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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
New Apostolic Reformation Cult Connection!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
False NAR Apostle vs. False NAR Pastor!
The fake anointing photo!

PASTOR GREG LOCKE Significant Reviews and Comments:


Thank you brother and sisters in Christ, this was an awesome video revealing the truth about this false ministry. Like the one sister said, I too was part of this false deception. I belonged to the Daniel Adam’s clan and through prayer and discernment, God showed me the truth about them and immediately left that demonic filled movement.


I was calling in to debate Locke on this FACT. He was challenging others to call and debate him that Christ Followers can be possessed by demonic spirits. I agree, if the Holy Spirit dwells within us, how can a demon dwell in the same body? It’s not possible. These signs & wonders fools want power & authority over the Church and their congregations. We have nothing unless God gives it to us. These vipers are big headed, self righteous fools. It’s sad

His personal life is ungodly that's what opened my eyes

by biblical standards he cannot be a pastor. He is living in adultery.

The first time I heard Greg the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I knew he wasn’t of the Lord. I’m saddened so many believers are being deceived with all these movies

This deliverance is nothing more than religious theatre. Greg found his hit and is running with it. He used to be a troubled youth who was always in trouble. He didn’t change he just channeled that same hateful energy into religion. He just gets to claim to be a good guy since he’s a preacher.

Totally not a demon but horrible acting. He’s beyond ridiculous—and he is simply trying to scare people. Extremely sad

Greg called me out by name from his pulpit because I don’t agree with him.

This stuff makes me mad they make Christian's look like fools

Greg Locke used to be a pretty solid bible teacher when he first started out on FB circa 2013-2014. But as his following grew, so did his ego!! He does not display the fruit of the Spirit and is not qualified to be a pastor per 1Tim 3. And about 2-3 years ago he went all pentecostol and started deliverance ministry, which to me is foolishness and un-biblical. Greg is basically a showman running a circus show and is walking side by side with other false teachers. You couldn't PAY me to go and see his blasphemy movie. The Holy Spirit will give us discernment to spot false teachers.

Nikki Brafford

Greg Locke is a false prophet...

UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Greg Locke

Senior Pastor

Pastor Greg Locke is the Founding and Lead Pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, just outside Nashville.

Self-appointed Demon Slayer

Dallas, TX was truly miraculous. A total God-sized day. Salvation, deliverance, healing…

Revival is here and the religious critics cannot stop it. The Holy Spirit is moving so mightily. This is only the beginning.

Robert Rucker

That's not Christianity you're selling. I would recommend you take a good hard look at the darkness of your soul. When you sell hate and politics in the name of God, where you're going isn't called heaven.

There is NO Such Thing As An Unbaptized Believer in The New Testament!
Pastor Greg Locke


Pastor Greg Locke

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Very few people understand the weight and scrutiny of what happens behind the curtain. People see crowds, feel the excitement, hear the music and have little reality of what goes on when no one is looking. Every week I peek through the trussing backstage just before I walk out to worship with our church family. I behold a sea of hungry people from all over the world. Hundreds and hundreds of first time visitors meeting our weekly folks and anticipating a move of deliverance and healing. It’s crazy to witness what is happening at our church. This past Sunday, we crossed 10,000 baptisms in only 3 years. It’s humbling. The Lord seems to keep taking us higher and higher by His grace. The hate and criticism is sometimes unbearable. The threats are constant. The disloyalty of many can literally take your breath away. However, in the midst of it all, there’s an amazing peace and calm that confidently flows over me. I have a front row seat to a move of God that is so powerful, the world is forced to pay attention whether they want to or not. Revival is happening. God is moving and people are waking up. It’s exhausting but equally as exhilarating. I love what I’m called to do. Man’s approval means nothing because man didn’t call me.

So, I will continue my Sunday routine with Bible in hand to take a deep breath, gain my composure and take my secret peek of the crowd just before I wak out. But I’ll also continue to obediently listen to the Spirit of God. Because He always whispers the same thing to me as I look out upon the people. “It doesn’t matter how you feel, I’ve anointed you to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. Just go out and do that. I’ll do the rest”.

Ballard William Wood

Something about this picture scares me. I remember back when Greg left to go out on his own. Something has far changed since then and not in a good way. I make no accusations towards him but my spirit is grieved when I listen to him now. He is a wonderfully talented speaker and has a wealth of Bible knowledge. I pray for him. As a fellow Pastor these are my feelings and observations.


Pastor Greg Locke

Ballard William Wood You literally just made a public accusation against me and then tried to hide the fact that you are making a public accusation. You don’t even know me but a profile picture made by our media team somehow gives you a justification to cast doubt and ridicule on our ministry? That’s scary my friend. It’s also very unbiblical. If you’re truly concerned then you should pick up the phone and call the office. The fact that you’re a Pastor is the reason I responded. You of all people should realize the danger of living under constant scrutiny. Furthermore, I would bet folded money you haven’t listened to a recent sermon in months. If you had, then there’s zero issue you could have with a series on humility and the glory of God.

Jeremy Arrowood

Ballard William Wood I don’t think this a bash. You spoke what you feel. I too, feel the same way. I have asked him several questions asking for scriptural backing to some of his beliefs. I have received silence. But you got a quick answer when you questioned his character. Jesus has often been portrayed with a holy glow about him. This picture/and most off his posts scream look at me. But I do pray for him and all pastors/preachers. Gods will be done! Have a good day.


Mary Angela

You can train people until the cows come home, but you can't "train" the authority into them.

Pastor Greg Locke

Mary Angela You can train them to understand that they have it. That’s Biblical discipleship.

It’s remarkable to see the world-wide impact this movie is having. Please share. Help us reach as many people as we possibly can with this life-changing film. #comeoutinjesusname


Countdown to midnight….Please share. Go rent or purchase this life-changing movie. Help us shock the movie world with KINGDOM CONTENT.


This is perhaps one of the most serious and straightforward posts that I’ve put out in a while. It was important for me to write it out instead of doing a video. This is not an easy post but it is a very prayerful one.

The Body of Christ is at a place of such disunity right now. The devil is ramping up his attacks and the Lord is exposing the lukewarm church. There’s so much talk and confusion. Social media has made it easy for anyone and everyone to be a keyboard theologian and has created a vicious world of heresy hunters. I’m not always right. I don’t always make the perfect choice. However, I do strive to live in the fear of the Lord and walk in personal holiness. I love Jesus. I love His Church. I believe in the gifts of the Spirit and I wholeheartedly support the 5-fold ministry. My life has been given fully to the preaching of the Gospel, the casting out of demons, the healing of the sick and the training of leaders around the world. I’m humbled and grateful for the recent success of our movie “Come Out In Jesus Name”. It struck a nerve in Christianity and whether people agree with it or not, the Body of Christ is talking about “deliverance” at an unprecedented rate. The commission to cast out evil spirits and the authority we’ve been given to do it is nothing new. But two things are simultaneously happening. First, there’s a beautiful acceleration of deliverance ministry. Second, there’s a horrific infiltration in deliverance ministry.

I also want to be clear that I acknowledge and lift up the ministry of the prophetic. As a matter of fact, when deliverance and the prophetic combine it is remarkably accurate, powerful and Christ exalting. In recent days, there has been a tidal wave of criticism with various preachers, conferences, friendships and partnerships. To those of us on the inside that are caught in the crosshairs, it’s nauseating. I’ve lost more than enough sleep over what I’m about to say. I have a responsibility to follow the calling and anointing of God on my life. I must always be true to the integrity of my own life and ministry. I have so many ministry “friends”. More than likely, if you can name them, I have some level of contact with them. I’m overjoyed by that. It’s humbling but it’s also an absolute ton of pressure. So that brings me to this post.

I’m dear friends with what the internet now affectionately calls the “Demon Slayers”. We talk quite often. We also disagree on various issues and certainly don’t all share the same list of friends. But it’s a beautiful and powerful connection. God has opened relationships to me both in the Christian world and in the political world that are truly mind blowing. I have the joy of pastoring some amazing people that I could never publicly name because it would cause an attitude of “man worship” and constant requests for introductions for others. I choose to just minister to people without having to highlight them. I don’t agree with everyone I preach for and I don’t agree with everyone I preach with. Going on an investigation over every conference I speak at would be exhausting, immature and completely against the command to go “into all the world” to preach the Gospel. I preach in both spiritual and political events all over the world. There are times I’ve cancelled and even left early while at a conference. Why? Because God told me to not because I bowed to the pressure of the social media mob that survives solely on the meat of controlling everyone else’s decisions. Sorry, you’ve got the wrong one. I will always do, say and go where the Holy Spirit leads me. If you believe that to be a problem and feel like I don’t have your amazing level of discernment, then you probably shouldn’t follow me moving forward. Life is way too short and eternity is way too long for me to bow to the wishes of man and refuse to press forward to reach people for the Kingdom. I have a calling. Sometimes that calling will radically conflict with what others feel called to do themselves. For example, I would never side with the Pope. He’s a false prophet. He’s a true wolf. He leads an entire movement of deceived people. However, if the Vatican called and asked me to come preach the Gospel without restriction, you better believe I would show up and declare the truth of Jesus to millions. If the Satanic Temple said they’ve had a change of heart and would like me to preach to their “congregation”, do you honestly think I would bow out? I am called to preach to every creature. I’m NOT called to build a denomination of blind, like-minded minions that are critical of everything that doesn’t have their name on it. We have to do away with the silly notion that affiliation is a broad stroke for total acceptance. The Bible never calls us to secondary separation. Simply put, I can be your friend and support you without having to support everyone you are friends with. It’s become a sort of religious bondage lately. And then there are those who say “you can’t preach at that conference because so and so will be there”. Well I didn’t book the meeting with so and so. Furthermore, whose Kingdom are we really trying to build? Paul clearly dealt with this in his letter to the Corinthians.

There are theological lines that we dare not cross in our various ministries. There are boundaries that we do not destroy. However, it is possible and Biblical to disciple people out of error. Every single preacher and teacher you know that has some public influence or notoriety is being called a false teacher by someone else on the internet. Every one of them, including me. Yet, the Bible says of true false prophets that it’s “by their fruits you shall know them”. Not by the clothes they wear. (Ezekiel preached naked). Not by the conferences they speak at. Not by the color of their skin. Not by the name of their church. Not by the style of their delivery. No! They will come to be known as a false prophet by the results of the lives of the people that follow them. The fruit, or lack of it, in their ministry will speak for itself. Constant YouTube videos will not have to be made about them because if they are false, God Himself will expose them. If they are crooks, it will be revealed. If they are operating in witchcraft, it will be revealed. If they are perverts and womanizers, it will be revealed. If they are abusers, it will be revealed. If they are true to the Word of God and anointed of the Holy Spirit, IT WILL BE REVEALED. I’m over all of the infighting and endless slander. We are called to be disciples not detectives.

So let me get real specific and not only show you how petty all of this is, I’m also going to make some of you very uncomfortable. People are mad that I’m on a flyer with Lovy Elias because he is connected with Passion Java. First, Java practices ridiculous methods that are more in line with witchcraft than with Biblical methods. I don’t ascribe to his nonsense. I wouldn’t preach at a conference with him. However, just because someone else fellowships with him does not mean they ascribe to what is being taught. I’ve personally spoken face to face with Lovy about all of it. Have you? I got Biblical answers and definitive statements that indeed third eye and such is 100% witchcraft. So now I’m false and evil because I’m at a conference with someone that is friends with someone else that I don’t support. Hmmmm. Yet, these same people stirring the pot will quote and support the late Billy Graham who was a known 33rd Degree Mason. Guess what? That’s the highest form of witchcraft there is.

People went crazy when I allowed Jenny Weaver to preach in our church. For the record, it was a strong and Biblically sound message. Yet, some of the people that slandered us over it sit around and feast on motivational, self help nonsense sermons by Steven Furtick, who has said more unbiblical stuff than 10 of the most well known internet preachers combined. I have friends that I love and support that stand on platforms with Kenneth Copeland. I personally wouldn’t share any platform with him but I refuse to throw my friends under the bus for their ministry connections. I am dear friends with Sean Feucht but that doesn’t mean I ascribe to the teachings and practices of Bethel Church. I am a spiritual advisor to some very well known politicians, actors and musicians but that doesn’t mean I follow what they believe and am now a false prophet because I minister to them on a regular basis. When I became friends with Apostle Pagani, I was warned over and over by heresy hunters. But what I found is that he’s a true man of God with a heart for Jesus. We don’t agree on some things but we don’t hate on each other either. I lost several Pastor “friends” and conference engagements when Isaiah Saldivar came to our church and became my friend. People called him false on so many occasions. But you’ll not find a more solid preacher and fervent evangelist anywhere. The list could go on and on. I’ve been friends with Marcus Rogers since 2016. I’ve seen more videos exposing him than I could shake a stick at. People love him. People hate him. But God uses him.

I remember going to Louisiana with Joshua Feuerstein and standing up for Pastor Tony Spell when he was arrested for keeping his church open. I’m certainly not a Oneness Pentecostal but that didn’t stop me from standing up for a Pastor that had more backbone than 99% of the Pastor’s in America. It also didn’t stop people from calling me a compromiser and a sellout.

American Christianity has been infiltrated by people that want everyone controlled by one narrative.

I’ll be soon preaching at a large deliverance conference in Texas. On the schedule to preach is David Diga. His view of deliverance is polar opposite of mine and we will probably have an interesting personal conversation but that doesn’t discredit his other teachings. I almost cancelled the meeting when the lineup was finally announced but the Holy Spirit told me not to. I still preach in Baptist churches that are adamant that all of the gifts have ceased and that God no longer speaks and performs miracles. Well, I was that guy for nearly 30 years. I’m hopeful they will learn and grow so I can’t just cast them all out and have nothing to do with them.

My friend Leon Du Prez is now being targeted as a New Age practitioner because of some misapplied statements that he’s recently made. And many of the people on the internet that are “exposing” him follow Robin Bullock who is nothing short of an actual warlock who is blatant and creepy with his Evangelical Voodoo show. I was told that Pastor Vlad Savchuk was a Russian Spy that is here to infiltrate American Churches through social media. Help me Holy Ghost! How crazy is that!? He’s literally one of the most humble and sound Bible teachers of his generation. I believe in having conversations with people. I believe in reaching out and meeting with people rather than spreading rumors, being convinced of nonsense and watching people through the lens of 30 second video clips.

I could go on and on. This is a major problem in the church world. So in closing, I will be led of the Spirit, encouraged by my wife, counseled by church leaders, submitted to the Bible and kindly rebuked by my true friends. What I will not be is bullied and swayed by popular opinions of people that have zero investment in my life and zero concern for authentic Book of Acts Christianity.


This week has been phenomenal!!! The Lord has moved so mightily. People are traveling here from all over the country. We are seeing salvations and baptisms every night. Deliverance is breaking out in every service and healings are taking place every day. Last night, the baptism of the Holy Spirit fell in abundance. We refuse to let the critics and religious zealots discourage us. We’re not gonna stop what He is doing. We will rest on Saturday, pick back up on Sunday and push on through the entire week. MORE LORD. WE WANT MORE OF YOU.


Yesterday, the Lord confirmed in my heart something I’ve been praying about for several months. What God is doing at Global Vision is truly remarkable. It cannot be harnessed. It cannot be contained. God has more for us. I don’t know what it will look like. I’m not concerned about the planning. I want to prepare our hearts for the next level God has for us. So here’s the first announcement. I’ll talk more about it in service tomorrow but here’s what we’re going to do. Starting Monday night, we’re going to have a spontaneous week of revival services every night at 7:00pm. God will send those that need to be there. It’ll be a powerful time of worship, fellowship and preaching. Kids are welcome to enjoy themselves with us in the tent. They won’t distract us one bit. If it breaks loose Monday through Friday and God has more, we will pick up again the following Monday night and mash the gas. If the Lord tells me to have special guests, I will. If He tells me to preach, I will. We will not put the Holy Spirit in a box. We will be ready for salvations, baptisms, deliverance, healing and whatever else the Lord desires to bring our way. So here we go….. Revival services officially begin this Sunday morning (4/16) at 10:30. Yes, it will be Live streamed.


Our church is truly seeing the most miraculous deliverance testimonies. The results are astounding and the physical healings are abundant. I’m going to start sharing more of these stories but there’s nothing like experiencing it for yourself. As you’ll see below from last nights service, even the skeptics can be set free.

“Well….. where to start. I went into last night’s service open minded but slightly skeptical, not really sure what to expect. I knew my wife wanted freedom and I was in agreement for her. Then comes service time. Worship was great! I spoke along with Pastor Locke during the renouncing but still really didn’t know what to expect. Then I watched my wife getting freedom. I could see it in her eyes afterwards. When you came to pray with me I was going to just go with the flow. But then God allowed you to read my mail! You called up and out things no one knew I struggled with. It was a truly amazing encounter with God on a whole new level. I’m an Army Veteran. I haven’t been able to sleep without some kind of pill or something since 2009 due to ptsd and stuff. Last night I feel asleep with NOTHING! And slept all night long. God is truly good! And deliverance ministry is real! And it’s there for whoever wants it and trusts God for it ( even if you don’t believe 100% at first )!!!”


The social media firebrand is the author of the #1 Bestselling Spiritual Warfare Series and is the host of On Point with Pastor Greg Locke. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, a Master’s Degree in Revival History, and is a popular revivalist and speaker in churches and political circles alike. The Lord has blessed him with one of the largest social media platforms in the nation, and Global Vision has the most broad-reaching livestream ministry in the world.

While raising six kids of their own, Pastor Locke and his wife Taisha work hand in hand in the ministry and have a heart to reach those who are broken and have been forgotten by the Church.


Our church is truly seeing the most miraculous deliverance testimonies. The results are astounding and the physical healings are abundant. I’m going to start sharing more of these stories but there’s nothing like experiencing it for yourself. As you’ll see below from last nights service, even the skeptics can be set free.

“Well….. where to start. I went into last night’s service open minded but slightly skeptical, not really sure what to expect. I knew my wife wanted freedom and I was in agreement for her. Then comes service time. Worship was great! I spoke along with Pastor Locke during the renouncing but still really didn’t know what to expect. Then I watched my wife getting freedom. I could see it in her eyes afterwards. When you came to pray with me I was going to just go with the flow. But then God allowed you to read my mail! You called up and out things no one knew I struggled with. It was a truly amazing encounter with God on a whole new level. I’m an Army Veteran. I haven’t been able to sleep without some kind of pill or something since 2009 due to ptsd and stuff. Last night I feel asleep with NOTHING! And slept all night long. God is truly good! And deliverance ministry is real! And it’s there for whoever wants it and trusts God for it ( even if you don’t believe 100% at first )!!!”


Our church is truly seeing the most miraculous deliverance testimonies. The results are astounding and the physical healings are abundant. I’m going to start sharing more of these stories but there’s nothing like experiencing it for yourself. As you’ll see below from last nights service, even the skeptics can be set free.

“Well….. where to start. I went into last night’s service open minded but slightly skeptical, not really sure what to expect. I knew my wife wanted freedom and I was in agreement for her. Then comes service time. Worship was great! I spoke along with Pastor Locke during the renouncing but still really didn’t know what to expect. Then I watched my wife getting freedom. I could see it in her eyes afterwards. When you came to pray with me I was going to just go with the flow. But then God allowed you to read my mail! You called up and out things no one knew I struggled with. It was a truly amazing encounter with God on a whole new level. I’m an Army Veteran. I haven’t been able to sleep without some kind of pill or something since 2009 due to ptsd and stuff. Last night I feel asleep with NOTHING! And slept all night long. God is truly good! And deliverance ministry is real! And it’s there for whoever wants it and trusts God for it ( even if you don’t believe 100% at first )!!!”


The testimonies of deliverance from last night’s movie are pouring in by the thousands from all over the Nation. We will certainly be talking more about that. It was so successful, that they are doing a two day encore presentation and you can already purchase tickets right now for April 10th and the 11th. But, for now, click the link below and you can now download, the entire movie soundtrack


The most important awakening in church history has begun! Don’t miss COME OUT IN JESUS NAME in theaters nationwide on March 13 only. Tag a friend or two you would love to see this movie with, and get tickets now at:


I’m so excited for our 10:30AM dedication service tomorrow (2/12/23) under the new tent. Not everything will be complete but it’s very close and it’s absolutely amazing. Tomorrow is the day that we READ EVERY CHAPTER OF THE BIBLE OUT LOUD AT ONE TIME. It’s truly gonna be historic. The anticipation for what the LORD is doing is felt the very moment you step on the campus. There are mighty outpourings of the Spirit in various places all over the country at this moment. I’m so humbled and honored that God has graced us with His presence. We are seeing salvations, baptisms, deliverances, healings and massive life change in abundance. Get to 2060 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd in Mount Juliet, TN. The fire of God has fallen in this place. It’s been 3 straight years of revival and at this point IT IS INCREASING EXPONENTIALLY IN POWER AND CONVICTION.


For church groups and classes, here is a “Group Sales” link for purchasing movie tickets or buying out the entire show. Locations and additional times will be added as theatres keep filling up.


If you can’t believe the countless testimonies of salvations, baptisms, miracles, healings and deliverance from evil spirits, then come to a service and SEE FOR YOURSELF. Revival has come to our “tent church” and the lies of the enemy can’t stop what God has begun. No gimmicks. No smoke and mirrors. No manipulation. No nonsense. We welcome anyone, including haters and deniers, to come experience what the LORD is doing on this campus.


Do not miss what God is doing at Global Vision. Get here this Sunday at 10:30 for our morning service and at 6:00pm for our life-changing deliverance service. Revival is building and God is working mightily. Come see for yourself.

(This pic is a great illustration of what is happening. Yes, it’s only the reflection of the sun in the clouds but it sure looks like the tent is complety on fire. This is not photoshopped. Detractors can laugh but anyone who’s been under that tent understands the symbolism perfectly.) The GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISING


Pastor Greg Locke

Jake Poston Until you show up and experience it for yourself, negative comments mean nothing to me. Don’t be a food critic of a restaurant you’ve never eaten at.


I’m preaching in Danville, VA tonight and then headed home through the night. I just got a phone call. Something miraculous is happening back home under the tent. People are randomly showing up and spontaneous worship is breaking out. People are walking in and being set free and healings are verifiably taking place as I type this. There’s no scheduled service. Just revival!! I preached yesterday on being “undone by His presence” and it seems to be happening. If your in the area, just go and show up. I’m not even in the state and I can sense the anointing. Awakening is rising!!


My friend and fellow “Demon Slayer” Pastor Vlad Savchuk released an amazing and powerful book on fasting. I highly suggest you click below and purchase your copy:



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