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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Vain Babblings of False Apostle Eddie Maestas


Love & Unity Movement
Kingdom Family Network
love & Unity TV


Prophets don't speak in generalities they are more specific, direct and accurate. Many times to bring alignment to that with is out of alignment. They speak to direct us forward to God's plans and strategies helping us to see what is in the future. Sometimes giving us warnings and consequences if changes are not made. Exorting us to come into God's will and shifting us into his plans and purposes of our father. They also confirm if we are in his perfect will and encouraging us to Gods future promotions and changes coming to our lives.

Sin no more

The key to the abundant life is when God delivers us and makes us well we sin no more. We don't go back to the life we lived. Every time we are rebellious and go back to pleasing our fleshly desires. We open the door for worse things to happen in our life. This man in the Bible was afflicted for 38 years and Jesus made him well. Jesus wants to make us well but we have to choose to stop living a life of sin. It's not Jesus punishing us when we sin. But it's sin that punishes and causes us to go through worse things in life. When God makes us free don't go back to the vomit of sinful living.

Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”

John 5:14 NKJV


The key to the kingdom life is to live from it and not try to earn it. That's religion. The kingdom is perfect and needs no alterations. It will alter our life into his image and likeness giving us full authority for what is already ours.


Intercessors of alignment

Intercessors are not just those that stand in the gap. But they connect to the heart of God in the spiritual realm. They bring forth the will of God into every situation that is on the fathers heart. They shift things out of darkness into the light. They break through areas and territories taking kingdom dominion. They bring alignment responding to the fathers heart that has heard the cry of his children.


We need to lay hands on people and release the power of God. Release from the Holy Spirit from within you. Let people experience the power of God.


Apostles bring order and alignment to that which has become religious. If you want to get a religious spirit out of your church bring in the Apostles and Prophets. They will always bring the church back to the gospel of the kingdom. They will strengthen his ekklesia not the secular church. They will help build and bring the church back to the supernatural. They will build from the ekklesia not away from his ekklesia.


We are in the season of building that's why we need those Apostolic gifts who are builders.


The accusers

Before you believe an accusations about someone. Don't just take them at their word. Always hear both sides. Usually those making accusations are trying to cover their own wrong or sin. They do that by discrediting the one who knows of their wrong or sin by making false accusations against them.


Stop calling people Apostle just so they can have the title they want. Stop being novice leaders by calling people Apostles that have not gone through the right process of mature sonship. They may be an apostle but it's very rare that they are one. Many who are being called an Apostle have no clue what a real Apostle is today.


This desk is available if you live in the Pomona CA area. Message me if you need this anointed desk that I have had for many years.


The hardest people to deal with is not the lost or those who are unlearned in the things of God. It's the religious know it alls. It's the ones who think more highly of themselves then they should. It's those who know about God but dont know God. They have walked in our churches and fellowshipped with us. But who are now offended because their love was so weak they couldn't forgive or take some of the fault. They think they are better then every else. They couldn't humble themselves and get back in order. So they look for another church another pastor who hasn't corrected them yet. But when they do they will leave again. Then maybe this time they will say I don't need to go to church they are all hypocrites or find a big church to hide in. Then blast Facebook about the church and leaders. It's time for you to grow up.


Kingdom Family is building

A kingdom center

A Apostolic center

A equipping center

A church center

A wealth center

A sonship center

A mission center

A healing center

All this in one place where his goverments of all fivefold gifts minister to the center as one. Giving fivefold a base to learn and operate and be supported from. Being a sending place a community place and a family place. Reaching people, families, cities, regions, nations and the world with the gospel of the kingdom. Much of which we have already started.

Covering the earth with his glory and doing our part in advancing his kingdom of righteousness all over the world. Raising up sons both male and female as the manifested sons of God.


Prosperity is not a sin money is not bad when your heart is good. Prosperity is the will of God for all the sons of God both male & Female.


Censsationism and Calvinism beliefs God help us. This is what they believe.

Cessationism is a doctrine that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age.

Calvinism emphasizes the doctrine of predestination, holding that God extends grace and grants salvation only to the chosen, or elect


Lets pray for the church of California

Praying for California and repenting for California. God save this state deliver it from its darkness. We cancel every assignment of the enemy over Calif. We believe California belongs to the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. No weapons formed against CA shall prosper. We speak the greatest move of God that CA has ever seen. A move first on the body of Christ then on all of CA. Deliver CA church from its blindness and deception. Bring us together Lord and let's there be transformation in the church of California.


Apostles and what they carry

The weight of true Apostle is very heavy and only the grace given towards this office can handle the weight.

The weight of process that Apostle are taken through to prepare them as Apostles with many scars of experience.

The weights Apostles carry are for the advancement of the kingdom of God in this world.

The weight of the church to bring it to order and true pattern and doctrine.

The weight of fathering caring for and maturing of Sons.

The weights of regional and church planting to shift regions to righteousness.

The weight of prayer and intercession with groans battling to do God's will and not their own no matter the cost.

The Intercession for this world and the church for its deliverance, salvation and restoration.

The weight of being targets of attacks by the religious church being persecuted and betrayed.

The weight of family resisting their call not understanding their going from one place to another.

The weight of finances because true apostle always distribute what they have to others.

When many times left with little trusting the church to hear from God to care for them.

Also many times doing ministry and building tents to keep moving and providing for their families.

Pray for the Apostles of today.


Our giving should align to the Kingdom order not religious church order. Kingdom economics are where the finances are distributed to whole body of Christ. Not with man's greed to only flourish for themselves. Not just a few being blessed but to many who are advancing God's kingdom. It's time to see great provision come to the body of Christ. It's time to be priest and kings taking what belongs to the sons of God. Not because we are fancy speakers or great sales people but because I live by biblical kingdom principles.


The kingdom of God will shift all creation through the corporate son. Both the earth and all the systems of this world will began to bow to the kingdom of our God. We don't need to fear the evil or darkness in the earth the light of God will remove it through his ekklesia. God is restoring his goverments in the world and his goverment shall be governed by the Holy Spirit. The evilness of men's hearts will began to melt under the latter rain outpouring of God's glory in all the earth. The latter shall be greater then the former.


Love & Unity Movement has a senior council of seasoned Apostles and Prophets. We are so blessed to have everyone of them. They operate as a company to love and support all fivefold ministry gifts around the nation and the world. They demonstrate God's love by their love for one another. There is no jealousy, competition self promotion among us. We prefer one another as better then self. We meet every week to hear each other's hearts and wisdom. We hold one another accountable as spiritual fathers in God's kingdom. Our heart is to advance God's kingdom and not our own kingdoms. We take the father and son message very serious so that we can bring a corporate sonship to the world that will manifest God's glory in the earth delivering this world from its corruption. Only when we become one corporate body will we be able to advance God's kingdom all over the world. We know we are only one of the several movements God is using in the earth to fill this earth with its glory. Bringing all creation back to God's original intent by our love for one another. Thank you senior council for your sacrifices and loyalty as leaders of great character. No we are not perfect but this one thing we do is forgetting the pass and reaching forward as God continues to perfect us and grows us into his image and likeness.


True relationships between spiritual fathers and sons is one that is not easily broken or offended. Neither one is perfect but true relationship will not allow our faults to cause a separation or broken covenant.


People ask me if I am going to retire I said yes when I breath my last breath. Until the father calls me home I will preach the gospel of the kingdom. There are to many souls to reach sons to grow devils to cast and churches to build. At my age I am just getting my second wind. For the first time I belong to a wonderful company of believers that love God and love each other. Together we will advance his kingdom as his sons delivering this earth from its corruption. We will occupy every corner of the earth with the love of God. We will see all our family saved we will leave a great inheritance for the next generation. They won't have to start all over again and we won't wait until we're dead to pass it over to them. His glory shall fill the earth and this world shall be saved.


Apostolic Builders of the corporate body advancing his kingdom in all the earth.

True builders start off alone with a vision, plan and strategy. But then they must turn the vision into a corporate effort. No builder can accomplish great things with just a one man effort mentality. Every builder is a true company man that depends on and works with others that are more talented and gifted then they may be. Great builders build together and never want all the credit but shares their success with others. They only use the word I when making a statement but use we when sharing the success and credit with others that have joined the vision, plan and strategy. Blessings

Faith operates from the place of authority


I have faith for signs, wonders and miracles to happen now


Maturing leaders

A seasoned leader can discern when one has a gift of grace. But they can also discern when that leader has not gone through the process that produces a mature leader. Many leaders are so gifted in speaking but lack maturity. They failed to be accountable and have never learned submission with a servants heart.


Don't just follow a good speaker but a good heart. Good hearts follow Jesus and they have God the fathers heart.


Let's pray for the seasoned apostles to come together as the corporate body of Christ. Hopefully we as apostles are seasoned enough to be pass the place. I didn't started or I'm not leading it therefore I wont be a part of it. Looking for fault in it instead of strengthening what God is doing. Apostle must behave as mature fathers where are only interest is the advancement of the kingdom no matter who God is using.


There is coming an out pouring of the Holy Ghost in our churches to those who will yield to him.


Wealth Transfer

Many will be graced in the kingdom to obtain wealth in money and property and business. No more lack to those who have kingdom on their hearts. A Grace is coming so God the father can get wealth to those who desire to advance his his kingdom. Supernaturally properties will be given or paid for by those God has graced with great wealth. Also those older generation sitting in empty buildings will transfer to those with their hands to the plow. Instead of selling them to the unrighteous. We call this the transfer of wealth for the righteous and the next generation that God has placed his hands on.


The church has to come to a kingdom order not a religious order. Most churches have instituted religious laws and principles that are not the kingdom of God. Jesus will not build his church after the systems of this world. This is why the church is no longer trusted. World systems will not keep God's church and its kingdom citizens growing and maturing as sons of God. The church must operate after the pattern that Christ not only taught us but manifested while he walked the earth. He demonstrated sonship, kingdom authority and operated, empowered and was led by the Holy Spirit. If we would focused on these three things they will bring us into kingdom order. Sonship, kingdom and Holy Spirit are within us as believers and they will manifest God's glory in the earth.



The Prophets office of grace brings in a atmosphere for miracles. They stir up the gifts of the spirit and release the gift of prophecy in the assembly. They know how to flow in the Holy Ghost and cause a crying out to God from the people of repentance. The prophetic equips the saints to be a prophetic people of discernment and how to know and operate by the Holy Spirit. Prophets must be embraced in the local house of worship if we are going to see a move of the spirit. Where men's hearts come into the fear of God and men's hearts melt in Gods presence.


My heart many times is heavy with compassion for the weary because their is a lack of shepherds. To many who are called are not taking their rolls as shephards. They are waiting for everything to be perfect before they go serve as one of God's shepherds. Many won't leave their locations, work positions, their home or towns to do God's work. Many talk alot of the word but won't get to their assignment. Stop waiting for everything to fall into your lap Jesus said go and make disciples. Seek first his kingdom and God will give you everything you need.

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.

Matthew 9:36 NKJV


Ten days away from this powerful gathering in California. Let the tsunami of God's glory began to cover the earth. All fivefold ministers Elders & Deacons & Helpers are all welcome. Apostles and Prophets impartation as we gather together as one corporate Son.


Apostles should have evidence of their Apostolic gift not just a title before their commissioning. These are some of the things that give evidence to the Apostolic gifting. They may not have them all but they should have some of them.

1. Apostles have sons that have established churches and ministries. Sons that are begotten or sons saved by others but raised to maturity by the apostle.

2. All true Apostles have proof of honoring and serving their fathers and mentors.

3. Apostles have pioneered or have built foundations for works that are still growing.

4. Apostles have either lead or joined other Apostles & prophets bringing unity to the body.

5. Apostles have trained leaders with gifting and character that they have sent as kingdom advancers.

6. Apostles plant elders in cities bringing kingdom culture to the cities and regions.

7. Apostles have scars and proof of wars they have fought and overcame.

8. Apostles have testimonies of their process of proven character. They learned to serve and were loyal as a submitted and obedient son

9. Seasoned Apostolic fathers always have sons like a Timothy that followed Paul. Like an Elisha who followed Elijah. Apostles don't need to take followers of others but their grace as a Apostle draws their own followers and sons.

10. Signs, wonders and miracles should be demonstrated by the apostles. So that every believer could learn how to operate in them.


Apostles don't speak things for acceptance and popularity. True Apostle should be seasoned and mature enough to not need the applauds of men.


Paul the Apostle by history some say he was once married but his wife left him because of his conversion. He traveled mostly by foot for hundreds of miles. He started at least 5-6 churches. He wrote many of the books of the Bible in the new testament. He had a horrible religious pass killing many believers before he got converted. He was a true father to many in the faith but had only about three close sons that followed him and represented him. He was commissioned by Apostle Peter and the Apostles at Jerusalem for a few years. I believe he was learning from the Apostles who had been with Jesus. His mission was grace by faith to the gentiles bringing them into sonship with God the father. They say he was in ministry about 14 years and was a religious leader before he got converted about 13 years. He was not a perfect man but he was always striving towards transformation and reaching as many souls, cities and regions as he could. He established churches that followed kingdom protocol with God's goverments, culture and principles. He was filled with the Holy Ghost and taught how to pray in a heavenly language. He gave understanding of all the gifts given to the church. He talked about a glorious church that was being prepared without spot, wrinkle or blemish. He gave us direction on how to pray from our seated place from heaven as intercessors of his kingdom. He taught elders and deacons how to serve and represent Christ as leaders. He explained our citizenship as kings and priest buliding a holy habitation for God in the earth. His heart was that the whole body of Christ to become one in God by our love for one another. I shared all this to give you a little understanding of a man who has written books that we read to learn and guide us as believers. He wrote these books from prison and some say he died as a martyr and was beheaded in Rome. I may not be completely right about all these things but pretty close because some information is scriptual and some is history.


Great wealth needs to come into those advancing the kingdom of God. The wealth needs to leave the hands of the unrighteous and put in the hands of the righteousness. But only to those willing to release it to leaders that are kingdom movers and shakers of our day.


How to move in the Holy Ghost

The move of the Holy Spirit in corporate settings. Moving in the spirit today many fivefold have never been taught. Here are some of the things to know about moving in the spirit. I have operated and came through many Holy Spirit out pourings. Plus walk with leaders for years that new how to move in the Holy Ghost

1. You must have a daily relationship with the Holy Spirit and lots of praying in the spirit.

2. Having revelation knowledge of the different administrations of the spirit and the gifts.

3. You have to see and hear by the spirit with your spirit and get your thoughts and words to align.

4. Learn how to open the door for the spirit and give yourself to his direction and let him lead.

5. Know when the spirit is upon you to activate the gifts and know when he is not.

5. Create an atmosphere for the spirit to move through worship and praying in the spirit.

6. Release faith in the room for people to began to draw from the spirit of God by sharing about the Holy Spirit.

7. Give time for the spirit to move don't rush forward with an agenda for the service.

8. Many times by moving in the prophetic it will release other gifts of the spirit to began to manifest.

These are some of the things but there are more then eight ways. The Holy Spirit can come in several different ways. The important thing is never put the Holy Spirit in a box.

There is a cloud of the Holy Spirit that moves into the room as we are in one accord and singing in the spirit. This will release the supernatural of sign and wonders. Sometimes there are different clouds that come into the room like compassion, fire, laughter, healing, prophecy, power, faith and many more. But know which one with discernment or you can mess up the whole service. Also there is usually one who leads with the Holy Spirit in a corporate setting. Then others join in with them if not we can have a out of order show.

Let's be spirit filled spirit led and spirit ready.


We can change the world to righteousness. If we have a people that would seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.


Getting devils off and out of people

Praying deliverance over someone it's not about are they oppressed or obsessed it's about getting them free. We get people free not by listening to what they say but what the Holy Spirit is showing you. Then you call those things out and command them to go. Jesus cast off or cast out devils by the spirit, by a word, by the finger of God which by the authority and power of God. The Apostles also cast out demons by the name of Jesus.

But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Matthew 12:28

But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Luke 11:20 NKJV

When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick,

Matthew 8:16 NKJV

And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.

Acts 16:18 NKJV


Traveling as a Apostle from church to church i only do so out of relationship. To bring an impartation of my grace gift and 45 years of experience in ministry. To hold up the hands of the local leaders of the house of God.

I don't ask any church to pay for my cost. I just ask that when I speak they collect offerings.

Even though my needs are met partially from offerings. I also am blessed by my sons and businesses that i do for extra money so i dont burden the church.

Now everywhere I go I try to represent our senior council of the Love & Unity Movement and Kingdom 1st TV.

As fathers we are bringing back the hearts of fathers that would turn to the sons and sons to turn to their fathers.

Our goal is to bring the local assembly into the revelation of the kingdom of God.

To also bring all believers into their full identity as sons of God.

Preaching and teaching on kingdom culture, order, principles and putting kingdom first before our ministries and churches.

We need to bring the present day church back to being his ekklesia the Christ church patterned after the new treatment order.

Christ is shifting his church back to his true goverments, fivefold, team ministry, intercession, evangelism, deliverance, ministry of helps, church order, discipleship and kingdom economics.

Bringing his church into a people being equipped, unified in the faith, edified, in the knowledge of the son of God and as fully matured in Christ.

Out of love being the body of Christ. Teaching us how to be God's holy habitation in the earth and to occupy. Not trying to escape from the evil of our day but to be the answer.

God's houses of prayer need to come back to being holy ghost spirit filled with the gifts of God being revealed through the people of God not just the ministers.

God's house of prayer must get free from religious policies, protocols and doctrines and philosophies of men.

Christ church must come back to Apostolic doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer.

The prophetic anointing needs to be on our leaders, worship, teaching and preaching and bring a now church into their future as a glorified bride of Christ.

The church of grace not the law and not from a levitical priesthood of Jewish sacraments and traditions but a priesthood after the melchezadic priesthood.

There is a move of God that is more focused on cities and regions then on buildings, denominations, networks and organizations.

God will use those things but only if it's to advance his kingdom and not our own kingdoms.

There is a tsunami of Christ righteousness that's about to hit his church and the world. Bringing things into order and alignment with God's original purpose at creation.



There is nothing like Pentecost where we the church were empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through Pentecost every believer can have a pentecostal life full power, gifts and anointing. Pentecost gave us a prayer language where we can pray by the spirit according to the will of God. So thank God for pentecost an out pouring of the fire of God upon his church. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is for you and your family through out generations.


When a minister wants you to hold them accountable and they have left another camp. Be careful they will leave you to its their pattern.

Seasoned Apostolic fathers and leading pastors need to tell ministers and those coming from other places.

Tell them to go back and get things right before you come over here.

Unless there is proof of church or ministry misconduct that has been proven not just hear say but by seasoned elders.

There are to many out of order believers that cause problems between leaders by sharing false and untrue information. So they can justify their out of order behavior.

This causes discord in the body and causes character assination of leaders. From false and even dishonest half truths information.

Let's get wiser as leaders and stop childish church behaviors that have hurt the body of Christ.


Minister of integrity is so needed today if we are going to operate as one body of Christ. Today people want to join different groups with a motive of building what's on their mind. They never had the intentions of supporting and becoming apart of what is already up and going. They join to get people to follow them and to draw people into what they really want to build. They couldn't get going on their own and lacked followers. So they try to build by taking what others from what's already established. They get on platforms to gain influence to draw people to themselves. They don't want to be a supporting leader they want to be the leading leader. They lack integrity and mature sons of God will discern their wrong intentions.


God may have assigned you to care or help a minster of God. Like the widow women to care for Elijah and because she did she was supernaturally blessed. How many people are robbed of supernatural blessings because they didn't care for God's servant when God told them to.


The Holy Spirit has been given to us to be our helper. He gives us comfort, power, anointing, wisdom, revelation and so much more. He gives it all by communication with him as we are praying in the spirit and as we are hearing by the spirit.


Apostle are builders of people, ministries, churches and corporate gatherings. Apostle either lead or they gather with those who lead and lift their hands up and lead together with them as one. Not all apostles are the set person's of what God is pioneering or building. But they can catch when someone is building a now movement. They come as reinforcement and with different specialties or graces. Then together they hear from the Holy Spirit what the true architect and planner is saying. Then build what our father will is into the earth.


Finances are needed to do what we need to do as fivefold ministers. When we don't have the care of the church we are muzzled and hindered to do what God has called us to do. There are to many in the body holding on to their riches and not releasing it to God's asencion gifts. God's leaders bank's are empty while those they help and feed and serve banks are full. We need the move of God and the evidence of a move of God. Which is giving of our material blessings to support a spiritual movement of God in the earth. Everyone wants a movement but many refuse to give out of their abundance or out of their little. It's time for a great move of giving but not to drive a royal royce but to build, plant and advance God's kingdom in the earth.


I am no longer overseeing a local church i released it to my sons pastor Alex & Veronica. For now I will be traveling and helping pastors. I am setting up my calendar for the month of July. I am all full for May & June. If you want an Apostolic impartation at your church. To lift your hands and to bring a now word and a move of the Holy Ghost. Please messenger me or if you have my number text me please. Kingdom Love


Living a spirit filled life

This doesn't happen unless you keep drinking from the spirit by praying and singing in the spirit.

Praying in the spirit is praying in tongues or your heavenly language.

As you pray listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and release what the spirit is saying.


As a Apostolic father I look to see how good people follow. Because any leader must learn to be a good follower before they can be a good leader for others to follow. That's why Jesus said come follow me.


Churches are called to make disciples not just attendees. A true disciple knows their identity as sons. They know how to operate in the gifts given to us as believers. They know how to get people saved, healed and delivered. Disciples are accountible teachable and correctable. Disciples are helpers they serves their family, church and their community. Disciples grow in their gifts and in their character as sons of God. Disciple are what Jesus made before he commissioned them as Apostles.


When churches are more about programs and events to bring more money and people in then making disciples. So ministers can live more prosperous while the people are still bound and not growing. Then it's time to overthrow tables and get out the whip.


Seasoned apostles are not looking for fame or speaking engagements. They are looking for regions, leaders, churches and people where they can make an apostolic impartation. To strengthen and bring maturity through the wisdom they have paid a heavy price for that almost took them out. The sufferings they have endured and lessons they have learned in life and ministry. Many apostle were almost shipwrecked and had there own Gethsemane seasons fighting to do Gods will and not their own will. When you find a seasoned Apostle who is there for you and not for themselves. Then you found a blessing that can bless you and your ministry for years to come.


Laying the right foundation

Apostles and Prophets together will lay the right foundations in people's lives and sometimes they may have to break up old foundations that are wrong. But not everyone wants to go through that process of laying the right foundation. So they start building without the true foundation of Christ in their life. Great will be the fall of all that was built before a true foundations was built. Some leaders never build great things for God because they were more interested in building ministries and churches first. But we must first build a solid foundation of our sonship, character, relationships, love and knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit. We must have the foundations that were built in our life by the world's systems removed. Lets build on the solid foundation of Christ our Lord as the pattern of a true foundation.


Stay humble when God blesses you. Stay humble when people are attacking you. Stay humble when God is using you. Stay humble and you will resist the enemy and he will flee. Stay humble and God will lift you up by his grace. Stay humble and always remain teachable and correctable. Stay humble and you will grow as a mature son.


Every trained disciple would be getting people saved, healed and delivered. Every person that attends church should be a disciple that gets people saved, healed and delivered. This is properly equipping the saints.


The corporate oneness of Apostles

The Apostolic anointing truly draws people together. They are always seeing how we can unite and what we and other apostles can agree on. Apostles also knows those that call themselves apostles but have hidden motives to draw others to themselves. They bring division and not unity among the apostles. Apostle of God are not looking to be the greatest among the Apostle but the least ones among many. There will be a day where apostles from all tribes will sit together as one corporate apostles in the world. They will demonstrate love for one another and they will only have one motive together. To advance the kingdom and to become one body one church and honor of one another. They will show the world we are the citizen of his kingdom and you will know us by our love for one another.


Leadership must have a love for people. Not for what you can get or so you can have a following or to build your ministry. Loving people enough to tell them the truth. Loving people enough to stay faithful to them during the good or bad times. Loving them enough to not mislead them to fill our own insecuirties. Loving people by putting their needs before our own needs. We need leaders of true love not fake religious love. Love that leads them to honor God and serving him not our own egotistical needs. Love is of God and they that loveth not knoweth not God.


Orphan souls don't walk from their sonship given by grace. The difference between the two one is fathered the other is not. The orphan soul never goes through the process of being fathered. Sons can be disciplined orphans cannot. Untransformed orphans go from father to father and never allow the spiritual parenting to take place. Many fathers are in fear of those they call their sons. Because they know as soon as they correct them they will be gone so they never challenge them or bring correction to them. Therefore they are not true sons to you. Sons are faithful and loyal to their fathers who have our heavenly fathers heart. The word adoption is poorly interpreted. We are not adopted son we are sons who were orphans. Then through Christ we have come back to our orgins as sons at creation. But our souls have been formed as an orphan that needs transformation so that are souls align to who we are as the sons of God.


Local church order

Local church order is set by Christ not man.

As an Apostle I have seen as I travel some lack of order as far as how authority operates locally.

First we must know that any of the fivefold asencion gifts can be the the set person of the local church.

All others gifts in the house are submitted to the authority of the set person.

Even if they are the father like ones to the set person or there apostle.

They must still go through the set person to bring any correction or change to the local house.

Also as father like one to the set ones and all fivefold in the local house.

They should never allow church members to come to them around the set authority of the local house.

Now every set person should have accountiblity for their lives and walk with the Lord.

But the person they submit to as a father or apostle do not have more authority then them in their local house.

When I go to any of my sons churches or to any other local house I am submitted to their authority.

Being an apostle does not give me the right to over ride their authority.

Unless they ask me to bring order to things then I do so at their request.

When I was younger and had a big head I would go into places and correct everything and everyone.

I was out of order and had to learn to always respect and honor the authorities of the house.

I should only do what I was given permission to do.

Also if you belong to that local house as an asencion gift you must be submitted to the set authority of the house.

Lets say the set person has the pastors gift just because you are a prophet that does not give you greater authority in the house.

If you are a prophet before you release to the house it must be by the permission of the set authority of the local church.

Let everything be done decently and in order.


Looking for a people that's kingdom, sonship, fivefold, identity, harvest of souls all built by relationship. No hiarchy no competition, no one man show, no control just loving one another. No form of Godliness but true transformation through his righteousness. No religion no old wine skins and old wine. But fresh winds of Holy Ghost fire and a people of intercession. No levitical priesthood we are of the Melchizedec prieshood. Building across the nation's one nation at a time. Preparing the next generation. Check out the Love & Unity Movement. All ministers our welcome to any of our daily zooms.


We weren't given the kingdom to be raptured we were given the kingdom to occupy.


Lord I release a supernatural encounters from you to our children, prodigals, lukewarmers and those who no longer are attending the house of God. An Awakening bringing them fully into the kingdom.


Mature Prophets

There is a different prophetic movement coming to the body.

God is raising up prophets that have been fathered and have the heart of a true mature son.

These Prophets will work together with the apostles to bring the body back to true biblical foundations.

There will be Prophets that operate in the local house and not needing to be a public star prophet.

Prophets that equip the saints and not flatter the saints.

Prophets that recognize true prophets and correct those who think they are prophets because they prophecy.

Prophets that equip the Saints how to accurately hear from the Holy Spirit.

Prophets that know how to be team players with the other five fold gifts.

Prophets that walk accountible in a tribe of others leaders preferring to one another.

Prophets that have gone through the process of serving at the local house learning to be a servant of God.

Prophets will stir up the move of the spirit in local houses.

Prophets will help activate churches that have no move of the gifts of the spirit.

Prophets will speak from the fathers heart and not from fleshy desires and words of flattery to have followings.

True prophets will not use gimmicks and false words to get people to give to them.

Prophets that walk in humilty will not draw attention to themselves. They will move in accountiblity with the authorities of the house.

Lets pray for the prophets of our day.


Apostles sent by God

No one ever gets to choose to be an Apostle and no man chooses who will be an Apostle. These are the things we need to evaluate before giving someone the title of an Apostle. Even if they are graced as an Apostle there is still a process of preparation before commissioning.

Do they have a proven evidence or fruit as a mature son first and know their identity.

Have they served faithfully at a local house of God and added to the house.

Do they have any disciples or sons that they can give an account for.

Do they have relationships with seasoned proven Apostles that have built something beside a Facebook following.

Do they have an Apostlic father that has walked with them at least three years before commissioning.

Have they been crushed and tested by fire prepared for the things they will face as an Apostle.

Are there any fruits of an Apostle at the local house where they serve. Such as things built, strategies birthed, sound doctrine established to convince the gain sayers ect.

Do they have the evidence of a servants heart of laying down their lives for others.

Are their any foundations they have established for others to build upon like a proven ministry.

Have thay planted or pioneered anything that has fruit either alone or with others.

Have they been a mentor to others that has changed people's lives strengthing their walk with God.

Are their proven signs and wonders and miracles that they can testify of.

Have they ever used their own finances and resources and sacrificed everything because they believe in the mission.

Has there been a harvest of souls saved delivered and healed with devils being cast out.

Have they brought unity to the body of Christ or division and rebellion towards authority.

Apostles are sent ones by God not by man to advance the kingdom of God in the earth. They are father like ones but if they haven't been a son how can they be a father. Apostle never need a title, a Platform to feed their pride or eagle. Apostles have the heart of Father God and are willing to do his will not their own will.


We weren't given the kingdom to be raptured we were given the kingdom to occupy.


Mature Prophets

There is a different prophetic movement coming to the body.

God is raising up prophets that have been fathered and have the heart of a true mature son.

These Prophets will work together with the apostles to bring the body back to true biblical foundations.

There will be Prophets that operate in the local house and not needing to be a public star prophet.

Prophets that equip the saints and not flatter the saints.

Prophets that recognize true prophets and correct those who think they are prophets because they prophecy.

Prophets that equip the Saints how to accurately hear from the Holy Spirit.

Prophets that know how to be team players with the other five fold gifts.

Prophets that walk accountible in a tribe of others leaders preferring to one another.

Prophets that have gone through the process of serving at the local house learning to be a servant of God.

Prophets will stir up the move of the spirit in local houses.

Prophets will help activate churches that have no move of the gifts of the spirit.

Prophets will speak from the fathers heart and not from fleshy desires and words of flattery to have followings.

True prophets will not use gimmicks and false words to get people to give to them.

Prophets that walk in humilty will not draw attention to themselves. They will move in accountiblity with the authorities of the house.

Lets pray for the prophets of our day.

There are so many theories and philosophies that have been instituted in what many call Christianity. There is a false Christianity that has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. They have given us fake beliefs to get us off of the pattern son and his church. That's why there is a releasing of the Apostolic fathers bringing order and apostolic doctrine not false religious beliefs that were man made beliefs that today's churches have brought into our places of worship. His righteousness will bring things back to the right order of heaven.


Today I got bless I needed new tires on my truck. After all the driving I do to minister my tires were bald. But these tires are very expensive. Well today someone who has always been a blessing to my wife and I. One day they walked by my truck and said we need to get Apostle some new tires he can't be driving like this. These individuals have always blessed us and because of that they have been financially blessed by the Lord. So thank you Lord and thanks to the ones who blessed me with new tires. We ask the Lord to increase you more and more. If it is in your ability to be a blessing to your ministers or spiritual parents do it you will be supernaturally blessed.


There are two ways of being teachable. One way is when we are being taught the word by a teacher in a class room setting. Another way is when someone sees something in our life that is out of scriptural order. They teach us by confronting the error by speaking things to change our way of thinking. It may be something religious or something we are blinded to or something we don't understand that needs changing. They may even be strongholds that are preventing the change we have been looking for. But we have to be humble enough to recieve an admonishing in a way of someone teaching us. Dont take it as criticism or as the one teaching thinks they are better then you. Those who are able to be taught in this manor will see great breakthroughs in their life. Teaching is not always in a class room setting but by one who loves us enough to tell us the truth.


The greatest way for an Apostle to get seasoned and experienced. They need to get around seasoned and experienced Apostle and serve. Serve those who have built some things or are building things especially Sons.


True fathers never release sons before they are ready for ministry.

These should be some of the important things that must be in a leader before sending them.

These things don't qualify you Gods grace does these things just prepare you for the things we face in ministry.

1. There relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one of prayer, word, and worship.

2. They went through the process of serving their leaders with faithfulness

3. They have a love for Gods people not for their own gain but to be a blessing.

5. They are teachable, correctable and rebukable without being offended or angry.

6. They know there identity and they operate from a place of sonship.

7. Their homes are in order and they love their family and provide, protect and lay down their lives for them.

8. They honor and respect authority with a heart of submission.

9. They have proven to be faithful and loyal with serving the local house of God.

10. They have their lives in order knowing how handle the affairs of life.

11. They have learned how to study and prepare a message and deliver it from the heart.

12. They have a foundation of kingdom revelation, sonship, fivefold, gifts of the spirit, goverments, kingdom culture and building relationships of unity and oneness.

13. They have a love walk that is fruitful and evident.

14. They know their seated position as kings and priest and intercessors.

15. They have proven character among the local assembly.

16. They know how to fight the good fight of faith when the enemy is attacking.

17. They live a life of righteousness that causes a continual transformation into his image and likeness.

18. They must know how to make disciples and be a disciple by getting people saved, healed and delivered.

19. They must have wisdom in building and bring order because of an impartation of the Apostolic.

20. They must be team players knowing how to surround themselves with others. Those that are gifted and wiser in different dimensions then themselves.

21. They must have tribe mentality belonging to a family outside of their own spheres.

22. They need to know how to shift atmospheres in a service or region.

23. They need to learn Kingdom economics and the principles of giving. So they can live by them if they want kingdom success.

24. They must be free from religion going back and forth to law and grace. No longer living from a levitical priesthood but the Malchezidec priesthood.

25. They must be occupiers doing the fathers business in the earth. They should not have a get out of hear mentality wanting to go to heaven but living from a Heavenly place now in the earth.

26. They should know their foundational doctrinal beliefs and able to teach them.

27. Do they know how to hear and be led by the Holy Spirit.

28. Then last but not least have you been fathered. Have you become a son of maturity.

These are some of the foundational preparations for those called to ministry.


The Armour bearer abuse in the church

When I first started out in ministry everyone had Armour bearers. They served the minister carried their bibles and gave them their coffee and opened their doors. They protected the minister ready to attack anyone wanting to attack the minister.

I had Armour bearers packing ready to defend me with a fire arms. Ministers went nowhere with out them it made ministers feel important and caused even a arrogant behavior of ministers.

I saw how ministers treated their Armour bears as if they were their servant to jump when they called. They would even let no one get close to the so called man of God.

First of all there is only three areas in scripture that Armour bearer is mentioned. Once David with Saul it says he attended to Saul. Then their was Ambimeleck who had his Armour bearer kill him so he would not be killed by a women. Then their was king Saul who was a arrogant and very prideful king who asked his Armour bearer to kill him but he would not so Saul fell on his own sword.

In the new testament those that walked with the man of God or women of God. It was not so they could be your maid or butler or driver.

Those called of God would always have others travel with them so they could teach them as sons the things of God.

So as they walked together they could build a stronger relationship with each other. So their leaders could impart to them as they traveled

God will alway bring people around you to want to serve you and attend to you out of love but not so you can act like your more important then them.

We should never treat our help or talk to them as one who is less then us. Look how Jesus treated his disciples he fed them he washed their feet and he taught them by example.

There are those called to be the ministry of helps that are graced to be a help to those called of God. They assist the visionaries to accomplish the missions God has given them.

But all helpers are not less important they are just as important. Ministers should be greatful and appreciate those God has sent them to be there helper.

Minister should treat them with respect and honor and not demand and control them. Ministers should not pull them away from family time or make themselves more important then time with family.

We as minister should never cause fear and anxiety to those sent to help us. Being fearful of making you upset or not doing everything perfect. I believe in excellence in service but not where you make people afraid of you or intimidated by you.

Every person and every gift in the body should be treated with love and respect. Giving honor to one another.

The helps should honor and speak to their leaders with respect. But leaders should treat all helpers with an attitude of gratitude for their service that they show towards the Lord in serving you as ministers.


All fivefold graced ministers are chosen of God not men. But its God fearing men and women who send you after fruit of proven character is evident. Those who bypass the process will find themselves ill equip to deal with what minister face. The attacks, fears, lies, deceptions and persecution not only from men but demonic forces as well. But those who get properly trained and matured through spiritual parenting. Will be better leaders and will most likely not be taken out. They will stay faithful and finish their assignments.


There are false prophets and just unlearned and immature Prophets. False prophets speak from a different spirit. Immature prophets speak out of immaturity. Immature prophets speak from a lack of transformation.


Every fivefold gift should have some experience in winning souls, casting devils out, healing the sick and even raising the dead. But not just a lot of talk and fluff but real fruit of it. Also helping real poor people and reaching those who are bound. Being a minister of the inner cities all my life i have seen stuff that some will never see. I hear ministers talk about casting a few devils out at church. I mean that's great but lets go to some back alleys and where gang member will blow your head off if your not real. Come with me to watts and east LA and Tijuana Mexico and lets see how anointed you really are titles don't matter there. Where guns and knives have been pointed at you. We have ranned rehabs for drug addiction on heroin locked our self in a room with them for 5 days until they were free. Many of them are preachers today or serving God successfully. Our ministry has worked in inner cities for over 40 years alot has happen. We have lived with the poor and brought them into our houses with their kids. We have helped people who were shot, staved, molested, raped beaten to almost death. Yes right here in America our own missionary field. We started our first church in a garage with nothing but gang members. We need some real anointed leaders that will reach these good but lost people. In saying that we are getting ready to open another rehab center. If you would like to help us you can go to and give. This will be a six man rehab center that will cost

$6000.00 just to start then cost 3500 monthly to run. Give to the mission field right here in California. Thank you and blessings.


When Apostles and Prophets work together instead of independent of one another. The kingdom will advance.


You cant train someone to be an Apostle. They have to have the grace for it given by the Lord. Then if they do show fruit of this grace. They still have to go through a process of maturity in character.


The kingdom can't be built it can only be advanced his kingdom is perfect. His church is built by Christ according to pattern through the sons of God.


Live the abundant life dont waste your valuable time on foolish things. Like hating, worrying or what people think about you. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. Those that keep their eyes on the king and his kingdom will eat the good of the land.


It's the anointing that will destroy the yokes off of every generation.


Apostles bring the order of the Kingdom to the body of Christ. Thats why the religious say there are no Apostles today. Apostles bring his body of believers back to the pattern of Christ.


Apostles will always face great challenges to their assignments. If they are true Apostle they will endure and remain steadfast. They will have grace to overcome every attack. The father will always stand with those he has called to be the sent ones of our day. Their assignments are greater then it being about a man or ministry. Its about the advancement of his kingdom. Bringing maturity and character back to the body of Christ. True Apostles never walk alone. They walk with those that are seasoned and experienced tested and tried to be true leaders of our day. Together they build with strategies and purpose as they hear from the Holy Spirit.


The Hirelings & Wolves

What is a hireling in scripture they are those who preach the gospel for gain. The gain of money, platforms and attention to feed their pride. Some hirlings are really just spiritually immature and some are evil with false motives and wrong hearts. Most of the body promote and follow Hirelings because they sound spiritual. They put on a great performance and decieve many. They are usually arrogant self seeking and have really never stayed accountable to anyone. They are usually operating from an orphan spirit. Some hirelings will get delivered because they are called of God. Father God will take them through a process of purging from the hirling spirit. Then some will turn into wolves with sheep clothing religious to the bone. Causing division and taking sheep away from their connections and their authorities. They must be exsposed and driven out from the body of Christ. We must continue to know the voice of the true Shephard who has given us a door or a pattern to follow. When we enter the door of pattern it will keep us from following hirelings and wolves. These hirelings and wolves pretend to love the sheep only to use them and lead them astray. These wolves and hirelings won't fit in the true Ekklesia or his kingdom. But they will try to make it look like the true under Shephards of Christ are the false leaders. To draw sheep unto themselves and do their best to hurt true leaders of the kingdom.


Correction or discipline is not control its love bringing transformation. Holding sons accountable is true fathering.

And isn’t it true that we respect our earthly fathers even though they corrected and disciplined us? Then we should demonstrate an even greater respect for God, our spiritual Father, as we submit to his life-giving discipline. Now all discipline seems to be painful at the time, yet later it will produce a transformation of character, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it.

Hebrews 12:9‭, ‬11 TPT

Though the vision tarries…wait for it!

In a conversation with a son yesterday on the phone, we covered many areas of both of our lives, which is exactly as it should be. During the conversation I came to a realization about something that I had never really realized perhaps to the magnitude that I did yesterday.

There has been something in my heart as a Kingdom Assignment since 2017, which I have termed “Regional Alignment.” Anyone that has known me for years has either heard me say it, or read me write fairly consistently. It is part of my vision on my ministry website:

With that being said, I have been pursuing this with some success and with some failure as well. Some of those that I thought I would be working with in this…just never came to be. I actually began to wonder if the opportunity for Regional Alignment had passed me by or if I would ever fulfill it.

Then God threw me a curve as Love & Unity came into my life a couple of years ago. When it first entered my life, I was a little skeptical and put off by it. I didn’t trust it and dragged my feet. Yet little did I know, this was the vehicle GOD had chosen to facilitate this vision and assignment!

Recently, I have been saying that the three greatest decisions of my life for Kingdom purpose have been:

1. Getting Born Again.

2. Getting Filled with the Spirit.

3. Becoming part of the Senior Council of Love & Unity.

Numbers 1 & 2 have been constant. Number 3 has varied depending of the season of my life. At one point it was being a student at Rhema Bile Training Center (as it was known back in the 80’s), at another point it was moving back to NJ from OK. So currently it is being part of the Senior Council of Love & Unity.

So here I am 6 or so years down the road carrying this burden in my heart and God assignment for Regional Alignment, about having given up on it, thinking it would not come to pass, having made mistakes and had failures in trying to accomplish it on my own, only to have God resurrect it from an unlikely source. Now I am literally fulfilling this assignment, not by myself, but with a Company of seasoned like-minded, like-hearted servant-leaders.

I am grateful to be accepted and a part of the Love & Unity Movement, and the Senior Council! THOUGH THE VISION TARRIES…WAIT FOR IT…FOR IT WILL SURELY COME!



Unifying Impact Virtual Conference

Join our 5 Fold Ministry Leaders as they expound the Word of God on the subject of unity, so their may be a release of power from God on The Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:10

Let their be no divisions among you!


We must learn to discern those who share from a orphan spirit and those who speak from a sonship spirit. To many people encourage orphan spirits. They may say good things but from a wrong spirit. The more we encourage orphans the more we will approve immaturity.


Maturity verses immaturity

We need maturity in the body of Christ which is full development. To many not willing to go through the process of development. Development takes time experience and on hands service. Many want the title without development. Some of the development comes through sufferings, patience, no recognition, no Plat form, no focus on your gift but pure character development.

Maturity is the state of having reached a stage of full or advanced development. Maturity is a noun form of mature, which is commonly used as an adjective generally meaning fully developed (as a verb, mature generally means to fully develop)

These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness into the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one into a perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed into the abundance of Christ.

Ephesians 4:13 TPT


The national Love & Unity zoom for all five fold ministers & leaders. We will have a round table discussion on the Orphan Spirit. This is a huge problem in the body of Christ. We need transformation from an orphan soul to walk out of our identity as sons. Sons are led by the spirit and orphans are led by the flesh and a untransformed thinking.


There is a difference between being saved and being born again. When we are saved we are saved from things like sin. When we began to live from our born again place. We begin to be transformed to his image. One is from the other is to.


Stay focused on your assignment and don't get off course by wrong voices. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of your spiritual father.


There are many who believe in you don't worry about the ones who don't.


Process of maturity is more important than the platform. Just as character is more important than a title. Also honoring your church & tribe is more important than getting likes on facebook. Having a servants heart is first before being a leader. Our faithful giving should be before we ever collect an offering. The word is better taught by living it before you try to impress others on how deep you are in the word. Saying I love you is good but covenant to that love is real love.


Wealth transfer needs to take place in the world. The wealth needs to come into the Ekklesia. Many our holding onto wealth that they were suppose to give to those God has spoken to them about. Just as they laid wealth at the apostles feet so they can share with others so that not one person lacks among them. This will began to happen again in his Ekklesia.


We need transformed sons that represent the kingdom in the earth not orphans with untransformed souls. Orphan souls never go through the process to bring them into a huios son a mature son. The mature sons will manifest in the earth to deliver this world from its corruption. Orphans are full of information but never come into operating as a transformed son.


Unity is not conformity unity its when we are all different but come together as one in him. Unity is where leaders can honor each other's different assignments, calling and graces. Unity is when we prefer to one another as better then self. Unity is when we focus more on the cause instead of the indifferences. Unity is when we celebrate other tribes and ministers when their not from the same tribe. Unity is when we can learn from one another without competing with each other. Those who walk in this Unity will see the anointing of God flow in their midst and thats where God will command his blessings.


Spiritual Fathers don't chase after sons. Sons seek after a father as fathers chase our heavenly fathers heart. Fathers believe in order in the body of Christ. They never participate in disorderly behaviors to gain sons. They protect the Ekklesia order and the unity of the body of Christ.


The Lord is so good let us go to the house of the Lord and give him praise. Lets go and assemble out of love for one another. There is nothing like the corporate anointing.


When we know our Christ for who he really is then we will start to see who we really are in his image.

And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory!

Colossians 3:4 TPT


God expects us to obey and keep our word. He doesn't punish us if we don't we punish ourselves. God only gives more to the faithful. If you can't be faithful with little how can you be faithful with more. So those who disobey and dont keep their word are unfaithful. They are always struggling with life and ministry. So they fake spiritual success which is why so many have just become religious.


It's not just knowing the word but experiencing the word that makes it so powerful. Thats why knowledge plus experience produces the fruit of transformation and kingdom advancement.


Time for kingdom order and maturity especially from leaders


The kingdom of God operates by righteousness. His kingdom is always bringing order to this world through his sons. Kingdom order is by the pattern that Christ provided as the chief cornerstone. There are many voices out there not building according to pattern. They build out of a world church system instead of the pattern of his kingdom. The pattern Christ provided brings us together as one corporate son in the earth. The pattern is governed by the Holy Spirit that imparts gifts and authority to believers to bring to pass Gods orginal plan for heaven and earth to be one. He gave us righteousness through Christ and righteousness gives us the grace to operate as sons like Christ did when he was in the earth. Christ is bringing everything to order after his father's heart. Delivering this earth from its destruction that came through the fall of man. Bringing many sons into his glory. So stop listening to the news and rumors of wars and the end of the world giving us fear and hopelessness. Listen to the word that is bringing salvation to the whole world.


Please Share This is going to be powerful. The office of the Prophet and the gift of prophecy. Lets bring biblical order back to the prophetic.


The glory filled the earth

I had a dream and a saw all of America covered with the Goverments of our Christ and his kingdom. Every state had an Apostle & Prophet that were gathering the fivefold together out of love for one another. In every state there was a full representation of Kingdom goverments. The Holy Spirit was governing through the sons of God. Their message was the Christ the cross the kingdom, sonship, goverments, the equipping and sending of the saints. Then the glory begin to fill the whole nation and I saw the light of God swallow up darkness. The mercy of God covered the whole nation and souls were being transformed. The local houses of worship were filled to capacity and whole cities were being converted to kingdom order. This begin to spead into other nations until the whole earth was covered with his glory. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. The kingdoms of this world will bow to the kingdom of our God.


Getting spiritually fed is very important. Those who you recieve food from when its mixed with wrong ingredients. They may give you scripture but it also come with ingredients from the heart of a person. If they are religious, rebellious, proud, angry and fake. They impart with the scripture who they are as a person. Thats why you have to look at their fruit. How many ministries have they left blaming the other ministries. Dont get caught up on how spiritual and theological they look. Look at their fruit. Look at their relationships with their leaders are they honorable and humble. Do they walk in integrity and faithfulness and do they stay in covenant with others. Remember with all the food we eat its the wrong ingredients that cause all the problems.


Apostles are called of God and are needed in every church to impart not to control. True Apostles that are true to their call will go through a process of character development. They never rush into operating in their call and many are hidden from it until the Lord makes them ready. Apostle learn to be faithful sons in the kingdom before they operate as fathers. The reason there are few fathers is because many refuse to go through the process. The process of growing in maturity with true integrity or dying to self.


Mature leaders are those that live and transform into Christ likeness

Its not all the stuff we say we do or know that makes us ready as leaders.

Its how much have we have matured and remained faithful to the things we have already been given.

To churches we attend and to fathers we have accepted.

How we treat our spouces and our kids.

Have we developed a true servants heart. Not a servant that acts like a servant until things don't go our way.

How humble have we have become which is demonstrated by our submission to those called to our life as fathers, mentors and peers.

Do we have a listening ear or do we know more then everyone else.

Can we work with other as a team preferring others better then ourself.

Are we a person of righteousness aligning ourself to Gods will not our will.

God is looking for mature leaders today not just leaders.


There was a time I put alot of prayer praying for the ministry and praying for the network and churches.

Then one day when I was praying God spoke to me and said your praying to much for the wrong thing.

He said you need to spend more time praying for the people.

Because if there was no strong people their is no strong ministry.

If all the people are bound, broke, sick and in bondage.

If the people are immature and Christ has not been formed in them.

The ministry is nothing but a religious entity.

Pray for and be more in love with the people then the ministry.

Spend time praying for them to grow and to overcome.

Pray for their marriages and children. Pray for their health and finances.

The healthier the people the healthier the ministry.

The more the people are in love with God the more you can advance the kingdom.

The more the people are living righteousness the more my sons will reign in life.

Pray for the people they are the church and if you pray for them they will learn to love one another.

Pray for the people so that they represent my kingdom correctly.






Religious spirits never handle kingdom order right. Thats because they are religious.


When our hearts are pure we will see things with pure discernment. We will see what most people dont see because of their religious and toxic hearts.

Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

Matthew 5:8 NKJV


Leviathan is to the Apostolic what Jezebel is to the Prophetic.

The Apostle’s maturing process always requires them to overcome pride and independence that comes from the ability to build and produce.

The Prophet’s maturing process always requires them to overcome manipulation and control (aka witchcraft) that comes from the ability to see and know.

In both cases we must overcome the temptation to use the gift for self-glorification instead of for the glory of Jesus. The authority and the blueprint belong to Him. When fivefold apostles and prophets are divorced from Lordship they will operate in a false anointing and lead others into sin, pain and bondage.


When does an Apostle or Prophet begin to operate in a false anointing versus just being immature?

It can look the same on the outside, which is why we have to be matured in community (people need to know us over time). No one becomes a mature anything in complete isolation from the body. (I’ll note that sometimes periods of consecration/isolation are a PART of the process, but at some point one must be confirmed with others according to the witness of the Spirit). Remember it’s not the calling that’s usually “false”, it’s the person. Someone can be a “called prophet” and still be a “false prophet”. How?

The interesting thing is that most five fold will have to overcome many of the things that ultimately would draw them into false authority, but just because they are in the process of overcoming some of those strongholds doesn’t make them false, it makes them immature- (an Apostle overcoming independence or a Prophet overcoming control for example).

Here’s where I think the division line belongs- The ones who remain SURRENDERED to the wilderness process eventually deal with all these things. As they die to themselves, they are able to come into maturity. You see a track record of the fruit of their life and ministry getting better and better over time. Those who abandon the process and reject the wilderness typically end up embracing and giving themselves over fully to a false version of the mantle. This is when self-deception takes deep roots. Because they are entangled in demonic bondage unchecked, the fruit of their ministry and life eventually becomes worse and worse.. bad fruit, sin and fall out… and all the while they are in deception about it all. They rejected the pruning of God, where many things would have been cut off that were instead allowed to mature to full destructive capacity.

As a rule of thumb- we typically think we’re “done” with the process long before we’re done with the process. Let godly people around you and the witness of the Spirit promote you. This is another reason why self-promotion and gift-based promotion is so extremely dangerous.

Stay surrendered to the process with Holy Spirit for fruit that remains. It always takes time. God is not as urgent as we are.


We will be starting a new kingdom Ekklesia plant in south Ontario CA in June. This one will be built by the master builder our Christ. We will equip saints as an apostolic people. This will be a full five fold ministry church. It will be a sending place and a process place of maturing sons of God. I have planted over 10 churches but this will be the first kingdom plant church. Please keep us in your prayers.


Where is the fear of the Lord in the church. People today say or do anything without the fear of God. Not the fear of punishment but the fear to never wantng to dishonor God or what God is doing. The fear of getting out of alignment with God. The fear of speaking things causing discord in the body. The fear of rebellion against the authorities that God has chosen.

And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”

Job 28:28 NKJV


Pray for the pastors

Pray for your pastors they deal with alot and get the blame when people leave. The people usually feel sorry for the one who left that wasn't right with God. The pastor has to withhold information to not exspose the one that left. Yet some how religious people blame the pastor like he is the bad person. The pastors goes out of their way and lay down their lives to help people. Some of these people were messed up and the pastor still gave them love, position and new relationships to help them. Yet many forget what their life was like when they first came and how greatful they were. Until they have to be corrected or not given position and praise that they now think they deserve. Yet when they leave some how no one is concerned about the pastor and his family. Many people go listen to the lies of the one who's heart and behavior is wrong. God help our pastors and bring them loyal people who know how to discern right by the Holy spirit.


Gods looking for doers not talkers. We don't need busy bodies we need people by Gods grace advancing his kingdom. Not just having little bless me meetings and talking on facebook. Lets do some heavy lifting and build some things that joins the body, establishes true goverments, set some elders in cities and shifts territories. Not just having our little goose bump services with a few signs and wonders thats baby stuff. Lets really see Christ formed in some people bringing them into true maturity. Now were talking some adult stuff. Lets eat some meat and get off the milk and I'm not talking theological head knowledge. I'm talking about behavior shifts into Gods image and likeness. I'm talking about sons becoming fathers to produce more sons of God in the earth. I'm talking about order bringing things back to the Christ pattern. I'm talking about righteousness bringing alignment and order to the body of Christ then to the cities. I'm talking about leaders to stop the competition, Jealousy and the hating. I'm talking about humility and true submission. I'm talking about going through a process of accountability until Christ be formed in all of us. Dying to ourself and and stop pretending to be something we are not. Stop wanting the praises and acceptance of men and start knowing who we are in Christ as his kings and priest.


Graced with authority when dealing with spiritual opposition as Apostles. Apostles are pioneers and are to break through things that takes greater amounts of grace. So before you titled your self as an apostle you better consider the opposition that goes with the calling of an apostle. The grace needed to reset the culture in religious regions. The grace needed to endure greater amounts of persecution. The grace needed to deal with out of order leaders. The grace needed financially for favor outside of the normal church collections of tithes and offerings. The grace needed to stand alone at times and persevere through tough terrains. There is a grace given by the Lord not to titles but to true called Apostles.

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