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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
Unbiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,

deceiving, and being deceived."

2 Timothy 3:13 (AKJB)
  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of NAR Adherent Jackie DuVall

Works at Sid Roth's It's Supernatural

Tonight begins Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles.

It’s after the Feast of Trumpets, Days of Awe and Day of Atonement which are times of fasting and repentance.

In Israel it’s a time of getting together with family and friends to reflect on and celebrate the goodness of our God!

It’s a time to celebrate that, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, WE are now the dwelling place of God! Just ponder that for a moment! If you’re a believer, the Spirit of God Himself dwells in YOU!

Revelation 21:3 is a key verse for this time (even though it’s really addressing the New Jerusalem):

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.’”

My emotions used to be moved by what was going on politically and even moved by some false prophetic words. It was like a roller coaster ride. I put too much faith and hope in things I shouldn’t have. I totally believe in hope! The Bible is the most hope filled book out there! So much victory in that book! And the Holy Spirit tells us things to come, which even when He warns us, He gives us hope as well!

However there is such thing as false hope. False hope can bring discouragement and stress! I lived that way for a short time. Now I speak against it. Some of of my friends do as well. When we do we get a lot of flack for it. But it’s important we put our hope only in God and what He has really said, not a false word that will never happen.

I absolutely believe in and love the prophetic. Let’s just make sure the words are really from God!

Pastor Greg Locke (and others who have spoken out) are right about TB Joshua. He was not a good person at all!


There’s actually a conference coming up called “Cessationist Conference.” My goodness! How dull and boring. We serve an All-Powerful God! The last thing America needs is a conference that denies His power!


“Fasting, what that does, is it actually gives fuel to the angels so that they could break through the demonic warfare. We’re working in tangent with the Heavenly realm. Your fasting and your prayers to God empowers the angels to break through the attacks on your life and bring you your destiny faster, bring you your provision or whatever it is you’re praying for. But even beyond that, when you fast and pray, the Glory of God increases in your life.”


I’ve heard Christians ask, “Why should Jewish feasts matter to us?”

Two big reasons!

1. Actually, God said they’re His appointed times. They’re appointments with God. It wasn’t meant to just be for Jews.

2. They show us different things about Jesus - His atonement for our sins, His Spirit being poured out on us, His soon-coming return, etc. It’s a great way to know more about the God you love and serve!

The biblical feasts are not legalistic. Think of it this way. When you get married you want to know more about that person. You want to know their background and the holidays they celebrate and you want to know more about who they are. Jesus is Jewish. The feasts are what He celebrated. As the Church, we are His Bride and there’s something significant about understanding the feasts. And pretty much all the feasts tell a story of Jesus and His faithfulness and love.

I want to challenge you to do one thing this week that shows God you're preparing for the answered prayer.

There must be action in our waiting. The widow (in the Bible) got as much oil as she had jars for.

Many of us pray and wait and say we expect God to move but don't prepare for it. An expectant mother prepares for her baby's arrival. We too must prepare as we wait.

As an example, if you're praying to get married, do something that shows God you're expecting the prayer to be answered. Start sowing into your future marriage now spiritually.

One of the things farmers do to prepare for the rain is clearing the land. They clear the dry plants and remove weeds.

In order to prepare for what God is getting ready to do in our individual lives, families, and ministries, we must clear the dead places and weeds. We can't expect God to bring the rain if we're not willing to do our part.

The amazing thing is He doesn't expect us to remove those things in our own strength. He gives us His grace (His power) for that! We just have to be willing, yielded and surrendered!




All reactions:


Todd Coconato and 31 others

Every preacher and teacher should teach in a way that even baby Christians can get it. We don’t need this “new knowledge” that only seasoned Christians can understand. Now I get that there are some things in the Bible that baby Christians will need to learn over time. That’s different! I’m talking about new knowledge outside of Scripture that people make up to sound deep!


You don’t have to sow a huge seed into a ministry in order to have a curse broken off you. Jesus’ Blood is enough! My goodness! Some of the crazy teaching out there 


America needs spiritual war-time pastors who warn the Church of what’s coming and help set them up for success. And these pastors and their families needs congregations who pray for them continually and support them financially and have their back!


Real true deliverance will never cause trauma. It’s supposed to cast trauma out!


God is cleaning up the Church! Especially the prophetic and deliverance movements. The reason why the enemy is trying to bring confusion in both movements is because both things are important!


I hope I can bring this up without people getting angry or saying I’m being a heresy hunter. But while I do believe God may lead you to ask a demon (you’re casting out) a question (just like Jesus asked Legion his name), I do not believe He will lead you to have a 10 minute conversation with one and in front of a camera. Again, please don’t get angry. This is something I’ve noticed many times over the years. I’m not bashing a person, because many do it!


Why pray in tongues?

1. You’re praying the prayers of the Holy Spirit Who knows ALL things!

2. The enemy can’t understand what you’re saying so he can’t interfere. The only way he can interfere is my keeping you distracted so you don’t pray in tongues or by telling you that it’s of the devil. Praying in tongues drives him mishuga (crazy)!

3. It’s an amazing tool for when you don’t know how to pray.

4. You don’t know what you’re praying so your mind can’t interfere.

5. It’s a lot easier to pray for longer periods of time.

6. It builds your faith.

7. It attracts the Presence of God and angels.

8. It helps you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh.

God will share His secrets with those who value His Truth above man’s opinion.


“Oh, Holy Spirit
Burn like a fire
All consuming
Consume me.”

- Open Heaven

Watching God connect and align Remnant people is super fun!


You can’t have someone else’s history with God imparted to you at a conference. You need to get your own oil.


This may ruffle a few feathers however I don’t think we can have someone else’s anointing imparted to us either. God has anointed us all for different tasks. I do believe someone can lay hands on you and you can feel joy or peace or an encounter. You may even flow more in the gifts of the Spirit. But you can’t get someone else’s exact anointing through a prayer line. It’s the Holy Spirit Who anoints us and He’s uniquely called us to different things.

Taking a stand for righteousness is getting tougher these days, because it’s not just taking a stand against the demonic culture of the world but also the lukewarm culture of the Western Church.


If you’re preaching truth and the unpopular messages. If you’re not in it for the money but all about souls. If you’re unafraid to call out false doctrines…THANK YOU! The warfare might be great. But God is so proud of you! And those of us who love truth are inspired by you all!! You’re making a difference!!


We really need to get back to the Bible and in context. So many using Scriptures to preach deception


I don’t normally post these numbers as I don’t like it when people do it constantly, but I was definitely shocked to see these numbers. It’s absolutely nothing I’m doing to make this happen. I want to encourage you that if God has called you to a ministry on social media, do it. Post what God gives you. Don’t look at the numbers. He will breathe on it and give you favor! Just be obedient!

I’m not trying to stir the pot to make anyone upset. I’m just tired of seeing the deception in the modern watered-down “Christianity.”


“Once saved always saved” is a deception. Some will disagree with this, but it’s the truth!


Every single time you pray, worship, pray in tongues, and read the Word, something happens in the spirit. You may not be able to see it right away, and the devil tries to discourage you saying it doesn’t help anything. But don’t listen to him. He’s the father of lies anyways!


“The prophetic is a lifestyle of encounters with the Holy Spirit.”

Alwyn Uys


New Sid Roth's It's Supernatural YouTube Channel called Sid Roth CLIPS for those who don’t have time to watch a full show. Link in comments


Hey single friends!

Pray for your future spouse.

Start thinking of yourself as married instead of thinking you’ll always be single.

Get rid of the lies of the enemy that you’re not worthy to be married.

Get rid of the lies of the enemy that there’s no one out there for you.

Get rid of the lies of the enemy that your biblical standards are too high and that you’ll have to compromise spiritually.

Take your thoughts captive!


Wanda Abigail Gonyer

And start thanking God for your husband

Jackie DuVall

Wanda Abigail Gonyer Absolutely! Thank you for that reminder. So good 


One thing that really annoys me is a prosperity Gospel preacher who makes someone feel shamed and guilty if they’re struggling in their finances. Yes God wants us to prosper and be blessed. I fully believe that! But never make someone feel “less than” because of their financial situation!


If you’re never challenged you won’t grow. I appreciate the pastors and speakers who preach and don’t sugar-coat Christianity They actually care about your soul!


God is about to rise up pure anointed vessels for this hour who don’t have a platform but are carrying His Presence!


We are not supposed to be trying to ”make a name for ourselves.”

We’re supposed to lift up and promote the Name of Jesus. THEN and only then are you ready to be used by Him!


I had this dream exactly two years ago and I definitely feel it’s a now word

“Had a dream last night that a Christian leader was going to release a whole bunch of python snakes in a room full of people. I felt like the interpretation is to be careful who you let speak into your life. They may look like a Christian ministry leader, but they could be releasing turmoil, terror and words that suck the life out of you!”


We truly have a need for more Kingdom encouragers


The gifts of God are without repentance so someone can be operating in a gift, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re led by the Holy Spirit.


The Bridegroom is coming soon. Buy oil in the Secret Place!


We really need to be careful what prophets we listen to. I’ve know several to get so many words wrong, yet some people STILL quote them more than Scripture. I’m not saying we should label all of them as false prophets. But my goodness, how many wrong prophetic words will it take for people to finally realize someone might not really be a prophet? And not all prophetic words should be all “rainbows and butterflies.” God does warn too!


You’re not going to find someone looking at a clock in the Bible, because there weren’t any, but there’s numbers throughout Scripture! Just because you can’t find an exact verse for looking at the clock and seeing “3:33” doesn’t make it unbiblical


I hope you hear my heart when I say this as some may get upset and offended. HOWEVER we MUST have balance.

We must not live in fear. BUT we do ourselves a disservice to bury our heads in the sand listening to prophets who only say that good things are going to happen.

We are in a literal spiritual and somewhat physical and mental war in America and other nations. We have a need for watchmen prophets and pastors who are not afraid to warn of what’s coming and prepare everyone for what’s coming. And we (the Body) must watch and prepare ourselves as well. We can’t depend on just the prophets and pastors. We have a direct line to God by the Spirit speaking to our spirit.

Now more than ever we need to watch and pray! We need to take a stand! Don’t waver to the right or left when things get tough but be steadfast. We are in a war, but we have won and will win as long as we stay aligned with God!

Thursday night started the Jewish month of Nissan. Literally a new season (biblical new year). So if you feel like God’s calling you into something new and a new season, that could be why. Time to step into the new of what God has for you


It’s time for an all-out assault on hell and satan with our prayers. The enemy is relentlessly attacking many believers right now. But we serve an all-powerful God, Who is mightier and much more powerful!!

And 2/3 of the angels (the ones who didn’t fall away) are ready to help as well. Satan only has half the amount of angels (which are the demons). NOTE: If anyone’s confused I’m saying there’s 2 times more good angels than demons.


Feeling down, discouraged, depressed, disillusioned? Pray in tongues!

As you pray in tongues, mental blockages and strongholds in the mind will be torn down!

Paul said he prayed in tongues more than everyone. He wasn’t bragging. He was trying to challenge everyone. Let’s challenge each other to pray in tongues daily!


Now is the time for “watchman on the wall” prophets who are not afraid to warn the people of what’s coming and yet proclaim that we have hope in Jesus!

Most of the true prophets in the Bible were not well liked. They were not prophesying what most wanted to hear. They were not building their own platforms but were mouthpieces for God. Just saying


I would much rather sow financially into a ministry that challenges me and tells me the truth in love instead of a ministry that tells me a lie that tickles my ears. We should be supporting the bold preachers and ministers


I've heard from 9 different pastor friends from across the country today.

All of them are saying the same thing...God is moving mightily.


One thing you cannot have imparted to you is someone else’s oil and history with God.

We must get our own oil!

Matthew 25


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