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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


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False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png

"Horrific, this man has poverty of the soul.. and is set for the lake of fire and those like him..." Anonymous

SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
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"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of APOSTLE CHE AHN!

Ché Ahn and his wife, Sue, are the Founders and Senior Pastors of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, CA, since 1994. Ché is the Founder and President of Harvest International Ministry, a global apostolic network in over 65 nations with the common vision of “Changing Lives, Transforming Cities, and Discipling Nations.” He is also the Founder of 1RACE4LIFE, and he currently serves as the International Chancellor of Wagner University, an international network of apostolic training centers established to equip the saints for Kingdom ministry. Ché has authored numerous books, including Say Goodbye to Powerless Christianity, How to Pray for Healing, God Wants to Bless You!, and Modern-Day Apostles. He ministers extensively throughout the world, bringing apostolic wisdom with a Holy Spirit impartation of revival, healing, and evangelism


We are a global apostolic family. With more than 25,000 affiliated ministries and organizations in over 65 nations, HIM is actively advancing the Kingdom of God through His love and His power across the globe.


Welcome to HIM!

Harvest International Ministry (HIM) is an international apostolic network dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God by equipping leaders, multiplying churches, evangelizing, and bringing revival and reformation to the nations. We believe the world is ripe for harvest, as we witness God moving all around the globe. HIM values Spirit-led relationships, and we are excited to continue furthering the Great Commission together!

In His Love,
Dr. Ché Ahn
President & Founder


Harvest Rock Church: Uniting Heaven & Earth


What is Revival Alliance?

Revival Alliance is a unified group of Kingdom-hearted modern-day revivalists seeking after the heart of God. Each leader in the group...

  • Promotes the interests of a group of churches to expand the Kingdom of God.

  • Expands public awareness of the need for revivals, reformations, and great awakening in the body of Christ around the world.

  • Conducts in-person and online classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, retreats, camps, and field trips in the field of Christianity and distribution of training material in connection therewith.


Another spiritual giant went home to be the Lord, David Younggi Cho.

Full Gospel Central Church has a very special and historic place in my heart. I won the Younggi Cho award in 1985. The prize given to a Fuller Seminary Student for potential for church growth. It was an all expense paid trip to Korea to meet with Younggi Cho and attend his church growth conference.

My dad knew Cho and had preached in his church when he was the President of the Korean Southern Baptist Convention.

I would never have dreamed of preaching at his church, but in 2002 I was honored to preach a three night healing service in front of 45,000 each night. Dr. Peter Wagner, my spiritual father, preached to Cho’s leaders during the his day.

May God bring another great revival to Korea with the passing of this great man of God!


Tune in this Sunday @ 6AM PT on Fox for an episode of Equipping the Saints featuring Special Guest Mario Murillo Ministry!

Mario Murillo is a general of the faith, and leads way in ceasing to bow his knee to societies demands.

Mark your calendars, you won’t want to miss this episode!


The favor of God is surely upon our Harvest Rock Corona Campus.

Sue and I had the honor of sharing our hearts, and making declarations over our Spiritual kids, Pastors Mark and Keisha, and over the individuals of this campus.

I declare that the Lord will continue to pour out His favor upon this region, drawing all to Him!


God is never limited to our circumstances or emotions. We must fix our eyes on who He promises He is, and not on outcomes we felt disappointed in.

Stand firm on the promises of God in your life! God promises ‘good’ to those who trust in Him. God isn’t finished in you! God isn’t finished with California! God isn’t finished with America!


I have been walking with the Lord for 48 years, and the longer I live, the more I realize how important stewardship is from God’s perspective.

God has a design in how we best steward all that He’s given us on earth, and aligning to Socialism/Marxism is not His design.

God desires that we steward every aspect of our life according to His word!

Click the link below for the full sermon:


What an incredible week in Canada this has been with Pastors Sandy Isfeld, Johnny Nash, and Samuel Robinson!

Healing, Freedom, and Revival broke out in every service!

There is no doubt that God is on the move in Canada!


It is an honor leading as the Chancellor of Wagner University.

This year we have 2 incredible opportunities —

* October 4, 2021, we will be launching a new program called Masters in Kingdom Entrepreneur & Business Administration

* October 18, 2021, we will be launching a program Doctor in Ministry in Apostolic Leadership and Applied Theology

You won't want to miss these upcoming opportunities - Apply to Wagner University today!


Our perspectives of God must always be challenged by His word and not our experiences.

We must pray as to how God desires us to step into every sphere of influence to bring about righteous change!

Click the link below to rewatch this episode of Equipping the Saints!


We cannot partner with spirits of the world and call it being Christ-like.

Everything that we partner with must be tested with the word of God.

Do not be deceived church, true love only comes through the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit never partners with hatred.


I am so proud of the Pastors leading Harvest Rock Church!

Harvest Rock has expanded to 5 campuses from Southern California to Northern California

Pasadena: @hrockchurch

OC: @hrock.oc

DTLA: @hrock.dtla

Corona: @hrock.corona

Sacramento: @hrock.sacramento

If you are local to any of our locations, these pastors would love to get in contact with you!


God moved so powerfully yesterday at Hope California! We met at the same location in Los Angeles that Billy Graham set up his first revival tent.

As the body of Christ, we go from one degree of Glory to a greater degree of Glory. I believe we are in a time where the Lord will reveal the greatest glory we have ever seen!


As the Chancellor of Wagner University it has been an honor watching this next generation of transformational leaders reach this place as well earned graduates!

Congratulations to our newest Wagner University Graduates!

I declare Ephesians 4:11-16 over you all!


1 Timothy 6:10 says, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

Money itself is not evil, money is neutral. The heart of the individual determines whether money is used for evil or good.

I believe that in order to impact the nations, it takes finances. God desires to prosper His people so that the gospel can be spread throughout the world!


Join me at Harvest Rock Church tomorrow at 9:30AM! I will be continuing our Stewardship series!

If we desire to see a sustainable societal transformation, we must learn what the Bible says about money and our stewardship of it.

If you’re in the Pasadena area, we would love for you to join us @hrockchurch!


October is a very significant month for me. October is the month my dear friend Peter Wagner went to be with the Lord!

Peter Wagner was a man of great valor, who carried a legacy that remains still today. He desired to see lives changed by the gospel, leading him in 1998 to start up Wagner University.

It has been an honor to lead and champion on the students of Wagner since 2010! If you have not yet, look into joining the move of God that is taking place at Wagner University!


John 8:32 says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Jesus invites us to live a life of true freedom, all while committing to faithfully pursue us!

Church, perhaps the longing in our souls, is after His Truth, and not the truth that the world offers.


It’s not how you start that counts, it’s how you finish!

Many have seen Revival take place throughout their lives, yet live with hearts at distance from the Father.

God desires for us to be a church that is seeking after Him daily!


Though our nation is passing through a dark time, I am certain that God has only begun!

History has proven time and time again that darkness always proceeds the light of revival!

Do not grow weary in doing good, a great harvest awaits us, prepare your hearts for the light of revival!


Many people separate the gospel and politics. Yet, when fundamentally untrue politics makes its way into our education systems, media, and arts and entertainment, instead of stepping back from being political, we must raise our voices for truth.

Tune into this episode of Equipping the Saints as Former U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo teaches us the way to overcoming deception in politics in this Nation!

Click the link below to watch the full episode on Youtube!


What an honor it was to share at Conferencia Global 2021!

I had the honor of meeting with President Jair Bolsonaro and the only Christian Senator in Uruguay.

God is preparing Brazil to be a land of great harvest!


Along with fervent prayer, and unity, radical obedience is also a major key to Revival!

The Lord is looking for pure hearts that submit to His Word!


Without God-fearing leaders, a society cannot be transformed!

God is rising up leaders in this time to bring about a revival and reformation that will shift this Nation.

Our daily prayer must be “Here I am God, send me!”


This weekend with Bridge Metro-West has been transformational!

There is an undeniable move of God taking place in Massachusetts, Boston!

I am so encouraged by the faithfulness of the leaders of this house!


Happy Birthday to one of my best friends Lou Engle! When I first met Lou, I knew instantly in my spirit that we would walk closely together in bringing revival to the nations! It has been a wonderful 36 years and counting of covenant friendship! God has continuously used you to prophecy into my life, along with believing for Roe V. Wade to be overturned, and I believe we will see California become a prolife state in our time. I love you Lou and I pray that the Lord would meet every desire of your heart this year!


We must remove our focus off our enemies and place our focus onto developing a close relationship with God!

When we are focused on Him, we give Him permission to fight our battles for us!


God never intended Christianity to be lived out alone. We were created to do life together!

If you call yourself a Christian, then you must follow Christ’s example of being in community. Find a church and get involved by serving!


Amidst the darkness, God is working behind the scenes to revive the heart of His Church!

While traveling throughout the US this year, one thing that I am certain of is that there is an undeniable move of God taking place all throughout this nation!


In this Equipping the Saints Episode, Mario Murillo shares how the moment his life was radically transformed, he could not contain the Gospel from being preached!

Could it be that the church has lost its hunger to see lost lives come to know Hope?

Click the link below to watch this episode on YouTube and increase your hunger as Mario Murillo shares testimony after testimony of powerful salvations during the Jesus Movement!


Tune in to GodTV tomorrow at 10:00PM ET for a new episode of Equipping the Saints!

This season we have leaders in different spheres of influence providing practical insights and life-changing truths that will expand your faith!

Don’t forget to download the GodTV app (available to both Androids and iPhones) to watch along!


God is raising up harvesters for the Revival that I’m certain will take place!

We can NOT limit the power of prayer over one another in this time! Turn your hearts to God, and watch as obedience and prayer become the catalysts for Revival!


I had the honor of sharing yesterday at Hearts of Fire International for their National Prayer Summit!

The Spirit of God moved in such a powerful way. I am believing for Revival to take place all throughout Oregon!

Church, unite with us in pray for Revival to take place all throughout this Nation!


Church, we cannot bring Revival to the nations if we aren’t in tune with God’s Spirit.

God desires for His church to be in tune with what His Spirit is saying, in order to reach the world around them!

Intimacy with God is the first step bringing heaven to earth!


This idea that the church must be separate from the government, is both unbiblical and ineffective!

The Church functioning as God has called it to should be infiltrating every sphere of influence, especially government (where laws are set).

We must get this way of this way of thinking out of the Church!

Click the link below to rewatch this episode of Equipping the Saints featuring Senator Shannon Grove on YouTube!


When I first got saved, I would have never thought I would be an author of multiple books. But by God’s grace 48 years later, I am.

Two of the books I recommend for people to start off with are 1. Modern day Apostles and 2. Say Goodbye to Powerless Christianity.

If you feel an apostolic calling over your life or you desire to walk in power, these books are for you!


As the chancellor of Wagner University, I have offered a scholarship to ALL applicants to receive up to a $10,000 grant towards tuition!

From now until Thanksgiving, you will receive this special grant!

Click the link below to apply to Wagner University today!


I hear so many Christians say “I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t know God” and it is not an exaggeration. When I got saved God pulled me out of the pits of selfishness and into His marvelous ways.

I would not be a national speaker, an author, a good spouse/father, or a good friend if I had not encountered God 48 years ago.

There is truly no better way to live than with Christ. He will completely turn your life around and give you purpose and life in abundance.

If you haven’t yet, turn your heart to God today!


We had the honor of having Senator Josh Hawley share at Harvest Rock Church today!

There is no doubt in my heart that Revival is beginning to take place in this Nation, but it is starting with the Church stepping into boldness!

Thank you Senator Josh Hawley for taking the time to encourage us!


It was an honor speaking at City Blessing Church yesterday — Thank you for having me, Pastor Paul!

There was a deep hunger for the Lord that filled the room.

When we come to God with expectation, He moves in ways beyond our understanding!


Never in my life have I seen deception so evidently in the world.

We have gone from mandates to required passports, to our children being told they must take this shot.

Church, in this time where the truth is far from what we are being told, we must ask the Holy Spirit for discernment!


Tune in to today’s Equipping the Saints episode at 10PM ET, as my good friend Lance Wallnau speaks about the rich history he shares with the Lord!

Lance shares how if we desire to see revival and reformation take place in the culture around us, we must be willing to step into different spheres of influence in order to bring the transformational power of God!

Don’t miss this Equipping the Saints episode!


Today the Lord moved powerfully at Harvest Rock Church! From the intimate time in worship, to the baby dedications, to the word He placed on my heart for our Stewardship Series!

John Wesley says; “make as much as you can, give as much as you can, and save as much as you can.”

When we partner with God in building His Kingdom through generosity, we are moving in obedience!


Join me at Harvest Rock Church tomorrow at 9:30AM! We will be continuing our Stewardship Series with a word that God has placed on my heart as we near this year’s first fruits offering.

Generosity is heavens culture, and we are invited to partake in it!

You won’t want to miss it! I will be sharing 3 keys to supernatural financial blessing.


It was an honor to impart to the 130 pastors, apostles, and marketplace leaders who attended the School of Apostles!

I believe now is the time to release a special impartation to the next generation of apostolic leaders in this extraordinary season of Revival!

Apostles are key to what God is doing on the earth today!


John 15:5 says; “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Many people encounter God powerfully once and they desire to change the world. But transformational Revival will take place around us, when our daily encounters with God, revive everything within us first, then around us!


I was honored to be a part of this Millennial Action Panel with host Dr. Len Munsil!

I shared regarding ways that the church can respond to preserving the faith of the Millennial Generation and how our investment in them is also an investment in the generations to come.

For too long the church has responded to sin in a seeker-sensitive way - never addressing sins from the pulpit, never speaking on politics, turning an entire generation to become lukewarm and not founded on true doctrine.

As leaders, we must repent and begin to preach the full gospel in boldness, then will we see the millennial generation turn their hearts back to God!


Happy Thanksgiving!!

First and foremost I am thankful to Jesus because I wouldn’t have the family that I have or be doing what I am doing in serving Him if it were not for His love and grace in my life. I am grateful that He saved me on May 25, 1973, at a Rock concert. That He has given me the love which I have loved my wife, four adult children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, and the best church family in the world, Harvest Rock Church, and the best apostolic network Harvest International Ministries. I love God and people because of the love which He has loved me!


If there has ever been a time for the church to raise disciples to change society, it is now!

If we desire to bring change to the nations around us, we must first raise up disciples that will bring Godly values into every sphere of influence (education, government, media, business, religion, arts and entertainment, and family)!

The time for Revival is now!


I had the privilege of interviewing Senator Josh and Erin Hawley!

One of the many things we talked about was the importance of family. When we as the church begin to raise up Godly families, societies will begin to transform!

Click below to watch the full interview!


The way to prosper is to get your heart off of yourself and onto God and give according to His heart!

Tomorrow at Harvest Rock, I will be sharing a word on generousity and we will be given the opportunity to experience the gift of giving our first fruits offering!

When we invest our time and our finances into the Kingdom of God, we are setting our hearts on what’s on His heart and giving from that place. Join us at 9:30AM!


When we live lives that are rooted in Christ, we can no longer ignorantly choose our desires over His.

Billy Graham says, “It is Satan’s purpose to steal the seed of truth from your heart by sending distracting thoughts…The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is: though they both may have good and evil thoughts, Christ gives His followers strength to select the right rather than the wrong.”

We must resist the temptation to settle for anything less than God’s will in our lives!


Tune in to Equipping the Saints tomorrow @ 10PM ET on GodTV for an episode featuring Special Guest, Patricia King!

Patricia King has faithfully contributed to building the kingdom of God for decades! She is a respected apostolic and prophetic minister, an inventive entrepreneur, and a spiritual mentor. Set your alarms and tune in to this episode!

Equipping The Saints Season 1 and Season 2 can be found on the GodTV app (available to both Androids and iPhones). Download it now to watch along!


Fasting is not only about giving up food, fasting is an invitation to abandon your perspective for Gods!

When we obey God through sacrifice, we give Him access to even deeper parts of our heart!


God beckons us to recognize the amazing and powerful ways He has moved in the past so we can act as a bridge, in the spirit, to contend for an even greater move of God in our generation.


Wherever you see darkness in the world, I believe God is preparing for great light to break forth.

Against this stark backdrop of darkness, God’s light shines the brightest as He brings revival to a lost and hurting world.

Read Isaiah 60:2-3 and be encouraged by the Word of God.


God wants us, His people, to co-rule Him from the beginning—by defeating Satan and establishing His Kingdom on earth. So it's the family and government's primary calling to protect the family and citizens from evil. And the best defense that we have is prayer.


Experience and witness what God is doing in the world to bring change. Join me and @joyahngu on Equipping the Saints on YouTube.


We must never compromise the truth of God’s Word because of popular opinion in our culture. Instead, be encouraged to live set apart and holy for God


When you give your heart to Jesus Christ, an exchange takes place. The real you has died because of sin, but His Spirit comes inside you. You become born again, and just like newborn babies who need food to survive, we, reborn spiritually, need food too.


Creation is waiting for us to get our acts together and become sons and daughters and children of God, exercising our authority. We've got to let our light shine.


Body, mind, and spirit—God cares about making us whole. It's who He is. God loves to bring healing to His children, and He often begins with the most crucial part.

Is there something you'd like to ask God to heal? Ask Him in prayer. He is ready to listen.


Even though only a tiny percentage of the Body of Christ is called to full-time ministry, we are in a time where we are witnessing the moving of the Holy Spirit, equipping the saints—all of God’s people—to be ministers.

We are all ambassadors for Christ.


This is the purpose of stewardship—to align our hearts and resources to advance God’s Kingdom with the Gospel of the Kingdom.


Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul shares the foundational truths of how to be a successful follower of Jesus. In this message, I share eight foundational truths to help you to have a victorious Christian life and to finish well.

Watch this message on YouTube or download my sermon notes available at


Incredible power is released when we agree together in prayer. The world we live in is a spiritual one. So every time you pray, you aren’t just saying words into the air—you are taking action in the spirit!

Today, ask God to show you who He wants you to agree in prayer with today.


God wants you to have a victorious life. Share this with someone today.


We are entering into an epic season of transformation. We've had a flurry of victories of transformation. But, more than ever, we need the power of the Holy Spirit. We need the grace of God in our lives and in the church.


Jesus is waiting for us to come forth. We are the answer. We are the hope for this society and our nation. We have to let our light shine for Jesus!


There are many ways to stay on fire for God. I prioritize reading consistently about great leaders in Christianity and secular history, like biographies of America’s founding fathers.

I also prioritize spending time daily in the Word and in prayer to fuel and sustain my own personal revival.

If you look at my Kindle, most of the titles there are historical books and biographies. This is because I love reading history in my leisure time; that’s how I’m wired.

How about you? How do you stay on fire for the Lord?


Been a powerful time here in Florida for our School of Apostles and WU Intensive Training! We have a Revival and Healing service tonight


When I moved to California in 1984 I was welcomed by many Los Angeles Pastors in the community. Among one of the greatest relationships was my mentorship with Pastor Jack Hayford who truly acted as a spiritual father to me. I’ve had the honor of building relationship with him and Anna over the decades and I will miss my friend very much. Well done, good and faithful servant. Your Homecoming to Jesus is glorious indeed you’ve touched and impacted my life forever


Been an incredible time here in Texas with my dear friends @cindymjacobs @jamesgoll @lou.engle. Not only is it a time of fellowship, but really coming to hear the prophetic voice of God for right now in this season


Today is the day! The war is not in flesh and blood, so we pray in the spirit and declare to the heavens these things in Jesus’ name. But I urge you to cast your vote and to vote Biblically. Together we can see a democracy as it should be- One Nation Under God


Today you can catch me on Daystar on “The Green Room!”

Tune in at 9:30pm ET as I share about my new book Turning our Nation back to God


Our world is in desperate need of revival. In this crucial moment in time, I am convinced that revival—true historic revival—is on God’s agenda.


Signing my new book for the Mayor of Turlock! Turning our Nation back to God is available on Amazon!


“I believe the word of C.S. Lewis are germane to this current season: God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” God wants to use suffering that our nations are going through- on a global and personal scale-to turn their hearts back to Jesus Christ”- Ché Ahn


2022 National Prophet Summit “Gather to Govern” here in MN! Amazing gathering of incredible apostles and prophets for more info on registration and live stream visit:


We are calling for Reformation in CALIFORNIA! I want to invite you to a special FREE event happening in Pasadena this Saturday, July 16 "Reforming California: Taking a stand for Life, Liberty, and Family."

Our special guests include former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany and Dutch Sheets. To watch Live and free online, or for more information please visit


VOTE today to RECALL Gavin Newsom!

We are living in UNPRECEDENTED and historic times in CALIFORNIA. I believe that God has given us a gift to OUST one of the leading LEFTIST in politics, Governor Gavin Newsom.—

Along with the potential for voting in a PRO-LIFE constitutionalist who values RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and the RIGHTS of “we the people.”

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