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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Apostle Brian Simmons

Chief Encouragement Officer at Brian and Candice Simmons

Chief Encouragement Officer at Passion & Fire Ministries

I love Holy Spirit. Learning to flow with Him, to move in His power, to release more of His presence through yielding... The Keeper of the Oil is coming to anoint the Bride of Christ with fresh supplies of Holy Spirit.

"Give me more

of Your Holy Spirit-Wind

So that I may stand strong

and true to You!

Then I can show to other guilty ones

How loving and merciful You are.

They will find their way

back home to You,

Knowing that You will forgive them."

Psalm 51:12-13 TPT



I see an army of Jesus People who heal like He healed, live like He lived, threaten the status quo like He did, and are persecuted to the point of death like He was. I see men and women, young and old realizing that something is terribly wrong with the life of the average believer! God has not called you or me to be average! Its time to fall out of love with the world and make room for this Magnificent Obsession.

It's really foolish to try to defend yourself before critics who have already made up their mind. So, I don't even try.

But you, my friends, please bear with my "foolishness."

For the record:

I did not add a chapter to the Bible. The Bible is a closed canon. There will never be an additional chapter added to the Bible. There is not going to be a “John 22” added to Scripture. I made this very clear on a TV interview I did a few years ago, but that part unfortunately got edited out due to time. 100 people were present in the studio who can confirm the clarification which I assumed would be part of the program.

An angel named "Passion" did not help me write The Passion Translation. A lot of Greek and Hebrew word studies for 50 years have helped me with the translation.

There are other scholars who do assist me and help me with word meanings, who critique my work, and have significant input. I am not a "lone translator." My “title" is lead translator.

The Passion Translation is not based on Aramaic. It is a Greek based translation with a sprinkling of Aramaic (especially footnotes) to help the reader see a Hebraic mindset along with the Greek text. Btw, Jesus spoke Aramaic. Just that would make me want to read the Bible in the language He spoke. I believe the language of Jesus brings a nuance and flavor to His Words which are sometimes lost in translation.

I believe in Greek primacy over the Aramaic. Btw, no one can be 100% certain, since scholars today possess not even one original fragment or manuscript of the Bible.

My work is flawed, imperfect, and incomplete. I think that could be said of every translation and every translator.

I have never, to my knowledge exaggerated my "credentials." I completed the full linguistic training our mission group offered at that time. My credentials are found in my commission. "I will help you." - the words spoken to me.

I worked on the Paya-Kuna translation, but have never claimed that it was only me that did so. Additionally, I translated 20 Chapters of Genesis by myself before our departure from our village. I've used the term co-translator, but have now begun to refer to my work in the tribal Darien province as one who "helped" or "assisted" in the translation process.

Yes, I was given a divine commission to do the translation project. But in no way means it is perfect.

I have never claimed to be a Hebrew/Greek scholar. My claim to fame is that I am a lover of Jesus, a lover of my family, and a lover of the Word of God.


Secrets belong to God. He speaks and shows His secrets to His friends. To deny that, is to deny the truth. Deut. 29:29. Ps. 25:14

I am not a part of a "made-up" organization called NAR (New Apostolic Reformation).

I was never asked to leave my mission assignment. Indeed, I received two phone calls after our return to North America by the Chairman of our mission group (Macon Hare) to please come back in a leadership position.

I have been disavowed by our hyper-fundamentalist mission group, because I speak in tongues and believe that God speaks to His people to day through the Word AND through the gifts and voice of the Holy Spirit. His sheep really do hear His voice.

I have never intentionally added or perverted the Holy Scriptures to bend to my "bias." I have inserted italicized words (a common practice with mainstream translations) to enhance clarity. For those who obsess with "adding to the Scripture," check and see if you have chapter and verse headings that are "added." We should equally be obsessed with "taking away" from the inspired text.

I believe that every Bible verse is inspired by God and will help lead us to saving faith in Jesus Christ and build us up in our most holy faith.

I believe we will have many many more translations that are published in the future. We need them all to fully understand the glorious mysteries of our faith.

I do not believe that The Passion Translation is better than other wonderful translations that grace our shelves. It is my feeble, humble attempt to obey the commission I was given. That's it. The best translation is the one you believe and live out its truth.

I do believe that God is a passionate, holy, enflamed God of glory who has both wrath and endless love. If my faith in Jesus for the last 49 years makes me a "heretic" then there's not much more I can say....

I have risked my life more than once for the sake of the gospel that I preach.

Yes, I love and forgive my critics. They have helped me be a better man and a better translator.

These are the words of the apostle Paul, and no, I'm not comparing myself to him, but his words resonate within me:

"Amid honor or dishonor, slander or praise--even when we are treated as deceivers and imposters--we remain steadfast and true."

2 Corinthians 6:8 The Passion Translation

And, the words of the wisest of the wise, King Solomon:

"There are two sides to every story.

The first one to speak sounds true until you hear the other side

and they set the record straight."

Proverbs 18:17


In my 51 years of walking with Jesus, I've discovered this... When I deserve a lecture, rebuke, or correction - He kisses me instead. Love has always been the one great motivating force; it is his habit and His default mode of dealing with me.

“I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts."

John 15:9 TPT


It was as though a man had been dipped into a tub of nuclear energy. Something radiated out of him throughout an entire neighborhood. People could see on his face a joy from the inside coming through his countenance.

It was Peter.

God had placed His outline (Gr. episkiazo) upon a man and wherever he walked people would instantly be healed.

Living rays of glory streamed out of him and cancers would disappear when this man of God walked near them.

That grace is being restored to the church, soon, many people will carry what Peter had upon him, and healings will be commonplace; not just in meetings, but as we walk our neighborhoods. Jesus will be glorified in His people and worshiped because of men and women who have brought His burning presence in our cities.

Like breakers rolling in from the sea God's glory will come and touch our land.

For Yahweh is always good and ready to receive you.

He’s so loving that it will amaze you—so kind that it will astound you!

And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all.

Everyone knows our God can be trusted, for he keeps his promises to every generation!

—Psalm 100:5 TPT


Jesus loves you so much that He has engraved your name in the palm of His hand. He longs to embrace you and pour the oil of His healing love over your heart. You were created to experience depths of this relationship in greater ways than you’ve ever known. As your Friend, He loves to laugh with you and talk about your day. He has secrets to share, ideas you’ve never considered, and perfect wisdom to guide you. He gets you, understanding your personality more than anyone else. Relax and enjoy Him as your Friend.


Here's the biggest Agape killer: We criticize others instead of love them as they are. We love to pass verdicts on others, as though we were judges. Judging others is not our task. Our debt of love compels us to lay aside our premature judgments, which keeps agape love from flowing out of us. We become unconditional lovers. The Lord spoke to me once and said:

"You don’t have to appear for jury duty"


God will never allow those dreams HE placed in your life to be thwarted. Every part of it will happen as God said it would. Just ask Joseph! That's why Abraham came down from Moriah with Isaac at his side and Nehemiah found favor and why Simeon and Anna lived so long. Your dream will come to pass, so don't even think about giving up!

The crushing love of God overwhelms our rehearsed prayers and simply melts the mountain of pride within us like wax. Poured out before Him we have no hiding place, no excuse, no words. This God delights in throwing parties for the undeserving who return to Him and smothers the wayward with kisses. Extravagance drowns out our need, until we are lost in this love. We are found, so we can be lost again!


The best Bible translation is the one you believe and live it’s truth. All of it.


Surrender is never a loss when the surrender is to the Son of God. Gain is only a gain when we lose ourselves in Him.

We need to cry out for a kiss. Not for success, a miracle, to build the kingdom or to build our ministry. A kiss will do more and release to you more than anything you can ask for. Ask for the kiss of God and you might just get everything else.


Who would not want to sit at His feet and pour out on Him the adoration of worship? Just saying His Name is like opening the finest flask of costly perfume. Jesus. His Name touches us deeply. His character is revealed in that Name. His Name speaks of His works, His deeds, His character, His leadership. Just to think of Him, opens our hearts to the sweetness of true love. His deeds are lovely and wise, appearing as fragrant oils.

"Your anointing releases

Such a pleasing fragrance.

For Your very name is “Flowing Oil”—

Poured out over and over.

No wonder the brides-to-be adore You."

Song of Songs 1:3 The Passion Translation


We're excited about the newest addition to The Passion Translation: Ezekiel and Daniel!

I like this verse, I know it's for someone right now:

Lord, in my place of weakness and need,

won’t you turn your heart toward me and hurry to help me?

For you are my Savior and I’m always in your thoughts.

So don’t delay to deliver me now, for you are my God.

Ps.70:5 TPT


I had a dream….

We were in a stadium with tens of thousands of Christians. Moms, dads, grandparents, and lots of children. It was beautiful! Lots of families enjoying themselves and I was one of the speakers for this Christian event.

The speaker before me was quite old, and somewhat careless with her words. I was surprised that she was not more careful with what she was saying. Then I heard her say about all the kids that were there: "Children are to be seen and not heard."

My heart was so heavy as the faces of the children present flashed before me, they were hurt, deeply hurt. Then it was my turn to take the mic and I simply said, "The Children MUST be heard! The children have a VOICE that must be heard!" I then knelt down in front of one child after another and looked into their eyes and said, "You have a voice for this day. You have a voice that must be heard."

I awoke with the strong sense that we are on the verge of a "children's revival." The praises of our children have the power to silence the voice of the enemy. May the children's voices be heard in our land again!

Psalm 8:2 The Passion Translation

"You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies.

Strength rises up

With the chorus of singing children.

This kind of praise

Has the power to shut Satan’s mouth.

Childlike worship will silence

The madness of those who oppose you."


The name by which God reveals himself to Moses is in the form of a verb. It is a word play on the name I AM, on which the name YHWH is based. This roundabout reply is not difficult to translate but difficult to understand. Various attempts have been made to translate the meaning: “I AM; THAT IS WHO I AM,” or “I AM HE WHO IS,” or “I AM PRESENT.” Still another way to express the divine name is by using the English future tense, “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.” The riddle of God’s name is meant to bring us into a deeper discovery of his transcendence. Whatever God needs to be for us, he will be. Through Christ, we call God our “Father.” God has as many names as there are stars in the sky, yet we know him as the wonderful “I AM.” He never changes, never leaves us, and never fails those who trust in him. God’s name, YAHWEH is unusual in that it uses feminine and masculine genders in the same word. It begins with the Hebrew feminine “Yah” and ends with the masculine “weh.” Of course, God is not a man or a woman but He created in his image male and female. YAHWEH reveals himself here in the context of his compassion and love for his people. Now that God has set apart a people for himself, he discloses his eternal name, “I AM (YAHWEH).”

"I AM......" The Unfinished Name. You get to fill in the blank with whatever you need today.

(Taken from TPT footnote on Exodus 3:14)


Why should one man translate the Bible?

Ask William Tyndale, a sole Bible translator who wanted the common people to have the Scriptures in their language.

In 1535, Tyndale was arrested and jailed in the castle of Vilvoorde (Filford) outside Brussels for over a year. In 1536, he was convicted of heresy and executed by strangulation for translating the Bible, after which his body was burnt at the stake. His dying prayer was that the King of England's eyes would be opened; this seemed to find its fulfilment just one year later with Henry's authorisation of the Matthew Bible, which was largely Tyndale's own work, with missing sections translated by John Rogers and Miles Coverdale.

Tyndale's translation of the Bible was plagiarised for subsequent English translations, including the Great Bible and the Bishops' Bible, authorised by the Church of England. In 1611, the 47 scholars who produced the King James Bible drew significantly from Tyndale's original work and the other translations that descended from his. One estimate suggests that the New Testament in the King James Version is 83% Tyndale's words and the Old Testament 76%. So a "lone" Bible translator gave us the vast majority of the King James Bible.

Why should one man translate the Bible?

Ask John Wycliffe

He translated directly from the Vulgate into Middle English – a version now known as Wycliffe's Bible. It is probable that he personally translated the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; and it is possible he translated the entire New Testament, while his associates translated the Old Testament. Wycliffe's Bible appears to have been completed by 1384, additional updated versions being done by Wycliffe's assistant John Purvey and others in 1388 and 1395.

The Council of Constance declared Wycliffe a heretic on 4 May 1415, and banned his writings, effectively both excommunicating him retroactively and making him an early forerunner of Protestantism. The Council decreed that Wycliffe's works should be burned and his bodily remains removed from consecrated ground. This order, confirmed by Pope Martin V, was carried out in 1428. Wycliffe's corpse was exhumed and burned, and the ashes were cast into the River Swift, which flows through Lutterworth.

Why should one man translate the Bible?

Many solitary missionary/translators labor among unreached tribes to translate the Bible because they are the only ones with the linguistic training to produce a translation of the Bible into the receptor language.

I’m so thankful for Kenneth Taylor who gave us the Living Bible which morphed into the New Living Translation.

And J B Phillips

And Gerrit Verkuyl (The Berkeley Translation)

And Eugene Nida

And Robert Bratcher

And Eugene Peterson

And James Moffatt

And N.T. Wright

And Frances Siewert, the widow of a Presbyterian minister. She gave us the Amplified Bible.

And here’s to every lone scholar who translates the Bible today in their scholarly commentaries.

I hear the Lord saying:

In a short while, you will be standing firm on the mountaintop. The vision you carry will unfold and carry you there. My encounters with you will increase and I will be instructing you on a new level. The power of the anointing on you will triple and the desired outcome will be the increase of My government on earth. My people, hear Me when I tell you, that there is a time coming when you must put on the fullness of Christ. My people must enter in to the fullness of all that has been made available through My Son. Can you hear the distant sound of the armies of the host marching with you to take back all that is legally yours? I have prepared you for this. Glory-filled days are coming!


Jesus wants to reveal His passion for and enjoyment of you. He wants to describe how you have thrilled His heart. The Creator of emotions wants to show His emotions toward you. Get ready to receive the most astonishing love from the very heart and lips of Jesus Christ. Your worship makes His heart beat faster.


so, re: cost. I've done some research and graduate level courses are between $350-$650 per credit hour and most courses are 3 credits. I'm thinking about starting a live online course on How to Interpret the Bible. I'll cover the meta-story line of Scripture, the role of allegory, Bible study tools, a summary of each book of the Bible and a significant Bibliography for study. We will divide up into 6 person cohorts for discussion. You would get 3 credits for the course. I want the Seminary to cover topics that other seminaries won't touch. Angelology, 7 Spirits of God, The Throne Room, the 27 Mysterion (mysteries) of the New Testament, Divine Romance, Union with God, Interpreting Spiritual Experiences, etc. Still interested? I haven't determined the cost yet. This is advanced studies, so you're getting your money's worth. I will need to develop a platform, a team to help produce it, write a study manual, and a number of other matters before we pull the trigger. I'm thinking Jan. 2024 to launch the Seminary of the Burning Heart. Other courses (and other instructors) will be selected as we go forward.


I've been praying about starting a seminary. My wife had a dream that we did just that.

Seminary of the Burning Heart

I'm just curious if any of you are interested? (it's ok if you're not)

6 week modules with lots of personal time with me. Online with some homework (mostly reading). No Bible degree is required, but it would help. Certificate of Completion after the credit requirement is fulfilled.



An awakened army of harvesters is about to be deployed. They will soon move across the earth with a golden sickle in their hand to bring masses of people to Jesus Christ, plundering hell to populate heaven! Nothing will defeat them, for they no longer live, but Christ lives through them. Amazing miracles are ahead, so don't be discouraged, weary, worn out, or cave in to the fears of our age. You will be crucial link in the salvation of many. You will be His voice.


The breaker anointing

This breaker anointing must break us open before we can break open a city.


Being free from the need to prove yourself to others is a mark of true spiritual maturity. Living free of other's judgments empowers you to fulfill your destiny. Listening to wise counsel is always prudent, but passionately living the life of God's calling may not make sense to others. Live the life of mystery and move ahead, with or without applause.

"For God will never give you the spirit of cowardly fear, but He has given you the mighty Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind!"

2 Timothy 1:7 TPT


The sunrise of resurrection is on the way. You will finish this year in a totally different place than when you started. The joy will increase and the sorrow will decrease. This is not the end, the finish line is yet before you, and you will be a winner, crowned victorious.

"I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover." Philippians 3:12 TPT


The Father’s love and acceptance is always real, even when we don’t feel it. And it’s always a great joy to approach Him in fellowship with others; He is our Father. And as children of the Most-High God, we have corporate privilege as our birthright. We are the “church of the Firstborn” (Hebrews 12:23) and therefore have the rights of a firstborn. We step into our full inheritance as His firstborn sons and daughters as we call out to Him, our Abba, Father.

This is what it means to have God as our Father:

I am the center of His attention.

I am the subject of His concern.

I am the recipient of His glory.

I am the focus of His planning.

I am the object of His love.

I am His total and continual occupation.


I prophesy grace be unto you and unto the world! Let the lost and thirsty, and broken come! We say to all the defeated and hungry, come to Jesus! Grace will kiss you until you are whole, satisfied, and holy.


God has been faithful to you. A secret, intimate strength has already risen up in you. In solitude, through all you've been through, God has shared Himself with you. You have become heaven’s friend. Pouring out your heart to God, you've been filled with the anointing of God’s Spirit. While no one was looking, you won secret battles and now you receive His reward, His very heart!


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