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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Andrew Whalen



Today I woke up from an extremely significant dream... in which Bill Johnson from Bethel Church Redding CA was in. I was fascinated not only by the message of the dream, but the fact that ever since my in-laws have moved into their new home, there has not been one time I have stayed there when I did not have a dream with Bill Johnson / Bethel.

Pondering this, I heard the spirit say 'Look up the street name'. Well without mentioning the actual name of the street, I found out it has 2 meanings: 'Good Spear' / 'Powerful River'. I heard the spirit say, "This place is a river of my spirit that flows from 'Bethel' / the house of the Lord / the gate of heaven... and you will receive my word that will be a 'Good Spear' to strike the mark". Wow !!

So getting to the dream... I was with Bill Johnson, who asked me to stand up at 'Bethel' and prophesy. I began to prophesy that the warfare against jezebel, is about to rise with a fury, as 'longhaired nazarites' break toleration, culminating in a coming overthrow and great fall of Jezebel, 'her' seductions, perversions, and witchcrafts over a generation.

Then Bill Johnson sat down to speak with me in the dream. He began to ask me warfare strategies against jezebel. I shared some insights.. and then he delivered this exhortation: "GREAT FAITH is required in this new era!" - dream end.

I believe as I slept in a place called 'Powerful River'.. the messenger from the 'house of God' delivered a 'good spear'! God's word is one of overcoming jezebel in this new year! WE are going to see a new thrust of nazarite fire and consecration by the spirit of God among His people, and jezebel will be thrown down, and 'her' scepter shattered off of a generation! WE must occupy 2023 with great faith!

Psalm 44:4.... You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob. Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.


I'm a huge fan of encouraging, and being encouraged - its a great fruit of the prophetic ministry! One observation however-- prophetic blurbs on social media, though often very inspirational, often lack the 'conditional merit' of those prophetic words / exhortations. The problem I see with this is that it conditions people to believe that the words by themselves establish their fulfillment... when in truth the words are most often identifying God's will, his intention, and the what He wants us to agree and partner with him for!

Especially as a flurry of prophetic words will emerge for 2023... certainly be inspired, and take hope.. but just understand the condition of faith and responsibility required. Prophecy looses it potency when received passively. Prophecy was always meant to provoke! God might give you a word that He desires you healthy and strong in 2023, but if you don't exercise and eat right.. that hinders the will of God for your life... leaving you disillusioned by what was promised... Bottom line.. WE can't do what God only can, and he won't do what we must!

-So lets enter 2023 full of prophetic promise and faith while keeping the conditional merit of that word in focus!


I had a powerful spiritual encounter last night that is a little too 'provocative' to share publicly... but for those of you who would like to read about it and what God is saying through it for our times, feel free to join my free fb group: Vanquish Prophetic Warriors.


rom what I saw in a dream a couple nights ago, in 2023 God is bringing a RESET / RE-IGNITION / and REBUILD to the altars of prayer across the Earth. - In my dream I saw that the corporate house of prayer had wained. I wondered what happened to all of the prayer. I was pondering this as I observed what appeared to be nearly vacant 'altars' where God's people had once gathered with intense worship, and prayer. While observing the condition of the 'corporate house of prayer' - I knew that we were in a 'changing' of the guard season. Next I saw Lou Engle walk in to this 'corporate house of prayer' to share on communion. I understood that certain apostolic doctrines needed to be restored again to recapture the passion of a new generation! As the dream concluded, I received revelation that in the coming seasons of time, new expressions, wineskins, and voices would be raised up to bring forth a new wave of inspired prayer, worship, and fire upon the altars. Let the House of Prayer Rise in 2023!!!


I was thinking about leadership today.. here is what struck me-

There are many people called to leadership in some form and in some sphere. In fact I believe all those called to true leadership are simultaneously the servant of all, called to greatness, and called to lead those they serve into that same greatness.

Unfortunately, so many called to lead live with deep roots of bitterness within. ( The testing upon those called to lead is full of opportunity to become offended, jaded, and bitter).. When these testings, and their consequences go undealt with, then these bitter roots grow into the puppet strings that begin to master over the soul of the leader.....hijacking their charisma, gifting, grace, and favor upon the leader. What is left is a leader who has the high calling of greatness, but instead has the ministry of defilement.

This is a warning for all of us to take spiritual inventory in our own hearts... deal with roots of bitterness... learn the art of loving - faith filled resilience- and to pray for those who are leading in your life now.


Today I heard the Lord say "YOUR ONLY ONE STEP AWAY"..... "The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord".... I sensed the spirit reveal that many have been stationed at this 'step' for a long time... but a redemption of time is upon us, and some of the greatest breakthroughs are coming in this next step! So The Lord would say to you "Don't give up! Do not say there is too much distance to travel to get where I need to be!" - NO The Lord says "You are only one step away, and I am calling forth the next step of order in your life!"


I heard the spirit say "I'm removing the covers I have not ordained."

In pondering this, I believe the Lord is taking away the 'covers' that shield, hide, protect, and enable us to live in dis-order according to God's truth and life. These covers allow us to project what we want people to see without revealing who we are and being really known. Too much fronting, and fakery hides the actual, and real, which is an old wineskin way, mentality, and system that has no ability to carry the new wine God is preparing to pour out.

The great thing is that in the new wineskin that God is establishing, an essential aspect is that we will be 'Known' - And at the same time being known is what is scary about the new wineskin. Our fear of being known is a response of being conditioned that only what is 'good' is worth being seen - teaching us that we then should project only what is good even if fake!

God is now Ordaining his Love to be our cover! 'His Love covers a multitude'.... When we function under the cover of God ordained love, it frees us to be known even in our weakness, while simultaneously establishing the truth of our identity in Christ- which re-empowers us with grace to walk in the truth.

To the degree that we allow what God has not ordained to cover us, we will fail to be true. To the degree we let God cover us in His love, we will walk unafraid into the light, and be true. And to the degree we are willing to be true, is the degree we are empowered to set others free.


I'm telling you...Many of you are about to start hearing and seeing THE NEXT STEP! - It is about to be heard and sensed everywhere in the spirit.... Get ready to start receiving the missing 'puzzle pieces' that not only clarify the direction you're going, but answer some of the why of where you have been. We are entering times of 'full circle' - repositioning. I hear the Lord say, the "low places are being raised up"... Where your vision forward has been blocked by the valley you have been stationed in, God is now bringing a new 'level', a new step to new heights that bring a restoration of perspective and vision. It will be a redemption of time, and a heart healing for your journey. So Many of you are about to enter the place of peaceful understanding - the place where you see that God has never left you, but always been with you. In this NEXT STEP, God is going to restore the 'fortunes of zion'... and we will be like "those who dreamed". This NEXT STEP, that God is now beginning to shine light upon, will be the powerful realization that 'His footsteps' have become your 'pathway'. Only be strong and courageous in this time to follow God and take the next step!


In the gym yesterday... I was minding my own business... but I became strangely and suddenly aware of the level of spiritual darkness present upon this generation. Even as I looked around the room, without judgement in my heart towards anyone, I recognized so clearly a level of darkness, bondage, and lostness covering the lives present there. It felt so heavy in my heart, and I realized if I stayed under this heavy burden it would shift into depression....

And then I heard the spirit speak, "This is my burden, and the only way to see the darkness break over this generation, is to weep with me"! I knew in that moment, that all of our 'good efforts'- preaching, teaching, prophesying, singing, influence messaging etc.. has very limited power to affect any real breakthrough, apart from sharing in the burden of the Lord and a baptism of the love and cry of His heart for this generation.

Lastly, - God's burden is not meant to bring us into depression, but rather desperation! I realize, it requires another level of self-denial, and consistent cross-carrying to be willing to allow the Lord's burden to move our heart to the place where we can weep with Him. There is no short cut to this. We can't fabricate what only comes by knowing and sharing His heart! I for one am becoming more aware how desperately I need His burden, His passionate love and weeping heart for this generation! May we weep again! May the slain lamb receive the rewards of his suffering!


Such a powerful time last night at HOPE NIGHT WISCONSIN.. we saw healings, miraculous breakthroughs.. prophetic fire... and Jesus glorified in the region!!


This past Sunday I was scheduled to speak at a church in Wisconsin. I prayed all weekend to hear the word God had for me to share. 11:59pm Saturday night, I still had heard nothing, when at midnight I heard the Lord whisper, "Son go to sleep."

While asleep, the Lord brought me into a classroom, and showed me one word written on the 'chalkboard' - TURNAROUND

When I woke up from the dream I opened my bible app and typed in Turnaround.. and the first scripture that popped up was John 1:38: "Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” -- When I read this, the spirit said, "This is what I am doing in this day, for this church, and even my whole body." .."I'm turning around to them, because I have seen them following, and heard them calling". -- "I'm coming to ask them what they want, and to show them where I dwell".

I knew from this encounter that before God turns some things around FOR us - He is Turning around TO us! He is going to show us where he 'is' so we are empowered to live as he lives! God is turning around to those who are seeking and following!! May we enter a new grace to seek Him while He may be found!


I pray to see prophets come to the forefront who's ministry doesn't just work on a stage - (nothing inherently wrong with a stage).. a stage is a neutral tool... I guess I'm just troubled that our prophetic ministry seems to be a nice ingredient added to the religious cocktail of modern church, - and in that context is molded into a sort of polished proffesionalism, that is applauded and at times even envied for. Certainly we should honor one another, and especially those sent as gifts to serve the body…. but maybe our prophetic ministry stops being the gift its meant to be when it stops turning people away from compromise and towards Jesus — I think we can no longer afford to see that as the prophetic ministry! We need the kind of prophetic ministry that can both ‘lovingly’ trouble the church out of complacency, and prick the conscience of a whole nation. - And I’m not just referring to being a mouthpiece before man, but a prayer warrior before heaven’s throne - where most of the real spiritual work is done. We need the kind of prophetic ministry that dismantles hell! Honestly we need the prophets hated again,.. NOT because they are angry, proud, condemning or unloving, but because they simply shine light fearlessly into the darkness and make known the passion of God’s heart, and His truth according to the gospel of Jesus Christ! Snakes emerge under that kind of heat! Praying for a new prophetic fire upon us all!


I've been feeling a little fiery and 'direct' in my statements lately.. and tho I don't make apology for what I do believe is God's heart, I also want to say to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, all pastors, prophets, leaders, prayer warriors, kingdom business / entrepreneurs, Godly parents, teachers... and anyone else who is following the Lord and seeking to advance the kingdom of God, according to the grace you have been given in the sphere you are in - I am so thankful for all of you! You are extremely significant, and what you do matters! - As gladiator would say "it echos for an eternity." ..........

Sometimes prophetic voices are geared to call out what needs attention and change, but we also need to highlight what needs honor, praise and encouragement! Yes we need some shaking and awakening, but to be fair, I believe we living through and experiencing some of the most intense, and unusual 'unconventional -sophisticated- spiritual warfare' that hell can muster against us.

I can personally tell you I have wept at times feeling the only 'safe' place is to just quit the 'good fight of faith'. (I know many who have batted the same)... Of course I realize that is not the truth- but If the devil has his way, he will literally wear out the minds of the saints. And as long is it is called today we need to encourage one another!

So this is my heart to say to all of you in the body of Christ (those I personally know, and those I don't), I'm greatful for you! Let's keep standing firm together for the sake of Jesus name! Let me also say, that us standing firm, united in Christ doesn't mean we always have to agree over every issue.

I can't think of one spiritual father, mother, brother or sister in my life where I always agreed at every point all the time-- Yet this is not what qualifies us as family... it is Christ as our head. We must maintain unity through the bond of peace! Of course we need to make room for challenge, correction, debate, wrestling, in humility, but we hold fast to the essentials- namely that we need to love at all times, aiming simply to know nothing among one another but Christ and him crucified!

So let me say again, I'm thankful for all of those truly in Christ wherever you are today, keep shinning!


Its both interesting and encouraging to hear the reports of sudden revivals springing up the last few days in places across the nation -- especially in light of the recent national exposure to satanism through the mass ritual performed at the grammys. - Not to mention, that the nation again is likely to behold another mass ritual at the superbowl halftime show. Are we witnessing the beginning of a heavenly response according to Isaiah 59:19 .... "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."

The last few days, unaware that reports of revivals were coming in, I personally noticed a very unusual thing happen to me. For the last few nights my dreams have been extremely vivid, long and profoundly strategic... I had to question the Lord- "Am I in a window of visitation?"

I'm sharing this because Jesus himself in Luke 19:44 - rebuked Israel because they didn't recognize God's visitation among them. I believe God is opening the heavens in another measure upon us at this time! Let's reach out by faith to lay hold of Him!

Maybe your region, or your life is not experiencing what you would perceive as anything close to a 'visitation'.. but don't let your faith rest on what your current condition is speaking! Take faith in these present day signs.. that God is coming near! I believe He is turning around to us! In fact because of the finished work of Jesus the kingdom is at hand! I'm praying we don't just let these currents of God momentum pass us by. May we reach out, and take hold of what God wants to pour out upon us in this time! I'm also praying that God takes everything the enemy is working for our harm, and turns it for good, and the saving of many souls!


I think the one tell-tale sign that Asbury is a real revival fire is that people are coming to gather from across the nation --and its not about a name, or who's on stage. (Don't hear me wrong, God operates through his vessels for sure!)... but its just refreshing to see that people can gather simply around their hunger for God's presence, and their love for Jesus. Beautiful! more Lord!!!



Just the other Morning... I awoke from a dream in which I was taken above the continental United States, that looked like a map from an elevated place. I saw the location of the Asbury Revival. Instantly I saw rays of light shoot out from that place and they began to look like a network of lights across the whole nation. I saw cities ignite with light. Hundreds of cities across the U.S. began to light up on the map I was seeing. There was too many to remember or count.

Suddenly in the dream the spirit of prophecy came upon me and I said, "What we are witnessing in this nation is out of Isaiah 59:19 - When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall raise a standard against him." In that very moment, in the dream, I witnessed what appeared to be 'walls' built up around whole cities and regions across the U.S. .... I then said, "These are the standards that shall put darkness to flight." I could see that every place that had God's standard raised was consumed with light.

I declare today that what has begun at Asbury, is now spreading to cities and regions across Amcerica. A standard is being raised to turn the tide of evil flooding this generation! I pray that the movie Jesus Revolution will bring a generation of prodigals, to the father's loving arms! Let what is happening in this new year continue to spread and break the power of darkness off of America and this generation - in Jesus name!!!


Now is a time to let your prayers for America reach a new fever pitch! - I hear the Lord say "Add your prayers to my momentous wind". "It is blowing now to bring a passover season, even through much of 2023, there will be a mark of my shifting momentous wind of great change and acceleration. " The Lord says "I'm passing over thousands, even millions." The Lord says "Strongholds will fall." I hear Him say, "There are many who think of me often, yet have not prayed in years".. "I will revive their hearts, because I am coming near." "My wind is coming for the prodigals and they will find their Father". "Now Add your prayers to join the winds of heaven, for I am bringing sudden breakthroughs in response to the blood of Christ."


The movie 'The Jesus Revolution' in one small prophetic sense, is like the 'eunuchs' in Jezebel's tower throwing 'her' down! If you can perceive it.. Jezebel's domination of a culture from Hollywood just got blasted beyond expectations by the success of Jesus Revolution... My belief.... this is just the tip of the iceberg! There is a generation hungry for spiritual truth and a tangible 'Jesus Revolution' ! Wait until wealth truly begins to transfer hands... and Kingdom millionaires and billionaires begin to finance the production of films that present the power of God and exalt the name of Jesus at whole new levels !! I say let the dogs devour jezebel until 'she' is unrecognizable! I don't think we have seen anything yet!


Well.. My wife and I saw the Jesus Revolution movie today. (And I will be going again this week with my daughter and some of her friends)...

Here was my experience and some of my takeaways:

- First of all.. the movie was done extremely well! But even Beyond the production value and quality... The anointing of the Holy Spirit is on this movie! -- I haven't cried in a theatre since Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ... and those were some good tears. Today however, while watching this movie, I had tears, but literally had to hold back a full on travail. As I watched this creative retelling of a historical move of God, I literally began to feel the longing, and groaning of God's spirit and His heart for this present generation.... Warning.... this movie is a trigger to erupt a new cry out of His people!! (and that is a great thing!) -- It was dangerous to even let tears out, because I didn't know if it would stop there!..

- Secondly.. I really appreciated the story telling of this movie. I am very thankful that some raw attention was given to the realities of 'relational and ministry' conflicts. I believe too many followers have been 'sidelined' over the years because of unmet expectations, hope differed, and disappointments through difficult seasons of conflict. -- This movies doesn't hide that reality, but shows the honest human side that most all of us have or will walk through in some measure when seeking to advance God's kingdom! Yet it pronounced the power of God beyond any one person to stop it, and even revealed God's willingness to use our failures for His Glory! Jesus Revolution should give every man and woman of God who feels sidelined, a breath of fresh air that God is willing to come near again! He will inspire a new perseverance, a hope of , reconciliation, and a passion for Him alone that burns us out of pits of past pain and disappointment!

Finally! Thank you God for sending your son Jesus!! I pray this movie is a small spark that ignites a dry and hungry generation for a new JESUS REVOLUTION!


Twice yesterday I heard the Lord speak the same word about two different couples walking through 2 different circumstances. Then today, I heard Him say the same word again, but this time about His whole body. Immediately after I heard Him say this word today, a barista working at the coffee shop, randomly walks up to me and says, "So what is the word today?" This was odd, but I knew God was confirming that what I had just heard is His word! -- Here is the word I heard:

The Lord says, "I'm doing what makes for peace." - "I'm changing some of your plans because they were hindering your peace." -- "Don't fear the seeming pause, or change in direction, for I am still working to accomplish the promises I have given you, but not without My Peace." - The Lord says "Too many have been seeking My plans apart from My Peace, and the fruit of that has been destructive, even traumatic." - " I the Prince of Peace am restoring the scepter of peace into hearts, lives, families, kingdom ventures, and ministries." I hear the spirit say ----"Some are being called to change locations. Some are being called to stay. Some are being called to return to the former place, for their pain shall now be made peace. Some are being called to 'let go' for their grip is not mine. Some are being called to wait a little while longer for their urgency is based in fear and not faith. -- Yes I am doing in my body what makes for peace."

-Colossians 3:15 ' Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.'



Last night I had a powerful dream. In my dream, I was in a prayer and prophetic meeting with several prayer warriors and another young prophet (who I have been shown, when he is in my dreams that we are standing in a spiritual place called 'THE WAR ROOM FOR THE NATION'.). In the dream, this other prophet was facilitating a time for those of us gathered to wait upon the Lord for the spirit of prophecy.

Suddenly the spirit of prophecy came upon me and I began to weep with intense passion over the State of Texas. I found myself prophesying the following: "Texas, this is your time to Rise. The Lord says "My people in Texas shall rise with wings as Eagle's and they will help rescue America. For now it shall be said, that 'Texas is Rising' - and you will soar to save a nation". In the dream I paused, bowed and wept, knowing that the spirit of the Lord was truly speaking out.. Then I stood up and declared, "I just heard two things twice!" - "STARS AND STRIPES" - "STARS AND STRIPES". I knew by revelation that 'Stars and Stripes' was a song, and that Texas must Sing this song as a prophetic declaration over America! -Dream end.

Let me capture a couple things from this prophetic dream. First, In a well known book by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce, Texas was declared the 'Prophetic State'. I believe God is calling His kingdom people in Texas into alignment with His word and by His spirit to rise as an 'EAGLE' of prophetic deliverance, and justice for a nation. After this dream I found that there is a TV show called 'Texas Rising' about the historical roots of the Texas Rangers (who are known as fearsome servants of justice).

Secondly, I discovered that there is a song known as STARS AND STRIPES - Formally titled 'Stars and Stripes Forever'. This is actually the national 'march' of the United States of America. Here are some of the lyrics:

Let martial note in triumph float

And liberty extend its mighty hand

A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,

The banner of the Western land.

The emblem of the brave and true

Its folds protect no tyrant crew;

The red and white and starry blue

Is freedom's shield and hope.

Let eagle shriek from lofty peak

The never-ending watchword of our land;

Let summer breeze waft through the trees

The echo of the chorus grand.

Sing out for liberty and light,

Sing out for freedom and the right.

Sing out for Union and its might,

O patriotic sons.

In early March I had a dream in which I was told that at the very end of March 2023 we would begin to see certain control systems of the deep-state begin to unravel, and that the end of March would mark the beginnings of a new day of Jubilee. I find it no coincidence then that on the last day of MARCH 2023, God is decreeing 'Stars and Stripes Forever' the national MARCH of the U.S. -- Specifically this song is a 'war march' declaring justice against tyrants and liberty for those for whom the flag waves.

Texas, God has a 'prophetic war march' for you to help bring forth freedom for the sons of liberty and justice to those who operate in tyranny. #TEXASRISING #STARSANDSTRIPES #JUBILEE



From a dream last night... I saw the Lord bringing people into his 'X-Ray' room. I knew that what was being examined was the 'shoulders'. People were complaining of pain, weakness, and hindered mobility.. and they needed to know if, and where there was a possible break, strain, or damage. At the end of the dream, a strange man arrived at the doctor's office to pick up the patients. I knew by revelation that this man celebrated the sabbath every week. - dream end!

Here is what I sense-

The Lord is looking to 'heal' and restore the government/ authority of His people. Shoulders in dreams can represent (authority) as the scriptures say about Christ: "and the government shall be upon His shoulder." Passover is historically celebrated as the 'death blow' to the powers of hell, and the systems of oppression and slavery upon God's people. Passover represents the exit from being dominated, into the 'dominion of rest, and authority!

During this season, God is exposing where we have 'yielded' our rightful authority to the usurpers of Hell. He is 'X-Raying' / Shining light on the breach of 'government.' In fact as a sign to us in the natural, I believe we will witness the continual exposure of breaches in the U.S. government, where authority 'by the people' and 'for the people' was usurped.

As we enter this season of passover, I pray God exposes every breach where the enemy has usurped righteous government in our lives and in the nation! --But most importantly, May the finished work of Christ be appropriated for us to recover our authority in the place of His dominion and rest!


Dream - Rescue or Condemn?

I had a dream last night about a friend who 'lost his way'. I suddenly had understanding that from his perspective he had no ability to find his way, see any hope, or way back to God's love and mercy. His view was only darkness, and the constant presence of satan's lies. - I knew that God wanted to rescue him.... but I had been depending on his ability to just see the light, and 'come back'. Then suddenly in the dream, I became aware that the body of Christ including myself had 'unintentionally ministered condemnation towards this lost friend, further fueling the shadows of shame upon him. In the dream I understood that God was in need of my eyes to see hope for my friend.. instead of condemning him for what he couldn't see. The Lord needed my prayers of faith for this man not my agreement with his present condition. - Dream end

I woke up with conviction that our perspective of those who have gone astray, is often not the heart posture that Jesus takes towards them, and as a result we don't pray with consistent faith and passion,--- we surrender to the condemnation reserved for their present condition. WE must remember that when our friends and family have gone astray,- We who are in Christ have been given grace to see what they cannot! Let's escape the trap of condemnation, and pray with the power of God's un-ending love! Jesus left us the perfect example. He leaves the 99 to go after the one. I pray today that His loving example and eternal gift by his blood would refresh our faith to believe for those who have lost their way! May the blood of Christ cry louder than the voice of sin! Lord save your lost sons and daughters today in Jesus name!


Prophets give birth to prophets... seed according to its kind...

Last night I had a dream that i was operating within the C!A. (Maybe it means 'Christ's Intelligence Agency'). This morning I woke up and asked my daughter if she had any dreams. She said, "yes dad, I had a dream that I was helping several '3 letter' intelligence agencies with their 'spy' equipment, such as night vision, and other vision and hearing equipment." Hmmmm.

I asked her what she thought.... and she said, "maybe God is going to use me to help the body of Christ 'see' and 'hear' and discern strategic and important revelation from the Lord." --- "exactly young prophet"!

It is really amazing to see how as a parent (no matter if you have a prophetic call, apostolic call, a musical call, a business call, technical call, teaching call, etc)... that when we sow 'seed' to our children, God miraculously brings the increase that bears fruit according to its kind! Be encouraged that what you sow will grow by God's grace!! Fathers and Mothers we have powerful seeds to deposit in our children that will supply them with grace to lay hold of their destiny in Christ. For those of you who may feel, 'late to the game' concerning your children- be encouraged that prayer is a tremendous way to 'sow seed' in their lives!



Several weeks ago, I was on a mini family vacation in Corpus Christi Texas. For a whole week prior to our trip, I heard the spirit say several times "A line is being drawn in the sand." So on our vacation while sitting on the beach, I heard the Lord say, "Where are you at Andrew?" I said "Corpus Christi Lord". I realized God didn't ask me, because he didn't know, but because I didn't. So I googled the name Corpus Christ.. and didn't even realize that the name Corpus Christi literally means 'Body of Christ'. Then it hit me, and I heard the Lord say, "Stand up, and draw a line in the sand, for this is what I'm now doing in my body." (I drew a line in the sand and announced what I heard under my breath).

That very night in Corpus Christi (The body of Christ).. I had a dream in which I saw 2 things. First I saw that the body of Christ was frequenting the palace of Jezebel. They were walking in and out, feasting on 'her' seductions, and witchcrafts. In the dream I drove into the parking lot of 'Jezebel's palace' and it was like a dullness came over my heart.. I knew it was wrong.. but it was so accessible and available I was almost willing to tolerate it and go inside. All of a sudden in the dream, I came out of this cloud of witchcraft and I said "NO"! - In the dream I heard the Lord say, "I'm giving my body, especially the leaders one more chance to say "NO"! "

The second thing I saw in my dream was a messenger who approached me. I knew it was a messenger sent by God. He looked at me and said, "The systems of demonic compromise are coming under judgement, and they will unravel - this will be a sign of jubilee for the kingdom."

At the end of our trip on the way back home we passed through San Antonio Tx to visit the Alamo. While doing a bit of historical research, I saw that it was at the Alamo in which the 'proverbial phrase', "A line drawn in the sand" was made famous. God gave me several confirming 'witnesses' that He is drawing a line in the sand!

There is a blood line in the sand for us right now! Mercy, and freedom are available but not without repentance! Both individually and corporately we need to heed the warning that God is coming to judge that which shares space with jezebel. More than ever, we must recover the fear of the Lord! We must depart from the heart-numbing witchcraft of perversion in our day. Leaders especially - we must recover submission to Christ's Lordship! We must flee youthful lusts.. and despise every toleration and hint of immorality. 'Christian' in name only will no longer be endorsed or 'winked' at by God. The Line is being drawn. Churches, Systems, and structures found on the side of compromise and toleration in these days will see their fields devoured, and their influence destroyed. - To those that cross over, it will be a jubilee!


God is blowing my mind lately! - Which is a good reminder that attempting to live a life of faith in the container of your own understanding is both boring and bankrupt! Our own understanding will always keep us stuck in a boat tied to shore. The faith-filled life that Christ calls us to, sets sail into deep waters where the wonders of God are seen! Break from boring!


Great call yesterday with Dr. Meri Crouley, & Marcus Rogers. Significant word for America and this young generation!


Early this morning while driving, I was interrupted by the spirit of the Lord and heard Him say: "I have a controversy with the department of education, and it will be shaken. They have caused these 'little ones' to stumble, and I am bringing an exodus out from their tyranny, For they have surrendered true education to indoctrination against Me." (I have never received one prophetic word before about the education system or department of ed..... but I know what I heard today).. So I say, "Lord let it be done according to your word, and may both a rescue and reform happen within education for our children, in Jesus name"


This past Sunday, at Oasis Church Wisconsin, I preached a message that I had received in a recent dream. The message was simply called 'KNOWN'. After this message, I felt in my heart that this may be one of the most important words for this present generation and for our nation. -- But I thought maybe I was just over-exaggerating my own feelings. Someone reached out who watched it, and told me they believe this is "one of the most important messages for the entire body of Christ in our nation right now." -It helped confirm what I sensed. -And please know I don't say this to draw glory for myself... God knows.. but I do believe this word will be an extreme encouragement for you if you can listen. - Also I'd like to thank my great friend Landon Huie and his wife Kristin Huie for their Godly example of apostolic leadership!


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