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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."
Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of BILL JOHNSON

Senior Leader, Bethel Church, Redding Californi

In this special sermon compilation video, Bill Johnson gives hope to all believers that we CAN hear from God! We were designed to hear His voice. Pastor Bill gives us practical answers to the question "How to hear God?" God is speaking to us through His Word (the Bible), His people (the community of believers), and through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God is speaking to you! In this video, you will learn how to better hear Him and discern His voice.


An unthankful heart is painfully aware of what is not available, while a thankful heart is always tuned in to the goodness of God and positioned to see increase.


What if you have the key to someone else’s breakthrough? Bill Johnson teaches from Isaiah 35, and how to strengthen one another in the Lord. Every one of us have experienced seasons of weakness, but there is always hope, and sometimes we need to stand with and encourage one another. God wants to use us to bring hope and breakthrough to those around us.


Mystery will always be part of our lives here on earth; there are things we wont understand fully until eternity. God longs to reveal more of Himself and His truth to us, but only to the extent that we are willing to trust Him with what we don't understand. #Mystery #Revelation #Wisdom #Understanding #GodIsGood #BillJohnson


Celebrating your breakthrough before it comes is not unreasonable in the Kingdom. Bill Johnson talks about the relationship between hope and joy, and how they are connected. Hope is more than a wish; hope is the joyful anticipation of good. When you have confidence in God’s goodness and faithfulness to fulfill His promises and work all things together for good, joy will be the evidence as you wait and contend in hope for your breakthrough. Celebrating before your breakthrough comes is a natural response when you are confident of God’s goodness.


Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and are you walking in power? As believers, our lives are to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. In this compilation video, Bill Johnson teaches about receiving and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit as we follow Jesus’ call to fulfill the Great Commission. We were never designed to live without the power of the Holy Spirit. Bill talks about the purpose of power, and also shares about his personal experience of baptism in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Faith doesn't ignore the facts, it just keeps perspective of the One who paid a price for everything we would ever face in life, and promises to work all things together for our good


Jesus commissioned the disciples to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth, but He told them first to wait, and be filled with the Holy Spirit and power to fulfill that purpose. If you are not walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, He is available to you right now. Don't be satisfied with good theology alone; lean in to experience and live out what you actually believe. Wherever you are at today, there is always more.

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:13 NKJV


There are some aspects of God’s nature that can only be revealed through the fulfilled dreams of His sons and daughters. It has always been His desire to co-labor with those He created. Let His love, compassion, and peace lead you. What is God putting on your heart? Don't be afraid to step out and pursue it. #GodIsGood #GoodFather #DreamingWithGod #Colaboring #Dream #ItTakesCourageToDream #BillJohnson #Bethel


Bill Johnson teaches from John 3 on living an ascended life. Learning to live aware of the heart of God is what empowers us to walk in Jesus’ footsteps, from our place of being seated in Heaven.


There is a battle over your mind, and it is important that you are not only aware of it but also equipped to deal with the weapons the enemy tries to use against you. In this sermon compilation, Bill Johnson speaks about how to win the battle over your mind, and why your mind is important to God. Strengthening yourself in the word of God and being aware of the schemes of the enemy equips you to be victorious in the battle over your mind.


You might think it's easy to trust God when you have enough, but if you don't trust God in seasons of lack, it will be even more difficult to trust Him in seasons of abundance.

Whether it be abundance or lack, in resources or relationships, let your peace and trust be secure in God alone. Position your heart in such a way that every season would cause you to draw closer to God, continuously developing a deeper trust in Him.


Do you struggle to control your thoughts? In this message, Bill Johnson teaches on the renewed mind and how to make your thoughts line up with God’s Word and work in your favor. Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 10 that we are to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” - to where the lies of the enemy that seek to inspire destructive thought patterns actually in turn create places of strength in our minds and hearts. Faith doesn’t come from the mind, it comes from the heart. But the renewed mind creates a context for faith and anchors us in God’s Word, establishing His thoughts in our minds above any other influence. #RenewedMind #Mind #BillJohnson #Bethel


It is important that we learn to take every thought captive. The thoughts we choose to entertain either set us up for success and strengthen our faith, or give the enemy a foothold in our life. Believing a lie empowers the liar.


You are stronger than your enemy. Bill Johnson teaches from Nehemiah and his resistance to fear. The enemy works to distract us from our calling through fear and intimidation, or even busyness, but we have unlimited strength in Christ, which develops in us a confidence in Him and an immunity to fear. Whatever you are facing today, know that you have the upper hand, and giving in to fear is not an option.


It's important that we have accountability and those who can speak into our lives, but the fear of man and the opinions of the crowd are different, and we can’t afford to live in bondage to those. At the end of the day, only one opinion matters


Dreamers create and inspire destiny in others. Bill Johnson teaches from the lives of Solomon and David, and how David spoke destiny into Solomon’s life as a child, preparing him for his future. You and I have a responsibility to dream and to champion the dreams of others. Inside of you are dreams that will glorify God, and also seeds for somebody else’s dream. In your dreaming and co-laboring with the Lord is an opportunity for Him to reveal Himself to and through you as a good and perfect Father.


The mind of Christ empowers authenticity. Bill Johnson teaches on the renewed mind, and the power and importance of authenticity. You and I were designed to live with the mind of Christ, and it’s only in seeing ourselves as God does that we can truly step into all that we were created to be. The world is crying out for authenticity, and as we pursue the dreams and desires God that has put our hearts, we will see cultural transformation as people are drawn to a good and perfect Father.


David killed a lion and a bear when no one was watching. God is looking for trust, and is looking for people who will cultivate a value, affection, and awareness of His Presence, regardless of who is watching


When we remain thankful for all that God brings into our lives, our heart is positioned in such a way that every season draws us into deeper trust and confidence in Him. Every good thing comes from God!

Jesus warned about the difficulty of the rich in entering the Kingdom of Heaven, but then turned to Peter saying He would bless him and return 100 times to him what he had given up, in this lifetime. Material things are not the problem, but we must be careful not to let our hearts embrace the material things above our relationship with God or our value for others. #TheMysteryOfRestoredStrength #Wealth #Abundance #Lack #Stewardship #Trust #Heart #BillJohnson #Bethel


Bill Johnson teaches on royal generosity from the example of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. There is a generosity that is more than just giving to the need we see around us; it is a kind of royal generosity that gives because of the honor in our hearts as sons and daughters of Christ. When our identity is secure in Christ, we live generously because we know the limitless resources of our Heavenly Father. Generosity includes money, but it’s much more than that, and with our time, our kindness, our love, our resources, and our lives, we serve the people around us well. #Generosity #Generous #Giving #BillJohnson #Bethel

It’s not possible to steward something by criticizing it. Be careful how you speak about the things you are wanting to grow in your life, and don’t despise small beginnings. If you are faithful with little, God will trust you with much.

This applies to so many areas of life, but I want to highlight it in regards to hearing God’s voice. Saying things like “I can’t hear God” or “I never hear God” undermines the very desire of your heart to hear Him with greater clarity and frequency. It’s in your nature to hear from God, and it is something that you can develop and grow.

Learn more about hearing God's voice here:


"Christians who live out of who they really are cannot be crippled by the opinions of others. They no longer work to fit into other people's expectations; they burn with the realization of who the Father says they are."
Bill Johnson

I’m looking forward to being with Brian and Jenn and the team in Israel. Tickets are still available - join us, June 16-24. More details here:


Trust is key in your relationship with God. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson uses Moses’ example in Exodus when God instructed him to pick up the snake by the tail. Rather than living according to principle or “common sense”, we must continually be listening for God’s voice. Trusting in ourselves and our own strength or wisdom undermines our trust in God. The safest place for us is found in following His voice. Our life of faith is a relational journey, and trust is key as we follow Him.


When God spoke, light pierced through the darkness and the universe took form. We too have been entrusted with the invitation to partner with Him as we speak—an expression of His image that we are called to bear. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” It’s important that we are aware and mindful of the power of our words. Gossip perverts this supernatural gift of partnering with heaven through the words that we choose to speak. If God inhabits praise, who inhabits gossip?

Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but if there is any good word for edification according to the need of the moment, say that, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” As His children, it’s our responsibility to speak with intention and for the purpose of edification. This is our prayer: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” - Psalm 19:14. We will be a people who steward our words well, committed to releasing life, edification, and the presence of God!

What a powerful service it was today! Thank you for leading us into such a beautiful moment of repentance and remembrance of the power of our words, Pastor Bill! If you would like to listen again or for the first time, you can do so at Bethel.TV or on YouTube. Happy Sunday, Church!


Why is prayer and fasting so important and how can you develop a lifestyle of it? Speaking from Mark 9 when Jesus brought deliverance to a young boy, Bill Johnson teaches on Jesus’ response to the disciples when they asked why they could not cast out the demon: “This kind only comes out with prayer and fasting”. Fasting is not a hunger strike, holding God hostage to an answer, it’s hungering for the unseen more than what is already seen. As we become more aware of and anchored in the unseen, we will grow in power and authority, uniquely positioned to bring solutions and breakthroughs to the situations we face.


You have a mandate to ask God to bless you. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches from Psalm 67; a prayer for God’s blessing and favor. When God blesses you, His ways and who He is is revealed in the earth. Asking God to bless you is not selfish; it is a responsibility you have, that you may display the goodness and kindness of God, and share that with others.


Jesus never tried to squash the disciples’ desire for greatness, He just brought understanding to what greatness really was. Our dreams and desires are important to God, and if we remain surrendered to Him, He will define and shape our dreams into something truly beautiful with eternal significance. #Greatness #Dream #DreamingWithGod #ItTakesCourageToDream #BillJohnson #Bethel


We have seen the Kingdom increase powerfully in times of persecution, but what if God’s ultimate plan is to bring increase in times of blessing? In this full sermon, Bill Johnson shares from Acts 9, and the incredible increase that came during a season of peace for the early church. We must not let blessing lead us into complacency, but continually lean in to see God’s Kingdom increase even more in times of blessing.


It takes courage to dream, and there are certain aspects of God’s nature that can only be revealed as His sons and daughters pursue dreams and see prayers and desires fulfilled


It’s in your nature as a believer to hear the voice of God.


We need the power of the Gospel. In the book of Acts, power was not separate from the Gospel, it was part of it. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson speaks from Acts and second Corinthians on the power of the Gospel to save and transform lives. We must not settle for good theology and wisdom alone, but be filled with the Holy Spirit that we may see cities and nations transformed by the power of the Gospel.


What does Heaven sound like? Bill Johnson shares from Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. A sound from Heaven, as a rushing mighty wind, drew people from all over the city and led to 3000 salvations in one day. Bill shares on the sound of Heaven that is released when believers come together in unity, yielded to the Spirit of God. It is enough to impact a city! #TheSoundOfHeaven #TheGateOfHeaven #BillJohnson #Bethel


Divine health is our legal inheritance through the sacrifice of Christ. Bill Johnson teaches from Scripture and shares testimonies revealing God’s desire for His people to walk in complete freedom and divine health. If the Israelites experienced divine health in the wilderness under the Old Covenant, how much more available it is to us now under the New Covenant! Just because we may not have fully experienced it yet doesn’t mean it’s not available to us. Through faith and intimacy with the Holy Spirit, we must continually lean into this reality that Jesus made possible for us. #DivingHealth #Healing #BillJohnson #Bethel


God is always looking to see how much of His glory we can carry, and character is what determines that measure. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the impartation of spiritual gifts, and the importance of character in stewarding those gifts. Many people want to receive by impartation things that can only be developed through character. Both character and impartation are important parts of the normal Christian life. #Character #Impartation #SpiritualGifts #Grace #Glory #BillJohnson #Bethel


The Randy Clark School of Healing and Impartation is happening both in-person in Redding, CA and online via Bethel.TV January 25-27, 2023. We want to encourage you to join us to encounter God’s presence in times of worship, be equipped to walk in healing miracles, receive what is on Randy’s life through impartation, and experience personal breakthrough as we pursue healing! Find out more:


Did you ever consider that they came to worship a baby? Someone, who at that point, could not give them anything in return. True worship is recognition of worth, and leads to complete abandonment to One who is worth it all. Anyone can sing a song or kneel in worship, but true worship is from the heart. Wisdom worships.


You were born for impossible assignments. God’s design is that His power would be seen in you as you lean into Him for the answers to the impossible situations in your life. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches from Mary’s incredible example of surrender and trust in God when facing the impossible assignment of carrying and birthing the Son of God. If your assignment seems impossible or you feel unqualified for what the Lord is calling you to, you are in good company with every Bible hero and countless other great men and women of faith! Whatever you are facing today, God has a solution. #AccordingToYourWord #BillJohnson #Bethel


Have you wondered what your divine purpose is? You and I were created to follow in Jesus’ footsteps in revealing the Father. What better way to reveal God as Father than to live in our true identity as sons and daughters? In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on how we do that and walk in our divine purpose. #OurDivinePurpose #BillJohnson #Bethel #BillJohnsonYouTube


How do you know if you are walking in God’s purpose for your life? Bill Johnson shares God’s heart to reveal Himself in and through you. This what you were born for. Living in God’s purpose for your life comes by surrender and trust in His Word. #BillJohnson #Bethel


How is it possible to live in Heaven now? In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on abiding in Christ, and what effect that has in our lives in relation to eternity. Learning to abide in God’s Presence increases our awareness of our eternal purpose, and the realization that we have access to Heaven here and now. The Apostle Paul talked about being “seated in Heavenly places”, which was never supposed to simply be a theology, but an invitation to an ongoing experience. As we lean into this truth, we will increasingly live from an eternal perspective, and tune our hearts to the dreams and plans in God’s heart, becoming one with Him. #LivingInHeavenNow #Bethel #BillJohnson


Our giving will always follow whatever we set our affection on. Bill Johnson teaches on the joy and privilege we have in giving to the Lord. Throughout Scripture whenever there was need, we see God’s people giving willingly; we should never give out of compulsion or because of manipulation. God takes our giving personally, and our gifts (big or small) become seeds that are sown with an eternal purpose. Generosity is an approach to life that brings great joy and delight.


We need to be people who recognize when God is speaking to us. God will not lead us into deception, and has given us keys to recognizing His voice. Bill Johnson teaches from the disciples experience after Jesus had risen from the dead, and their unbelief when Mary told them the good news. God speaks in many different ways, but as we come to know Him, we will recognize and discern the life on His Words, however He chooses to speak.


Whatever you are facing, God has set you up for victory and has given you His Word to sustain you through every season. Whether you are hearing God’s voice daily, or meditating on a word He has already spoken to you, let your life be built on His Word. Create your history with God as you read scripture and let His Word come alive in you. #BillJohnson #Bethel


If it seems that God is silent, it’s never punishment, and is usually because He has already spoken something to you for this season. Review your history with God and the words He has already spoken. Find peace in knowing that God is always with you, and has equipped you for whatever you are facing today.


We are glad to announce that applications for our upcoming school year of BSSM, our ministry school in Redding, California, are officially open. If you’ve felt a longing in your heart to take your next step on your journey with God, we’d like to invite you to apply today.

BSSM On-Campus and BSSM Online Full-Time classes start in Fall of 2023. To learn more or begin an application today, click here:

#BSSM #BSSMRedding #BSSMOnline


Salvation is not only for the forgiveness of sins, but also healing and deliverance. The word salvation means healing, deliverance, and forgiveness. Bill Johnson teaches on salvation and what Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross actually paid for us. What we believe about salvation impacts the way we live and how we reach out to others. God’s plan is to make us whole - body, soul, and spirit. #Salvation #Healing #Miracles #BillJohnson #Bethel


Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Online is hosting an Open House tomorrow, July 6, 2:30-4:30pm PDT. Join Kris Vallotton and our BSSM Pastors on Zoom for a time of teaching and ministry. Register for free here:


You were created to carry the fullness of God on the earth, and Jesus sacrificed Himself on the Cross to make that happen. The moment that you accepted Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior, Holy Spirit made a home inside of your heart. Holy Spirit in you is the fullness of God. #HostingThePresence


Do you hear God’s voice through other people? Bill Johnson shares on the importance of community when listening for God’s voice. It is important that we hear from God for ourselves, but sometimes God chooses to speak through those around us. We must be ready with soft hearts to hear God’s voice in the many different ways He is speaking.

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