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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult Supporter
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Vain Babblings of False Prophet DANIEL ADAMS

Revivalist & Minister

Over 1M lives changed through Christ


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Q3DJ. Text to give



Deliverance without unconditional love leads to conditional love which will make a person a slave to legalism.  Be free.


Gledi Chris Nazarko

What about Christ commandments!! Need to obey or not!!

Because His commands are not easy !!


Andrea Lowe

Semantics. We do judge... righteously, by the fruits they bear. Death is death.

Daniel Adams

Andrea Lowe then you make sure you let Jesus know you are the judge of a man’s salvation and get back to me on how that works out for ya.

How can one be Holy as He is Holy? What does it take? Is there any rule, law, or work you can follow or do to achieve it?

Can a born again christian become un-born again?
John 3:3, Titus 3:5.

I mean you can’t even physically climb back in your mother’s womb.

Awesome time ministering to the leaders at Encounter Church Cape Town! Jesus was glorified. Cannot wait to see what tomorrow holds! See some of you soon! #Jesus #SoutAfrica #revival #capetown


Become a Forerunner today so you can take part of these raffles available only to Forerunners! Here is more information about the raffles:

We are sowing back into the forerunner community by paying the rent for 2 new forerunners that sign up from Aug. 6th to Aug. 13th, 2023. We are also gifting five current forerunners membership for 5 months. Lastly, we are gifting 3 other forerunners tickets for the 2023 Forerunner Conference. The timeline for the 3 raffles is from Aug. 6th to Aug. 13th, 2023.

How to join the Rent Raffle for New Forerunners:

Become a Forerunner from Aug. 6th to Aug. 13th, 2023 at

Email Maria at with subject line: New Forerunner: Rent Payment. Please include your state/country on the email message so we can

place you into a hub.

How to join the Membership Raffle for Current Forerunners:

Email Maria at

with subject line: Veteran Forerunner: Membership Payment Raffle

How to Join the Conference Ticket Raffle for Current Forerunners:

Email Maria at with subject line: Forerunner Ticket


You know I’m a fighter by nature so it’s REAL HARD sometimes for me not to name drop and call a person on their lip smacking subliminals towards me on their lives and similac teachings they do. Being Christ like and taking the high road at all times isn’t always easy and there is a time when things should be addressed to keep the body of Christ in alignment especially when you have influence and the other lip smacking individual have mutual followers. Y’all just pray for me because I’m up to my neck with the pettiness of some of these folks. If this mess keeps up TMZ might as well take on the christian world too. Check the fruit tree that’s all I’ll say for now. Opinions die, heavenly fruit lasts for an eternity.


There is no such thing as a dead saint.


Ashley Munoz

You are not a prophet. You are a false prophet.

Daniel Adams

Ashley Munoz so let’s test it then. I saw a large funnel and saw money swirling in a circular direction but at the bottom I saw a small opening where you will have large blessings come in and you rejoice. The hole at the bottom is your mouth if you would start to learn to hold your lips then you wouldn’t be in the financial circles you face. Take it for what it is. Blessings but I would learn to keep those lips shut on men and women of God’s posts cause you’re cursing yourself.  God give her grace for wisdom that comes from you. Oh and I would also bet that mouth has caused holes in your relationships too. No need to be so angry at every man cause some did you wrong.

P.S. because of your heart position you’ll still fight this cause your heart is hard but just know that God shows.

Ashley Munoz

The true church knows who you are.


Barbara Liz Vega

Daniel Adams if you were a prophet the least you’ll mention is financial things or is that learned from the Bible? Stop playing with God’s name to get riches. The true church knows how to identify wolves in sheep clothing thanks to the Holy Bible. Spiritual manipulation doesn’t work on everyone.

Barbara Liz Vega

Ashley Munoz Yes! Amen. He’s only joking himself, twisting scripture for his own lust. We won’t shut up, we’re called to Expose them and that’s what we do. 


One thing I love about the TSNL Community is we are family! If you are looking for a global community who truly pulls the goodness of God out of one another then join today! I promise you your life will never be the same! All glory to Jesus Christ!


One traumatic, painful moment in your past can unfold into a lifetime of struggle! The grace of Jesus revealed to Apostle Daniel Adams the moment that caused it all... Witness the glory of God's Kingdom squash the enemy in its tracks!

"Jesus DEFEATS DEMON that kept her in a WHEELCHAIR?!" is now out on YouTube!!


The Spirit Of Elijah // Part Two // Daniel Adams

Join us in Bushnell Florida as our founder Daniel Adams reveals what it means to be expectant and the power that comes from an expectant heart.


When the enemy tries to tempt you back into the chains of bondage, remember the freedom that you fell in love with when Jesus first set you free. Our flesh, every now and then, wants those temporary cravens that will lead us into what could be a lifetime of bondage! So, choose to beat the temptation today and stand firm on the freedom Christ Jesus has given you at the cross of Calvary! Amen!

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”‭‭
Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Tomorrow at 4pm est I will be doing our weekly Forerunner healing and deliverance Zoom Live. This one will be personally for the forerunners of TSNL. I do all inclusive lives sometimes also. If you want to join our Zoom meetings on the regular go on the website and join this awesome global family today!


Excited to be with my good friend Pastor Greg Locke and the GVBC fam! Jesus will be glorified!


Your Stomach Issues Will Be HEALED!

Are you dealing with stomach issues? Meaning that you have pain, trouble using the restroom, or things of that nature? I'm about to pray for you. The power of the Holy Spirit is going to come up on your stomach and set you completely free. You're not going to have stomach issues anymore.

Father, I thank you for every person reading this right now. I command, right now, every STOMACH ISSUE, DIGESTIVE ISSUE, and PAIN IN STOMACH to be HEALED!! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


The Enemy Uses Those Closest To Us to Deceive

Sometimes, the ones closest to you can speak on behalf of the enemy to stop you from moving into your call in Christ. I’m sure many of you reading this have family members you grew up with that are used to a certain way of life, but the call on your life requires you to take risks they never would.

You view this as an attack from them, but honestly, they just don’t know any better. Does this sound familiar? “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” Also, remember Peter acting in carnal ignorance being used by satan to try and stop Jesus from going to the cross? Your family isn’t your enemy nor are your friends. Once they see the fruit, they will know who has spoken to you! Blessings.




Liss Diaz

Hi! are you charging for deliverance? I know people can use it but don't have the income.


Daniel Adams

Liss Diaz I don’t charge for deliverance.



Liss Diaz

Daniel Adams oh good!

I am just asking because I know you used to   I am Glad this is no longer the case ! 

Daniel Adams

Liss Diaz it was never for deliverance that was lifecoaching.

Liss Diaz

Daniel Adams

I was on a live of yours several months ago. I couldn’t get in line on the call I had to pay for deliverance. It wasn’t any life Coaching. I actually didn’t even know you did life coaching!

But amen as I said I am Glad this is free now to the public.

Daniel Adams

Liss Diaz where did you hear me charge you for deliverance? Something is getting twisted here because I don’t do that. Deliverance is free and always has been

Liss Diaz

Daniel Adams sure I can explain again, several months ago I was seeking for deliverance I stumbles upon your live.

I asked the comment section how can I join to receive deliverance in your live.

A sister whom is a moderator on your YouTube comment section

Commented a link for me to join the call and wait for my turn.

I do not remember the amount I do remember it was an amount I thought was a lot for deliverance.

Anyways that’s all why I am asking now if you are still charging. You claim you never charged. All I am saying is that^

As far as I am aware there used to be a fee… unless you discern I am bored with my life and I am blatantly lying and making things up then that’s your opinion 

Daniel Adams

Liss Diaz that is a forerunner Zoom call my friend for forerunners who are a part of the ministry. That has nothing to do with paying for deliverance. That is how I give back to the people that serve in the ministry. I travel so much now I barely do those calls. I go live on Instagram and will do more in the future but that is not charging for deliverance by no means

Liss Diaz

Daniel Adams no that’s good!

I am Glad, unfortunately I couldn’t get on the call for deliverance unless I had to pay so I didn’t understand…

Liss Diaz

Daniel Adams

If what you say is true I am not saying you are lying.

And my experience with that it’s not a lie either.

Perhaps there was a misleading or miscommunication with that sister. No I am not condemning her but it did led me to believe I had to pay in order to get on a call of deliverance with you.

So amen I am Glad this got resolved. God Bless You brother truly thank you for clearing that up.

But truly Thank you Father


I preach the Gospel and win souls for the Kingdom of God. No matter who is present I will still do the job I am sent to do.


Excited to be with the Breakthrough Church family this weekend! Holy Spirit shows up big every year! See some of y’all soon in Washington!


This Sunday I will be at Victorious Frontline Church! Come receive your MIRACLE! #Jesus #revival #Texas


I know you guys hear the word FAKE being used here and there by even myself. When I call someone fake what I am saying is they speak one way to another person than they do to another but they are in mutual connection with both parties, in other words they are SAVING FACE for friendship purposes. Now let me also make clear that in the past I had also a passive aggressive mindset which put me in the fake category also but not anymore. So when I say FAKE I know what I’m talking about. It’s time for many in the body of Christ and alot of ministers to get delivered of FAKE so the body of Christ can become healthy again.


I go down to start working with the Holy Ghost here at the revival in Oklahoma and instantly smoke starts coming out the vents and we had to evacuate the building. Interesting….


Seen this Bible verse misquoted on posts and comments sections lately so figured I would highlight an area many overlook when posting with “certain” intentions.

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, IF POSSIBLE, even the elect.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The elect WILL NOT be deceived. Blessings


So now all these zealous influencers have gotten REAL quiet and deleted everything they felt so strong about. Guys I’ll be straight up that shows FAKE all day. You guys will find out why I make the moves I make. If you have courage to post and say something keep that same zeal all the way throughout. Don’t delete stuff to save face because the heat is on. I saw this coming from a mile away. Real ones stay real throughout and agree with me or not that is . Also some of y’all that fed their witchcraft, false prophet, wolf talk need to repent to or you’re riding the same boat as them


I see people post parts of a Bible verse to fit their narrative and then delete it because they are WRONG then won’t say nothing to the people they manipulated with half scriptures…. Look I’m extreme in some ways but at least post the whole scripture. Emotions are running to much of the social media posts nowadays and I’ve been guilty of it at times too. We have to do much better


I command every demon to release it’s hold on you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


We have locked in the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, TX for the 2023 TSNL Forerunner conference! We will be releasing more info very soon. We will see thousands come together for the Glory of God this year! Also wait till you see this years speaker line up!


We are a doing our first ever exclusive TSNL Forerunner cruise. This is for any forerunner certified and uncertified to come together and fellowship plus get some RandR together! If you want to come along with us become a Forerunner today on the website and you will receive an email with all the details to join us on this Holy Spirit getaway. The dates are July 30th to August 5th! The deadline to signup for the cruise is May 14th at midnight. Hoping to see many of you on board! #TSNL #revival #cruise #forerunner


It really bothers me to see social media christianity become such a circus show. No different than watching your favorite news channel. You either listen to the CNN version of Christianity or the Fox News version of Christianity and watch them destroy each other but they are both the news and technically are owned by the same side. The devil is so crafty and so many of us miss it. Lord may we learn to be truly unified in this hour so the world doesn’t think we belong to the circus…. #help #weareonthesameside #unity


As a Christian, you have a God-given destiny. Remember that when you feel like there isn't hope and that the light at the end of the road is fading. It's not fading! The promises made at your creation are still there waiting for you!!


Everybody wants to climb to the top of the mountain but once you get there you will be surprised who’s with you. Even Jesus climbed a mountain with only 3. Not everyone can handle your transformation.  #wisdom


Prayer to Hear the Voice of God

There are moments in people's lives that can close them off from hearing the voice of God, but I believe this prayer will open you back to hearing Him.

Father, I thank you for the person that is reading this right now. I command those spiritual earmuffs to come off of them NOW in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Some “ministers” get more affirmation from demons coming out of people than they do the Holy Spirit. #truestorybro


Revival in Ireland Day one was . We broke ground for the Kingdom of God. Jesus was glorified!


“Do not curse the king, even in your thought; Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; For a bird of the air may carry your voice, And a bird in flight may tell the matter.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭10‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Always remember what you say or even think will get around…trust me.

Don’t get your affirmation from demons


Jesus did so much at Revival in Ireland Day 2! Thank you Ireland for welcoming me and the TSNL team into your country and allowing us to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ with you all! Until we meet again Ireland it is FINISHED!


It’s time guys! The 2023 Forerunner Conference tickets will be available by this Friday! Until then let me know what you think of this lineup so far. Will you be coming? Jesus will be glorified! More speaker reveals coming soon


TSNL is changing the world for Jesus! We are a global soul winning family! Join the forerunners today and become a part of this global movement!


They tried to say Jesus cast out demons by the power of demons, everyone He helped rejected Him, they tried to push Him off a cliff, they tried to catch Him in His own words so they could accuse Him…..are you sure you want to pick up your cross? It gets tough in these streets. Count the cost


I am super excited to start the 2nd part of the TSNL Forerunner school the Forerunner School of deliverance. This will be teachings that come from my personal experiences and not only other people’s revelations. Although I have learned from many in the faith God has given me much revelation and understanding while “being on the job” when it comes to deliverance. There are many methods of deliverance people use and believe it or not ALL work in their own way because of the faith behind it. Faith unlocks the things of the Kingdom and gives access to God’s power through the Holy Spirit! Hebrews 11:6! This will be tailored for the TSNL Forerunners who have chosen to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry. I have thousands of free videos on YouTube and Facebook that contain much revelation and teaching but this is my way of giving back to those who choose to serve. Also forerunners I will be updating you all on what happens as these classes and courses are completed. One thing that will happen is glory to glory and faith to faith! Hallelujah! If you are interested in becoming a forerunner in this ministry and getting equipped visit the website in my description! I plan on getting started on this as early as next week! Will post times and schedule for it for those that want to attend live! Blessings!

Join here:

Become a forerunner today and gain a GLOBAL KINGDOM FAMILY plus a WHOLE LOT MORE! Oh and receive expanded grace for the call of God on your life! After all we need each other.


I land in Ireland and a man on the plane proceeds to tell me this country belongs to the Catholics not your type of Christian. I thought to myself “I guess “they” know I’ve arrived in the power of the Holy Spirit.” These meetings will be full of The Glory of God!

I never thought I’d see the day when people would call me false prophet, wolf, and warlock lol. I’ve been traveling the world preaching the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ full time since 2014 and in full time in ministry since 2013 and this year is by far the most I’ve heard it lol. Not from a majority but a minority. Nothing like upgrade season in the Spirit. People also for some reason believe I have received a “strange impartation” from somewhere lol. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in my shower by Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit just Him and me. I also had a dream in 2011 where He called me to take His people on a cargo plane to Jerusalem where He had returned and was ruling and reigning. That moment in the shower when I was scared of things of the supernatural is the place I received my biggest impartation. Some can say what they please about me. Call me warlock all day BUT if God be for me (and He is) then you may be surprised who it is you are fighting against and it’s not Daniel Adams. Be careful who many of you listen too it could be dangerous ground and you could find yourself at the feet of Jesus later begging for His mercy for attacking His servants. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand and time is to short for nonsense. Many are going to hell while many “expose” those bringing thousands if not millions to Christ. Blessing to everyone who loves and hates me because Jesus has taught me to forgive those who know not what they do. May souls come to know the precious sacrifice of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the ONLY way to Heaven.


Knowing this demon would manifest in the presence of worship, this Christian woman wrote down her renouncements on her way to DELIVERANCE! Witness a powerful demon's refusal to let go of this woman as the Holy Spirit delivers her from a long list of issues.

"Spiritual Warfare Caught on Camera..Literally!!" is out on YouTube!!


Many of the leaders in the body of Christ that are fighting hard against if christians can have demons or not have a big struggle somewhere… me on this. Many will try and buck me on this one but I have been on the other side of this one where I went into a place years ago of leaving the whole “casting out demons” stuff alone and BAM I rolled down a hill and went straight into the Holy Spirit school of hard knocks. Some of the biggest “Bible scholars” out here that fight this have hearts filled with theological arrogance which is sin! It also can have a DEMON behind it just like the pharisees. A lot of my christian bros and sisters don’t want to say nothing because some of ”these preachers” are their heros in the faith or they just don’t want to shake things up. I say we call a spade a spade so the body of Christ isn’t confused anymore. The season of jelly back christianity needs to go. Jesus said he brings a sword, well we carry that sword we should use it even if it means losing ministry friends. Christians can have demons and if you disagree there is a VERY good chance you got one deceiving you. Body of Christ don’t stay confused with these theologians that have never cast out a demon or attempted to cast one out of a suffering christian. They pet the christians demon and tell them to renew their mind lol. May TRUTH and the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT prevail. Blessings.


Here is something I think will help many when it comes to the ministry of deliverance. Now I do not expect everyone to agree with what I’m about to say but the reality is I’ve seen this with my own eyes and in my own life. When I first started casting out demons I would spend hours and days with people delivering them and I am thankful for all that time because it grew me tremendously. I am thankful for every learning and growing process in God but if you see me now you will see it does not take me the amount of time it used too. With this being said some preachers say it doesn’t matter who you go to to get deliverance just go and I agree with this BUT we cannot nullify the fact that God has graced individuals with greater measures of grace. I often see people in my comments and other ministers comments saying you don’t need so and so to get delivered you just need Jesus which is TRUE BUT Jesus may want that person to go to the person they have found faith in Christ in because HE wants that person to get a revelation from that specific person. We don’t know what would happen through another individual in process of learning deliverance. Maturity means something. In the Harvest field everyone should practice the gifts of the Spirit and see souls saved but if God has caused an individual to carry a great grace in this timeline do not be a voice that discourages because you are jealous. Moral of all this? Some walk in greater graces and authorities in Christ because of many reasons just read the Bible and you will see this. Celebrate and learn from these people so your grace can increase too. Remember even the disciples of Christ struggled to deliver a young man and Jesus who had the Spirit without measure got the job done fast. No one is greater than another but some have chosen to go deeper and follow spiritual principles. Hope this helps someone today and also always remember Jesus be glorified in EVERYTHING! Blessings. #God #revival #deliverance

I think the debate going on about if christians can have demons or not is hilarious lol. There will always be something new to argue about. Christians can definitely have demons. If people argue in the other direction it is because their eyes are veiled but those folks would say the exact same about me. The rebuttal is usually, “show me in scripture where a christian can have a demon” then when you try and show them some type of proof it is still not enough. The argument just isn’t worth it. These folks would rather their christian friends stay bound in areas of their soul and flesh rather than be free for the sake of their theological righteousness. So, so, sad. This is why many christians leave the faith and go to “new age healers” and “breath work gurus” now because they have to deal with christians who can never agree on anything lol. I’ll just keep healing the sick, casting out demons, prophesying, and everything else the Holy Spirit wants me to do, christian or not, while the others keep the drama rolling. It’s just not worth it….the end is near and too many souls are at stake.


A prayer for Financial Security

Father, I thank you for every person that is reading this. I just pray right now that they will have confidence that you are going to bring them through that financial storm they are facing. Because you are a Good God, and you are a Good Father... in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!

When you choose to allow others to praise you, you are choosing to take the humble road. Someone who is constantly boasting about how amazing they are is only exposing their need to be noticed by man. Once you know God sees you, everyone will see the Christ in you!

“Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth— a stranger, not your own lips.”

- Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I feel like showing some honor to a real soldier, older brother to me, and Prophet of God Lovy L. Elias. Me and him haven’t known each other but a few months but I can attest to this He is absolutely a real one. God is calling this man to be a prophet to this nation in this hour. He posted me and honored me on his page the other day and that spoke volumes. A lot of American ministers don’t understand him because he is “too deep” but I def get it. Some also don’t like “the African way” of doing things (deliverance) but I personally gleaned so much from the African prophet to the world Prophet TB Joshua probably one of the biggest miracle workers and fastest in doing deliverance of our time. He is now in the cloud of witnesses. I honor his grace. I was also trained to preach the Gospel in Rwanda, Africa in my early days. Prophets are some of the most dishonored and persecuted people (in ministry) on earth but also some of the biggest blessings to have in your corner. Prophet Lovy also went out of his way almost 2 1/2 hours to come pour into the leaders of TSNL even after there was some miscommunication on location. Pay attention to those who keep their word it’s powerful. Y’all will see me honor people I know to be real and authentic every now and then on my platforms because there is not enough of that seen in the body of Christ. Those in true unity aren’t ashamed of one another and they don’t “cancel” each other. Love you man of God and excited to watch the grace of God grow even more! Can’t wait to do more Kingdom work with yo

A prayer to become a Cheerful Giver

When you have a scarcity mindset, it's going to be very hard to become blessed because you're not being much of a blessing. And, I want to tell you something: God wants to BLESS YOU! So, I command that spirit of poverty right now to come off your life and the revelation of giving to come in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

I have seen people manifest demons and the demon is so mad because the person prays and worships all the time and I ask that demon, “then why are you still in there?” and the demon says, “because no one has cast me out.” Figure that one out theologians. Many Christians cannot fulfill their God given destiny because of religious garbage infiltrating their minds. The spiritual things of God are foolishness to those wise in their own minds. #christianity

Church don’t get caught in social media emotions and divisive posts. Pray for all first and keep it moving. It ain’t worth stirring confusion amongst the body. I have gotten messages concerning “some things” just know not everyone I rock with everyone else will want to rock with too but I don’t do much hanging with people I’ve never looked in the eyes (if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you’ll see and hear what I’m saying in that statement. Blessings. ) Hope this helps folks that are confused. #Kingdomminded #unity #nodivision #keepthepeace

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