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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx



This Podcast is Fire!

This Podcast is jammed packed with Holy Ghost Power! If you are driving, be prepared to pull over as you are getting overwhelmed and as others are being supernaturally delivered, Saved and Healed!

Today Dr. Tony Slay, who has been a Spiritual Father of mine for over 30 years, releases an impartation of the Next Major Move of the Spirit.

Tony who has been ministering for more than 40 years and has been in many moves of the Spirit, but literally nothing shall ever compare to this Next move that we are in!

Prepare yourself to receive a Breakthrough anointing and an Impartation of to bring you into the depths of what Holy Spirit is doing, Right Now!!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


Good for nothing is such a great title!

Generally when you hear the term good for nothing is in a negative connotation like, “you have never done anything to better yourself, you’re good for nothing!

On this Podcast I interview a Spiritual Father who I have been walking with for almost three decades.

He’s about to release a life long work in a Book on the topic of Grace and it’s called, “Good For Nothing”.

Kevin and I get into the root message of The Gospel which is, You’ve been made Good with out any payment needed to be made! You are, Good and it cost you nothing.

We also get into some pretty deep topics on this amazing topic of Grace. For instance what does it mean to fall from Grace.

I think you will receive some amazing revelation of how your journey of Grace can been enhanced when you know the rest of the story!

Jump on and receive freedom from condemnation and be set up and begin to live from Victory!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


Here’s a Great reminder

We are in a season of War, but how we war and who we war with is as important as warring!

We must take Dominion over our spheres of influence!

Here’s the truth!

We DO NOT war against flesh and blood!

We are not at war with our governments, Federal, Provincial or Municipal. We are not in war with our in-laws or the outlaws!

If somebody is wearing an earth suit they can never be our enemy!

They may think they are our enemies, but we have a choice to love beyond knowledge!

The people who speak all manner of evil against us and despitefully try to use us are still Papa God’s Children that are just missing the mark!

God has such trust and has specifically empowered us to stand in those spheres of influence and take on the arrows of accusations and fiery darts from these lost ones because we will be the bridge to their salvation!

We are the ones that have the audacity to stand in the midst of all the fear and freely release great Grace and be a provider and conduit of liberty to a whole group of people for whom nothing has been provided!

God just goes bananas over a person who can stand in this and release mercy!

The enemy is so disarmed when we do not fall into the plans of perpetual hatred and systemic knee jerk reactions to lies and perpetrations!

So our warfare is not against flesh and blood but in the midst of our taking Dominion we will be confronted by principalities, powers of darkness and familiar spirits that will use wounded people to try to deny, delay or constrain our advancement . Our warfare is never against the person, but the spirit behind the person!

The best course of action is to love that person so well that their flesh, in the area in which the enemy is using, begins to be drowned out and for the first time in a long time they will be able to think clearly! Love covers a multiple of sins and when covering that same same love begins to smother the works of the evil one!

Here’s the Key!

To be able love like that, we have gotta be a generous receivers of The Love of the Father!

Spend time with God allowing Him to pour His Love into us, because what I’ve just mentioned to you is impossible in our own strength!

Secondly, begin to rejoice and praise God right in the midst of it!

I call this, JOYFARE! We must move from a second heaven warfare mentality, to a Third Heaven Joyfare reality!

As you praise God in the midst of of all opposition is when He, The Omnipotent One, begins to be enthroned on your praise and as He begins to rise and His enemies begin to be scattered!

Then if we still sense the enemy lingering is when we unleash the nuclear bomb...

We just simply but with faith decree the legal plea of the shed blood of Jesus, against these fallen spirits, in the name of Jesus!

Then just continue to peacefully and joyfully walking out God’s divinely designed Dream for our lives!

The enemy is not our focus! God is!

The enemy is inconsequential within our decision making! We do not make decisions because the circumstantial pressures illuminated or amplified by the enemy!

We make our decisions according the will of our Father and at our pleasure!

Apply these principles and receive greater levels victory!


Much Love,



Seeing the Vision for The Provision:

I believe The Lord is wanting to show us a vision of... "SEEING the modus of apparendie of the prosperity of Jehovah Jireh/Lord our Provider. The Father wants to show us His ways. To the children of Israel He showed them His hand and His power but to Moses His friend, He showed Him... His Ways.

So I declare in the mighty name of Jesus, that we will have the potential to see the ways, forms and carriers of prosperity.

Get ready for Hidden Harvests of wise and witty and even ingenious ideas that will bring wealth into the Kingdom of God... with Intentionality.

With these vehicles of wealth we will begin to be answers to those to whom nothing has been provided.

As society begins to go under, we as believers will begin to go over and become the answer to this world. We will be able to create and recreate the avenues and be a resource of the Source, as Deuteronomy 8:18 comes alive and we understand that God is not just the candy man handing out riches for lazy Christians with an improper view of the prosperity doctrine, but rather, an understanding that the Source of all has given us the Power to Get wealth and have the privilege, as co-heirs, to establish the covenant in the land.

Our Father in heaven has turned the Family Business over to us and Now He is waiting with anticipation to see us become the Answer He pre-destined us to be!

Much Love and great Blessings,

Barry Maracle


If you are looking for Freedom that the Word of God says you can have then jump on this week’s Podcast.

It doesn’t matter your past or what you have done or not done!

It doesn’t matter the level of trauma you have suffered under, there is total sustainable Freedom waiting for you. This Podcast is an amazing journey of discovery into wholeness with Pastor and New Author Rene McIntyre.

I interview Rene about her New Book, which I call a Freedom Manuel. The book is actually called, “Freedom Walker, It’s All In The Blood”.

Here’s my recommendation that she placed on the back cover.

“To say that Freedom Walker is fresh and raw, which is true, would be underselling it, for it is not just a stimulating and thought-provoking read! This book is an essential tool in the lives of every follower of Christ! It will set the stage and re-establish foundations so you can fulfill your purpose!”

Much Love, Barry Maracle

Ps. This Podcast is a wee long because we end up praying for a number of people, but please stay on long enough to find out how to connect with Rene McIntyre. Much Love and enjoy Barry C. Maracle


Just Stop It…

[This post is directed solely towards people who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and would consider Him not only Saviour, but Lord. For all others, hey, hope you're having an awesome day:)

BTW, For all those who are the afore mentioned followers of Christ, hope you're having an awestruck awesome day as well:)]

Just stop it… Just stop what?

(If you are remotely thinking, “What in the world is this guy thinking about, Then read on…)

I may be preaching, as it were, to the choir. Please bare with, as we will go on a bit of a journey.

First, I feel I must build a bit of a foundation for this post. I said a bit, for the sake of length, I won’t go into much detail.

The foundations of our belief system is in Judaism, with Christ as the centrepiece of it all.

Christ was and is the culmination of all the prophesies in the Old Testament.

Christ is the Completion of the promise of restoration.

Christ is the answer to the broken communication between Creator & creation.

Through one man, Adam, unrighteousness entered into the world and through One man, the 2nd Adam Jesus Christ, Righteousness entered back in.

Jesus is the one that paid the price for our healing, our deliverance and our salvation.

The next four statements are the defaults that I defer to in life. Jesus Christ made these available to all of His son’s & daughter’s and that includes you and me.

1. I am set free in every-way from anyones control…

2. I am set free for freedom sake.

3. Whom the Lord sets free is free indeed.

4. The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.

Freedom is huge in our faith. Matter of a fact the bible says that where the Spirit is made Lord there is freedom/liberty.

We’ve been translated from the Kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love (Jesus).

We are no longer under the totalitarian dictatorship of a demented king. We are underneath the rule and reign of another sovereign who is the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lord’s, Who’s Kingdom consists of Righteousness, Peace and Joy. This King is the One who gave up His everything to purchase back our everything.

There is no expectation placed on you to do anything. You have been literally set free for freedoms sake. You were not saved to be a robot or stripped of your will.

No my friend you are now a free moral agent free to do whatever you please.

The thing is for me and many like me, our gratitude because of the great love shown in the great sacrifice of The Creator of all, has caused us to live a life of service to the Risen King.

It is our choice out of and because of Love, that we live a life of forgiveness and service to all of creation.

We live a life empowered by His presence to fulfill The Dream.

Your potential is to live all your days full of love, peace, Joy and prosperous in every area of your Life.

The Key word is POTENTIAL…

So… Stop It! Stop what…

Stop living beneath your potential…

Stop rehearsing the curse…

Stop believing the lie…

Stop living in the past…

Stop trying to recreate a moment…

Stop walking in unforgiveness…

Stop living somebody else's life…

Stop being used by the accuser…

Stop gossiping…

Stop shooting the wounded…

You’re bigger than all of that!

So what’s driving this post?

The answer is…

As christians we are not allowed to pick up and carry around an offence likes its our best friend, but I’m finding so many, seemingly mature believers, justifying themselves in what they are saying and or doing against other brothers and sisters.

Please hear what I am saying, I’m not saying people don’t need to be held accountable for their actions but who is their Judge, jury and prosecution. Guess what it’s not me and it’s not you.

Judge not less you be judged.

With the same judgement you give out it will be measured back to you.

It goes along with with, every seed produces after it’s own kind.

While the earth remains there will always be seedtime and harvest.

And like the word on the streets… What comes around, goes around.

Come on guys!!!

We’ve got to stop playing into the hands of the enemy.

We gotta stop perpetuating this circle of defeat.

The enemy has no more authority because it was stripped from him at the cross 2000 years ago.

The only authority he has is when he can convince one of us to use our God given, restored authority against each other.


Stop being in partnership with one that has your demise on the top of his agenda.

When you pick up an offence and you begin to carry a grudge against a person. You actually think you are hurting them?

I got news for you, every time you say something negative about that person, you take another sip of poison thinking that this time there gonna pay for what they did to me.

Unforgiveness is Like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Jesus said in the prayer that He taught us to pray, “… forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us.”

His dying prayer on the cross was, “forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”

That’s our prayer.

Do you think that the people that have harmed you are thinking properly. No they don’t actually have a clue of the destruction that is coming against their lives and the lives in their sphere of influence. If they did they never would of done it.

We are supposed to pray for those that dispitefully use us and say all manner of evil against us.

I know what I am asking many of you to do is IMPOSSIBLE! Yes of course it is or everyone would be doing it.

True Forgiveness and unconditional love can only be accomplished by His mercy and because of Grace.

It’s only God that has empowered me to forgive my abusers, my betrayers and nay sayers.

Hey, I ain’t perfect, but by His Grace I am getting gooderer and gooderer:)

… And I dish out plenty of what I want to eat.

All my Love and Grace of God on all of you, as you ponder these words,

Barry Maracle


God wants you to BE Blessed!!!

Blessed is the Greek word makarios, which actually means Happy and Blissful! Yes! God wants you to be HAPPY & BLISSFUL!

The enemy does not want you to receive this truth! We are Happy & Blissful for a great purpose. It’s part of your arsenal of great wealth that allows you to be victorious in any circumstance or situation and not be negatively effected, but because you are so BLESSED, you become the change agent!

I also, share wee bit more about my journey into living a wonderfully blessed life! Jump on this Podcast and receive a revelation of the Blessings of the Lord and actually receive an impartation to become the answer your world needs.

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


You are somebody’s Breakthrough!

Live your life as so!

Don’t quit, give up or sit down in defeat!

You are about to birth your best days!

The pain you are in are the birthing pains!

The devil is a liar!

Circumstances are lying!

There is no weapon formed or forged against you that can prosper!

You are greater than your current situation!

Allow the Spirit of the living God to arise as you begin to praise your Heavenly Father!

Greater is He Who is in you than he that has been tormenting you!

Stop believing the lies and believe, speak and receive the Promises of God!

As you keep standing you will!

Yes you WILL!!!

Receive your Breakthrough and be somebody else’s answer!

People are waiting to see someone have the victory, that they can hardly believe is possible.


When they see you continually standing, in the midst of it all, they will stand!

When they see you receive your breakthrough, HOPE will surge through them an they will be empowered to stay the course!

Your whole world is waiting… will you have the audacity to stand and be the answer?!?

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


I want to boldly declare to you today!!!

It’s not time to face your problems or your giants or mountains or demons!

IT IS Time to be Face to Face... with your God!

The enemy, your problems or your obstacles should never be on the same level as you!

I’ve heard people even, believers say, “I’d be doing well, if I wasn’t UNDER these circumstances.

We have a problem when we believe the temporary circumstances more than the Promises of God.

When we believe the problems more than the Promises, we begin to subject ourselves to its authority!

You will never win the war by facing your defeated foe!

The enemy is after your attention!

When you PAY attention to something, you are actually operating in an eternal universal Law set up by the Creator in the physical realm called, seedtime and harvest.

In this economy, you get what you PAY for!

It is only what you face is what you exchange Glory with!

The following scripture describes how we must operate in this realm to continually win... EVERYTIME!!!

Roman 16:19(b) & 20

“... I want you to be WISE in what is GOOD and innocent in what is evil.


The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”

As you seek His Face you will look into His Glory and you will exchange your Glory for HIS!




As difficult as it may be.

We must keep our focus on the things above, the things that are Good, Pure, Holy, anything excellent or praiseworthy, these are the things the Word says we need to dwell upon!

Don’t be so consumed with what this realm is saying, rather prophesy The Promises!

Change your perspectives which will change your perceptions and you will change your reality!!!

Colossians 3:2 states that we are to set our minds on the things above and fill our thoughts with heavenly realities, NOT on the things on the earth.

No we’re not sticking our heads in the sand and hoping that things will change.

NO NO NO, we are setting our minds on the infinite solutions that are above the storms and getting God’s perspectives so we can call forth His Kingdom to come into our world.

We are Changing this world and we are about to Change this world with the very thing that it was made from!


Be the change agent, not just another nebulae floating down the river of least resistance towards a fatalistic outcome!

You were born for these moments!

Stand up!

Show up!

Get stirred up!

And DECLARE HIS Goodness and shift the day!

Much Love,



Please send this 1 minute prophetic video to any prodigal daughter or son!

I prophesy the Father’s heart for the ones that feel condemned and feel that they can’t come home!

Much love,



Ladies and gentlemen, so many of you are in a significant transition moment. To make things in even worse, lol, for many it’s the unknown that is the scariest.

Here’s the Truth, the pressure you are sensing is true, but the you are greater than any external attacks coming at you.

Just before your transition into your elevated status of influence and affluence in your specific world, the enemy must pull out all the stops and do whatever he can do to at the very least delay, deny or worse, define you!

Know this! Just before your ELEVATION comes and attempted assassination!

Today, I want to share with you 5 significant places where King David Overcame the spirit of assassination called, offence.

The Spirit of offence is lurking at every doorway of opportunity trying to cause distraction, by misappropriation of focus!

In this episode I want to share how David overcame the assassination attempts of the spirit of offence.

Offence is one of the enemies sneaky and deadliest operations.

Then finally on this Podcast I want to give you keys to overcome, as David did and fulfill the maximum potential of your Divinely Designed Dream!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


So looking forward to being at Church In The Vine, Edmonton, Alberta on April 28th!

I am believing that The Heart of the Father will rapture us all up into the Glory Realms of His Love and receive the answers, this generation so desperately needs!

Ps. We all need

Much Love,



There’s a ROAR being released within the graves, behind the stones, in the pits of despair, in the valleys of the shadows of death and on the inside of every demonic depression.

It may sound like distant thunder, but His Roar is increasing and is busting through every circumstantial shackling!

It’s called RESURRECTION POWER! Allow The resurrected Lion of the tribe of Judah, roar through you and bring that Breakthrough you’ve longed for!

Your deliverance is nigh you, even as close as your roar!

Much Love,



Our Time to Shine:

You were born for this season.

Isaiah 60 says, "Arise (out of your dark places of pain, misery, despair) and Shine for light has come and the Glory of The Lord has risen upon you... Though there be darkness (all around) and deep darkness on the people (doing and embracing sin like never before, being lovers of pleasure more than their Creator). That the Glory of The Lord will arise over you and be seen on you. The Gentiles will come to your light and the Kings will also come to your brightness (according to the weightiness in which you allow Him to be manifested on and through your life. Manifesting the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding council, might and the fear of The Lord, the true answers from the throne of God).

This potential is all waiting for us as a direct response to the evil of this day.

Isaiah 60:4 goes on to say, "Lift up your eyes all around, and SEE:..." vs. 5, "Then you shall SEE and become radiant, and your heart will swell with JOY; Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you and the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you." vs 6, "THE MULTITUDE OF CAMELS SHALL COVER YOUR LAND...

One of my favorite tag lines in this season is... "It's not time to take off, but it's our time to take over". It's time for the light to shine bright and the salt to be savory.

Much love,



Good Morning Ekklesia

Your prayer life is one of the determining factors that creates the perimeters, the influence and sustainability of your calling, purpose, ministry and the fulfillment of God’s Divinely Designed Dream effecting all areas of your life!!!

Much love,

Barry Maracle


In this world and especially at these times we need answers beyond what we have been operating in. Good news is that we can receive greater answers than we have ever received in direct response of the evil of the day!

Encounters of the God Kind is the answer for everything!

The religious spirits have been telling charismatic people for years that you can’t be so heavenly minded, because if you are you will never be any earthly good!

During this episode I go into historical truths of how most of our modern technologies have come by way of Revelations from God, that the greatest inventors of all times received through encounters with God! That’s why I called this episode, “Spirit of Revelation Births Innovation!

There are real and amazing innovations that will bring modern day answers that God already prepared for those that would have the audacity to believe and venture out and get caught up into the Glory Encounters with God. Answers and solutions are waiting for us. The whole world is waiting for the manifestation of the son’s and daughter’s who go up and be filled up and come back down and distribute answers!

The answers are waiting for us just on the other side of our hungering and thirsting for and Encounter of the God Kind!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


The payment that Jesus made by His death, burial & Resurrection has unlocked the doors of every jail cell, cage and containment and they have been swung wide open!

This is the Revelation that every New Creation MUST have!

We need a revelation of our Redemption!

To be Redeemed means to be purchased back under threat!

Redemption is actually better than perfection.

We were Created, then formed in the likeness and image of Elohim(God)! We were made absolutely perfect! Then the fall from Grace happened, but God had a greater plan already in play…

Project Upgrade!

Our Saviour Jesus Christ, The Second Adam, The Last Adam, paid with his Blood and Body, purchased us back. He did not just purchase us back to the original state, NO NO NO, we have been Upgraded! God then Re-Created us and Reformed us!

When God Redeems anything and Reforms anything, He always makes it Better! The word Reform means to bring back to original state, then UPGRADED!

We have lived far below our potential!

Jesus must get what He paid for!

Your freedom, prosperity, influence, miracle, healing, etc., etc., etc., is all waiting for one thing… Belief!

The promises of God are yes and Amen to them that BELIEVE!

Believe the awesomeness of it all and walk in that New Day!

You were Created and formed by God, then you were ReCreated and Reformed by God in Christ Jesus!

Now! Live appropriately!

Much love,



I don’t know who I may be talking to right now, but I want you too know that you can overcome this!

The devil is a liar!

The depression and hopelessness that you are feeling is a lie to contain you and stop you from being the light to your world!

You’re about to tap into something greater than you can imagine!

Just before the elevation, comes an attempted assassination!

Keep standing!

I declare over you right now a Greater Grace than the evil of your day!

I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over you and call forth the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus to invade every area of your life, displacing every spirit of depression, anxiety and fear!

I call forth Oil of Joy, for mourning releasing a Joy that is complete and full of Glory!

I also declare over you Romans 15:13

Now May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Your Best days are not behind you!

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


Be excellent at what is good and innocent of what is evil.

May I suggest that we need to be excellent on the character, wisdom, favour of Christ and on everything that He has done and is doing!

Rather than being an expert on the

anti-christ and all of his plans.

You have been placed in chaos to bring forth order, not to be succumbed by circumstances!

You are the light of this world now!

You are preachers of the Goodness, not reporters of all the enemy is doing. We all need to Stop rehearsing the the curse and begin to proclaim the promises!

We are to go into all your world and preach the Gospel, the Good News! We are to heal the sick! Cleanse the diseased! Cast out devils! Raise the dead and make the Kingdoms of this world, the Kingdom of our God!

You were born for these moments!

You have way more resources waiting to come forth by your Faith and by your voice!

You are the solution!

Much Love,



Hello Everyone:-)

I just want to commend you all for stepping up in this season of, the unknown!

My wife Tammy Maracle and I bless you all for your obedience that has led to many sacrifices over this past season as well!

Tammy and I have been praying about and hearing some things that we are so grateful for, that I have been sharing here and other platforms.

One thing I would like to present today, is that we need to make sure that we are being led by the Lord in this season and not just using these times of uncertainty as opportunities, only.

Tammy and I have both felt this caution in our spirits that we need to be careful not use the fear that people are sensing, to be the only bridge that we are using to bring people into a deeper relationship with God.

What you birth by fear will have to be kept by fear!

Our focus can’t be on the enemy!

Our focus can’t be on defeating the darkness!

Our focus must be on the everlasting truth that is administered in Love!

Let’s make sure we’re not being led into conflicts with the enemy, that the Lord has already Won! We cannot waste our time focusing on cursing the darkness. We must spend the majority of time letting God arise and take His place in the midst of all the hurts, pain and deficits! As we lift our voices through our prayers, declarations, praise and the decrees of His word, His Presence will displace and even crush the works of the evil one!

So today, let’s Refocus on the things that our Faith is truly in. His sacrifice, His Blood, His Ressurection and what exactly is His Word for this season!

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


On our way to release the Kingdom of God!

Believing for a huge manifestation of the Fathers Love

If you’re in the Edmonton area, we would love to see you all at The Church in the Vine!

Much Love,



Good Morning, believers and followers of Jesus Christ!

As you woke up this morning, you woke up with a A++!

As you woke up, you have already won the war, because you are in Christ Jesus and Jesus already defeated, death, hell, the grave and dismantled the diabolical plans of evil one!

So today we must recalibrate the way we think, so we can enjoy the privileges of The Kingdom of God.

Like, the revelation of our Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!we must know with complete certainty that we live from Righteousness, NOT for it.

Living from your Righteousness towards your Holiness.

The Truth is…

because I am righteous, I am empowered to become holy.

I’m not trying to gain status, I already have it!

Much Love and Abundant Blessings and unfair Favour be upon you all!

Barry Maracle


This starts Tonight

Come bring a Spirit of Expectation for what the Lord is so longing to do!

Excitement is building as we are jumping in the deep end of the current revival sweeping the land!

God reviving His Church with Resurrection Power!

Come get some!!!

Much love,



Jump on with us this morning and receive Resurrection Power!

Much love!


As leaders sometimes you lead while bleed! God will promote you to the level of pain you are willing to endure.

You are somebody’s breakthrough! Keep going! Don’t give up now! You paid and paved a way so your children and the people you are responsible for will be able to make it!

You are breaking out of the last seasons containment! Understand that when someone is running a marathon, there is a breaking point! Understand that when someone is building muscle, they are actually tearing the muscle, so the muscle rebuilds stronger! It’s not easy and I dare say impossible to do what the Lord is asking of us... BUT GOD!

His Grace will be sufficient! You will get that adrenaline boost and will breakthrough these barriers that stopped you! There is a greater Grace available... RIGHT NOW! Receive it and be propelled into greater spheres, days and things that you would not have had the opportunity had you not kept pressing! Your resources, deliverance and legacy are waiting for you to make that, one more step! You can, because He did!!!

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


Hey Dreamers,

On this weeks podcast I share 4 ways that you can significantly enhance your ability to have more consistent Encounters with The Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and even Angels.

These 4 ways to enhance your ability to encounter God are jammed packed with biblical references!

Four Ways to Encounter God:

1. Position Yourself For your Encounter

2. Reposition Yourself For your Encounter

3. Learning to Lean Into Your Encounter

4. Contending for your Encounter

After listening to this Episode you will have practical ways to further elevate your opportunities to have Encounters of The God Kind!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


Everything has been made & is held together by the power of a spoken WORD!

This realm responds to what it is made up out of, so choose your words wisely, to live life fully!

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


How you handle injustice in the last season, will determine how far you will be propelled in the next season.

So here’s a word to the wise.

Be careful how you judge, remembering, how you judge, you will be judged!

Much Love,

Barry Maracle


Power night at Church in the Vine Edmonton!

Click on this link and receive a now Word!

Much love,



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