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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies, Heretical Babblings and Ungodly Antics of Dehavalland Ford

Self-Acclaimed Intro

Dehavilland Ford is a woman after the heart and presence of God, a dynamic and passionate speaker


Sometimes we are afraid to claim things because we don’t want to be presumptuous. However I believe God desires his plans to succeed in our lives . I’m believing this will be my family and ministry most successful year and for you as well .


In 2022 God said he would take me deeper in his word and give me a deeper focus for my schedule another level of discipline. He also told me this would help in every area . I’m now down almost 20 pounds . The word truly has everything we need . Praying for us all as we enter into a time of greater clarity and revelation.


We are having this stunning table made for us as there is a long back story I’ll share in another post . We believe 2023 is a psalm 23 year and I’ll share more on that as well . So far this week we have been invited to sit at three different tables and it’s a sign to us what God is saying . We are even having a dedication service in our home for the table of communion and community.


Thank you everyone for your reviews and for those starting women’s devotional’s . I seriously couldn’t have envisioned the impact this devotional is having . To get your copy visit Amazon.


Thank you everyone for rating my devotional


My girl @mrschristasmith brought such a powerful word in singleness on @daystar of course seeing @revseansmith was they both carry such the presence of Jesus and @wwillford and myself always love our times together.


I’m enjoying connecting with God through nature on this 40 day fast .


Today I woke up feeling a little weepy and couldn’t place my finger on it . Today January 9th 2009 my spiritual mama Jill Austin went to be with Jesus . She was a friend of God a pioneer in the prophetic and one of the Kansas City prophets . Many of the younger generation aren’t familiar with her ministry however most of the older generation have been impacted by her life especially in the Charismatic Movement. The first time I met Jill Austin she was speaking at IHOP for my fire in the night internship. @sgreaves72 brought her in to speak . I was in the back of the room shaking under the power of God and than the Lord spoke to me she would be my mama . Shara Lea Vithoulkas] and myself traveled with Jill to Mozambique to move Shara to work with Heidi . This was a wild trip . I remember Jill preaching in Africa to pastors and leaders in a tent . The power of God hit the tent and everyone including myself was hit with what felt like lightning bolts. I remember being in her meeting and glory would fill the room like a cloud . I have never seen or felt anything like that sense her passing . She truly was Gods general and friend . I remember her saying D girl you need to meet @wwillford she would be happy I married him . today I just couldn’t without honoring my mama in heaven. She was brilliant and a story teller writing several book the master potter series and birthing moment in Nations. I had the chance to be in the hospital with Shara Lea Vithoulkas] on her transition to heaven . Thank you mama Jill I’m the women of God today because of your example.

Dehavilland ( D girl )


A complete miracle . We have been told for the last year save your thoughts and prayers NOW we are witnessing the power of prayer .


Join me January 28th at 11am -1pm for a special book signing. If you have purchased the devotional and live in the Dallas Fort Worth area . I would love to sign your copy . make sure your rsvp .


We have all created silos and groups and we can get the us far and know more syndrome . Trust me I’ve been there . This can manifest to the circle you run in or your church or tribe you run with . It’s wonderful when Jesus comes along and disrupts your bubble .


These last two weeks have been so much needed and so refreshing for my soul . I’m reading an amazing book called towards rest . Rest reminds us this . Not merely a mundane practice , rest helps us remember our identities as heavenly children not employees in human bodies . - towards rest

I’m also reading a book on creativity this one is incredible and I’m excited to share so creative projects we have coming soon . Lastly I enjoyed taping an incredible program @daystar for black history month .


This was fun dressing to celebrate @drheidibaker who has served the Mozambique and helped in my humble opinion transform the country with the gospel, education, innovation etc . Honor is a big deal to me because I can never I say I arrived without the influence of those who have gone before me


So excited to speak for@sharonfrancesca1 in Hollywood to artist and those in the industry. You guys are really raising up an army for the Lord .


I hesitated if I should post this . Several weeks ago in January. I was driving downtown Fort Worth to take my boys to school and worshipping Jesus with my kiddos . I was crying out for simple more of Jesus we tend to do that in the car while taking the kiddos to school. Suddenly a car cuts in front on me with the license plate “Seymour “ I was like is this really what it says . I quickly grabbed my phone to take a picture. I felt the presence of God and immediately started praying for God to open my eyes to more of him . I started praying for revival in Fort Worth and the body of Christ . I knew God was showing me my own spiritual blindness and honestly after this encounter I simple repented. William Seymour was blind in one eye and was used as a spark in the Azusa street revival . So it didn’t surprise me that God was speaking in the context of spiritual blindness . Last week we went to visit Los Angeles to the Bonnie brea house that revival broke out in 1906 with a few from our church. We simple took communion and prayed for more of God . I honestly didn’t think much of this until I heard what’s happening at Asbury University. I couldn’t help to think God is inviting his church to see more than we ever had and remove our spiritual blindness in the hour . I also couldn’t help but to think God is inviting all races and domination’s into this next wave that’s sweeping across the earth . John 9-40 -41 those who were with him from the Pharisees heard these things and said to him . We are not blind too, are we ? Jesus said to them if you were blind , you would have no sin , but now that you maintain , We see your sin remains .


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