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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
Joseph Prince (26) - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings & Janglings of False Apostle RYAN LESTRANGE

Ryan LeStrange

Welcome to Global Hub! Here are the ways you can give: cash app- $atlantahub,, or text the word “seed” and your $ amount to 678-990-5533



I heard The Lord say "oily Alignments" you progress in your mandate look for the alignments that produce oil and heavenly residue. Where there is no oil there is friction and pain! You have to withdraw from alignments that cause friction and press into the ones that release oil!

2 Timothy 1:6- Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

Paul released spiritual gifting, impartation & divine oil upon the life of Timothy. God is sending oily alignments into your life and purpose.

Marks of Oily Alignments-

There is an increase of spiritual hunger as a result

There is a heightened awareness of purpose due to alignment

There is a level of prophetic insight (discovery)—new levels of vision

Though it takes work, investment and prioritizing it is life giving

There is a healthy two way exchange

It can confront and address weak points in character, attitude

Marks of a dry Alignment-

The continued presence of unhealthy friction—due to a lack of oil

There is discouragement on an ongoing basis

There is a diminishment of purpose

There is a lack of revelation

The investment seems like intense labor with no birthing!

May identify with wounds and actually confirm wrong motives, etc. this type of alignment will produce very bad long term fruit though it feels emotionally fulfilling——this can also be a manifestation of unclean spirit familiarity

***Bottom line: There is a lack of of grace to invest in and maintain the alignment.

Pray for right alignments, divine connections and purpose partners. When you discern God adding to your life through right relationships fight for them, invest in them and prioritize them. Your purpose will attract the right people!


I recently had a vision where I saw the collision of two forces in the earth. One movement was families of all sizes being established to inherit the promises of God, and the other force were these seemingly powerful movements but they were contaminated. The families had a root of love, while the motivations of the other movement were rejection and rage.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

1 Cor. 13:13

You see the the other force, the contaminated force, looked as if it was fueled by passion, but it was rage in disguise. These powerful movements lacked love. It is time to stop suppressing the anger and the rejection instead of seeking healing. God is wanting to bring an axe to the roots of orphanhood, rejection, and rage and is calling His people to receive His healing power.

May we be a healed people, established in His power, while also being established in His heart and His purity.


The return to Jesus preaching! There is a John The Baptist call blanketing the church in this hour to come out from all the distractions and get back to Jesus preaching! The enemy has successfully seduced large portions of the church with all manner of delusion and confusion but God is releasing a FIRE over His people and pulpits. He is asking us to get back to: The Cross, The Blood, Baptism and the great commission. He is asking us to return to preaching The King and His Kingdom.

There is a fresh wind coming upon evangelism in this hour. People will be mobilized to hit the streets and win souls. Preachers will zero in on the lost. Media that focuses on winning the lost will go viral. The world is GROANING for the manifestation of the sons & daughters of God.

I sense strongly that God is examining both the message and methods of His bride. He is asking us to return to sobriety and the simple message of conversion. He is asking us to make the main thing the main thing again. There is a WORLD that needs THE GOSPEL! Let’s get back to the cross.

Blessings fam!



As I was praying I heard The Lord say: “it’s the hour of kingdom collaboration!” He is drawing people together for kingdom purpose but we must embrace a new wineskin.

Old wineskin- ministry was about a person.

New wineskin- ministry is about a people.

Old wineskin- ministry was about a brand.

New wineskin- ministry is about a mandate.

Old wineskin- ministry was about personal elevation.

New wineskin- ministry is about serving from a place of humility.

Eccl. 4:9- Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

There is a recalibrating taking place. God is unifying streams for heavenly dreams! He is establishing His people in the place of faith for massive breakthrough.

He is inviting us to embark on a wild journey of kingdom collaborations. I see the merging of streams for kingdom purposes. I see the uniting of voices for amplified reach and power. I see key events where leaders come together to make a massive dent in the kingdom of darkness. I sense The Lord saying: “it’s not about an individual person or group it’s about KINGDOM!”

“For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I break the spirit of division and separation. I decree kingdom collaborations, massive harvest and creative partnerships in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Ryan LeStrange

Welcome to Global Hub! Here are the ways you can give: cash app- $atlantahub,, or text the word “seed” and your $ amount to 678-990-5533


Healing & Miracle Service #GlobalHub


Just finished an article for Charisma on territorial demons & warfare. I’m convinced a lot of what God’s people are facing is regional resistance. The FIGHT is BIGGER than you. There is a people & a territory that need The Kingdom.


A spiritual attack is a coordinated series of events in an attempt to confine your life and abort the operation of the will of God in your life. What is the number one way to know if you're under a spiritual attack? It's when you begin questioning what was previously crystal clear to you.

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." Revelation 12:10 (KJV)

Satan is an accuser and he uses spiritual attacks to try to get you misguided. The danger is when we don't discern the attack, assume it's just a "bad season", and begin to cooperate with it.

If this is you, it is time to rise up in the authority given to you in Christ Jesus and tell the devil "NO"! Just as Jesus did in Scripture, you must respond to these attacks with the Word of God. It is time for you to live, and speak, and move by faith!



1-Prophetic Insight. It is vital that you hear from God about the transition that He is taking you through. Your mind may be swirling and your emotions on high alert but you must draw aside and get still so that you can hear the sweet promptings of The Father. Prior to a shift God will speak to you in various ways. Tune into the prophetic dreams, inner visions and words of confirmation that may come through others. Prov. 25:11- A word fitly spoken

is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

2-Prayer & intercession. Transitional seasons are pivotal moments that can accelerate or slow down Kingdom progress. A strong prayer covering is vital. You need to pray and bring the decisions before The Father and you need those who will stand with you and agree for Heaven’s agenda to be fulfilled. Mark 1:35- In the morning, rising up a great while before sunrise, He went out and departed to a solitary place. And there He prayed.

3-Fearless obedience. Transitions often feel like jumping off a cliff into the unknown! Your own natural understanding will be challenged and often uncomfortable. It is key to understand that radical obedience unlocks great realms of power and glory. The glory realm brings heaven crashing down to earth and makes the impossible totally possible. After you have heard from God you must be willing to pursue His direction without looking back! Just go for it and let God fight the battle for you. Victory lies on the other side of a leap of faith. Acts 5:29- Peter and the other apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.

#KingdomAdvance #Shift #Obedience #Alignment


Ryan LeStrange

Welcome to Global Hub! Here are the ways you can give: cash app- $atlantahub,, or text the word “seed” and your $ amount to 678-990-5533


Jezebelic Admins in ministry-

“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭2:20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I remember working with an admin who served a legendary Kingdom Leader but managed to use the position as a weapon of control, personal gain and false influence. Left alone this person would have no influence but they were “stealing and misusing” the influence of another. This is a classic Jezebel move. This demon lusts for power and attempts to occupy a space that it is not called to! It can manifest through admins who use their position and the influence of their leader as a tool of control. They will systematically accuse and attack any person in the circle of their leader who discerns their evil behaviors. They often manage to isolate the leader they serve and sabotage kingdom alignments and relationships. Isolation is a classic Jezebel strategy. It will use attacks and slander as a chief tool. Typically, it never vents it’s vile accusations to the person it is accusing. It chooses secrete convos and fills the ear of the leader with nonsense. Admins often control ACCESS and RESOURCES! If they have jezebelic tendencies these become tools of manipulation. They are hosting an evil spirit sent to abort the fullness of the plan of God for the leader they have latched onto. In a spiritual sense it is like a leach slowly draining life, vitality and momentum out of their leader.

The Azusa street revival lost it’s momentum due to an Absolim and Jezebel partnership. One of Seymour’s key leaders named Florence Crawford broke off from him and took his ministry name launching her own unlawful branch and began tearing his ministry down. Seymour got married and his administrator Clara Lum got offended and angry. She stole his mailing list and joined forces with Crawford. Seymour could no longer communicate with the vast list he had accumulated. His Jezebelic administrator teamed up with an Absolom and caused his ministry to sputter.

These tactics are still alive in the earth today because demons are ancient. Leaders: pray over every position and be quick to remove an admin that is showing signs of Jezebel. Admins, remember you are there to SERVE! It is a purpose that is BIGGER than you. It is a KINGDOM MANDATE. Flow in the anointing upon your life to BUILD and ADVANCE the kingdom of God with HUMILITY and WISDOM.


#PROPHETICWORD Can you hear the rumble?

As I was in prayer this morning I heard The Lord saying to me: “there is a rumble in the earth! It is the longing for the manifestation of my sons and daughters. I have marked and mandated this generation with the spirit of adoption! My Holy Spirit is bringing them forth as fully functioning sons and daughters who shall supernaturally break through demonic barriers and manifest the strength of my kingdom.

They are being set free from the spirit of fear and intimidation. Their sound will be clear. Their hunger will be evident. Their clarity will be apparent. They will talk of my kingdom, teach my ways and move in heavy demonstration.

I’m developing those who will move in an astounding dimension of the miraculous. They will have the testimony that they have been with me. The residue of my presence will be evident on their lives. They will walk as authorized carriers of my power and glory.

There is a sincere CRY ARISING—-a hunger that can only be satisfied by me. I’m raising up places of my presence—-people of my presence and centers of my outpouring. There is a SOUND of HUNGER and LONGING ARISING. The sons and daughters carry the sound. They carry the aroma of intimacy. I say ARISE. Arise in my love. Arise in my grace. Arise in my glory. Arise in faith and boldness for I am with you says The Lord of Hosts.”

Romans 8:19- For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.

Acts 2:17- And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams


Ryan LeStrange

Welcome to Global Hub! Here are the ways you can give: cash app- $atlantahub,, or text the word “seed” and your $ amount to 678-990-5533


Dear called out ones…

You are NOT ALONE!

God is quickening people around the globe to get in position for a STRONG MOVE OF HIS SPIRIT. Hear me now….

It’s not the time to BACK UP.

It’s the time to DIG IN.

They think you have lost it but God says:

“I made you different. I have given you authentic plans and purpose that no one else can replicate.”

Don’t bow to the weariness!

Don’t go with status quo.

Don’t give up on the heavenly vision.

Stand your ground.

Stay in pursuit.

Rise and Build.

Let’s go


#propheticinsight THE DIFFERENT ONES…

I hear The Lord saying: “I’m raising up the daring ones. They will dare to be different, believe different, build different and model family different. Their goal will be to please Me and model heaven on earth. They don’t care about man’s approval or accolades. In fact, I will give them hard instructions that men will OPPOSE but they will STAND BOLDLY in conviction of what they have heard in the secret place. Revival & awakening will be their portion. Family will be their mandate. Nations will be their reach! They are born to be DIFFERENT and the MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE EARTH.”



Elevation is an exhilarating yet challenging space. Relationships get redefined, hidden jealousy and lack of capacity is revealed. In the space called elevation you will be STRETCHED! Remember, you prayed for this now embrace it, grow and keep rising.



I continue to get warnings from The Lord about leaders and people of God moving outside of their assignment. There has been a lack of The Fear of The Lord. People are building based on their desire vs. the mandate of The Lord. It is opening the door to the enemy for unnecessary attacks and the rise of the arm of the flesh.

Those things that are born of the flesh carry no eternal weight, including “good things.” We must learn as called people there is a vast difference between a good thing and a God thing. Obedience is not measured in heaven by numbers, accolades or attendance. In fact, some assignments will land you in hot water like when Paul was arrested for casting the devil out of the girl with the python spirit.

The enemy is deceiving people by dangling desire! They build something heaven didn’t say to build and then people applaud them yet they are birthing an Ishmael! There is a word of warning: Don’t ASSUME! Seek The Lord. Ask Him FIRST. Stay in your calling and election beloved. Don’t move BEYOND what God said to you. Don’t be swayed by popular opinion or human desire. Don’t get caught up in HYPE. Stay LOW! Stay before The Lord and allow Him to direct your steps. There is a CRUMBLING coming to the WORKS OF THE FLESH that have BEEM MASQUERADING AS SPIRITUAL WORKS. Pride has exalted MAN. These works will not endure examination and inspection. GOD is calling forth CONSECRATED leaders and people of God who wait on Him for instruction and do what He says.

Jeremiah 17:5- “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.”


Entrepreneurial callings are coming forth!

As entrepreneurs, it is a great calling to step into that realm. With that being said, it can also be difficult to navigate. In my new book “OE: Entrepreneur” I give numerous points of assistance from the biblical concepts of the apostolic and the prophetic.

Head over to to get your copy TODAY

#books #entrepreneur #apostolic #prophetic



"1) Humility- the apostolic spirit brings us to the foot of the cross. Paul said he was the least of these! The apostolic example is one of humble service.�James 4:6- But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

2)Vibrant life and demonstration in The Spirit!

Apostolic leaders should move in the supernatural.

Apostolic churches should be expressions of the supernatural. Apostolic believers should be obeying the great commission and operating in Signs and Wonders!

1. Cor. 2:4- And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power

3) Maximize impartation.

The apostolic carries a unique grace to identify and activate gifts in the lives of believers.

4) Work through team ministry. Apostles lead with teams. They build teams and maximize the team concept.

5) Embrace and appreciate the full five-fold ministry.

The apostolic anointing recognizes the need for each 5-fold gift.

6) Order- apostolic establishes order!

The apostolic is a governing spirit. It does not deal well with chaos and disorder.

Titus 1:5- For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:

7) Patience- this is a fruit of The Spirit…it must be developed.

2 Corinthians 12:12- Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

It requires faith to see the end while you are yet in the beginning. It’s the ability to see something in the seed stage and have a vision to bring it to fulfillment. It is the tenacity to withstand attacks and make it TO THE END. The apostolic anointing is firmly planted on the revelation of the lordship of Jesus and submitted to His work. Apostles are finishers. Apostolic Hubs go the distance! They fight the battles, stand in faith and obtain the prize."

- Ryan LeStrange


When someone with a Jezebel spirit starts to feel as though they are losing POWER or INFLUENCE they DEPART in order to find a new PLACE OF INFLUENCE.


This next breakthrough will be a confirmation of WHY THE ENEMY FOUGHT YOU SO HARD!!!! Don’t quit.



I woke up from a dream about the hidden maneuvering of the jezebel spirit. In the dream I was advising apostolic leaders, ministry leaders and regional leaders to press a spiritual mute button and silence the voice of jezebel. I believe that this is a strategic piece of advice for those in the thick of the battle.

Everything in the spirit realm hinges on words. Proverbs 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. Faith decrees what it believes and builds things in the realm of the spirit. Prophets release the word of The Lord and there is both power and authority in the realm of the spirit. Words and utterances are like keys that unlock spiritual dimensions. The jezebel spirit establishes control through seduction and a false form of prophetic ministry. It releases false utterances that are intended to bind up, manipulate and overthrow heaven’s agenda.

This spirit has thwarted the move of God in particular regions and partnered with other principalities to create the atmosphere of a closed heaven. God is sending kingdom warriors into those territories with kingdom keys to UNLOCK the heavens, send the angels on assignment and bring forth the plan in great power and anointing. Rev. 2:20- at you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.

We must rightly discern this spirit and break it’s hold on territories, regions, people and ministries. We must arm the people with knowledge and bring divine exposure through teaching. We know and understand that we have authority over the works of hell. We fight from a place of victory. I feel a strong word of wisdom for ministry leaders who are battling false prophetic operations in their ministry that are laced with manipulation. The Lord is opening your eyes to see that it is a jezebel spirit and you must use your God given authority to mute the voice of that thing in your ministry. The Lord is calling you to break the hold of that spirit so that the full plan of God can come forth! Its time to press a spiritual mute button!


Miracle Mantles: I heard The Lord saying that He is raising up a new breed of miracle working ministries. He desires to move with stunning displays of power and authority.

This new breed carries a profound revelation of The Kingdom of God and it’s demonstrative nature. They are raw and radical. They are being raised up to DEMONSTRATE. The earth shall be shaken by the power and glory of God. There is an explosion of God’s power coming forth in this hour. Get ready!!!! Greater miracles are about to burst forth.

“And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He was not permitting the demons to speak, because they knew who He was.” Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭34‬ ‭

#Revival #MiraclesAndWonders


Miracle Mantles: I heard The Lord saying that He is raising up a new breed of miracle working ministries. He desires to move with stunning displays of power and authority.

This new breed carries a profound revelation of The Kingdom of God and it’s demonstrative nature. They are raw and radical. They are being raised up to DEMONSTRATE. The earth shall be shaken by the power and glory of God. There is an explosion of God’s power coming forth in this hour. Get ready!!!! Greater miracles are about to burst forth.

“And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He was not permitting the demons to speak, because they knew who He was.” Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭34‬ ‭

#Revival #MiraclesAndWonders


Hey fam,
Remember God places people in your life to help you accomplish His will & plan!
He also removes others for THE SAME REASON. It’s about


#DeliveranceKeys - When a demon is confronted it will twist & turn to avoid expulsion. Stay tuned into Holy Spirit, keep exercising authority & don't allow the twisting & turning to distract you! Confront, break its power & cast it out.

Luke 10:19- Behold, I give unto you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


CALLING ALL PROPHETIC DREAMERS!!!! Pay attn. to the many ways that God speaks to you.

Let's dive right in and explore some of the ways God can speak to us:

Sight (Ephesians 1:17-18)

•Visions: God can reveal His plans through vivid images.

•Open, inner, and night visions: Messages that come to us while awake or in dreams.

Sound (1 Kings 19:12, Revelation 3:20-22)

•Voice of the Lord: God's direct words spoken to our hearts.

•Still small voice, thundering voice, audible voice: Different ways God's voice can be heard.

•Instructions spoken to the inner man: Personal guidance from God.

Taste (Psalm 119:103, 1 Peter 2:2-3)

•Discovering God's goodness through His Word and experiencing the sweetness of His teachings.

Smell (Ephesians 5:2, Ezekiel 20:41)

•Sensing the fragrance of God's love and presence in our lives. Also, discerning the stench of hell and demons!

Mind of the Spirit (Romans 8:27)

•God's thoughts: Receiving divine insights and understanding.

•Impressions: Gentle nudges and inspirations in our hearts.

•Inward knowings: A deep sense of understanding or knowing something without logical explanation.

•Leadings: Being guided by the Holy Spirit.

•Promptings: Inner prompts to take action or make decisions.

Stay tuned for more insights on prophetic technology and the incredible diversity of prophets!

#GodSpeaks #PropheticWays #DivineCommunication

RESURRECTION SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY. Join us for a miracle service in person at Phase Family Center or online on Facebook or YouTube.

INVITE as many people as possible; we will give prizes to the three people that bring the most guests: 1st place- 75" inch TV, 2nd place- iPad, and 3rd place- $100 VISA gift card!

We will also be having a lot of FUN activities for ATL Kidz: Bouncy house, popcorn, snow cone machine, easter egg hunt, and door prizes! Bring your entire family and join us on Resurrection Sunday!


One of the biggest disruptions we can face in life is those against our call and assignment. This demonic resistance is a normal part of Christian living and is an effort by hell to get you to quit or delay you.

“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

It is vital to remember that God Himself put these plans in motion and when the enemy tries to come against that, God Himself will be fighting with you and for you!

Resist the devil and do not grow weary. Stand firm on what the Lord has spoken over your life!


The Holy Spirit provides the ability to supernaturally recover! You are able to heal with divine help. When relationships sour, unexpected loss occurs or financial attacks abound, your Helper is there. As you pray in The Spirit and allow the mind of God to be unfolded to you strength and power is released. No matter what you have faced or currently face, divine help us WORKING FOR YOU. I decree a SUPERNATURAL BOUNCE-BACK in Jesus’ name.


The Jezebel spirit is a ruling spirit that partners with evil powers to manifest manipulation and witchcraft . One of the powers the Jezebel spirit employs is seduction. Wherever the Jezebel spirit is at work, there is seduction at hand. The word seduce means “to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty; to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises; to carry out the physical seduction of.” The Jezebel spirit comes with enticement to lure people away from ordained plans, purposes, and order. There are layers in the seduction strategy of Jezebel.


You can not control what people think or say about you & those you are aligned with but you CAN decide to TUNE IT OUT if it tears down.


My level of EXCITEMENT is OVER THE TOP! Our annual conference is getting a new name: P3 Summit. This stands for PREACH*PRAY*PROPHESY. I truly believe God is mobilizing believers to IMPACT every SPHERE of SOCIETY. Our summit is taking place September 14-16 in ORLANDO FL. It is going to be heavy on EQUIPPING with lots of classes during the day and FIERY GATHERINGS at night. I will send more details soon but I just wanted to give you the dates so you can SAVE THE DATE. This September ALL ROADS LEAD TO ORLANDO for P3. See you there.


One thing I have learned is this season, when God says NO, He means it. When you suddenly get a WARNING, obey. Many times you won’t have full understanding but He is saving your life!!!!


As you advance in the call & purpose on your life the opposition mounts but you must remind yourself that THE GREATER ONE lives in you.


So many people react to their environment and situations based on previous pain. Reacting and thinking like this can create cycles, and the more we stay stuck in that pattern, the more we will see the same result. But there is a way to break free from this trauma-based mindset!

Romans 8:26 reminds us that the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and intercedes on our behalf when we don't know what to pray, and does this through unspeakable yearnings and groanings.

This is the secret weapon that can bring supernatural healing to your mind! When you pray in the Spirit, you step outside of your human mind and into the classroom of the Holy Spirit. It is through this that God can not only identify these cycles, but pray out the answer so that deliverance can be born in your life!


The enemy is a master at wearing people down BUT GOD’S grace is BIGGER!!!! I feel that many of you are on the edge of your breakthrough. Don’t give in, don’t give up. Stand strong. Change is coming in Jesus’ name!


Demons target your PURPOSE & PASSION! #Propheticwarfare


BUILDERS, CREATIVES, and ENTREPRENEURS....I decree that rooms you were shut out of were for your OWN PROTECTION! You are being LOADED DOWN with FAVOR and ingenuity. You will BUILD YOUR OWN ROOMS, tables, SPACES AND PLACES in Jesus’ name



I break every mind binding spirit off my life in Jesus’ name! I command the power of witchcraft to be broken over me. I command every lie, false decree, spell and incantation to be broken. I command all mental oppression to go from me now! Witchcraft attacks go now in Jesus’ name! I command every mind binding spirit to loose me and GO NOW in the name of Jesus! According to Deuteronomy 28:6 I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. Every curse falls under the power of the blood of Jesus! I decree that I have a sound mind. I think God thoughts. I dream God dreams. I imagine godly imaginations. According to Philippians 2:5 I have the mind of Christ. I am saturated in peace and protection. I declare that I walk in the supernatural wisdom of God according to Proverbs 2:6. The Lord has provided me with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I have a sound mind. I am free from the spirit of fear in Jesus’ name. I hear clearly, see clearly, think clearly and walk clearly. I am free! Father I thank you for your love, peace and freedom over my life now. I worship you and praise you that I am free in my mind in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.


I sense some of you have felt as though you have been wandering...misunderstood and even misfits but I hear The Lord speaking! He is saying: “I have reserved you for divine placement. Some of the things you thought would work simply did not because I had something better. You will be placed in position by my hand. I’m causing you to find the place and the people by the sound! You will hear the sound of identity erupting from ordained places and it will be a witness to you.”

I decree that you will be led forth into ordained alignments and relationships. I decree that you will walk with those appointed for destiny. I decree that God lifts you out in His perfect timing in the name of Jesus. Amen!


In the same way we would seek healing for a physical injury, we also need to seek healing for our emotional pain. Emotions need the healing power of God, too. Part of Jesus' ministry was to heal the broken-hearted!

James 4:7 tells us that when we submit to God, and resist the devil, he will flee!

Part of being set free from emotional pain involves deliverance. Find the doorways the enemy has used, break any agreement you've made with the enemy's lies, and break demonic powers off of yourself! Remember, He whom the Son sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36)


OK..So, here’s the thing….you are prophetic and you were born to STAND OUT! Quit trying to blend in and be understood by people who don’t value SIGHT, SOUND and PROPHETIC WISDOM. Soar with the eagles and quit trying to pacify the ducks.


I'm so excited about this coming Sunday! God has been showing up at ATL HUB in crazy ways; deliverance has been breaking out, the glory of God has been rolling into the sanctuary every Sunday, and I believe that we are going up another level this Sunday. I want you to join me in-person or online on Facebook or YouTube!


#PROPHETICWORD : The Release of The Fiery Ones!!!!!

I heard The Lord say there is a release of my fiery redeemed ones! They have been delivered from much and they love much. Their oil will have different spices than what you are used to. Their root is wild! They come from the places of despair and bondage.

They will burst on the scene with explosive power! Their sound will not be refined. Their operations will not be refined. Their passion will be offensive to some and their lack of religious etiquette will turn some off. They will not come with a quiet or polished anointing. They will come with a wild and untamed passion. They will come with raw and radical glory.

They will be unashamed to praise my name with radical boldness. They will be unashamed of my deliverance anointing. They will be passionate about freedom and refuse anything that resembles bondage. They will not submits to religious spirits.

Their worship will be messy! It will turn off the religious. It will be wild, bold and unrefined. They will loose sounds of freedom and dances of wild abandon. They will be known for their volume and strength in the spirit. They will march forth as a freedom people. They will unlock unusual realms of glory.

They will be fierce in their pursuit of heaven and the glory! They will see and experience the angelic. There will be uncommon signs and wonders in their midst. They will preach a Jesus centered message that brings deliverance to the the captives! They won’t care what man thinks. They will go forth with strong zeal, great boldness and radical love. They are my fiery sons and daughters. My flames of redemption and glory have touched them. They are carriers of uncommon presence and the song of the redeemed is upon their lips.


True prophetic leaders are the ones who fearlessly uncover the lies and deceit of demonic forces. Their words might sting, but they're essential in preventing long-term damage. So, don't underestimate the power of Shamar prophets and prophetic ministry!


Quit apologizing for obeying God! When He speaks you must move. When He says connect you must and when He says disconnect you must! You don’t owe anyone an explanation.



One thing I have learned is when there is a NO in my spirit I can not ignore it for anyone! Years ago I dealt with a witch masquerading as a prophet that joined our church. I warned key leaders in my church about the person but they refused to listen. They thought I was being too tough. Truth is, there were no substantiated facts that I could point to but the check in my spirit would not lift. I did some digging and eventually had my concerns confirmed. It turned out that not only were they witches but identity thieves and con artists as well. The leaders that didn’t listen ended up having to involve the police. I had to comfort them and help them out of a mess because they refused to heed a warning.

Sometimes a no from God is difficult and we don’t have all the answers. We need to trust Him enough to listen to the inner concerns. God also places people in our lives to warn us when we have blind spots. He is guiding, leading and protecting. Satan will paint a good picture loaded with goodies! Don’t fall into the trap.

“For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭14‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Deception not only keeps things in darkness, but it blocks the flow of healing. The enemy would have you be stuck at the level of your offense or pain, but once you expose him you can be in a position for healing and deliverance.

In Matthew 10:26 Jesus said, "therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known."

The key to emotional healing is exposing and owning your need for deliverance, asking Holy Spirit to reveal where you need to grow, and giving any pain or trauma to God.

God is calling you to freedom and as you apply these steps you will be on your way to exponential growth!


I'm so excited about kicking off a brand new series this week for our Sunday service and our MDWKs. God wants you to prosper in this season. I believe that God is raising up an army of believers that are going to take back the business industry and the kingdom. Join me every Sunday night at 6 PM in person or online and every Thursday night at 8 PM for our MDWK Bible study!


"Don't let the storm cloud your memory of God's prophetic words over your life! Stand firm on His promises and fight through the challenges. Remember what He said and hold on tight."


Toxic relationships will drain & zap you, kingdom relationships will strengthen & encourage you.


West Coast family!! I want you to join me this month in California or New Mexico. I'm believing God to show up in an unusual way. These services are going to be a time of encounter, empowering and glory. I am so excited about having Worship leader Jay Todd with me. I know Heaven is going to show up! You must register. Sign up today.

May 16th Hub Nights

May 17th Hub Nights

May 18th Hub Nights


Gifts require development!
Don’t shortcut the process.


Last Sunday the glory of God showed up. People were caught up in God's glory, bodies were healed, and lives were set free. God is raising up an army in Atlanta and I want you to join us this Sunday. In- person service kicks off at 6:00pm but if you want prophetic ministry get there early. Our ministry team will be available to pray for you at 5:30 pm. If you can't join us in person, please join us on Facebook or YouTube! See you there tomorrow night


If you know you are in a BIRTHING SEASON! Remember, even when you can't see it, God is always at work in your life. He's arranging blessings and orchestrating breakthroughs just for you. Keep your faith strong and continue to build, because God's amazing plan will soon be revealed!


Attention all truth seekers! The fearless Shamar prophets are the real deal when it comes to uncovering the lies of demonic forces. Their words may sting, but they are essential in preventing long-term damage. Spread the word about the power of prophetic ministry and join the spiritual warfare against deceit.


Spiritual warfare is the battle in your life between light and darkness, between the will of God and the will of the enemy. The enemy will orchestrate specific attacks but there is a strategy we can use that is often overlooked!

"This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;" 1 Timothy 1:18 KJV

Paul is telling Timothy that a strategy to overcome the warfare he is experiencing is making war with the prophecies! Prophecies are a future promise that infuses your right now with faith and authority.

Satan is likely fighting you because he is aware of your prophetic potential. Respond to the attack with what God has already declared over and about you instead of responding with humanistic reasoning!


Favor hits obedience! When you obey God’s word, His voice, His purpose for your life..unusual and uncommon favor will manifest. Things will open up to you. If you are obeying God, expect favor!


What is a soul tie?! God wants to sever you from every ungodly soul tie that the enemy has been using to hold you back and keep you in bondage. This is your season of freedom!


Watch as a new generation rises from the wilderness, emerging from rejection and difficult circumstances, carrying a powerful and fresh prophetic anointing.


Realize people can represent various things in dreams. You could have a dream about a famous evangelist but that might be God talking to you about evangelism. This is why you must get the primary message of the dream before releasing.

If you have a negative dream about someone pray It through. Realize that the spirit of prophecy is not the spirit of attack


As long as I have breath in my body, I'm going to preach, pray, and prophesy!


Jezebel will do it's best to convince you that you are not seeing what you are really seeing. Playing the victim is a classic Jezebel move!


My concerns about “third eye teaching”….

As a leader who has written, taught and ministered globally on the prophetic and trained prophets as well as serving as a passionate minister in the areas of spiritual warfare and deliverance I have been stunned to learn of the terminology “third eye” being used in prophetic teaching. This is language that has widely been used by and associated with occult practices. I am deeply concerned about the use of this terminology in prophetic teaching and training. Scripture is abundantly clear that we are to avoid such associations and practices.

Deut. 18:9-14- When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

Sometimes the use of such terminology is excused by declaring it a part of the realm of mysteries and revelation. I call foul on this. We are told time and again in scripture to measure revelation against the written word of God. We are also admonished not to receive a contrary word from an entity appearing as an angel or celestial being.

Galatians 1:8- But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Another theory I have heard associated with this teaching is it is referencing the pineal gland which is responsible for regulating melatonin, other hormones and helping establish sleep patterns. Again, I don’t believe that this is a proper exegesis of scripture. While I know and believe our bodies are beautifully and wonderfully made and God can use every fiber of our being to testify of His glory I struggle to see the correlation between this part of our anatomy and the origin of prophetic revelation. I do believe that God can and does speak to your natural mind. The origin of the revelation is spiritual and then flashes across your mind in vivid images. I’m not arguing against that. My concern is use of language and application that is rooted in the wrong spirit.

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I do believe that we as New Testament Christians have full access to all the wonders of God’s voice including the realm of sight. We have been given spiritual eyes that I believe reside in our spirit man and process divine insight in order to deliver prophetic revelation to us. There is indeed another level of vision but is is that which originates in the realm of the spirit and should be controlled, governed and properly assessed by the written word of God. In fact, I am convinced that the visionary realm of the prophetic was at the forefront of the early church. It was promised to all of us in Acts chapter two. Let’s be clear: language matters. Biblically integrity matters.

Having spent decades in full time ministry I never want to be a person that furthers strife and division in the body. I don’t want to use my platform to attack or berate Christian ministries. I understand there will be those of you who disagree with my position on this and I am respectful of your disagreement. I am happy to have conversations with other leaders in order to protect and guide the body of Christ with as much integrity as possible.

I simply can not agree with this teaching. Years ago this would have been shunned right out of the gate but sadly now we are debating over language and practices that witches agree with. I am praying that we continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ and bring Him glory in our generation!

Standing firm,

Ryan LeStrange


I remember years ago when I was invited into a certain segment of the prophetic movement and people kept talking about encountering saints who had already departed earth. Due to my deliverance background this immediately raised red flags. I started to ask questions in green rooms and try to access their doctrinal position. After careful review I was convinced that this was dangerous and deceptive.

I began to speak about it and was quietly uninvited from certain streams. I was ok with that! I followed my convictions and did my best to maintain purity. I served as a voice of agitation to some and yet others chose to peacefully disagree.

Let’s me also add, I realize people can be taken to heaven and in that dimension see those who have gone on. That’s not what I was hearing and seeing. What I was hearing and seeing was reckless and encouraging people to purse earthy encounters with the spirits of those who departed. It was my position that this teaching easily gave room for the operation of familiar spirits and divination.

The point is: sometimes you have to stand out, speak up and respectfully disagree. I find myself again reviewing some teachings and practices in the prophetic and seeing major red flags. I want to be effective in communicating truth, humble in approach and pure in biblical understanding. There is a world to reach, Hubs to build, souls to be saved and a harvest to reap! No time for deception! Let’s stand strong, bold and pure! Let’s go



Tongues is the release of SUPERNATURAL LANGUAGES in the lives of believers. The Bible calls it the diversity of tongues (meaning various expressions of supernatural language).

***This is not a FULL LIST…just 4 I wanted to highlight. 

1. Tongues for personal edification.

This is the prayer language that builds you up personally. It releases the mind of The Spirit. Helps you overcome your primary weakness by bypassing human understanding and praying out the perfect will of God every time. Jude 20: “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,”


2. Tongues for supernatural intercession (the God Groan). God releases deep intercessional groanings as a technology of intercession. Rom. 8:26-28 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; 27and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

28And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

3. Tongues as a sign to the unbeliever. This is the ability to speak in a known language by the power of the Spirit. This is a language that you do not know or understand but you speak in it by the inspiration of God. It’s a divine witness! Imagine sharing Jesus in an earthly language you don’t know!

Acts 2:6-8- And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together, and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language. 7They were amazed and astonished, saying, “Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?

4. Tongues and interpretation. When a message is given in tongues and then the showing forth, or interpretation of the message is given in a known language that the people understand. This is equal to the simple gift of prophecy. It reveals the mind of God to build up.

1 Corinthians 14:5- Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may receive edifying.


Forerunners, don't take the resistance personal. The reason why the powers of the enemy are fighting you so fiercely is because you are called to break through so that others can break through. You are breaking new ground, pushing back darkness and unveiling glorious dimensions of the Kingdom.


PROPHETIC WORD-Come up with me…

“Come up HIGHER says The Lord. Come up into the aerial view and you will se another perspective. Come up above all the noise and chatter as I unfold my plans and purposes to you.

Come up and come away with me. I want to reveal my plans and purposes to you. I want to reveal my designs and desires to you. Come up to another level of intimacy and insight. I will give you eyes to see that which is coming in the earth. You will be ahead of time! You will know and see the future!”

“The way of life winds upward for the wise, that he may turn away from Hell below.” (Proverbs 15:24)

There is a HIGHER LEVEL OF WISDOM that God desires to bring you to. Many prayers will be answered as you begin to THINK LIKE JESUS. Come up higher in WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING.

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Come up higher in your thinking believing and DREAMING! There is another level of faith and pursuit that The Father desires to UNFOLD FOR YOU.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.'” (Revelation 4:1)

Come up HIGHER IN PROPHETIC PURSUIT & intimacy. The Lord is CALLING YOU AWAY WITH HIM. He is mantling people for THE SECRET PLACE. Come up HIGHER!!!!


I can't wait for Sunday. I want to see you in the building. I believe that this is season where God wants to take you up to a higher level not just spiritually but financially. Get ready to be equipped and empowered to take back every area of your life. Join me in person or online Sunday night!




Apostle Oscar's mandate is to raise the next generation of Apostles and Prophets that are willing to cry for the nation. The Convocation is the gathering of prophetic apostolic people with a common theme - Revival.

Consider sowing into this work:

-To give via PayPal, click the link below:

-To give via USA Cash App, click the link below:$DrOscarGlobal

-To give via UK Cash App, click the link below:£DrOscarGuobadia


This is a MUCH needed REMINDER!!!!! I’m telling you NO MATTER what——don’t listen to opinions that contradict what God has already said. He knew all about you and handpicked you for a purpose.


God gave me the name Clark when I was praying in my hotel room. A woman came forward, her brother’s name was Clark, and she had been praying for him. We broke the spirit of death and called him into the kingdom of God.



Absalom was offended at his father’s lack of action to avenge his sister. Indeed a wrong had been committed but Absalom allowed it to fuel his own ambition and break rank. He began conspiring against the God appointed King. He falsely believed that his offense changed God’s mind about David’s placement. He whispered in the ears of those who felt overlooked and seduced them with his sweet words! This demon will speak to people’s pain and rejection slowly accusing the God ordained leader in a subtle and subversive manner.

Like all demons it hides and looks to breach God ordained order. It will seduce people into its coalition of the offended. Finally, Absalom betrayed his father and overthrew the kingdom. He won the initial battle but didn’t count on God’s defense. This spirit will lure people into it’s heinous plans of overthrow and betrayal. In ministries and businesses it looks to advance by lying and betraying senior leaders. It’s a prideful demon!

On the battle field Absalom was hung in a tree by his hair and killed. He was known for his astonishing good looks and in the end it was his remarkable hair that got tangled in a tree and led to his death! Pride killed him. Sadly, the bloodshed didn’t stop there! Appx. 20,000 men died on the battle field that day. The Absalom spirit will always create causalities. It will get people out of God ordained position, relationships and submission fueling their own rebellion and ambition. Don’t sit in the company of Absalom! Pray much. Examine your heart. Honor God ordained authority and ask God for purity. You don’t want to end up as a casualty of Absalom.


Too many times people assume that because they received a prophetic word, that it will be automatic. It is vital that you understand that your participation in the prophetic word is critical.

You can think of prophecy like a map, but prayer is the GPS that will help navigate you in the pathway of the eternal in your life.

The book of James tells us that if any of us lacks wisdom, we must ask God. This part is critical! Miracles and breakthrough are typically the result of divine instructions being obeyed.

It is time that we partner with God through prayer as we move into the prophetic trajectory of our lives!


Dear prophetic fam,

Prophetic dreams, when genuine, have some fantastic qualities you'll love. Check it out:

They won't bring fear without answers.

They won't go against the precious teachings of the Bible.

They won't inspire rebellion or covenant breaking.

They won't stir up ungodly accusations.

Embrace the blessings of prophetic dreams, knowing that they align with God's Word, bring comfort, and encourage righteous living. Let's dive deeper into the wonders of these divine revelations together!


Calling all the hungry

Join us for an unforgettable Pentecost service this Sunday! Get ready for supernatural encounters, as we press into heaven, seeking a fresh outpouring of God's presence. Don't miss out! Join us in person or online on Facebook and YouTube. Spread the word and be a part of something extraordinary!


Unveiling the Secrets of Prophetic Dreams!

Reality #1: They're Absolutely Captivating!

Ever had that extraordinary dream that lingers in your mind upon waking? Prophetic dreams have that uncanny ability to grip your thoughts, even if their true significance remains elusive.

Reality #2: Unlocking Symbolic Mysteries!

Prophetic dreams speak in symbolism and allegory. Deciphering their symbolic language is critical to unlock their meaning! These dreams are like hidden treasures, concealed prophecies and divine messages cleverly disguised. Crack the code, and the revelation will propel you forward on your prophetic journey!

Reality #3: Unleashing the Power of Prophecy!

Once you grasp their hidden meaning, these dreams transform into powerful prophecies. A prophetic dream properly interpreted becomes a prophecy. They hold miraculous potential and guidance for your life's journey. Unveil their secrets, and witness the prophetic come alive within you!

"Unveiling the Unseen!"

Psalm 78:2 reminds us of the prophetic realm's enigmatic nature, like ancient dark sayings spoken in parables. It's not about hiding truths from believers but inviting us on a captivating quest. A seasoned prophetic believer can discern dream origins and delve into biblical symbolism to unravel the mysteries.

Ready to Decode? Look to the Scriptures!

When seeking understanding, the Bible is your compass. Does that dream's numbers or symbols carry biblical significance? Or perhaps they hold a personal meaning unique to you? Embark on an exciting journey through the ancient words and reveal the hidden treasures of your dream life!


Attention all truth seekers! The fearless Shamar prophets are the real deal when it comes to uncovering the lies of demonic forces. Their words may sting, but they are essential in preventing long-term damage. Spread the word about the power of prophetic ministry and join the spiritual warfare against deceit.


#PROPHETICWORD : The Release of The Fiery Ones!!!!!

I heard The Lord say there is a release of my fiery redeemed ones! They have been delivered from much and they love much. Their oil will have different spices than what you are used to. Their root is wild! They come from the places of despair and bondage.

They will burst on the scene with explosive power! Their sound will not be refined. Their operations will not be refined. Their passion will be offensive to some and their lack of religious etiquette will turn some off. They will not come with a quiet or polished anointing. They will come with a wild and untamed passion. They will come with raw and radical glory.

They will be unashamed to praise my name with radical boldness. They will be unashamed of my deliverance anointing. They will be passionate about freedom and refuse anything that resembles bondage. They will not submits to religious spirits.

Their worship will be messy! It will turn off the religious. It will be wild, bold and unrefined. They will loose sounds of freedom and dances of wild abandon. They will be known for their volume and strength in the spirit. They will march forth as a freedom people. They will unlock unusual realms of glory.

They will be fierce in their pursuit of heaven and the glory! They will see and experience the angelic. There will be uncommon signs and wonders in their midst. They will preach a Jesus centered message that brings deliverance to the the captives! They won’t care what man thinks. They will go forth with strong zeal, great boldness and radical love. They are my fiery sons and daughters. My flames of redemption and glory have touched them. They are carriers of uncommon presence and the song of the redeemed is upon their lips.


OK..So, here’s the thing….you are prophetic and you were born to STAND OUT! Quit trying to blend in and be understood by people who don’t value SIGHT, SOUND and PROPHETIC WISDOM. Soar with the eagles and quit trying to pacify the ducks.


WARNING: aligning yourself with anyone for the purpose of shared offense is TOXIC. It doesn’t matter why you think it’s a good idea, it’s not. Avoid TOXIC ALIGNMENTS that are based on shared offense.


I sense some of you have felt as though you have been wandering...misunderstood and even misfits but I hear The Lord speaking! He is saying: “I have reserved you for divine placement. Some of the things you thought would work simply did not because I had something better. You will be placed in position by my hand. I’m causing you to find the place and the people by the sound! You will hear the sound of identity erupting from ordained places and it will be a witness to you.”

I decree that you will be led forth into ordained alignments and relationships. I decree that you will walk with those appointed for destiny. I decree that God lifts you out in His perfect timing in the name of Jesus. Amen!



I break every mind binding spirit off my life in Jesus’ name! I command the power of witchcraft to be broken over me. I command every lie, false decree, spell and incantation to be broken. I command all mental oppression to go from me now! Witchcraft attacks go now in Jesus’ name! I command every mind binding spirit to loose me and GO NOW in the name of Jesus! According to Deuteronomy 28:6 I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. Every curse falls under the power of the blood of Jesus! I decree that I have a sound mind. I think God thoughts. I dream God dreams. I imagine godly imaginations. According to Philippians 2:5 I have the mind of Christ. I am saturated in peace and protection. I declare that I walk in the supernatural wisdom of God according to Proverbs 2:6. The Lord has provided me with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I have a sound mind. I am free from the spirit of fear in Jesus’ name. I hear clearly, see clearly, think clearly and walk clearly. I am free! Father I thank you for your love, peace and freedom over my life now. I worship you and praise you that I am free in my mind in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.



When God releases an apostolic work in a region there is typically warfare with the ruling demon. The demonic prince has created mental prisons that have bound the people. People are influenced by the FALSE THOUGHT PATTERNS associated with the regional demon. The work of the apostolic ministry is to TEAR DOWN THOSE PRISONS.

STRONGHOLDS are systems of thought and a WAY OF THINKING. Demon entities establish DEMONIC MINDSETS that the apostolic builder must dismantle. The answer to this is TEACHING! Teaching is a VITAL TOOL OF REFORMATION. Apostolic leaders and TEAMS MUST ALSO RESIST THE URGE TO BOW TO FLESHLY OPINIONS. They must stand fast on the mission and vision God gave with unwavering faith. Demons will try to water down the work through HUMAN RESISTANCE. As strong preaching & teaching goes forth it creates a KINGDOM MINDSET and people come into FREEDOM. "

“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

- Ryan LeStrange"


Fathers instruct, invest, stretch, correct & build. #ApostolicMinistry


"Apostolic leaders must not retreat in times of adversity. The enemy always opposes the vision of Kingdom activation, training and mobilization. He resists the breakthrough that is appointed for the people of God.

“Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Satan hinders apostolic leaders, the development of apostolic Hubs and the unfolding of territorial plans. The apostolic comes into direct conflict with demon rulers. It’s a battle for dominance and influence.

Apostolic companies must be bold in their calling and mandate! They can not shrink back under the weight of resistance. Prophets are vital because they release encouragement and strength by prophesying! When prophetic streams are released refreshing flows! Bottom line: the resistance is meant to stop us but we won’t BOW! We will war, build, equip, preach, pray, prophesy and prevail! Let’s go


The Holy Spirit provides the ability to supernaturally recover! You are able to heal with divine help. When relationships sour, unexpected loss occurs or financial attacks abound, your Helper is there. As you pray in The Spirit and allow the mind of God to be unfolded to you strength and power is released. No matter what you have faced or currently face, divine help us WORKING FOR YOU. I decree a SUPERNATURAL BOUNCE-BACK in Jesus’ name.


Currency is going to FIND YOU! The funding is attached to your purpose.


Jezebel is sent into strong churches & Hubs to hinder flow, discourage leaders & release strife. Kick Jezebel out! ‪#SpiritualWarfare‬ ‪


The Jezebel spirit neither honors nor recognizes covenant! When this spirit operates in families it will twist and manipulate in any way possible in order to fulfill its own evil agenda. When this spirit operates in ministries it will totally disregard authority, honor and relationship instead pursuing its own schemes! It disguises it’s ambition and wraps its requests in the name of The Lord. It is totally deceptive and demon inspired. It is a rank breaking devil that abhors authority and refuses any type of biblical submission. It does not keep covenant and typically has a long track record of bad relationships.


Dear prophetic person,

Let God authenticate your revelation & sound! It’s great when mature leaders confirm you but quit running from place to place and person to person seeking affirmation. Let God do it. He is giving you an original sound, flow, and rhythm. Some will not understand and it’s OK! They weren’t meant to. Keep being authentic & original. God’s got you.



There's been such an awakening of hunger in the church and the enemy wants nothing more than to stop the move of God. One of the ways he tries to do this is through a demon called strife.

"Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity."

Psalms 133:1

Where there's unity, there's an outpouring of the spirit of God. This demon of strife seeks to create division in order to abort the move of God.

Choose today to not participate with the demon of strife and rather, be solidified in what God is doing in the earth!

Watch here:


If cartoons & mainstream kids movies can teach our children witchcraft and new age then I’m going to boldly teach them the prophetic, miracles, signs, wonders & deliverance in Jesus’ name


Jezebel is sent into strong churches & Hubs to hinder flow, discourage leaders & release strife. Kick Jezebel out! ‪#SpiritualWarfare‬ ‪


Prophets are deliverers! They see, discern & cast out demons.


Decreeing God’s favor over you today!!! You are surrounded
(Ps. 5:12).


Deliverance from the fear of man will bring an uncommon level of liberty & accelerated purpose. Every prophet must live FEAR FREE.



In a recent prophetic vision he had, Apostle Ryan heard from the Lord that He is raising up revival hubs all over the globe, places of presence that will establish and continue the move of God. These global hot spots will be places of outpouring, places of awakening.

He is calling those who will be like Isaac in Genesis 26 and dig the wells of revival! He is raising up those who will establish places where His glory has preeminence, and where His people will come and plow!

May you begin to receive the gifts of His Spirit and the revelations from His Word that He is pouring out. May we choose today to be a part of this fresh outpouring, this fresh move of God!


"The Shift to an Apostolic Culture-

One of the greatest assignments of an apostolic ministry is Equipping & Activation. Under the apostolic paradigm the evangelist does not just blow in and blow out but actually teaches, trains, equips & imparts to raise up an evangelistic body. The Prophet doesn’t just come to town give everyone a word and then leave. Yes, the prophet continues to prophesy but also trains and raises up a prophetic people who can hear, see & know!

Apostles must lead the charge to change the wineskin. The church can no longer function as a teaching center where people gather to hear somebody share great quotes and information. It must become an apostolic base that gathers, equips & sends! Believers must be awakened to their purpose and the potential in their lives to manifest the kingdom.

An apostolic culture is one that reveals the destiny of sons & daughters. It creates an awareness of Kingdom dynamics and moves from a gathering mentality to a sending mandate. Apostolic people take the Kingdom to their region by discovering and operating in their gifts. The Apostolic base is a training, teaching and sending center.

Eph. 4:11-12-

And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.

12 His intention was the perfecting andthe full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church"

#NewWineSkin #Shift #Activate #Impart

- Ryan LeStrange


The Shift to an Apostolic Culture-

One of the greatest assignments of an apostolic ministry is Equipping & Activation. Under the apostolic paradigm the evangelist does not just blow in and blow out but actually teaches, trains, equips & imparts to raise up an evangelistic body. The Prophet doesn’t just come to town give everyone a word and then leave. Yes, the prophet continues to prophesy but also trains and raises up a prophetic people who can hear, see & know!

Apostles must lead the charge to change the wineskin. The church can no longer function as a teaching center where people gather to hear somebody share great quotes and information. It must become an apostolic base that gathers, equips & sends! Believers must be awakened to their purpose and the potential in their lives to manifest the kingdom.

An apostolic culture is one that reveals the destiny of sons & daughters. It creates an awareness of Kingdom dynamics and moves from a gathering mentality to a sending mandate. Apostolic people take the Kingdom to their region by discovering and operating in their gifts. The Apostolic base is a training, teaching and sending center.

Eph. 4:11-12-

And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.

12 His intention was the perfecting andthe full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church


Prophets are innovators. An apostolic team with no prophets will build something stagnant and frustrate the people of God. Heaven wants to send something fresh. We need sound and healthy prophets who will link up with Apostles and utilize the prophetic gift to build dynamic Kingdom Ministries.


#PropheticWord:Fresh Vision

“It is an hour of fresh vision and keen insight. I have given eyes to see. This is not a time to be stuck in past disappointments or wounds. It is not a time to be stuck amongst those who do not value prophetic sight and clarity.

“I am calling forth a people who see clearly. The hailstorm is ending and the winds of devastation ceasing. It is now a time to build, and in some cases, rebuild. I am imparting heavenly vision, and I am releasing sight to My people. Come up higher with Me and see from My point of view. No longer will you see from the low places. I have called you to see with Me. I have called you to dream with Me. I have called you to come up to the highs places with Me. I am giving you a heavenly view. Your perspective will no longer be earthbound. You will see from a new viewpoint, a new place, and a new confidence. As you have seen My plans, you will go forth with My word upon your lips.

“I am calling those amongst the nations who can see to release vision for this time. I am calling forth my visionaries who have seen My Kingdom plans. I am also establishing strategic camps and calling for a convergence of those who see clearly. Prophets and prophetic people will converge upon territories where there is a base of operations. They will pray together and dwell in Me to release fresh plans and vision for the hour. Many have been dwelling in barren lands, but I am mobilizing them to move and come to a place where there is both activation and acceleration!”


Revival continues tomorrow. The glory of God has been showing up the past few Sundays in an incredible way; kids have been activated, laying hands, prophesying, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Bodies have been healed, souls have been saved, marriages have been restored, and demon powers have been broken off peoples lives. You need to get into the building tomorrow. Doors open at 5:15pm, prayer kicks off at 5:30pm. Kids will be leading us in this time of prayer. You will not want to miss this. Service kicks off at 6:00pm. Get there early to get a seat.

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