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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Chelsey Demerchant


Love Jesus, Evangelist, Teacher, Internation speaker, Pastor, CEO Sapphire Society, Public figure


Radical Anointing: I've been so misunderstood in Canada for so many years because of my radical anointing.

I remember the first time I was asked to be on a prayer altar at an alpha Holy Spirit meeting I started to pray and it was so loud. People were getting delivered, and healed, they were crying and laughing all at once. They were getting Setfree.

 After the meeting, nobody understood what was going on because my prayers were so loud, the fire was falling and my anointing was so radical. I was made to feel shameful about my anointing. Honestly, I didn’t understand it either and felt embarrassed about it.

 I was at a church for several years and even the Women’s Bible Study groups that I planted had a radical anointing. People were getting delivered from demons, filled with the Holy Spirit and set free. But it didn’t look the way my church wanted it to look. It was very different.

The majority of the church’s where I live are very conservative they don’t like loud, fire and Demon Deliverance preaching.

I’ve been called  A false Prophet by some of these churches, a witch, to loud so for year's I tried to dummy down my anointing by preaching quietly or conservatively for them.

 In all honesty, I don’t wanna do this anymore because when I preach it might be loud, fire Falls, Demons come up and out and people get healed.

I don’t wanna be shameful anymore because I believe this is what the church in Canada needs to be able to be set free and see revival.

I don’t wanna pretend to be somebody else anymore I wanna operate in the fullness of my gifting and have a safe place to do so. If we want to see revival then we need to allow radical anointing to flow in the churches.

Don't be afraid of the Holy Ghost , delivernce and the supernatural.


Everyone who knows me well knows how I feel about religious spirits. Religion and legalism block revival


Not everyone in your circle is for you—even the ones who pretend to be. Stop trusting everyone so easily us wisdom and pray for discernment.


I’m just gonna say it. To many Christian’s running around with no accountability, no mentor, no spiritual parents, no pastor and they wonder why their life is in a hot mess. I’m sorry folks but even Jesus was accountable to God and the Levites. 

I think people need to know the truth. Once saved always saved is wrong teaching. You can lose your salvation. Sin is not ok we must aim for holiness in this hour. Pray for a healthy fear.
Matthew 7:21,23 Rev 3:16


My absolute favourite day of the year is PENTECOST
I have a message and will go live this weekend. Love you all. Stay in Jesus.

On Sunday I will be going into to preach a message of revival   in a Maximum prison. 
Glory to God


Prison update: Revival broke out. It was like a love bomb went off and people were getting healed. We had a great team. I cried the entire way home I was so moved by what Jesus did in both prisons. I preached twice. I am forever change.


Church tonight was off the charts. So many miracles and everyone laid out on the floor… I love when you leave church and you feel like a totally different person because Jesus has touched you in such a way that you’re just not the same. Greater glory. Jesus I’m so in love with you.


Time to preach! I'm preaching on healing Soul wounds, hearts and minds. We need to be healed because God is raising up a healthy and strong army!! Replay is on YouTube under Heavenly Worship Center.


This probably will not be a very popular word but I’m OK with taking a stand. Honestly, I’ve prayed and asked the Lord if he could use me in any way in my life to stop Christian bullying against Godly ministers in this hour.

Well, I didn’t think it was gonna go down like this but here goes. This is a word I’ve been meaning to share for a very very long time.

I believe this word could also be a prophetic warning:

First of all, I want to start by saying that I have such a LOVE from God in my heart for the anointed and Godly ministers. Why Christians spend more time trying to put each other down than trying to love each other is not biblical.

It grieves in saddens my heart to see that people who call themselves Christians so easily slander and put down God's anointed and appointed ministers at this hour.

I see ministries from Christians online and the only focus they have is to try to prove God's anointed ministers wrong. They slander them, twist their words and make fake videos against them.

Whoa to You in this hour those who come against God anointed and speak against them with this increase of glory.

When you speak against God’s anointed you’re not speaking against them you’re speaking against God This is very dangerous. your walking in rebellion and bringing curses upon yourself.

And to address the people who say that they’re calling out false prophets with discernment I think your gift may be being used out of a wound. It’s possible.

To say that there aren’t false prophets that is also not biblical I know there are but people are so quick to point the finger at people today with fake discernment. One day you’re gonna have to stand before the Lord and give an account for your life for everything you spoke against his children.

Honestly, I block people if they slander other ministers or they have something nasty to say about another minister I have zero tolerance for it.

I believe in this hour bullying of other Christians Hass to stop.

I believe there’s going to be a great awakening with other ministers that we will all stand together as ONE unified and we won’t tolerate these slandering ministries anymore.

That the ministers that make fake videos and twist the words calling everybody a false prophet so quickly it’s possible in this hour that God makes an example of certain people so that this stops.

 My heart desire is to see love in the body of Christ and all of us lifting one another up.

Love love love, love love. It’s very simple just love. If you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all.


God is about to honour you in front of those who said you don't have what it takes. He has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Your new promotion won't be private but in front of your naysayers and haters.


Teaching on intercessoy prayer and being a watchman partnering with God for Revival. REVIVAL IS NOW. Followed by helaing prayer.

(I do not own the rights to the music


Outreach tonight tons of souls won for Jesus and supernatural encounters. We had a talilgate outreach party on Hastings. No words for how supernatural it was. Jesus we love you and give you all the glory.


Jesus said go Into all the world and PREACH the gospel. My passion is Introducing people to my best friend Jesus . Any chance I get I tell people my testimony and what God has done I my life. We live in times that people need us to be bold and share our faith people need HOPE and His name is Jesus.


If you are preaching and teaching ”Once saved always saved” you need to go to the altar and repent because you are breeding lukewarm Christianity.


I am preaching Sunday March
26th Heavenly Worship Center at 4:00 p.m. If you need a physical healing or deliverance come and get a touch from Jesus. 20535-20535B
Douglas Cres Langley


So today as I was cooking, I was thinking about life. And I said in my subconscious “I’ve reached my breaking point.”

I began to cook and cracked these two eggs and I heard “Now I can use you!” You see an egg can’t be used until it’s broken.

I immediately found joy in the breaking!! . Not everyone will understand this, but to those who do, be encouraged.

Yes you’re at your breaking point!

Yes you are broken!

But that’s ok! You are ready to be used!

Jesus…. This is when you are ready so He can remold you Into His image. When we are at our worst He is at His best.

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