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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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Christian Harvest International is a prophetic intercessory ministry called to impact our nation and the nations of the world by equipping the saints to bring about social transformation.

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Becca Greenwood

  • About Becca Greenwood

Rebecca is co-founder of Christian Harvest International, Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network (SPAN), International Freedom Group (IFG), and Christian Harvest Training Center (CHTC). From the time she was a young girl, Rebecca felt a drawing of the Lord that she would be used by Him.

  • Becca Greenwood Asking for Your Financial Donations!

The ministry of Christian Harvest International is dependent on the gifts of our friends and supporters who believe in and support the work God allows us to do in His Kingdom.

Your gift, securely processed through PayPal, whether by credit card or a PayPal account, will enable us to continue to carry on the work God has called us to do. Please know too, that we greatly appreciate your gift and your partnership with us.

We ask also that you pray for us, that we might be used of God to advance His Kingdom and His cause.

Thank you,

Becca Greenwood



Glory realm revelation cannot be fathomed or contained in the human mind, it is a spirit to spirit reality.


This often will involve worship, reading scripture, interceding through all the Lord has revealed, repenting for the sins that have occurred in the land, prophetic acts, prophetic proclamations and decrees.


The more time you spend in the Word, in His presence and in the glory, the more you discover that He will move through you powerfully and effectively in ways that you could not have worked up or accomplished on your own.


Most leaders agree on this foundational truth but choose to stay at a more elementary level of holiness. However, the Lord wants each of us to learn how to mature in holiness becoming more and more like Him.


There are those times where He allows us to encounter Him in His holiness and in that place you bow low in humility, respect and honor.


The truth is, if we want to be anointed in the glory for breakthrough and victory, we have to spend time in His Word and in His presence to receive the strategies and authority that causes darkness to flee.


The change must begin within us, individually, within our families, and within our community. We need to clean up our lives of all forms of disobedience of God and ensure that we spread goodness all around us.


Solutions to issues that can only effectively be resolved through understanding and wisdom in the realm in the Spirit.


This post is long, but I promise you will be encouraged. Read on! God is always faithful!

9 days! WOW…. Time has flown by since last year. Over the past few weeks, being led by Holy Spirit, I wanted to give you a sneak peak of the caliber of speakers that will be with us this year: I’ve been highlighting the different ones who will be with us. I’m grateful to call each of them all a friend. We’ve walked together through some things! Amen!

Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to honor Becca Greenwood. We’re so grateful for her yes and if you know me, you have heard this testimony more than once but I’m going to share it again. I sense it will help someone & I know it will give someone hope today. NOT to credit Becca, but to give God the glory, however, I am forever grateful that I got to meet this women 9 years ago! Because of her obedience, I am alive today. ALL Glory to God! You see, 10 years ago, I got ahead of God, and went after a principality that I didn’t have any business engaging at the time. I was not trained. I was still learning about Spiritual Warfare and to be honest, I had a mixed revelation of it & went after this principality at the wrong time, alone, without the understanding of what I was addressing. I even used scripture where Jesus says “ALL authority I have given you.” And that is true. HOWEVER, there is so much more to spiritual understanding than this: let me explain. I met Becca when I weight 88 lbs, and had a feeding tube. ALL because I was out of Gods timing and didn’t have the authority at that time to deal with it!

Friend, let me take a moment and give you some advice about demons & principalities. DON’T go after it unless you are equipped, have Fathers timing and or if you have a team and even your alignment matters. I’ve seen many people go after things without even being aligned and refuse to be aligned with anyone, and watch as their life is turned upside down and inside out yet refusing to consider they brought it to their household and it affected their entire lives. I know of 2 folks who have died due to refusal to admit they were out of God’s timing. Sad but true and it happens every day. DON’T DO IT. It will wreak havoc on your life!

This woman right here discerned what was going on and dealt with the issue and the spirit of death that I opened the door to, and while I laid on the floor for several hours, we God was doing surgery; after she prayed for me, I got up knowing that there was something different. Glory to God! Instantly I was able to hear from God clearly again, It wasn’t long after that moment, I heard the Lord say to get the feeding tube removed that I was full of gangrene. I went to the dr with intentions to do just that and he refused. We had an intense fellowship meeting and I won that day, and he removed the feeding tube that day in his office. YIKES…. It was covered in gangrene. His eyes got bigger as he was pulling the tube out. His 1st question in a moment of shock was “who told you that you had gangrene? When I told him it was Jesus Christ, he instantly asked who was this Jesus. He became a believer before I left the room. GLORY….. then he sent me to the hospital to get pumped with antibiotics. NEEDLESS TO SAY.. I am forever grateful for Becca Greenwood. I am thankful to be alive today because of her obedience. I’m also thankful to call her friend, and have been able to travel with her and teams, across the nation and nations. I’m thankful that I have been able to train others in many facets of ministry and especially what “NOT” to do. I’m grateful to get to be a state leader for her network. We’ve seen so much happen across our state due to the proper training. I will never forget how God used her and I can truly say I am alive because of her.

Friend, we are living in crazy days where sickness and infirmity has plagued us and we know that the enemy doesn’t play fair and he is an equal opportunist and will go after those who say yes to God but we must know how to combat him in the right way. We must have proper training. I’m thankful for Greg & Becca’s prayer network that trains us for battle and gives a very balanced understanding of our authority, alignment and assignment.

We’re honored to have Becca with us at this gathering. She has been with us from the first year as is Apostle Barbara Yoder. ALL of these speakers love God, carry authority, and I am blessed to call them my friend and mentors in many ways. They have all taught me so much and we have many years ahead to walk together sharpening one another. I LOVE YOU BECCA GREENWOOD.

So get your ticket and get to this gathering. I am expectant of Gods fire and glory being poured out, and fully expecting to see His Spirit revealed to every person there. Come expecting! Come desperate! Come with a surrendered heart, and an open heart. Expect and prepared to be renewed, refreshed, reset. When Gods glory lingers in our midst, everything is possible. Let God arise in your lives and the enemy WILL be scattered! Amen!

Register now. Bring those who need to meet with God. Registration closes a week from today. Register below!


This link is to register to be here in person.


Let Christ’s word richly dwell on your lives. Rich indwelling of God's word that is always good and full of grace will only give a positive effect on your whole being. It will pour grace into your heart, and you will find yourself encouraging others in their faith as you are overwhelmed with the riches of God's grace and glory.


The very reason that we exist is that God desired for us to be part of His family. We are His children. God never intended for you to face life alone. He is constantly with you because he loves and cares about you. What a blessing it is to know that the Father loves us unconditionally.


The truth is, if we want to be anointed in the glory for breakthrough and victory, we have to spend time in His Word and in His presence to receive the strategies and authority that causes darkness to flee.


As stated in the Bible, God's eternal nature is love. In other words, love isn't just something God does; it's who God is. So when we say, "God is love," we are not referring to a feeling, a desire, or even anything natural. It is love that disregards the value of the thing, person, or connection and is prepared to sacrifice itself for that person, in the person's best interests. God is faithful. Without fail or conditions, He will always love us.


Seek Him. Stay in His Word. Continue in obedience. Do not lose heart. Choose joy.


Welcome to the return of Victorious Prophetic Warfare with Rebecca Greenwood! After a haitus in 2022, Rebecca returns on a new platform. Be prepared to seek after the Glory and be empowered to follow the leading of Holy Spirit.

Receive impartation to dynamic glory filled intercession when you listen to Victorious Prophetic Warfare. Host Rebecca Greenwood will teach you to hear God’s voice and prophesy! Be activated in victorious spiritual warfare and empowered to transform. Each episode will help you see prayers answered, and Satan’s schemes defeated. Join as Rebecca shares prophetic wisdom, personal stories of overcoming strongholds, warfare strategies, and realized transformation in people, cities, nations from 31 years in ministry.


Abide, stay vitally connected to Him, and our joy will be made complete in Him.


Enter In

Enter My gates with thanksgiving. Enter My courts with praise. Even in this present darkness, you must come into My presence. You come to the altar of sacrifice and surrender. But then you must go even deeper past the outer courts, the inner courts into My holy of holies. You are at the threshold of glory. Enter in and meet with Me face to face. Worship takes you into My throne room. You are seated in heavenly places with Me. So come up here. Enter into My realms of glory. Enter into My strategy room. In My glory realm is where you will receive my blueprints. Be obedient to follow My instructions. You cannot do what you have always done. I have something new for you. Don’t strike the rock if I say to speak to the rock just because it worked last time, Come receive My new for you.

Striving comes from an orphan slave mindset. Rest in Me.

I am more interested in your heart than your gift. I am more interested in the process than the product. I am more fascinated by the race than the prize. You are trying to get somewhere, but I want to go on a journey with you. You are trying to produce and I Am trying to press. You want the new wine from Me, but I trying to press it out of you. My love language is quality time. To come up higher is to go down deeper. Enter in.

Psalm 27

“Serve the Lord with jubilation; Come before Him with rejoicing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courtyards with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:2-‭4‬

“Lift up your heads, you gates, And be lifted up, you ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates, And lift them up, you ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of armies, He is the King of glory. Selah” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭7‬-‭10‬


Thinking wrongly about God will only cause hate and negativity on how we view ourselves, others, and life's circumstances, as well as our emotional states, attitudes, and behaviors. Satan is the source and cause of all lies about God, and whenever we believe them, the enemy succeeds with his plans.


Since Satan deceived Adam and Eve to misinterpret God's Word, compromise has been a persistent temptation. God blesses people who love and obey Him. The spirit of compromise tells us that we really don't need to obey God and we can do whatever we want. But the truth is we can only be successful if God will bless us. Have faith in Him and avoid compromise.


Our lives themselves are meant to be living sacrifices, living altars. We'll revisit the purpose of altars in the old testament, how that translates into the new testament, and how it's relevant to us today.


The truth is, if we want to be anointed in the glory for breakthrough and victory, we have to spend time in His Word and in His presence to receive the strategies and authority that causes darkness to flee.

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