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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Brian Ayala


Senior Pastor at Xtreme Harvest Church in San Antonio, TX. Souls Saved and Lives Changed!



THE REGISTRATION TO ATTEND THE WHOLE WEEKEND...INCLUDING THE CONCERT IS 75$...THRU TICKETMASTER**** There are 3rd party companies going thru ticket master and buying tickets at cost....THEN THEY are reselling tickets at 300 plus. That is in no way affiliated with any parties hosting the conference. The venue to hold this event, The American Bank Center out of Corpus Christi, is a major event center and cost $$$$$ so the 75$ helps cover the facility cost. Why am I saying this? Numerous posts and messages about how can ministers charge 300 to attend a conference....ummm they r not! Ever wonder how ATT center may sell tickets to a game.for 50$ but then you see same tickets selling for 200....300...etc? Same thing...outside businesses and people are purchasing tickets at actual cost and THEN upselling them to, only buy DIRECTLY from ticket master! Otherwise, you may be charged more...but it is NOT by the conference host. So, calm down...stop the your noodles and ask yourself what is really going on...stop the Facebook look silly. You spend more then 75 to go out to eat and grab a movie....this is a full weekend with multiple amazing speakers and a Cory Asbury concert. If that still bothers you about the $75...then don't attend WE still love you♡


People are funny…they are cool with you until you tell them your not for sale. They offer big checks with big chains. The reason most preachers are afraid to speak truth is because they have been bought by big donors who have big demons. It’s so sad that some preachers are muzzled by the manipulators and players that jump Church to Church looking for spiritual protistutes behind pulpits.


Some of you are messy thats why you can’t grow. In an out of relationships. In an out of Churches and it’s alway evryone else’s fault. You always find something to complain about. If it’s not the way they do worship, it’s the preaching, it’s the cameras, if it’s not the cameras, its someone didn’t pay attention to you, everyone in every Church you attend is fake but your the real one yet can’t stay planted long enough to actually grow. Grow up, stop making excuses for your immaturity.


You have the right to loose and bind as long as your in line!!!


Social media has become a place where ministers can live double lives and preach with no accountability.


Christians can be demonized…..just look at how many manifest just reading this


May God remove the ones that don’t want to see you win. There is nothing worse than having people around you that are not for you.


They doubted you…they ran your name through the dirt…they watched, hoping you would quit…they even plotted your downfall…

BUT GOD!!! Come on somebody!!!

Someone needs to shout and give God praise, because your still standing!!!


Let them test your resolve, your about to show em that you ain’t playing!!! You didn’t come this far to waver!!! It’s War!!!


Many are going to miss the greatest move of God because they are to busy judging and condemning every move of God. If a preacher swings from a zip line or bungie cord that’s considered amazing and a move of god….if preachers start casting out demons then surely that’s false and the devil. The modern church has been entertained for so long that they no longer can recognize The Power of The Holy Ghost. 2020 was a wake up call to what the church had become yet many seem to still be sound asleep instead of filled with power, love and a sound mind


Some of y’all playing Church while Bible prophecy is unfolding in front of your eyes. It’s almost time!!!


If only the Church really looked different from the world and their practices. Think about it…we are supposed to look peculiar, set apart, like different. We are supposed to have standards that say we are in the world but no longer of it. The practices of today would have never flied in Jesus day. We must stop trying to be the cool people and get back to being Gods people. Be The Church according to the Bible.


The real reason some people upset is because they found out their “so called” millionaire status didn’t impress me. Pastor we want to help but do this and do that…pray about this, pray about that etc…the funny thing is asking me to pray about something giving you position after you mention your millions. Keep your money because real Kingdom people don’t try to buy you. They help with no strings attached. I’m sure there are Pastors out there that will jump at the opportunity to make you another number in their pocket and give you a position in their Church but praise God I am not that Pastor…move along.


Wicked leaders bring havoc. The world is not the cause of the mess but the so called believer that has comprised his faith, loyalty for fame and popularity. The idols are coming down!!!


You can argue all you want about deliverance…your argument don’t stop people from getting set free. So glad Jesus don’t have to check with you to see if it’s okay to cast demons out


Pulpits in this hour are filled with spiritual pimps and hustlers. They got drip, they dress trendy but live messy. They don’t even hide it anymore. Sin and compromise are the new embrace, while consecration and sanctification have been kicked out in the name of grace….


Get ready, your going to see Pastors start manifesting. It’s not a moment to say I told you so or wow he had a demon…it’s a time for rejoicing because they are finally going to be free. Then that Church is going to see a sudden burst of acceleration, power and demonstration in their services. It’s coming…

Crazy faith is going to cause you to walk into places that logically cannot be explained!!!

Get Ready!!!


Listen they talked about you when you were broke and they will talk about you when your not.

Haters will always find a reason to hate you…


So many like to be heard on Fb, Christian on Fb but act like spiritual cowards in public. Under cover Christians. SMH, your stance on FB means nothing if you don’t take that stance in public. In the building or outside the building, in private or public I’m always going to keep it . It’s all about Jesus with me. I will never apologize or water down my faith, some are just offended because it exposes the fake. I don’t have time play games.


Some of you have titles but are operating illegally in the Kingdom. Stop playing…


Some go hard in sports. Some go hard at work. Some go hard in the gym. They go hard in so many things but go soft in what matters most…spending quality time with Jesus, in His Word and prayer. How would your life look, your family look, if you went as hard in spending time with Jesus like you do in everything else. If you know this applies to you, it’s ouch or amen. I can assure when you put Jesus 1st your going to see radical change and transformation.


Some of you are condemning those who are growing rapidly in the harvest because you think you’ve put in more work than them. You sound like the workers Jesus talked about in Matthew 20:1-16. Just because they have not been in ministry as long as you does not make them disqualified or under you. Check the fruit no doubt!!! However some of you are super jealous and envious…


I am not trying to be better than anyone…I am pressing to be better than I was yesterday. From glory to glory for His glory


Your in the dark room of development…but Gods about to bring you out!!!!


The longer you tolerate where your at you will never get to the place your supposed to be!!!


Pouring out everywhere God sends me. Demonstration and power should follow every believer filled with The Holy Ghost!!!


It hurts but it’s forcing the oil out of you!!!
Keep crucifying your flesh!!!


Some are to busy following the hype they are missing Christ! If it’s not in the Word it’s not of God period!!! Some of you are eating everything thrown at you but have no idea the harm it’s causing you. That’s your fault for not knowing Gods Word.


People being trained in gifts and talents but they are low in character


Some talking nonsense…I will go to jail for my faith…you don’t even go to Church for your faith.


Promotion through
persecution!!! Keep shinning for Jesus!!!


I love and live to honor Jesus. My assignment is not mixed with mans opinion or approval. I don’t have to check in with the culture to see if I am correct. I check in with Jesus, The Word, Holy Spirit and Prayer. These are amazing days to be alive!!! The end times!!! Hallelujah


Today's Church has become so focused on being relevant that it has become irrelevant. Jesus awaken Your Bride!!!


Some of you need to stop all the excuses and mess!!! You got up and went to work 5 days a week in prison. No matter how tired you were, no matter how your body felt, you had to get up and perform your assigned duties! The crazy thing is, you did it for free! So don’t come out here talking about you can’t do it. You should be one of the most organized, successful and disciplined person in your family. Now stop making excuses and get after it


You’re in ministry and you have no accountability
Let’s see how long that’s going to last…


If it does not bring glory to God, why are you wasting your time? The chosen don’t have time to waste time!!! Be wise, be smart, focus on your purpose, GROW!!!


Being deep in the Word is amazing but don’t start making stuff up that’s not there, that’s just plain foolishness. All are not biblically illiterate...


San Antonio Texas is marked for glory!!! We see so many gatherings but no book of acts demonstration. I pray the walls of separation, hate and skepticism are torn down in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!! So many said it was just a phase, it was just a small gathering, just a movie in theaters…but it’s spreading like wild fire. No Spirit but The Holy Spirit. Enough entertainment and dead services. It’s time for The Remnant to rise in power and demonstration of Gods Holy Spirit. demons are done running this city. Principalities and powers will be brought down in Jesus Name. Souls will be saved and lives will be changed


Eagles don’t run from the storm, we run into the storm!!! We engage the strong winds of life and instead of seeking to hide, we use the turbulence to take us higher. We look at opposition as an opportunity. We are not cowards, we are warriors, we are relentless, we are REMNANT!!!


In the midst of great apostasy there are still some genuine men and women of God. It’s not hard to spot them, look at the fruit.

You don’t fit in with fake and that’s perfectly okay. The minute you fit in with fake, then you yourself have become fake


Warning I don’t do seeker friendly. Your mega ministar church don’t impress me. I’ve seen many mega churches have mega demons on staff and some behind the pulpit. That’s why they don’t address the hidden demonic mess in the Church. That’s why many compromising believers flock to places that will let them serve even though they have no fruit and living in sin. I don’t care to join your circles of clowns stroking each others ego, building each others pride and bank accounts. You call that alliance, I call that compromise. For years I’ve been told to tone it down. Your to radical, you should not speak on this or that. Let me make this very clear…you didn’t chose me, God did! You didn’t anoint me, God did! Just because you bent over does not mean I will. My knees bend to Jesus. My heart is His. I’m loyal to Jesus, not to a denomination, association or place of recreation some call a church. I will continue to see souls saved and lives changed. I will continue to see people healed, delivered and set free! Yes, demons will continue to be cast out in Jesus Name.

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