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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Barbara R Thomas


A trailblazer, sought after speaker, a prolific teacher, a skilled preacher, a business owner, mentor


The authority to decree & declare things from the spiritual realm to the natural is coming forth! Open your mouth & speak now! BRT


I’m watching as persons get elevated that they tend to start thinking somebody wants to use them. What’s amazing is they are not doing enough or have enough for somebody to use! BRT


The audacity of some to think that you can’t be hearing from YAHUAH because they can’t comprehend the parable! BRT


I decree a refund for all the love & money you wasted on fake people! BRT


Seeing what I’m seeing & the injustice being done to the office, I just don’t want to be known as an Apostle anymore. I can’t get with the hype! BRT


I prophesy to the entrepreneurs & business persons that you shall step into a wealthy season as YAHUAH stirs up visions of multiple streams of income! BRT


The Body of Christ is going through a spiritual tornado because what was hid is now being revealed! BRT


Me being humble & allowing things to slide is for you not me. I know the old me & I guarantee you don’t want to see her return so I bring my thoughts under subjection & maintain a peaceful spirit! I am Saving lives BRT


As a leader I make decisions based on the will of YAHUAH pertaining to a person life. Often because I don’t give them what they expect they attack! I’m snake proof bullet proof & knife proof. Bites cuts or punches don’t hurt me! BRT


Not every Prophet has the same cry! Remember that prophets don’t all say the same thing neither have the same burden. I know my mandate & who I’m called to open my mouth to! Love you much BRT


I just close my eyes for five minutes & saw the heavens split wide open & gold & silver coins millions & millions of them started falling. I heard restitution for our losses & restoration of our true inheritance as supernatural favor & unthinkable provision comes forth. The overflow of abundance is released as the strength to bring forth takes on a greater measure for YAHUAH is delivering His people from a system of oppression that kept us in bondage to the greed of men. We shall in this hour run over & be satisfied as our finances & health is restored in this hour!


Wealth come to me. You hear me calling you. I have something I must do. Now obey! 3/23/23 BRT


When a Prophet speaks a instruction you must follow it exactly as spoken. Nothing added or taken. You don’t get to change the instructions to fit what you want. Obedience is mandatory! Pay attention so you won’t miss the blessings!


It’s funny the people spitting out all these messages about those that are sinners by attacking them with their hostile judgmental messages are not wise in winning souls. These religious self righteous want to point out everybody sins preachers are causing those of us sent into the marketplace warfare. You are the stumbling blocks for souls that are lost. You are the reason that when the true people of YAHUAH come forth we are automatically rejected because they think our behavior is like yours. The anointing on my life is to preach & teach the gospel to the lost to heal the broken hearted to preach deliverance to the captive the recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty those that are bound. What are you preaching for.

Not everyone has the ability to go among those that are lost and win them through loving kindness & wisdom. How are we winning those we so greatly attack with our judgmental spirits. Who wants to listen to those of you that sit on your high thrones thinking you are so much better than them when we have all sin and come short of His Glory.

I’m so tired of seeing all these posts about the people of the world. You pointing out every sin they have done but don’t have a salvation remedy for them. You can’t win nobody to YAHUAH Kingdom by you low ranking them bashing them tearing them down and calling them names. You come at the sinners in such a hostile ugly way that they immediately reject you & turn on you because of how you approach them. This is why they say Christians are some of the most mean and hateful people on the earth. The attitude and behavior is so not godly when dealing with those of the world.

Classes are needed because if you don’t know how to truly witness and win souls then you will drive them away cause them to hate YESHUA & never want to have anything to do with salvation. You don’t know how to go among the lost and bring them hope. You don’t know how to use the word with grace to even have those that are lost to even want salvation. I look at some of these posts & I be like Father I thank you that I already know you because if I didn’t I would not even look your way because how those that say they represent you talk about the sinners.

Y’all think because we not bashing them or talking to them in a derogatory way pointing out every sin & downgrading them means we are compromising. No precious we are winning the lost with the spirit of love. If YAH loved the world so much that He gave His Son to die for it then it’s love that is the foundation used to bring the message of salvation to the lost.

I am not called to sit in the church but I am called to the marketplace to be a light in darkness. Like YAHUSHUA I go among those that the religious people look down on. I sit down like He did with sinners and I lead them to salvation through my example & words of wisdom. Yes I sit among those in high places in the world that respect me more than those in the church who attack my character name & reputation because I don’t bow to their religious rules & denominational doctrines.

So yes I understand all about their sinful ways yes I know the evil they do yes I see their wrong but I’m chosen by YAHUAH to bring forth His Light into their darkness that they may be won to His kingdom through wisdom strategies & a example that shows forth His Glory among them. When YAHUAH told me He would use me He said, I would be a person of controversy that He was raising me up to go to the lost to be used mightily in the last days. He told me I would be judged like YAHUSHUA was because of the people He went among. They talked about Him for sitting and eating in the homes of those they called sinners. They spoke against Him for talking to a woman at a well they got fighting mad for Him allowing a woman of questionable character to wash his feet they talk about Him being with a tax collector. He showed up at weddings & funerals & worked miracles.

So yes those of you chosen to go into the world among the sinners you going to be attack you going to be called a sell out yes they going to call you a hypocrite and they will scandalize your name. Keep striving keep going forth let them talk they not assigned to those levels of warfare and dimensions of demons you will face. See you been taught train authorized & empowered to deal with those in the world. Stop walking away from your assignment because some self righteous mean spirited prideful person attacks you. They are a distraction sent to try & destroy your witness & influence, please don’t let them.

It’s time to go get souls that are lost souls that are being held captive by the enemy souls that need salvation healing & deliverance. You were chosen for it. It’s your mandate it’s your mission it’s YAHUAH purpose for you. Do it & never apologize for the work you have been chosen to do. I’m praying for everyone that is going into the world to win the lost because truly your greatest enemy is not them that are in sin but those that sit in pride judging them! I remain BRT 3/26/5783


Some people get attracted to the anointing on your life then formed a imaginary relationship with you! Be careful of those whose feelings for you are not healthy! BRT


333 I hear you YAHUAH through the significance of these numbers! BRT


Get ready the Leadership Boot Camp is coming to a city near you. This is a intense training & teaching for those that are called to lead! Must be committed to all three days of the course! Stay tuned! BRT


Listening to these tornado sirens going off & decreeing that no weapon formed shall prosper against us! We are covered by His blood always! BRT


When they begging you for money because they say their rent lights due & need food but on Facebook five minutes later sowing the amount they got from you to a false prophet! BRT


Been seeing 77 all morning long. I heard YAHUAH say, We shall understand in this hour that a new weapon a greater sword of His word & power has been given to us to pierce and cut through the hinderance barriers & walls against us. We shall watch and understand the move of YAHUAH as He nourish our hearts with the power of His love. His love that shall cause us to walk together in unity among one another. He shall keep His eye on us as we stand and know the depth of His wisdom as we prepare to go forward in this hour. We are in a season of fulfilled completion that shall cause us to obtain all He has said as we walk in obedience to His divine will & purpose. Know that some things have come to a end in our lives & we must let them go. There shall be a transitional move for some to get you to the right place so your assignment can be completed. Listen for instructions because there must be completion so that alignment can take place. Hear the word of YAHUAH as He speaks! Don’t miss your times of instructions. Move when He says move & speak what He says speak & know that as you walk in faith you shall fulfill & complete all that has been given unto you. Blessings & much love to you all! BRT


People call it pride when you present a positive image of yourself. Self love comes from knowing that you are more than what they think of you! Keep talking positive about yourself & others! BRT


Rise warriors & intercede for the lost! Death has come upon the land in great measure & we must pray for those that are lost in sin. Cry for souls cry for peace cry for then to receive salvation! BRT


I use my various platforms for different things. My reels are real problems but I present them in a amusing way. You do what you do on yours & leave mines alone! We not the same person. I’m cut from a different cloth & use in a diversity of ways. Stop trying to hold others to your self made image thinking everybody has to be like you. No YAHUAH has given all of us a uniqueness and we are doing Him a injustice when we don’t be the person He made us to be. Some of us are chosen to impact various cultures & races and He moves us sometimes in different ways to bring forth His message revelations & correction. Do everyone a favor and just be you and stop trying to clone others into mini me’s of yourselves. We are only as great as the truth we walk in. Listen everybody be you do things how YAHUAH has given you to do them. Say what He told you to say in however way He wants you to say it. Love you embrace you & do you! BRT


Be careful leaders when you are going through a deliverance & those close to you look at you with contempt or shame. You don’t need those persons in any of your circles! BRT


Hear we go again with this weather. Come on intercessors no power is greater than YAHUAH power! Let’s shut up the heavens where there be no rain nor winds bringing destruction! BRT


I was built from pain misery & torment that should had destroyed my will but instead push me into a warrior that rose beyond the conflicts that created disgrace & shame to become a woman of dignity honor & prestige. I am strong because I have endured much opposition & persecution. When the enemy thought I was broken I rebuilt my self esteem and continued to fight to hold on to my self worth and dignity among a society that thought it would strip me degrade me use me & abuse me. I stood in the face of adversity & refuse to give up. I held it together because I knew I would survive. So excuse me but I won’t bow to the image you have tried to create of me. I know my worth my value & my importance in the earth. You see my birthing into this world was a master plan of my CREATOR YAHUAH who knew that He could trust me to be all that He would make me. So I don’t apologize for what He has made me to see about me that I was created from His mind shaped by His hands & prepared for a society & people that would often reject me! Remember failure only becomes a reality in your life when you stop believing in yourself! BRT

Have a awesome production & creative day!


You are a success story & each day you are adding to that story! Don’t stop moving. The things you are doing will be remembered forever! BRT


If I really want to help those that are in error & leading the people wrong I don’t just rebuke or expose but I ask YAHUAH to give me strategy to be able to help turn them around! BRT


Sometimes I don’t even say no I just stare at people like they crazy until they walk away. You should of knew better than to ask me that foolishness! BRT


When I catch people staring at me I just assume they taking notes as to how secure confident & unbothered I am in the midst of those that don’t like me! BRT


Some of the simplest things will test a person heart. As a leader sometimes just asking them to do something small shows me attitude character & integrity. Many have failed. BRT


Never bring small minds into big doors. The weight of it will crush them because they are not equipped to handle the amount of glory attached to it.


Habitual complainers are hard to listen to because why you don’t never have nothing good to say! Some of you are building from emotions & it shows! BRT


Ladies I pray you are ready for the awesome things that are about to happen for you! Listen you are on YAHUAH mind & the next ninety days watch Him move! BRT


Some people fail because they take the vision God gave them and put it into the ear of a silent enemy.


Though the leader sets up a Chain of Command everybody holding a position must remember that before something is implementing it needs to go through their hands. Your idea may be good but that leader has to know the time & season for new directions a new course of action or a new idea can come forth. Often times the warfare connected to the assignment of the vision will take on new strength when it’s time for change. You need instructions from the Commanding Officer so that you can be effective & successful in what you are doing. Often leaders put persons in charge that get power mad & begin to do things without the leader having knowledge of it. You yet need to convene to the leader anything that will effect the vision of a ministry or business before putting it into operation. Though they may trust you in the position you are in there are some things that the commander only knows about certain situations and people. Remember these three things below:

* What soldier moves into battle with NO INSTRUCTIONS from their Commanding Officer?

* Any soldier knows that instructions come from intelligence. Intelligence is a knowledge and awareness of information needed for effective operations.

* Notice how the enemy of a soldier is also dressed as a soldier, has the same weapons as a soldier, acts and moves like a soldier... the difference is who and where they receive there instructions from. This is why you need to know the Word of YAHUAH so that you can distinguish who’s really on the HIS side. BRT


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A Double Womb!! For what you about to birth forth one womb can’t carry it! BRT


YAHUAH is replacing your old womb for a new womb! In this season you are being impregnated with the future for His Kingdom! BRT


Repost Reminder because YAHUAH is calling some of you into days of fasting for what’s to come will require your flesh to be under control so you can endure the temptations. Leaders you especially are going to be led into long periods of fasting. The seduction manipulation intimidation that shall come against you will require you to fight hard against giving in to mammon leviathan & Jezebel!

More insight in breaking a long fast. Please take heed so that you won’t damage your body. What you eat is extremely important when breaking a fast.

1. Water is absolutely necessary. Drink plenty of bottled water to get your system back to a healthy place. After that you may add juices that are diluted. Do not drink straight juice as the acid will burn your stomach mouth and throat.

2. Eat very light that first few days chicken broth diluted and oatmeal is recommended.

3. Do not put greasy foods in your system for at least 7-10 days.

4. As you gradually introduce meats make it broiled baked or grilled and that should be done slowly and easily after you have done coating your stomach with liquids.

5. Because your bowels have been dormant eat soft foods with fiber to help natural movement.

6. Eat fresh fruits & raw vegetables as much as possible the first five days to get your bowels intestines back in alignment.

7. Again do not break the Fast with hard foods that can damage your digestive system and cause sudden death. Remember it’s not the fast that kills people it’s the food they eat after breaking the fast that causes the damage to their body! BRT


You have to be strong enough to survive the afterbirth pain that comes after you have pushed your vision out! BRT


When you have to remind him that you the kind of woman that he want to go to war with and not against! Women are born warriors! BRT


The revelation He just gave me concerning covenant relationships has me sitting in total amazement. This one here is too deep for those that are a novice or immature. BRT


When YAHUAH get finish with these lessons He teaching me you going to have a real understanding concerning what He has joined together! BRT


I’m sorry leaders but don’t be mentoring persons that disrespect you on social media either! BRT


Some must learn how to present truth without being dogmatic & judgmental toward those that are sinners & those that have not matured in Christ! BRT


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