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Discover this truth,  "the Supernatural Gifts have ceased"!

Spiritual Gifts Have ceased

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (AKJB)

  • Paul, our Apostle in the dispensation of grace, teaches the following;

Signs, healings, and miraculous gifts ENDED, and are NOT how God deals with us today.

1Cor 1:22-23; Eph 3:1-10; 1Tim 5:23; 2Tim 4:20; 2Cor 12:8-10


This is why Paul warns against mishandling the word of God and the need to “rightly divide” the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15


“But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor HANDLING THE WORD OF GOD DECEITFULLY…”

2 Cor 4:2


When the Body of Christ was just beginning, God gave supernatural gifts of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, etc. (Eph 4:11-13). When the canon of scripture was complete, there was no longer a need for those gifts, and the gifts ceased.


“Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. BUT WHEN THAT WHICH IS PERFECT IS COME, THEN THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL BE DONE AWAY.” 1 Corinthians 13:8-10


The spiritual gifts that God gave, were in effect for a limited time period only, until the Word of God was complete!


“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, UNTO THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULNESS OF CHRIST: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” Ephesians 4:11-15


“But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest;

and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.”

1 Corinthians 14:24-25

"Nowadays, we call those who “come in believing not” skeptics. I, too, am a skeptic in modern prophets. If their powers are true then let them make manifest the secrets of my heart. If they can just tell me my wife’s middle name I will grow the C. Peter Wagner goatee." - Justin Johnson


"For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

But we preach Christ crucified,

unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks,

Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."

1 Corinthians 1 (AKJV)

Today, in our present "dispensation of the grace of God", God works through His Word (KJB). God isn't speaking out loud to anyone (like He did in "time past"). God's not performing "signs, wonders and miracles", In our KJB (authorized) we can read what His 'instructions' are for us believers today: Romans thru Philemon KJB. Paul's epistles completed our perfect Canon of Scripture; Col 1:25 KJB. Today, we're in the "but now" time period: the "dispensation of the grace of God".

Terri McCann

Spiritual Gifts - Take All or None

Spiritual Gifts - Take All or None

Grace Ambassadors

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;” – Eph 4:11

When it comes to divine gifts of the Spirit it is traditional to parse away gifts that are uncomfortable and retain those that are most familiar. There is something wrong about that.

How can we separate “apostles” from “pastors” in Ephesians 4:11? How do we retain “teachers” and eliminate “workers of miracles” and “gifts of healing” in 1 Cor 12?

“Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?” – 1 Cor 12:29-30

Of course, there is no biblical reason why these verses should be divided. Our own Berean Society is wrong when they divide these verses arbitrarily, and the Charismatics are right in identifying the misuse of these passages. Then, should we agree with the New Apostolic Reformation that says that all of these divine gifts are in operation today? No, not at all. The contrary is true.

  • Pentecost = Ignorance of the Mystery

These passages have caused difficulty because of the obstacle of thinking the church began at Pentecost in Acts 2. If Pentecost is our pattern then it is necessary for these Spirit gifts to continue until God’s Pentecostal program was complete:

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all thing…” – Acts 3:19-21

Anyone who believes the church began in Acts 2 and that the gifts have ceased must prove the fulfillment of these passages. Any attempt at this would be ludicrous!

While this may seem to defend the Charismatic perspective, it does not. In their continual search for new revelations they have missed the one significant revelation described in scripture after Pentecost. There will never be a Pentecostal or Charismatic who understands the revelation of the mystery of Christ given to Paul.

“How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,…” – Eph 3:3

I say they do not understand it, because if they did they would be working to perpetuate the Pauline pattern and not the Pentecostal pattern (1 Tim 1:16).

A change in God’s dispensation greater than at Pentecost occurred with Christ’s revelation to Paul.

Paul describes the creation of a new entity called the “body of Christ” in which there is no Pentecost, no Jew, no Gentile, and no more incomplete position in Christ (1 Cor 12:27Eph 4:12).

“ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:” – Col 2:10

  • Gifts in Paul’s Early Ministry

The Spirit gifts in Paul’s early ministry were given for the building of this new creature upon the foundation of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery (Rom 16:251 Cor 3:10).

The gifts ceased when the body of Christ was functional to provide the edifying of itself in love according to sound doctrine (Eph 4:16).

When any of the Spirit gifts are claimed today it is a result of the improper functioning of the church to do what it was first designed to do by the apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers in the day when the foundation was laid.

From this time forward we no longer need to be tossed to and fro in waiting for Spirit gifts and trusting in so-called apostles with new revelations. Instead we can stand firm in the knowledge of the mystery of Christ, the Son of God, who is our head and trust in the Spirit which is our seal (Eph 1:13Eph 4:14-15).


None of the Spirit gifts in Eph 4, Rom 12, or 1 Cor 12 are in operation today as the foundation has been laid for all men to be made perfect in Christ Jesus (Col 1:25-27). Present day workers in the body are merely building upon the already established foundation. Faithful men understanding what is complete can proceed to do the good work of ministering to the church this fellowship of the mystery (Eph 3;9, 2 Tim 2:2).

When grace groups claim even one of the Spirit gifts for the operation of the body of Christ, it places the church on a shaky foundation which is destined to lead us back to Pentecost where there is an ignorance of the revelation of the mystery of Christ.

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A Better Hope than Healing

A Better Hope Than Healing

Grace Ambassadors

Christians have abandoned their most powerful source of comfort and hope for the sick and dying: hope in the Lord.

More and more the popular Christian response to the sick and dying is to pray for healing. They say, “God has done it before, why not now?”

(This is a dispensational question, and can only be answered adequately by a dispensationalist. When someone is sick and dying it may not be the right time for a dispensational Bible study. They need hope.)

Hope in the Lord has been replaced with hope in healing.

While there are claims of healing miracles, which for the purpose of this article we will not dispute, the truth remains that the majority of people that need a healing fail to get one.

For divine healing to be a source of reasonable comfort and hope, it must work more than rarely, sometimes, or even half the time; it must be certain all the time. Without this sort of certainty, healing turns into a divine lottery where you can submit your request, but there is a high chance it will not be answered.

Hope in healing destroys faith in God when it fails to happen. Disillusionment with God and the Bible quickly follows if hope is not in the Lord.

What hope is there in healing?! If our hope in Christ is only for this life then…

“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” – 1 Corinthians 15:19


  • A Certain Hope

There is a better hope than healing.

For a true and certain God-given hope, Christians should turn to the apostle of hope. Paul speaks more about hope than any other writer in the Bible.

Hope in healing is misplaced. The hope Paul speaks about is in the Lord Jesus Christ who through his grace gives an everlasting hope.

Hope of eternal life (Titus 1:2).
Hope of resurrection (1 Thess 4:13).
Hope of glory (Rom 8:18).
Hope of a redeemed body (Rom 8:23-24).
Hope of a short and light affliction (2 Cor 4:17-18).
Hope of salvation (1 Thess 5:8).
Hope of consolation (2 Cor 1:7).
Hope of the Lord’s return (Titus 2:13).

Every hope here is certain for the believer who trusts the gospel of Christ, and has hope in the Lord. All we must do is wait for it.

“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” – Romans 8:25

Our certain and patience producing hope is in heaven, not in healing (Col 1:5Phil 3:20-21).


  • Give Hope to the Hurting

People who pray for a healing are looking for hope. Hope that God will provide help. He has. It is not in a temporal healing. He has provided something far better.

Next time someone sincerely asks for your help to pray for healing, recommend a good doctor, visit them, and give them hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

God is faithful to do what he says.

God said he has provided grace, and that grace is sufficient for strength, consolation, and hope. Be a grace ambassador. Give hope to the sick and dying through the power of God’s grace.

“Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.” – 2 Thess 2:16-17

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Signs and Miracles

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings

in heavenly places in Christ:"

Ephesians 1:3 (AKJB)

"And ye are complete in him,

which is the head of all principality and power:"

Colossians 2:10 (AKJB)

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        Grace Ambassadors

While many see the signs of the times in the modern headlines, an old Bible teacher rightly said that we do not see the signs of the time, because we do not live in the times of the sign. That teacher was dispensational.

Matthew 24 is where the disciples ask Jesus, “What shall be the sign of thy coming?” (Matthew 24:3)

Dispensational Bible study has received a scarred reputation by prophetic speculators who think Matthew 24 prophesies the present dispensation. Mid-Acts right division accurately explains it as the sign of the Lord’s return to earth in Israel’s kingdom, and not his return for the church of his body.

  • Let No Man Deceive You

Moreover, many of signs that speculators produce from Matthew 24 are not the sign Jesus described. Jesus warned against following after those who see signs in the events of the day.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” – Matthew 24:4

Many are being deceived by signs falsely so called in our present dispensation. Don’t be deceived, we do not live in the time of these signs, and even if we did, their signs do not match what God describes.

  • The End is Not Yet

Wars and political turmoil are often used as signs of the time. Yet, Jesus said specifically they were not.

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6

He says the end was not when wars occurred. Wars have happened for 2000 years. They are nothing new. They would not make good signs. Neither do earthquakes and pestilence.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” – Matthew 24:7

There are people tracking the earthquakes and their frequency trying to predict the Lord’s return. This is futile. Jesus said these are only the “beginning of sorrows” not a sign of the end. Disaster and tragedy have happened since sin cursed the planet. They are not predictable signs of the end.

  • Believe it Not

Jesus said not to believe those who claim to see the Lord over “here” or “there”. Could this also apply to those who say they see signs of the Lord’s coming over here or there as well?

“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.” – Matthew 24:23

Even so called prophets who come performing great signs and wonders are described as false prophets trying to deceive them (Matthew 24:24).

  • The Sign of the Coming

The reason Jesus spent so much time warning his little flock about non-signs was that none of the terrible or wondrous events they would see happening was the true sign of the end. Man is so easily persuaded in his impatience (Luke 21:19).

The true sign of his coming would be seen by everyone. It would not be a sign only seen by those who search diligently in a library or watch the nightly news.

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” – Matthew 24:27

What sort of sign could be shown to everyone from the east to the west and not be missed? Here’s the sign of the coming of the Lord:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:” – Matthew 24:29

The Father of lights will use his created lights as a sign just as he described back in Genesis 1:14. When the sun is darkened, people will look up. It is at that time the Son of Man will return (Matt 24:30).

  • The Time of Salvation is Now

The time of the sign is not the time to preach salvation. At that time, time will be up. At that time the Lord returns to judge and war (Rev 19:11). That time is not the present time and must occur after the present dispensation of God’s grace and peace.

If you are saved and in the body of Christ Paul explains that you will not be on earth to see this sign (Rom 5:9). The sign in the sky is for the remnant of Israel who are waiting for their promised kingdom.

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” – Luke 21:29

You live in the wrong time for this sign, but you live in the right time for free salvation by God’s grace. You have present redemption through the blood of Jesus and by his grace (Eph 1:7). There is no need to wait for a sign to be saved. Walk by faith, not by signs!

“Be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made [Christ] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” – 2 Cor 5:0-21

Spiritual Gifts Ceased

        Kopiyo Felix

Now that we have the written and preserved Bible, there is no more revelation needed from God. Modern-day apostles and prophets serve no purpose whatsoever because the ministries of the Apostles and Prophets of the A.D. first century are perpetuated through the written, preserved Word of God.

The Holy Scriptures are already written, they have been preserved for us as the King James Bible (in the English-speaking world), and they are enough to tell us everything that God wants us to know and equip us to do everything God wants us to do.

When someone claims to be an “apostle” or a “prophet” today, he or she is claiming to be adding to the Scriptures. They deny the sufficiency of the 66 Books of the Bible. They claim that their words (sermons, books, et cetera) are equal in authority to the Holy Bible. That's Heresy!

The test for knowing who is speaking on behalf of God today is to see if he or she recognizes Pauline revelation (not mixing Law and Grace, not mixing Israel with the Body of Christ, not mixing prophecy and mystery, not mixing time past with but now or the ages to come, not mixing Heaven and Earth.)



When Spiritual Gifts Stop

“What does the Bible say about spiritual gifts ending? Learn how understanding the mystery of Christ can help you resolve this controversy in this lesson, “When Spiritual Gifts Stop.”

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Acts 2 is not our pattern

by Kopiyo Felix

I believe that our pattern is not Acts chapter 2, the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the Jewish Messianic saints. There is nothing in Acts chapter 2 about us the Church the Body of Christ.

Today’s Charismatics are wrong in that they keep trying to claim “the power of Pentecost” as their own—tongues, miracle, healings, Prophecy and other supernatural experiences. We do not need this so-called “baptism with the Holy Ghost.”


Water baptism, Repentance, Confessions and Kingdom Saints or Messianic little flock prayer is not ours.


Our pattern is found with the apostle Paul and Romans through Philemon rightly divided is addressed to us.


Angels have no ministry to us today. We do not look for angels, and we do not listen for “echoes of mercy” and “whispers of love.” We read the King Bible Rightly divided if we want to hear from God.


Passages which are related to Christ’s Second Coming for Israel are not to us.They are not about His coming for us at the Rapture. Contrary to religious tradition, we are not the Bride of Christ and He is not our Groom. The Bible says we are the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23).


This is highly unfortunate and actually heretical:,We do not go to Heaven because we “love Jesus” when we die. This is nothing but works-religion. We go to Heaven because we have trusted in His blood sacrifice on the cross as sufficient payment for our sins (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 4:1-5; Titus 3:5)!

How does the Holy Spirit operate today?

by Kopiyo Felix

The Holy Spirit doesn't operate through Signs ,miracles and wonders today

The Holy Spirit doesn't operate in the Charismatic movements and prosperity gospel preachers and Pentecostalism through their religious rituals and denominational rules/ regulations and dangerous teachings

The Holy Spirit doesn't operate in sending new apostles,prophets ,miracles workers, visions, dreams and Angels.

The Holy Spirit operate through God's word rightly divided.

God Has Delivered complete, inspired and preserved word of truth using apostle Paul as the only apostle to us under Grace dispensation period, the word of God through apostle Paul is active today and is directly applicable to us.

If we want to be led by the Spirit of God and the power of the Spirit of God manifested in our life today, then we must believe the Word of God0, rightly divided.


by Kopiyo Felix

In this the Dispensation of the Grace of God, the battle is not on the Earth as it was during Christ’s earthly ministry. Currently, there is “spiritual wickedness in high places.” ( Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:20, Ephesians 2:6, and Ephesians 3:10).

For this reason, we do not read about Satan or any other evil spirits possessing people today. There are never any instructions given in Paul’s epistles about exorcism (casting out devils).

However, this does not mean that Satan is not active today in some capacity. Most definitely, Satan is alive and well… wise and sneaky as ever! (1Timothy 4:1-5)

Notice the “doctrines of devils” in verse 1. How do evil spirits operate today? Possessing people? No, the evil world system of which they are a part has deceived preachers and teachers everywhere—and those preachers and teachers then deceive others with their denominational tenets and church traditions.

How do people escape Satan’s trap of deception today? What can we do to fight Satan as Christians?! (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

We teach anyone and everyone sound Bible doctrine—and they believe it and they deliver themselves from the deception in which they find themselves.

There is nothing here about praying that evil spirits will leave them alone, or binding evil spirits so these people can be liberated.

The issue is teaching not praying. In other words, frankly, those who claim to be using prayers to free people from spiritual bondage are really doing nothing meaningful with these “binding-evil-spirits” prayers.

Victory is found in believing sound Bible teaching, not reciting prayers that superstitious and denominational people have written.



by Kopiyo Felix

God is Showing His Patience and Consolation

God is showing us Hope by filling us with all joy and Peace in believing the Gospel of Grace.

God is Showing us His Peace during this present Dispensation of Grace

The Characteristics and the attributes of God being manifested today are :

Patience, Consolation, Hope, Joy, Peace


God is not pouring out His wrath out on the world in this present Dispensation of Grace.

He is offering Grace to everyone in the world and also offering amnesty to all His enemies.

God is offering reconciliation through His Son.


Now as believers, we have peace with God. Not everybody in the world has peace with God, but God is offering His Peace and His Grace to everyone who will accept His offer through faith. To obtain Peace with God, they must believe the Gospel of the grace of God.

God's Wrath is Still Delayed!

God's Wrath is Still Delayed!
by Kopiyo Felix


Prophecy involves God’s wrath being poured out on rebellious mankind (Matthew 3:7-12; Acts 2: 32-36; Acts 3:22-26; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Revelation 6:16-17). That is not occurring today.

The Bible says that God is not imputing the world’s trespasses unto it (2 Corinthians 5:19). Today, as Paul declares in his epistles, God’s attitude toward the world is grace and peace (Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:12-16).

Through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, all nations can approach the God of the Bible (Ephesians 2:11-22).


If the next stage of the prophetic program (God’s wrath) is not being exhibited today, then the prophetic program itself cannot (and does not) operate right now, there are no any sign gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing and miracles taking place today.

Are there prophets today

Are There Prophets Today?
by Kalonga Chansa


Hebrews 1:1 KJV

‘God, who at sundry times and in divers manners SPAKE in TIME PAST unto the fathers by the PROPHETS, Hath in these LAST DAYS spoken unto us by his SON,…’

Notice that the verse tells us how God spoke to men in TIME PAST. He spoke to the ‘fathers’ of the Hebrews by the PROPHETS. Therefore, we would expect the prophets in the Bible to a) be sent for ISRAEL and b) to all have spoken in TIME PAST

Secondly, notice that Hebrews 1:1 calls the time reference of the book ‘these last days’. At the time Hebrews was written, the prophesies of time past were about to be fulfilled (Isaiah 46:10).

This seems to compare with what Jesus himself said in Luke 16:16 that the prophets prophesied UNTIL JOHN, but ‘since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man presseth into it’ (Matt 11:9-13). They were now ready for the fulfillment in the kingdom.

Yet, there were OTHER PROPHETS after Jesus. What was their function?

Remember, the disciples did not have the COMPLETE word of God to open up and to study as we do TODAY. In Paul's day, God gave some the gift of prophecy so that they could PROPHECY the WORD of God to be written down. They did not have a COMPLETE Bible like we have today. So the gift of PROPHECY was TEMPORARILY needed for purposes of writing the Bible. That is the reason PROPHETS existed in Paul's days. Paul says PROPHECY and other similar gifts would vanish when that which is perfect is come (COMPLETE word of God).

"8 CHARITY never faileth: but whether there be PROPHECIES, they shall FAIL; whether there be TONGUES, they shall CEASE; whether there will KNOWLEDGE, it shall VANISH AWAY.

9 For we KNOW in PART, and we PROPHESY in PART.

10 But when that which is PERFECT is come, then that which is IN PART shall be DONE AWAY." (1 Corinthians 13:8-10 KJV)

Before they had a COMPLETE Bible, they KNEW in PART and they PROPHESIED in PART, but when that which was PERFECT came (COMPLETE Bible), that which was IN PART (prophecy and word of knowledge) was DONE AWAY with.

Jesus tells his disciples that they will receive the power of the Holy Ghost to teach them all the things he has told them (John 14:26).

The power in Acts 2 at Pentecost was the fulfillment of that promise. Sons and daughters of Israel PROPHESIED about the COMING KINGDOM and judgment just as Christ did during his earthly ministry (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28).

Are there prophets today?

There is apparently much confusion in society about where to find the word of the Lord. This confusion is evident from the many SELF-PROCLAIMED prophets on the scene. From the prophets in televangelism to the prophet of the Mormon Church, there is one thing all of these so-called prophets have in common. They all claim to be speaking a NEW and MODERN word from the Lord.

The Bible tells us how God speaks to mankind throughout the ages. Yet, only from reading the Bible in light of God’s twofold purpose and plan can we explain the role of a prophet and discover if we even have a need for them today.

The prophets in the Bible were prophesying about Gods PURPOSE FOR THE EARTH, which is his coming kingdom, Messiah, and judgment. This prophesied program was in the midst of arriving in those last days of Hebrews 1:1 and Acts 2. Yet, here we sit nearly two thousand years later and no kingdom and no judgment.

The key to understanding what happened to the prophets and the last days is recognizing Paul’s mystery revelation. Paul says his gospel was ‘kept secret since the world began’ and ‘was not made known unto the sons of men’ (Romans 16:25, Eph 3:5).

Paul claims to have received a revelation that was new and different from what Peter and the disciples were given. Paul was given a hidden plan and purpose from God.

His revelation from Jesus Christ was about the ‘manifold wisdom of God’ for those who would spend eternity, not on earth like the Jews were promised, but in ‘heavenly places’ (Eph 2:7, 3:9-11).

Paul received an inspired word from God that was not about the subject of prophesy. As God’s spokesman for this age, Paul wrote what was to be the marching orders for the church for thereafter until the end of the age (Romans 11:13,25; 1 Tim 1:16).

This age in which we live is not an age in which we are waiting for God’s incomplete plan to be fulfilled. We are NOT waiting for a FURTHER REVELATION from the Lord, because Jesus revealed to Paul the message of our complete standing (Col 2:10). He proclaimed Christ’s finished work on the cross (Rom 3:21-26, Titus 3:7).

Our possession of a present salvation and a righteous standing before God, if we trust in the gospel, precludes the necessity for a prophet to let us know what will happen next. It has all been accomplished for us at the cross!

Modern Prophets

Many modern prophets do not prophesy about the kingdom, the coming, or God’s wrath, as do the Biblical prophets. Nor do they prophesy about God’s HEAVENLY PURPOSE given to the Apostle Paul. Yet, Paul himself says,

‘If any man think himself to be a PROPHET, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.’ – (1 Cor 14:37)

So then, we who are spiritual should also acknowledge Paul’s COMPLETE WORD from the Lord and his message of Christ’s finished work on the cross for our salvation. ‘His grace is sufficient’ to meet all our needs (2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:19).

The Scriptures were given to us in their complete form today so that ‘the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works’ (2 Tim 3:17).

The present confusion about trying to seek out a new word from the Lord could be abated if we would spend just as much time in proper study and instruction of the complete Word of God that has been providentially provided for us.

Any self-proclaimed prophet today is a fake prophet and that is why there is great deception in this area. Christ warned about these prophets. We don't have prophets today because we have a COMPLETE Bible. God is not speaking to us today through PROPHETS. We have the same access to God by FAITH (Romans 5:1-2 KJV)

The false Nar Definition

The False NAR Definition of Prophecy!



A prophetic person is someone who has recieved the revelation of the PERSON of the Holy Spirit. It is someone who has acknowledged the Holy Spirit and His ministry, and has sort to know the Holy Spirit so as to understand His ways of communication. Someone who's continuously building His relationship with the Holy Spirit. Someone who loves the Holy Spirit and who has submitted himself/herself under the leadership and will of the Holy Spirit. Someone who's sensitive to the Holy Spirit, His presence, His voice, His promptings and His whispering, and someone who has given himself/herself over to complete obedience to the instruction of the Holy Spirit.

A prophetic person is someone who has understood the necessity of prayer. Someone who wrestles with his/her flesh so as to bring it under submission to prayer. Someone who has understood the anointing that is generated by prayer and is able to discern when it's time for recharge in prayer. A prophetic person prays in season and out of season, prays when the flesh is motivated and when the flesh is not motivated to pray. A prophetic person is continuously in prayer, he/she doesn't wait to get to the prayer closet to pray, wherever he/she is, is an altar of prayer. A prophetic person is someone who has understood that it is in prayer the Holy Spirit is most happy, he/she gets familiar with the Holy Spirit in prayer. It is someone who has understood that prayer raises them higher in the spirit. It's someone who has understood that it is in prayer they travel and it is by prayer they have unlocked realms of encounters and visions and revelations have been poured and revealed. A prophetic person is someone who has understood that prayer is their life support in the spirit, they have understood that lack of prayer makes them weak in the spirit and they have understood that sharpness in the spirit is a result of time spent in prayer.

A prophetic person is someone who has recieved the revelation of the necessity of the word of God, to believe it, to honour it, to use it and to obey it. It is someone who has understood that the word of God is alive, and they are hungry for it. They have made a deliberate decision to study and search the scriptures because it is in them they find themselves in Christ Jesus. A prophetic person is someone who has understood that prayer and studying the word of God are ONE thing. They have understood that it is by the word of God they know and understand God. They have understood that the word of God is food and life to their spirit. They have understood that their prayer depth is a result of the word of God in them and their hunger for the word of God is a result of their prayer depth. They have understood that the foundation of their spiritual progress and ascension is by extensive hours in prayer and in the study of the word of God. They have understood that the birth of revelation is the word of God in them. They have understood that the Holy Spirit delights in teaching them the word of God in them. They have grown to love the word of God because they have understood that the word of God is the gateway into the spiritual realm, and it is by the word of God they have understood what is possible in the spiritual realm. And, they have understood that faith comes ONLY from the word of God. They have understood that the power of God comes from understanding the word of God. They have understood that the remedy and antidote to sin and demonic torment is the word of God. They have understood that the most effective form of deliverance is by the word of God and increasing their knowledge of the word of God consistently. A true prophetic person views the world through the perspective of the word of God. They do everything by the word of God. The word of God has become saturated in them that it has become part of them, part of their reasoning.

A prophetic person is someone who has given themselves over to a lifestyle of fasting and Holiness. They have understood the flesh and it's desires is always against the will of the Holy Spirit, and since a prophetic person values nothing more than being in constant alignment with the Holy Spirit, he/she committed themselves to regular fasting, to keeping their flesh under submission to their spirit, as their spirit submits to the Holy Spirit. They have understood the effects of sin to their relationship with the Holy Spirit, so, they have consecrated themselves and they crucify themselves each day. A prophetic person is someone whom has, by reason of commitment and perseverance, have built within their character, courage. They have become familiar with confronting their fears and anxiety. They have deliberately chosen to trust the voice of the Holy Spirit and have allowed themselves to be vulnerable to ridicule, shame, embarrassment and rejection for the sake of their trust to the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is someone who lives outside their comfort zone. They have allowed themselves to completely depend upon the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is someone whom has understood that the Holy Spirit is the power of God. It someone who's always a student of the Holy Spirit. It is someone who doesn't conform to rumors and doctrines of religion and society. It is someone whose compass is the voice of the Holy Spirit and whose path is the word of God. They are fearful to speak lies in the name of Jesus their Lord. They stand by the word against all resistance and opposition. They don't compromise their faith and the true Gospel of Christ their Lord for ANYTHING. They do not engage in fruitless arguments. They promote peace wherever they are. They are the representatives of the Kingdom of God and of Christ Jesus. They bring solutions. They bring the word of God. They don't distort the word of God nor a prophecy. When it's time to warn, they warn, time to bless, they bless, time to rebuke, they rebuke in love, time to leave, they leave, when it's time to fight, they go in prayer because they are warriors and prayer is their battle ground, they understand their fight isn't against flesh and blood but their fight is always in the spiritual realm and that's where they engage by prayer. They are humble, charitable and since they operate in discernment, they are agents of empathy. They comfort, encourage, teach and always point to Christ, not to themselves. They bring revival into people's hearts. They restore the relationship of a child of God and God. They equip the children of God. They rekindle the love of God in the hearts of the children of God. They release the anointing of hunger for God and His word upon the children of God. A prophetic person is, at ALL times the bridge the children of God step on walking from darkness into light, from ignorance into knowledge, bondage into freedom, pain into relief, sadness into joy, despair into encouragement, sin into holiness, weakness into strength, lukewarm into fire for God, etc. A prophetic person IS the match that ignites hope into the heart of the child of God; this prophetic person has understood that it is their mandate to be the agent that turns the hearts of the children of God back to their God.

A prophetic person is someone whom, by reason of the Grace of God, has tested this dimension of the prophetic and desires for ALL children of God to know and experience what he/she has seen and experienced through that Grace. A prophetic person is an advocate of the prophetic. A prophetic person wants ALL people to be prophetic because he/she has understood that, one truly must operate in the prophetic to begin to understand the reality of the Christian faith and the eternity of God and the unseen realms. A prophetic person is someone who has understood that the gift is merely a result of their relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. They have understood that the prophetic sits upon their faith in the Lord Jesus, their knowledge and understanding of the word of God, their labour in prayer, worship, intercession and self denial. They understand that the prophetic gift isn't the end goal but rather, a tool to effectively do the work of God and advance the agenda of the Kingdom of God.

THUS also the unction of A PROPHET. An anointing I tried to run away from for most of my life until the Lord brought me to my knees. It is an anointing that separates you from the world, gives you the burden of the Body of Christ, the pain of the Children of God, it makes you uncomfortable with being lukewarm, it makes you want nothing but to know Christ Jesus above everything else, it gives you a divine obsession of the word of God and prayer, no matter how much you pray or read the Scriptures, you will always feel like you're not doing enough, the more you grow, the hungrier you become of the things of God, it makes you lose appetite of all things except Christ Jesus and His work, it makes you have a deep love and compassion for the children of God, and it makes you grieve for the fact that many don't know the Holy Spirit, it desires nothing but to introduce the Holy Spirit and His power to the children of God, it makes you never be satisfied with your knowledge of God, it makes you see many things and reveal things to you yet doesn't allow you to reveal those things, it reveals things beyond imagination, it takes a toll on the soul and body, it calls you into battles in the spirit, it attracts blessings as well as attacks of all kinds, it protects you because it carries the judgement of God on your behalf, it doesn't allow you to be weary in prayer, it doesn't allow you to be out of the presence of God, it longs for the Holy Spirit, it knows how to relate to the three persons of the Godhead, it stands and confesses only the Gospel of Christ Jesus

Time to go to the next level. Desire more. Pray more. Study more. Raise your faith, your obedience and above all love more and stay in the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ

Are there apostles today?

Are There Any Real Apostles Today?

by Churchill Kambonyi


Are there any real apostles today? I know some people call themselves apostles but are they correct to do so? What is an apostle?

If you consult a dictionary, you will see it defines an apostle as ‘the apostles mentioned in the Bible’ and ‘a leader or a teacher of a new faith or movement’.

The definition of the word ‘apostle’ tells us there cannot be any apostles today in the New Testament. The apostles mentioned in the Bible all lived in the first century A.D.

The last new faith or gospel God sent to man, was when he gave the revelation of the mystery of Christ to the apostle Paul to dispense among the Gentiles in the first century A.D.

All self-proclaimed and so-called apostles today preach the doctrine of one or other Christian denomination. God did not send any of them like Paul to dispense a new gospel or faith.

According to the Bible, there are five kinds of apostles. Please read with me:

The author of the epistle to the Hebrews described the Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle of Israel, who became the mediator of their new covenant (Heb. 3:1; 9:15).

The twelve Jewish men Jesus sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, were called apostles by the Lord himself. They preached the gospel of the kingdom (the circumcised) (Matt. 10:2; Gal. 2:7).

The apostle Paul was sent by God to the Gentiles (uncircumcision). He preached the gospel of Christ (of the grace of God) (Gal. 1:1; Rom. 11:13).

There were secondary apostles appointed by the Holy Spirit to assist the apostle Paul to lay the foundation of the church, called the body of Christ (Acts 14:14; 1 Cor. 12:28; 1 Thess. 2:6).

There were also false apostles whom the apostle Paul called deceitful workers who transformed themselves into apostles of Christ (2 Cor. 11:13). They are the same Apostles we are seeing Today.

No-one can decide to become an apostle of God. We cannot inherit the title from a previous apostle. In a Biblical sense, it is a position a person receives when God appoints him to preach a new gospel to man.



by Churchill Kambonyi


The Apostles and Prophets that Paul is referring to in his Epistle to the Ephesians are those who were given to the early church - the Body of Christ - before the completion of the canon of Scripture.

These were not Apostles who were appointed during Christ's earthly ministry, but after he had ascended in the heavens, i.e., during His heavenly ministry.

Eph 4:9-11 makes that quite clear: (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ).

Although Paul was the first apostle of the church – the Body of Christ, he was not the only Apostle mentioned in the whole Bible. The church the Body of Christ had many apostles and prophets when it began nearly two thousand years ago.

Paul could not be everywhere at once. While he traveled ministering his gospel, others were recruited by the Spirit to help him. We should not forget that the Spirit gave gifts of prophecy and positions of apostleship to others after Paul in the newly revealed church of Christ’s body. “…

To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy;…” (1 Cor 12:10) “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, …” (1 Cor. 12:28)

Timothy, Silvanus, and Epaphroditus are all called apostles by Paul in his letters (1 Thess 2:6, Phil 2:25). It was these Spirit filled church apostles who also prophesied mystery truths as they were laying the foundation of the early church wherever they were sent (Eph 2:20).

After the church was established in mystery truth, these foundational gifts were no longer needed (1 Cor 13:10-11).

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith…” (Eph 4:11-12)

None of the twelve apostles of the kingdom were also apostles of the church. The only foundation they laid was of Jesus Christ according to prophecy. The twelve apostles were apostles of Israel’s twelve tribes in their earthly kingdom. They will be priests of God and of Christ in the Millennial Kingdom at the close of the Great Tribulation Period.

None of the Twelve knew the mystery when they were sent with their gospel. When they were chosen by the Lord they did not know that Christ needed to die, not to mention anything about the mystery preaching of the cross (Luke 18:34).

The Spirit gave the Twelve understanding of what the prophets spoke since the world began at Pentecost, but not a word was spoken about the mystery kept secret since the world began (Acts 3:21; Acts 3:24 vs. Rom 16:25).


The apostles and prophets of Ephesians 3:5 can not possibly be anything but church apostles and prophets since Paul was the first to receive the mystery of Christ, and the only apostles and prophets who have knowledge of the mystery come after Paul as part of the church not Israel’s kingdom.


by Kopiyo Felix


  • Dreams

  • Modern self-proclaimed prophets and apostles

  • Visions

  • Angles appearances

  • Emotionalism and experience

God is not sending any new information to anyone apart from what is revealed and preserved in the King James Bible rightly divided.

There are no signs, wonders, miracles, prophets and apostles today.

Do Prophets Exist Today?
Grace Ambassadors.jpg

        Grace Ambassadors

There is apparently much confusion in society about where to find the word of the Lord. This confusion is evident from the many self-proclaimed prophets on the scene. From the prophets in televangelism to the prophet of the Mormon Church, there is one thing all of these so-called prophets have in common. They all claim to be speaking a new and modern word from the Lord.

The Bible tells us how God speaks to mankind throughout the ages. Yet, only from reading the Bible in light of God’s twofold purpose and plan can we explain the role of a prophet and discover if we even have a need for them today.

The Bible says that God will put His words into a prophet’s mouth to speak (Deut 18:18-19). The prophets in the Bible did not paraphrase a secret inspiration from God; they spoke the very words of God. Speaking by inspiration of God, Paul commends the Thessalonians that they received his words as they were in truth, the words of God (1 Thess 2:13).

As was the case, anyone impersonating a prophet of God was condemned under the law to die (Deut 18:20). This tells us that prophesy is a serious thing to God. The words of the prophet were not a prediction, a guess, or an educated deduction. They were true words from God describing future events and he does not want to be misspoken.

‘God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,…’

Notice that the verse tells us how God spoke to men in time past. He spoke to the ‘fathers’ of the Hebrews by the prophets. Therefore, we would expect the prophets in the Bible to a) be sent for Israel, and b) to all have spoken in time past.

Secondly, notice that Hebrews 1:1 calls the time reference of the book ‘these last days’. At the time Hebrews was written, the prophesies of time past were about to be fulfilled (Isaiah 46:10).

This seems to compare with what Jesus himself said in Luke16:16 that the prophets prophesied until John, but ‘since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man presseth into it’ (Matt 11:9-13). They were now ready for the fulfillment in the kingdom.

Yet, there were other prophets after Jesus, what was their function?

Remember, the disciples did not have the complete word of God to open up and to study as we do today. Jesus tells his disciples that they will receive the power of the Holy Ghost to teach them all the things he has told them (John 14:26).

The power in Acts 2 at Pentecost was the fulfillment of that promise. Sons and daughters of Israel prophesied about the coming kingdom and judgment just as Christ did during his earthly ministry (Acts 2:17Joel 2:28).

  • Are there prophets today?

The prophets in the Bible were prophesying about Gods purpose for the earth, which is his coming kingdom, Messiah, and judgment. This prophesied program was in the midst of arriving in those last days of Hebrews 1:1 and Acts 2. Yet, here we sit nearly two thousand years later and no kingdom and no judgment.

The key to understanding what happened to the prophets and the last days is recognizing Paul’s mystery revelation. Paul says his gospel was ‘kept secret since the world began’ and ‘was not made known unto the sons of men’ (Romans 16:25Eph 3:5).

Paul claims to have received a revelation that was new and different from what Peter and the disciples were given. Paul was given a hidden plan and purpose from God.

His revelation from Jesus Christ was about the ‘manifold wisdom of God’ for those who would spend eternity, not on earth like the Jews were promised, but in ‘heavenly places’ (Eph 2:73:9-11).

Paul received an inspired word from God that was not about the subject of prophesy. As God’s spokesman for this age, Paul wrote what was to be the marching orders for the church for thereafter until the end of the age (Romans 11:13,251 Tim 1:16).

This age in which we live is not an age in which we are waiting for God’s incomplete plan to be fulfilled. We are not waiting for a further revelation from the Lord, because Jesus revealed to Paul the message of our complete standing (Col 2:10). He proclaimed Christ’s finished work on the cross (Rom 3:21-26Titus 3:7).

Our possession of a present salvation and a righteous standing before God, if we trust in the gospel, precludes the necessity for a prophet to let us know what will happen next. It has all been accomplished for us at the cross!

  • Modern Prophets

Many modern prophets do not prophesy about the kingdom, the coming, or God’s wrath, as do the Biblical prophets. Nor do they prophesy about God’s heavenly purpose given to the Apostle Paul. Yet, Paul himself says,

‘If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.’ – (1 Cor 14:37)

So then, we who are spiritual should also acknowledge Paul’s complete word from the Lord and his message of Christ’s finished work on the cross for our salvation. ‘His grace is sufficient’ to meet all our needs (2 Cor 12:9Phil 4:19).

The Scriptures were given to us in their complete form today so that ‘the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works’ (2 Tim 3:17).

The present confusion about trying to seek out a new word from the Lord could be abated if we would spend just as much time in proper study and instruction of the complete Word of God that has been providentially provided for us.

We don't need extra-biblical teaching

by Kopiyo Felix



When something other than the Holy Bible is the authority, that is false teaching. That offends people, but so what.

It must be said. In such groups, experiences will take the place of the Scriptures—“I saw this miracle, I heard that voice talking to me, I felt this inner impression….”

They make it a point to tell stories of other people’s superstitious experiences as well. “God spoke to me…. Angels appeared throughout the room…. I am filled with the Holy Ghost and let me tell you what He said… I had this vision, dream, hunch, leading inside to do this or that….

When a preacher or teacher spends most of his ministry stressing music and singing, this is precarious. The Word of God is not studied at his meeting-place; instead, priorities here include dancing in the church building, loud (perhaps deafening) “concerts,” and the like. Loss of self-control is rampant. Emotions are exalted. Entertainment is key. There is no semblance of spiritual sanity. The flesh (sin nature) is in complete control—God the Holy Spirit is not! We can find such people in 1 Corinthians chapter 14

Friends, the Bible is all we need to know everything God wants us to know and to do everything God wants us to do! We do not need angels, hunches, opinions, visions, and so on.(2 Timothy 3 :15-17)

The Word of God is Complete!

by Kopiyo Felix

The resurrected, ascended, and glorified Lord Jesus Christ reached down and saved Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus (Acts chapter 9).

He made Saul (Paul) His spokesman to the world. As we noted earlier, He commissioned Paul with a special Gospel message that was unknown to man prior to that time.

That “Gospel of the Grace of God” involves God justifying believing Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews), placing them into one body, the Church the Body of Christ, an entity separate and distinct from Israel and her covenants. (Ephesians 2 and 3)

Paul’s revelation is the final installment of revelation from God, “the mystery” (divine secret) now disclosed for all to read and delight in (Romans 16:25-26; 1 Corinthians 2:6-8; Ephesians 3:1-9; Colossians 1:23-29).

“The Dispensation of the Grace of God” given to Paul by Jesus Christ has been passed down to us Gentiles (Ephesians 3:2).

We do not go to Genesis through Malachi and attempt to find ourselves. We do not go to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—Christ’s earthly ministry—and try to find God’s words to us.

Jesus Christ’s words to us Gentiles are found in Paul’s epistles, Romans through Philemon.(Corinthians 14:37 )

Are YOU Speaking


by Kopiyo Felix


The test for knowing who is speaking on behalf of God today is to see if he or she recognizes Pauline revelation (not mixing Law and Grace, not mixing Israel with the Body of Christ, not mixing prophecy and mystery, not mixing time past with but now or the ages to come, not mixing Heaven and Earth)

When someone claims to be an “apostle” or a “prophet” today, he or she is claiming to be adding to the Scriptures.

They deny the sufficiency of the 66 Books of the Bible.

They claim that their words (sermons, books) are equal in authority to the Holy Bible. Heresy!

They are no different from the Roman Catholic Church that claims to determine what the Bible “is,” what the Bible “says,” and what the Bible “means.” Yes, they are no different from those who argue that the Apocrypha belong in the Bible canon.

The Holy Scriptures are already written, they have been preserved for us as the King James Bible (in the English-speaking world), and they are enough to tell us everything that God wants us to know and equip us to do everything God wants us to do. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

No Prophecy is being fulfilled

List: 17 Reasons Israel’s Prophecies are not Being Fulfilled in this Dispensation
by Grace Ambassadors


We live in a mystery dispensation where the operation of God on the Earth is significantly different than it was during the dispensation of his prophetic purpose to Israel. Below are reasons that Israel’s prophecies concerning the coming judgment and Earthly kingdom will not be fulfilled during this dispensation.


As better Bible teachers have said, to resolve the confusion of the “signs of the times” we must understand first the “times of the signs”. It is not until the time of this mystery dispensation is complete that the time of prophetic signs and fulfillment will continue according to God’s word.


  1. The mystery was kept secret
    If the mystery of Christ was kept secret during every prophetic utterance in since the world began, then prophecy cannot be what is happening during the mystery dispensation (Acts 3:21Romans 16:25). What God hath separated let no man put together.

  2. What is foretold is not kept secret
    The end time events of judgment, kingdom, and prophetic fulfillment were foretold. If those prophesied days actually speak of days during the mystery dispensation then these days were spoken about before. This is contrary to the scripture when it speaks what is hidden and revealed.

  3. God’s gospel is different
    The gospel of the grace of God is free justification with no accompanying works. The kingdom gospel pertains to the new covenant which has required works of law written on their heart.

  4. God’s operation is different
    Some prophecies are about unbelievers, yet others require God’s intervention. The way he intervenes in prophecy is according to the promises and covenants. Yet, today God is not operating with humanity according to a covenants but by his grace.

  5. God’s people are different
    The church in prophecy was is the obedient nation of Israel. Today, the people of God are made up of Israel and Gentiles. There is neither Jew nor Greek. These are mutually exclusive.

  6. God’s representation is different
    Revelation and prophetic books talk about the priests of the Lord being the promised people of God. A characteristic of this dispensation is that there are no priests of the Lord. The church today as members of his body was not prophesied.

  7. God’s purpose is different
    The prophetic purpose was to set up God’s dominion on the Earth. That is not God’s purpose in this dispensation which is to build a new creature to inhabit heavenly dominions.

  8. Israel is fallen in this dispensation
    Romans 9-11 describe Israel’s spiritual fall. Prophetic fulfillment requires that Israel be given the position of spiritual and political prominence.

  9. Salvation is sent to the Gentiles
    Acts 28:28 tells plainly that salvation is sent to the Gentiles. Yet, according to prophecy the Jewish nation would be the evangelists of God’s salvation.

  10. We are delivered from wrath to come
    Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 that we are delivered from wrath to come. The prophesied wrath on the Earth was a result of the covenant relationship between God and his people.

  11. We are children of the day, not the night
    1 Thessalonians 5:1-9 says that those in the “night” time are looking for signs. We are not in that time, but are rather children of the “day” time in history. We are not appointed to the coming judgment.

  12. God is not imputing sins
    The coming judgment on the earth is justified by the imputation of trespasses on the world. However, at this time God is not imputing trespasses to anyone (2 Cor 5:19).

  13. It is the dispensation of God’s grace
    The only events remaining on God’s prophetic calendar refer to his declaration of war upon the world that declared war on him 2000 years ago. You can not offer terms of peace in the dispensation of grace while at the same time declaring war.

  14. Prophetic signs are global
    Some think the prophecies contain only specific prophecies such as the mark of the beast or the antichrist, when actually they include the whole earth. The worldwide nature of some of the prophecies indicates that the prophesies would directly affect any church that was on Earth.

  15. Prophecy is on a timetable
    This hidden dispensation has no prophetic timetable associated with it. Paul declares the beginning of his message as being “out of due time”. Prophetic fulfillment is foretold to the month and year.

  16. Prophecy is for Israel
    Prophecy was a privilege to the nation Israel who required signs (1 Cor 1:22). There is no Israel today. It will be Israel’s prophets that will be sent to witness to the world during that time.

  17. Israel today is not God’s Israel
    Most point to 1948 creation of the state of Israel as a fulfillment of prophecy. However, these people who were gathered together by geopolitical forces reject the Messiah. Though they could many choose not to be saved by God’s grace without the law. Indeed, that message remains an offense to them. They are not the remnant of Israel that began at Pentecost.


Editor’s note:
This is an incomplete list of reasons why Israel’s prophecy is not being fulfilled today, but it emphasizes the doctrine of the difference between what was prophesied and what was kept secret (mystery).


Prophetic fulfillment will happen as literally as the Bible declares it to be. Many tell stories of prophetic fulfillment and use exaggerated language to ascribe Bible proof texts. This is not proper Bible application and should be avoided.

Spiritual Gifts Ceased

by Kopiyo Felix


Now that we have the written and preserved Bible, there is no more revelation needed from God. Modern-day apostles and prophets serve no purpose whatsoever because the ministries of the Apostles and Prophets of the A.D. first century are perpetuated through the written, preserved Word of God.

We have a completed revelation from God in the written 66 Books of the Holy Bible! Will we read it and think like mature adult children of God, or will we not read it and then plead ignorance of the very Book we claim to have?

The spiritual gifts were temporary, only necessary until the full revelation from God had been given to man. Knowing “in part” would result in “full knowledge.” Prophesying “in part” would be replaced by “full prophesying.”

The Holy Scriptures are already written, they have been preserved for us as the King James Bible (in the English-speaking world), and they are enough to tell us everything that God wants us to know and equip us to do everything God wants us to do.(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

While the offices of the Apostles and Prophets were necessary to lay the foundation, the foundation has already been laid.

The Apostles and Prophets in the Dispensation of Grace—headed by the chief “Apostle” and primary “Prophet” Paul/Saul (Acts 13:1-2; Romans 11:13)—preached and taught the special doctrine committed first to the Apostle Paul.

The Lord Jesus Christ revealed the Dispensation of Grace directly to Paul, and then the Holy Spirit used Paul’s ministry (teaching, preaching, and writing) to educate those Apostles and Prophets. They then communicated it to the other saints of God.

With the doctrine God committed to the Apostle Paul, we now know the secret of God’s eternal purpose. We have no need for modern-day apostles and prophets, people supposedly giving us “new” words from God, “new” insight from God.

The foundation has already been laid, and there is nothing else for God to reveal to us. Friends, either we believe the Bible to be the final authority, or we disbelieve it. Either we believe Paul’s ministry and revelation bring God’s Word to a completion, or we do not.

The Gift of Tongues Has Ceased!

The Gifts of Tongues Has Ceased!

By Abraham Seed

Tongue talking was a tool given by God for understanding doctrine. Without understanding speaking in other tongues (languages) becomes a performance that serves to PUFF UP the speaker (1 Cor 14:4).

Paul explained that tongue talking was insignificant in the church if it lacked understanding:

“Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” – 1 Cor 14:19

I have never heard someone who claims to supernaturally speak in tongues speak doctrine with an understanding of Jesus Christ according to the mystery.

Tongue talking was most useful among those who could hear the tongue.

“Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?” – 1 Cor 14:16

Among anyone else it causes confusion which is contrary to the purpose of tongues (1 Cor 14:33).

When the supernatural gift of tongues was given it was intended primarily as a SIGN to the UNBELIEVERS that the speaker had power from God. Therefore, it had little use among the believers, especially if it was spoken without understanding.

“Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.” – 1 Cor 14:22

Even so, the supernatural ability to speak in unknown tongues was a GIFT of God THAT CEASEDwhen a perfection of understanding was made known (1 Cor 13:10-11).

There is no need for this foundational gift any longer!

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