinies, and purposes in nations and individuals.

He's causing a mighty shaking and shifting that will cause a global transformation to turn the church from a two-fold BREECH AND BREACH condition.

In prayer, I saw the breech pertaining to identity and positioning.

I saw the breach pertaining to the demonic systems, manmade schemes, and structures that have infiltrated and penetrated the foundation and fabric of the Church.

I saw the Church being cleansed from harlotry and whoredom as She is chastened and cleansed from the bed chambers of foreign gods, back into the original apostolic and prophetic alignment of God.

When foreign substances enter what is pure, perversion occurs.

The DNA is altered and the composition has been modified from its original intent.

There will be a prophetic inspiration and impartation birthed from the throne of heaven deposited in the spiritual womb of His mouthpieces and will manifest as the true revelation of God.

There's a great unlocking occurring in the natural and the spirit realm. As God sends forth His Word it shall not return unto Him void.

Every Word He speaks is a living prophetic word that testifies as a witness to who He is.

For those that He is raising and releasing, please don't despise the areas, the assignments, the places, or the people that God shall summon you to go to.

As the gospel of the Kingdom is preached under the influence of the Holy Ghost we shall see the demonstration of His power and the hearts of men, women, and children turned back to God.

Miracles, Signs, and Wonders( this will not be LYING WONDERS) shall accompany and confirm God's word.

While in prayer I saw a vision of flaming swords and forceps moving strategically and prophetically through the earth.

These swords and forceps were in the form of people ignited and burning with the fire of the Holy Spirit. A purifying fire had forged them.

Every place they appeared so did the presence of God!

It's time to be the living Word on the earth and call the

assignment into alignment with Holy Spirit!

It is time for us to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all Jesus Christ has commanded.

We've made it about us and turned people to ourselves but a change has come and this change shall break the chains of bondage and set the captives free!

The apostolic order will no longer be polluted and mutated but cleaned and restored back to God's original intent.

"Then those who gladly received His Word were baptized, and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:41-42


Lately, God has been requiring things of me that are breaking me out of the comfort of routine into a greater relationship with Him.

Sometimes routine can become so ordinary that it's no longer true obedience or sacrificial.

In seeking Him for understanding, I heard these words in worship, "I'm not seeking a COMMON offering, I'm seeking a COSTLY one."

He reminded me of things He's asked me for and some I gave up without hesitation.

Those things I counted insignificant to me were a bit easier to part with.

Relationships, money, houses, vehicles, and the selfishness of flesh can be a little more difficult to break and depart from.

I gave up my dream house to come to an area only to obey Him

Here I am again hearing Him say, " I want that."

My flesh argues with my spirit saying, " That's too costly."

My spirit says, "Lord, You are worthy of it all."

I'm reminded of Mary and how she took something that was small and perhaps common in the sight of others but it was costly to her.

She broke the neck of her alabaster box to anoint Jesus, but I believe in the breaking of her natural box she was broken from every box of limitation-religious, physical, mental- that deemed her unworthy to receive from Him.

Mary's willingness to go beyond a common offering and to break and pour out a costly one was recorded and talked about throughout generations.

The thief, Judas, one of Jesus' disciples thought her offering was a waste, but Jesus saw it as an act of worship. Her devotion wasn't evil, it was extravagant.

She knew He was truly worthy of it all.

We must not allow any thief to steal our willingness to lay it all down.

We must not allow any religious thief to abort our devotion to Christ.

We must break the neck of every alabaster box and willingly give it, pour it out.

Yes, the Spikenard oil that Mary carried was expensive, but her willingness to break and pour released a fragrance that pleased the Lord.

It cost Mary to anoint Jesus for His burial.

It cost Jesus Christ to save me.

There's a cost to truly follow Him.

We often want the anointing but we are not willing to pay the cost.

He's not going to always come for the common, He will also come for the costly.

....the relationship.

...the ministry.

...the time.

...the job.

...the house.

...the flesh.

...the bow.

Are we completely devoted to Christ to lay it all down because He is worthy of it all or is that just a sweet song that we bellow out with no intention of surrendering all?

He's not a common god, HE IS GOD!

...He deserves much more than my routine, I owe Him a relationship.

Break the neck-break open your box of worship, intimacy, obedience, time, yield, and complete surrender, and pour your oil onto Him.

Prophetically, I hear Him saying, " I'm not seeking the common, I'm seeking the costly."

Mary picked up an alabaster jar filled with nearly a liter of extremely rare and costly perfume—the purest extract of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet. Then she wiped them dry with her long hair. And the fragrance of the costly oil filled the house.

John 12:3


Popularity has slain more prophets than persecution ever did.. #ToGodBeTheGlory


The emphasis of many is wanting to be “DISCOVERED” rather than needing to be “DISCIPLED!”


There is a generation of strong women warriors emerging that were hidden to take the frontlines for the Kingdom of God.

They are from all walks of life and carry a very strong but different anointing.

They have been shaped, fashioned like a sword in the Lord’s quiver of arsenals to take the enemy’s territory with a single but accurate blow.

These women have been trained in spiritual warfare. They have been marked and set apart for a time such as this.

They were not validated nor were they recognized, nor were they understood, but the Lord is unveiling them to the world as their time has come.

They are not restricted, they are not being limited, they are coming to taste their full potential, and are going to be walking with mantles that are being set up to undo the plans and strategies of the enemy and take back territory for the Lord.

The enemy held them down for a time but God was sharpening them like an arrow that will hit the target.

They are breaking out of normal molds and perceptions that shrouded them because of the huge attacks on their lives in extended seasons.

They don't just wear the bridal crown, they wear the Bridegroom's character. He has put them through tests and trials to build their character and they have come out as gold.

They are awakened.

They are arising.

They are ascending.




Some messages can be preached, some can be mimicked, some can be just echoed, but then there are those messages that are BIRTHED from the secret place.


There's a place of intimacy, the Bridegroom is calling you, a place of entering into, in to me see. Will you hear the sound of heaven of a divine release and enter into this realm of loving intimacy. Disrobe your filthy garments, lay aside the weight and enter into His chambers, the Bridegroom is the gate. Come on and enter in, for He is calling you, release yourself and go higher as you leave the residue. The Bridegroom is calling for His Bride to come and be revived. Stains are upon our garments, in sin we have laid, games of harlotry and whoredom,we the bride have played. For in these final hours before the Bridegroom returns, enter inside His chambers and the embers will again burn. In a lowly state of smoldering heat, the Bride has chose to lay, in smut of feign desires, abominations has become her pay. Awaken, My Sleeping Bride, Arise to Ascend, enter into My chambers and live once again. You've taken many lovers with a gaze to behold but I am the Bridegroom, The Lover of your soul. Gaze upon Me once again and let Me enter in, bear my mark, my image upon your spirit man. Intercourse with the world, with foreign gods you've lain, come and disrobe your garments filled with spots and stains. Will you hearken unto Me and leave the world behind, forego unto this place, precede unto time. For there I await, I am your every need, your love of intimacy. I'll disrobe you from the rudiments, the deformities of sin, a divine exchange of My presence, allow Me to enter in. I'll break the barriers of your past as you glean before My throne, I'm your Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, I am He alone. I'm calling you, my bride, to return unto Me, lay upon My bosom in the place of intimacy.


"I have raised you up to a place of great purpose for My glory, but there will be many who will not understand your position.

Even you may not understand fully why I have strategically called, chosen, and placed you here for such a time as this.

It is Me. I AM WHO I AM.

Do not be tempted to seek the approval of others or waste time defending the plans I have placed in your heart and spirit.

Remember, I am the LORD your God and I will lift you high above the circumstances and those that war against your purpose in Me.

Seek Me more than you seek them.

The only one who can stop My work in your life is you.

Do not fear. Trust

&Me with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.

I have heard your cries. I have gathered your tears.

I have seen the opposition and I have raised you up to stand at the gates of opposition and see them as an opportunity for Me to show forth My power and glory.

Awaken to My Truth.

Arise in My Power.

Ascend in My Glory.

Look to Me and I will lead you across every threshold of new beginnings and open doors.

I will complete the work that I have begun in you.

The swirling lies of chaos and confusion will dissipate under the power of My glory.

I am your Shield, your Buckler, and your Rearguard.

I have anointed you for my service and established you to do greater works for My Kingdom."

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

John 14:12


#womenofgrace #emerge #apostolicandprophetic #deborah #esther #junia #jael #anna #elizabeth #mary #hannah #others


Christie Williams

EMERGE: A Company of Apostolic Prophetic Women


Weeks ago while in prayer I heard, "I'm summoning the prophets." I heard it 3 times and then, "Come up higher."

I had a vision and what I'm allowed to share is this:

I saw what looked like a courtroom in a natural setting but it also had fire, a stillness yet a melodious sound with a continuous flow could be heard. There were vast basins of water and enormous vessels of oil, which were extravagantly beautiful placed all around.

There were angelic beings surrounding the wall and this seat or what looked to be a throne. All I could see was brilliance coming from the throne and I heard these words:

"I am admonishing, correcting, cleansing, purifying, and warning the prophets."

I saw the hand of God delivering judgments to prophets and also releasing governmental instructions and charges to legislate and change laws to some prophets.

There were many corrections, chastening, and cleansing being poured out but only a few in the courtroom were willing to humble themselves to receive.

I was grieved by that and just as quickly as I was grieved I heard,

"The cost of the penalty of pride, mammon, and lying seducing spirits has seared the conscience of many."

The basins of water and vessels of oil were being poured out and into those who were submitting to the correcting, the chastening, and the cleansing. Coals of fire were touching the lips of those prophets purifying their mouths and I saw their tongues become sharp like a sword willing to release the Word of the Lord.

I became grieved again because I didn't understand why every person deemed a prophet that was in the courtroom wasn't submitting to the process of the cleansing that was taking place in the courtroom.

I heard, "Not all who are here are My prophets. Some have been ordained in the office but have not been called or chosen to it by Me. Some have had the laying on of hands by man but not the birthmark of My Spirit that testifies that they are My prophets."

Prophets, there is a summoning from God taking place.

It is sobering. It is serious.

The office of the prophet isn't a toy.

It's not some glamorous gig.

It's not about bookings, air flights, and flyers.

It's not about how branded you are and how much your honorarium is.

It's not about how many people like your posts, your reels, or follow your pages.

It's not about prophesying what's trendy, it's about prophesying the truth of God.

It's not about the traction of your post, it's about the transformation of the people.

He's summoning prophets.

summon: a call by authority, or by the command of a superior, to appear at a place named, or to attend to some duty.

a warning or citation to appear in court

a demand to surrender

Prophets can't sound the alarm if they are helping to disable it with compromise.

In this prophetic summoning, we will hear and see these things take place: examination, evaluation, citation, and summation.

Lastly, This scripture was reverberating in my spirit, and citations of warnings being given out:

Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22

Rick Renner says, The word “suddenly” is the Greek word tachus, and in this verse it carries the idea of doing something quickly or hastily.

The words “lay hands” are from the Greek word epitithimi, which means to place hands upon. In both Old Testament and New Testament times, a “laying on of hands” ceremony was the equivalent of stamping that individual with one’s personal seal of approval.

When those in leadership positions laid hands on a person, they were signifying that they believed in him, supported him, and desired to empower him to perform some task or duty. Hence, the laying on of hands was an act that was carried out very cautiously, since it gave the recipient such a high status in the eyes of the beholders.

Don’t give your seal of approval to people too hastily. You see, it’s very possible to lay hands on people too quickly — to give them the seal of our approval before we really know them and to impart authority to them before they are ready.

...or even placed people in offices that God has not even called them to be.

Christie Williams




Even Jesus withdrew from the crowd for intimacy and alone time with the Father.


Echoes are common.

True Voices are rare.


I just talked about this kundalini spirit being at work on the broadcast this morning.

Holy Spirit showed me years ago to pay attention because there’s another spirit at work too and it ain’t the HOLY SPIRIT!!


Village life ceased. It ceased until I, Deborah (Christie) arose; I arose like a mother in Israel.

-Judges 5:7



A platform can't buy me.

Notoriety can't buy me.

A position can't buy me.

Trends can't buy me.

Opportunities can't buy me.

Gifts of men won't persuade me.


I know what I carry in my womb!

I know whose SPERMA/SEED/WORD I'm impregnated with-My Bridegroom.

He has a due date for me! A crowning moment! A birthing room prepared for me and He has graced me to carry the weight of my wait season.



Yeshua, be near the brokenhearted and bind up all of their wounds.

As darkness encompasses the earth, may Your Bride arise and shine with the glory and brilliance of glorious light according to Isaiah 60.



Believers are forbidden from spiritual practices that are not rooted in the Bible such as-

Tarot cards

Fortune telling



Zodiak signs

New age concepts….auras, people’s vibes,, thanking the Universe, and healing crystals to name a few.

Acts 19:18-20- And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

New believers burned their books, symbols and items connected to the occult. They destroyed every legal connection to divination. Part of deliverance is burning the bridge—-slamming the door shut and giving no place to the devil! Let’s be vigilant in our walk with God and refuse to give the enemy a foothold.


May the living and active Word of GOD go forth into every dead situation that should be alive and cause a prophetic rotation and quickening to spring forth speedily.

May Ruach, the Breath of God, the Wind of God, the Spirit of God be released in every valley place and cause dead dry bones to live again.

May every dead vision that God created to LIVE, be recreated and resuscitated by the power of Holy Spirit.

May your faith arise as the restorative Word of GOD hoovers over you and your situations.

May the demonic powers of chaos and darkness that are causing you to lie dormant and impotent of life and purpose be broken in Jesus' name.

May every demonic altar set against you be dismantled and all occultic words, works, and practices be abolished in Jesus' name.

May false prophetic words that were released to you and over you be exposed and uprooted.

May false alignments be overruled and overturned as you hear, receive, and return to the true prophetic Word of God concerning you.

May an authentic divine turnaround shift you from stagnation and complacency into fruitfulness in your day-to-day existence in Jesus Christ.

May every form of witchcraft and sorcery be broken from you and your mind. In Jesus' name.

I decree that every Logos, Rhema, and Prophetic Utterance declared by the Living God shall become flesh and dwell among you.

May God send forth His Word and heal you and rescue you from every grave.

May the grave clothes of old be stripped from you and may you be loosed to live the abundant life that Christ has given you.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

He sent out His Word and healed them; He rescued them from their graves of destruction. Psalm 107:20


Emerge is a company of apostolic prophetic women coming together to manifest the kingdom in every sphere of influence. Our goal is to influence, impact, and transform individual lives, society, and territorial regions by governing and occupying with strategic blueprints to demonstrate the glory of Jesus Christ.


Move forward, Daughter.

You've been stuck at the foot of the mountain of indecisiveness for too long.

You've remained in the quicksand of complacency and stagnation suffocating under the weight of religious systems and the tradition of men for years.

The time has come for you to advance.

I called you.

I chose you.

I purposed you.

Let go of the hand of Pharaoh and grab ahold of My promises for you.

I didn't muzzle your mouth, men did.

I didn't put chains on you, I put change inside of you.

I have equipped you.

I have established you.

I ensure your victory.

Take My hand and run with Me into the sweet anointing of My promises.

As I promised Joshua, I promise you-every place you set your foot will be yours.

New places, new spaces, and new faces are awaiting your arrival.

New territory is waiting.

Faith is not stagnant; it is a movement.

Do you sense the current of My wave of glory being released on the earth?

Step into the current of the current movement of My Spirit.

I am removing cords of discouragement and breaking hopelessness from you.

You are called to be My movement on the earth.

I am calling you forward out of the shadows of darkness and old seasons of trauma.

Nothing can stop you when I am with you.

Fear and intimidation will no longer blind you nor halt your advancement if you will trust Me.

Daughter, take My hand and run unapologetically carrying the gift of truth, love, mercy, and grace to all you meet.

Open your mouth wide and let Me fill it with My Word.

Your prophetic voice will shatter the darkness and bring forth My light.

Your prophetic voice will cause demonic sound barriers to break and idols to bow as you release My Word.

There are many lives you will touch. So, run.

Run with Me, and I will lift you higher and take you deeper into realms and dimensions of Me that you have never known.

Be My voice to the nations and my light of hope to the world.

Philippians 3:12-13

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing *I do,* forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

-Christie Williams


EMERGE: A Company of Apostolic Prophetic Women

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