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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,

deceiving, and being deceived."

2 Timothy 3:13 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies, Heretical Babblings and Ungodly Antics of BARBARA YODER


Self-Acclaimed Intro

Spirit led apostolic leader, prophetically/strategically leading the church into it’s destiny mandate


40/80 Celebration!

Shekinah / Barbara J. Yoder


You are invited to join us on Sunday, August 27th, 2023 to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Shekinah Church and Apostle Barbara Yoder’s 80th Birthday. We are excited about gathering together to praise God for all He has done through decades of life and ministry!

Our celebration will begin at the 10:30 AM Worship Service, giving glory to God as we reflect on His goodness and faithfulness to fulfill the life-giving, multicultural, multi-generational & global legacy of Shekinah Church. You will not want to miss this time of testimonies, historical pictures & videos, as well as honoring those who have been part of our Shekinah Church Family over the years!

There will be guest leaders participating in the worship service celebration to encourage and challenge us. Apostle Jane Hamon will be coming to release a prophetic word and charge to Shekinah. Steve Swanson will be leading worship with our own Tamara Reeves and the worship team. Together, united as one body, with one heart & one vision, we will continue to move forward in faith!

Immediately following the morning service, we will gather at 1:30 PM for a banquet in the Grand Ballroom at Weber’s Inn. Tickets are available for purchase at $50.00 and are required to reserve your seat at the dinner. While tickets are non-refundable, they may be transferred as needed. We’re anticipating this event will fill up fast so don’t delay in making your reservation! Tickets are limited due to room capacity and will be available on a first come, first served basis.

Throughout our celebration meal, we will continue the festivities with Apostle Barbara’s 80th Birthday cake and lots of laughter, fun & surprises! She has made a significant impact on so many individuals, churches, regions, and nations. You may send either a short video message or mail a personal card which will be compiled to present during the party. Letters can be received at:

Shekinah Church

4600 Scio Church Rd

Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Email greetings can be sent to

Please follow the directions below for Video greetings:

To upload your video, please:

Click this link. - Video Upload

Click the folder title

Click the “upload” button in the top right corner

Select your video for upload

Do not close your browser or leave this page until the video has completely uploaded.

If you would like to honor Apostle Barbara and/or Shekinah through giving, you can send the tax deductible gift to:

Shekinah Church

4600 Scio Church Rd

Ann Arbor, MI 48103

or go to the website at and donate, designating what you want the money to go on the memo line, Apostle Barbara or Shekinah Church, or both.

We also need to know how many will be coming to the morning worship service and/or dinner in order to plan seating numbers. Please click the link below to register. If you will be coming to the dinner, you will also be able to purchase your ticket/tickets and select your meal choice through this link.

We hope you can join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to thank God for all that He has done and is going to do in the future through Shekinah Church.

Shekinah 40/80 Celebration Team

4600 Scio Church Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

(734) 662-6040

This is the link for Church Center registrations:


The greater the call on your life, the greater the dealings of God will be. You cannot release more than what has been deposited in you through the dealings of God. The power of your words will be directly related to your secret place with God and the revelation He has imparted. It will also be directly related to the level of submission to God. There will come a day in your walk with God that he will allow a death blow to come to you. Why? Because he’s not interested in who we think we are or want to be, he’s committed to who he wants to be in and through us. Most people never get there because they resist the degree of death that must come to themselves. The most powerful people on earth are those who are completely yielded to God and dead to themselves, their desires, their dreams, their ambitions. When it comes, it’s time to rejoice! Because now like Paul you can say, “not I but Christ”. and if nobody notices, that’s just plain OK with you!

 I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Gal 2:20)


Yesterday was the beginning of a new day at Shekinah. A whole new core leadership was set in place. It was a powerful service, a powerful anointing, and the prophetic release was exceptional. I love what God is doing, I love his church! It’s his church not ours. I am just grateful that he chose me to be a part!


to Adewunmi and Ayo Gbogboade, Sharon Moore, Glenn and Jane Wilkerson, Eleanor Reynolds and Tommie Norman. One Vision supported by those of one heart, one mind one spirit. It’s called Divine Recovery!


All the promises of God are yes and amen! Don’t let anything, anyone convince you to the contrary (even yourself). It will take some contending, but don’t stop. We are in a season of divine recovery. Worship your way through every obstacle, hindrance and word to the contrary. I believe we are going to see great breakthrough around tabernacles! Yes, and amen!


What a phenomenal heart Dolly Parton has. She is a believer, and through her success she’s given to others in a phenomenal way. What a story! What a way to go!

Country singer Dolly Parton wrote the songs "I Will Always Love You" and "Jolene" on the same night.

When the first song was at the top of the charts in 1974, Elvis wanted to record his own version of the song. Dolly was interested until Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis' manager, said that it was standard procedure that when the king of rock and roll covered a song - half of the rights to that song would go to him in the future.

She refused it.

"I said, 'I'm really, really sorry' and cried all night. It was terrible for me, on the one hand, it's Elvis. People told me: "You are crazy." It's Elvis Presley...' but I just couldn't do it. Something told me in my heart not to do it and I didn't. I know he would rock with that song. But I couldn't. And then Whitney Houston came along with her version and I made enough money from the rights to buy Dollywood."

She grew up in severe poverty and no one famous has done more for the education of the poor than her.

In 1990, the percentage of students who did not graduate from high school in her hometown was over 30%. She introduced the "Buddy Program", where all high school graduates received a nice sum when they graduated. It wasn't just a waste of money, she personally came and explained the concept to them - everyone should find a buddy, and whoever doesn't succeed she will find one for them. Everyone had to sign that they will graduate and do everything in their power to ensure that their buddy also graduates. She taught young people about friendship and helping.

The number of school dropouts dropped to below 6% and has remained so until today.

When 900 families lost their homes in the 2016 fires, she paid each family $1,000 for the next five months. When she came to the bank to finish the paperwork, she gave each family another $5,000 to find. A total of nine million dollars.

Also, her work - Imagination Library from 1995, was inspired by her realization that young people in rural areas and poor families already fall behind when they start school and that this prevents them from pursuing higher education. The goal of her program was for every child in her district to receive one book, once a month, from birth to school, completely free of charge, without any conditions. It started as an initiative in her hometown and has spread to a huge number of countries around the world.

By 2018, over 100 million books were distributed in this way.

She is also known for her witty statements, at the beginning of her career she said:

“I'm not offended by jokes about stupid blondes because I know I'm not stupid... and I'm not really blonde either.”


Sara Dederika Holm

She promoted the vaccine during the pandemic. She's lost most of my respect because of that.I've also noticed the world has really started to idolize her. That always raises a red flag.

Barbara Yoder

Sara Dederika Holm As believers we need to make first things first. We may not agree with some peoples decisions, but as long as they line up with beliefs essential to a relationship with God, we need to celebrate each other. I have friends that took the vaccine. I have friends that didn’t take the vaccine. I love all of them, and that decision is a personal one. Their decision either way did not cause me to think any less of them. For years, I concentrated on the wrong things, having a judgmental critical spirit, but God really changed me to make things that are important to Him important to me. And my stance is, does that person have a real relationship with God, is pleasing God number one in their life. They may make choices that I don’t agree with. But I refuse to stop loving and honoring them unless they move into an outright position against God, an antiChrist spirit. Even then I pray for them, that God will bring them around to a renewed faith in him. God is not half as judgmental as we make him out to be. I’ve so learned about the love of God. He is amazing. And I am so grateful for Dolly Parton, what she has done. I know the area in Tennessee she has turned around! What a heart. She never abandoned her roots but went back to lift them out and up. But essentials are essentials. And we need to drop the judgmentalism in the church.



I look at different posts and I see fire, wind and glory. Exciting, moving, penetrating, life-changing, amazing—prophetic buzzing, apostolic adventures!

Then I must return to the mundane. Right now I am in a phase of learning. I’m learning Great Grace as well as compassion for those facing disabilities. Many of you know I am recovering from hip replacement surgery. I am now through the horrible pain phase.

Now I am in the “everything is a challenge” phase. I don’t have that awful pain like I did, but I don’t move with great freedom yet. Getting ready in the morning takes twice as long. It’s not easy to get a meal together while juggling the walker. I have to use a picker to get my slacks and other things on, etc.  in other words, everything is in slow motion and takes twice as long as it normally does. To say it is frustrating at times doesn’t quite capture the significant level of frustration I experience.

Normally I am a very healthy eater. But getting a meal is ridiculous. It’s difficult. So I’ve been grabbing whatever is easy. And my meals are far from nutritious.

At night I can’t seem to find a comfortable position. Oh, I don’t have the pain I used to have at all. Thank God! But I have just enough discomfort that there isn’t one position that is totally comfortable. It’s that way whether I am up and about or getting ready to go to sleep. When I get ready to go to sleep I lean this way, then I lean that way, I scoot up in the bed, I scoot down in the bed. I rearrange the pillows. I add a pillow, then subtract a pillow. Then I think maybe an ice bag will help. So I go to the freezer after I’m all tucked in bed to go find an ice bag. Maybe that will help. And the truth is I never quite get comfortable enough to sleep the way I need to sleep in order to be fully refreshed.

So that means I fall asleep in the middle of the day, which I’ve never done before. I’ve never been a napper. It might be a one hour nap, it might be two, sometimes even three. And then, even in the evening after I’ve had a long nap in the afternoon I fall asleep again because I’m so tired from the whole process. To say it is frustrating doesn’t quite capture the degree of frustration.

I’m not saying all this to complain. I’m saying this to those of you out there who every day is frustrating to you because of the degree of effort it takes just to live every moment, every hour; the time to get ready to go somewhere, get ready to go to bed, just to get up in the morning, get something to eat, get your clothes on.

But you keep getting up. You keep going. In fact, you even keep your joy on! I salute you. Seriously, I have been praying for many of you not knowing who you are. But I know there’s many people out there that just to get up in the morning is extremely difficult and frustrating. All because they have some sort of disability.

Sometimes there are hidden blessings in things we go through. We develop compassion for those who are struck by adversities in life, keeping them from being able to live normally. And I can feel the compassion of God for them. Whoever you are out there as one of my friends says, I “feel” you! I feel your pain, your struggle and your great faith and resolve that keeps you moving in the face of great difficulty. I can feel God’s pleasure moving towards you right now!  And I’m grateful for you.


We have entered a season of divine recovery. I don’t know if I have ever seen the level of celebration that is currently present in the church. At least our church. I haven’t been in any other churches for quite a while.

There is outrageous joy. And people are actually having fun in church. The joy of the Lord is our strength and from joy flows outrageous fun, hilarity, health, faith, expectation. I don’t remember in recent years, seeing such an outbreak of joy and celebration. And as I said earlier, I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen this degree of joy. And furthermore, it’s become a safe zone, a no-fault zone, no-judgment zone.

It’s time to return to the house of the Lord. Prodigal‘s will be received with open arms and without judgment!  I believe we’re going to see this happen in many places in this hour. But it’s begun to happen with us. I love it!


Apostles can’t advance without prophets; even though they think they can and that they are an entity unto themselves. And prophets can’t advance without apostles, even though they think that they can and that they are an entity unto themselves. If I read the book of Acts correctly, it took the strategic alignment of apostles, prophets, and teachers. And there was not a cookie cutter approach to it!

A whole new breed is arising including a group of apostolic nation disciplers! In other words, we can’t go into a city and change it by simply prophesying to it. A strategic plan to bring about change is essential to achieve the desired result. The apostle Paul went into Ephesus and preached Ephesus free. (Acts 19) But then he stayed for 2 to 3 years, developed a school and taught in a way that changed their minds/paradigms about what releases LIFE!

And it helps if they bring a big dose of joy with them.  People are attracted to joy!


There is tremendous life-giving power released in prophetic words and declarations. It is life-changing, healing, delivering, revealing, shifting, atmosphere changing etc. I can’t say enough about it. It’s the power of the word released from the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:10) The testimony of Jesus, is that God, the Father, my Father, raised him from the dead. And his Father is the Father of glory. Glory and the prophetic are inextricably linked!

It is not harsh, condemning, judgmental, it can be correcting but there’s always faith when it’s a true corrective word!

There is a new prophetic release that is happening in this hour. It is releasing miracles, healing, joy, freedom, even fun—joy creates a childlike response, everything that God is, is in the prophetic. The prophetic never supplants the Word of God. But when it’s from God, it contains the very power of God!


I believe that God has said we are to live in this hour with a mindset of abundance. I’m not just talking about money, I’m talking about a “more than enough” attitude in every area. It includes money, but it also includes attitude, emotions—positive emotions, soundness of mind, knowledge, health, family, relationships, friends, work, finances, wonderful outcomes we’re looking for etc. When we look at things from a “not enough” standpoint and speak it out we are actually releasing a poverty mindset. What we speak from our heart is what we will get. (Rom 10:9; Luke 6:45)

One month ago tomorrow I had a hip replacement. From a pain standpoint there were times that it was brutal. But I refused to let it get to me. And God helped me maintain such a sense of joy. I also created a joyful surrounding. I believed from the beginning that I would go to church three weeks from the surgery. I believed that my recovery would go faster than expected. Last Friday the physical therapist told me I was a week ahead of schedule regarding recovery.

Yesterday I went back to church for the first time since the surgery. There were two days last week that I had a battle over what my mind/emotions wanted me to say. The amount of energy every movement took and the constant pain almost got to me. But I chose joy. I CHOSE! And yes I did have to work at it. I kept saying what I believed—that I would be way ahead of time in recovering.

We believe in our heart and confess with our mouth. The mouth is directly connected to the heart. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. (Lk 6:45) What’s in your heart and what are you saying? That’s what you are believing! You may need to change your heart and also change what you are speaking out! You may even need some emotional healing to get there. Ask God to help you with your heart and then do what you must do. Take action!

I don’t mean this in any way to put pressure on those of you who are having an ongoing struggle with pain. I have a friend who had a five-year battle with excruciating pain because of Lupus. God did deliver her, but it took five years. She is totally healed now but there was a struggle to get there. Was she wrong, did she do something that delayed her healing? I don’t think so, I just think God uses everything to make us better. The best is yet to come!

Jesus suffered intensely to bring great victory. And there is such a thing as suffering. Paul talked about knowing God in the fellowship of His sufferings. And we know from what Paul said, suffering is directly connected to Glory. He called them small momentary afflictions and that they produce a far greater outworking of glory. And if we read 2 Cor 4, they weren’t small momentary afflictions from my viewpoint! Yikes. BUT GOD


The Lord spoke to me to rehearse revival history. It is not that God is going to reproduce what has already been, but we are building on the past, something greater and more explosive, latter house glory! Because Mary Audrey Raycroft had been staying with me throughout my hip replacement surgery, I asked her to rehearse the past, the Toronto Airport Revival.

We build memorials over what God has done in the past, an altar to God thanking Him for what He’s taught us, brought us through. Then, just as Joshua and the Israelites did, we move with intentionality and deliberation into the future, taking new territory.  What a powerful time today that literally opened up the heavens. It was as if you could even feel the rain falling. I said thank you God for the latter rain. People were visited, healed, delivered, set free. It was amazing!. Take a listen when you have some time. And by the way, I went to church for the first time today. My goal was to only miss three Sundays. And I met my goal. And oh, what a prophetic deluge we had also.


I’m excited about this Sunday at Shekinah. Mary Audrey Raycroft is speaking about revival and the release of the Kingdom. She was part of the original core team at Toronto Airport Revival. There are times to rehearse history to stretch our vision of the miraculous of what God wants to unfold! What is unfolding is so BEYOND! You don’t want to miss this. We are moving into a whole new era of divine recovery and abundance! God is moving. Come if you can, Shekinah, 4600 Scio Church Rd, Ann Arbor MI 48103.


If you didn’t hear Dutch Sheets speak at GZI Pentecost Sunday, make sure you find a way to hear his message. It is a now word. It will give you direction on how to move forward NOW with an apostolic/prophetic kingdom mindset. Thanks to Chuck Pierce for staying on the edge, Knowing who to host releasing now words!



“But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

“AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place, When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on each one of them. And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words].”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Exhort and Contend

Exhort and Contend


NAR “Apostle” Barbara Yoder will speak at an event beginning tomorrow so she is the subject of today’s post…

According to her Facebook page ( she is a “Spirit led apostolic leader, prophetically/strategically leading the church into its destiny mandate. Founding and overseeing Apostle, at Shekinah Christian Church.”

Barbara’s designation as “overseeing Apostle” is a huge and the name of her church is another . This article ( provides some important information concerning the term “Shekinah” for anyone who is unfamiliar with it.

Her church’s website ( also states:

“Shekinah Christian Church (is) a racially and culturally diverse Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Barbara) serves on several boards of ministry nationally. Barbara leads Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network (BAMN), a network of pastors, ministry leaders and marketplace leaders. She travels extensively as a national and international speaker, ministering at various conferences and churches. She is the author of 5 books, has contributed to the Women of Destiny Bible and has been featured on the cover of Charisma magazine as one of the most influential women leaders in the church today.

At another link ( to her church’s website Barbara discusses her legacy:

“Legacy is not leaving something for people, but rather leaving something in people. My DNA and what I have been known for over the years is the Breaker Anointing. Whether in prayer, worship, international apostolic assignments and more, I have seen God breakthrough in response to simple faith and obedience time and again. I want to leave behind a legacy in the hearts and minds of those I love and empower them to breakthrough in every way.”

“In the fall of 2019 I received a word from a Prophet named Jaime Galloway that has resonated in my spirit. He prophesied to me and said that there are people all around the world, some of whom I am aware of and some of whom I am not, that see me as their primary mentor and ‘Apostolic Mother’ in the Lord... I have decided to take action on this word and the Holy Spirit’s leading and launch a brand-new initiative called, ‘Global Legacy Partners.’”

“Through ‘Global Legacy Partners’ I will sow into your lives through our annual gathering, private access to closed ‘Zoom’ Q and A sessions, private access to online teaching resources and materials and more. As you become a part of ‘Global Legacy Partners,’ you enter into the legacy of breakthrough God has taught me and which in turn I will leave behind in those who are hungry for it.”

Of course, anyone with discernment would not seek mentorship from someone with a supposed “breaker anointing” or who was designated as an “Apostolic Mother.”

Other with Barbara include…

1) In an Elijah List advertisement referenced at this link ( we find this statement by Barbara:

“One prominent ongoing occurrence this year will be the increasing release of realms of glory. And glory is directly connected to the intensity of God's presence with us. And God's presence is linked with worship. Glory releases the supernatural realm in our midst where healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders break out...Don't miss this door to the glory that is exploding open over us. It is the door of Heaven, releasing God's Kingdom on earth…”

A thorough explanation of the NAR’s aberrant use of “Presence” and “Glory” appears in this article (

2) At this post ( on Barbara’s Facebook page from June, we note a guest speaker named Mary Audrey Raycroft. Her topic was, “REVIVAL: Celebrating the Past, Leaping Into the Future!” The post states:

“Mary Audrey Raycroft is a dear friend of Apostle Barbara's and has been pastor of Equipping Ministries and Women in Ministry at Catch The Fire Toronto (formerly TACF) since 1994. She is an exhorter and teacher and has ministered God's heart of renewal internationally.”

While Raycroft’s name is not well-known, the fact that she has been a pastor at Catch the Fire Toronto since 1994 places her there during the “Toronto Revival.” Hallmarks of this “revival” that were falsely attributed to the Holy Spirit include: being slain in the spirit; shaking and trembling, twitching and convulsive bodily movements; uncontrollable laughter (also called ‘holy laughter’); actions that mimicked drunkenness; and animal sounds.

3) On Jan. 11, 2022, Barbara was part of a “prophetic livestream” event ( titled, “What is God Saying for 2022?” The event was hosted by Elizabeth Tiam Fook of “International Young Prophets.”

Three of the other most well-known speakers are listed below with posts containing concerning them:

*Bill Hamon (

*Patricia King (

*Kim Owens (

4) Barbara believes in the aberrant “slain in the spirit” practice (see photo below). This article ( provides the proper explanation of some of the verses many twist when promoting the practice.

5) As discussed in this post (, Barbara participated in “The Power of the Roar” Prophetic Conference and Web Stream March 5-6, 2021, in Hurst, TX.

Other speakers with posts containing regarding them are as follows:

*Chuck Pierce (

*Bill Hamon – see the post in the above section

*Sandie Freed (

6) Barbara has appeared on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” program ( Sid Roth, of course, is a spiritual huckster who’s promoted NAR celebrities for 27 years now.

Dear brethren, please avoid Barbara Yoder…

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