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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
Joseph Prince (40) - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of Todd Coconato


Todd Coconato is a pastor/evangelist, national speaker, radio host, and Christian commentator.

Here is what I believe we need to do in this season. I am taking my own advice here.

1. Consecrate ourselves. Search our hearts and ask the Lord (His Holy Spirit) if there are any areas we need to change in our lives and repent of.

2. Stop allowing distractions to consume us. We can’t run to people to get daily words. We need to hear from God ourselves and seek His face. We must have an active prayer life. “My sheep hear my voice”.

3. Humble ourselves. The pride in the church has gotten out of control. When/if we consecrate, it should immediately humble us as we get rid of unnecessary flesh, vain imaginations, and ungodly desires.

4. Stop comparing. Each of our callings is different and unique. Seek to please God. Do what is right in His eyes and walk worthy of the calling. This will grant His favor and anointing.

5. Stop making idols. There should not be any “jockeying” or desire to be part of a “cool crowd”. We can definitely have mentors, elders, friends, key alignments, and people we look up to in the ministry, but this doesn’t mean we pledge our allegiance to men over God.

6. Get away from sin. Come out from among the world (Babylon) system and live in a way that is set apart and reflects our faith. Raise our children in the ways of the Lord and teach them His Word. Close open doors.

7. Know the Bible. This is the roadmap. Hide it in your heart. This is how we get our faith.

8. Make disciples. Be about the great commission. Be a soul winner. This is the main thing.

9. Do what is right. Don’t fleece the Saints, don’t sell gimmicks and marketing strategies. Be real. Be authentic.

10. Repent. Live a lifestyle of repentance. Be a person who is after God's heart.

11. Be a “pure stream”. Stop trying to fit in with others who are not in the same mindset. God is looking for people who are willing to get rid of the “leaven”. What fellowship does light have with darkness?

12. Don’t compromise. We will never have to compromise to get to our calling.

13. Cry out to God. Pray for this nation and the church. Get involved when God says to do so. Be active in the community. Faith without works (action) is dead. Christians need to occupy and go out. We can’t leave vacuums in areas like politics and others where the church historically hasn’t been engaged.

14. Go deeper. Get on fire for God. Stay on fire for God.

15. Get out of the rat race. It’s unhealthy and won’t get you anywhere anyways. It will only cause unneeded stress and warfare.


The reason why many Christians are getting confused with new age is because of the lack of Bible knowledge and teaching. Bible study is essential. We must know it and hide it in our hearts! Let’s get back to the main thing!


Red-meat Christianity?

Many people are looking for an exotic version of Christianity. Whatever the latest “it” thing is in the church. It’s like red meat. And it hurts people because it isn’t focused on the Bible but on being new and having some type of secret knowledge that makes you feel like you have some inside information.

Here is the problem, if the Gospel message and Bible are boring and you seek something exotic, it’s no different from some of the other incorrect teachings and even other false religions. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We will not be sustainable in Christ unless we build our house on a firm foundation. His word is also the same yesterday, today, and forever, and was there in the beginning. No one is to change or usurp the word of God.

Anytime someone seeks an exotic version of “Christianity,” this should be a red flag as that is only sustained by someone else’s personality or the latest thing they say or come up with. It also creates a dependency on a person rather than hearing from God.

There are many arguments about this because people don’t want their party to be rained on, but if you want to endure until the end, the key is to get back to the Bible, souls, and Kingdom business and to study yourself approved!

Faith comes from hearing, hearing the word of God! There is no biblical argument for this red-meat version of Christianity. That’s why people have to make up excuses and reflect and deflect when it’s confronted.

Look, God didn’t spare my life from 9 stab wounds so that I would lie to you. I love you enough to tell you the truth. And by the way, I’m far from perfect. But that doesn’t mean I will simply give in and go along with it all. You can take it or leave it, but I will not be pressured into lying to you or going along with things that go against biblical Christianity.

I could quickly point out many things, do many videos breaking them down, and show facts laid out with scripture, but I am simply warning the Saints that we need to course correct and get back to the business of the Lord.


Water baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It’s also a commandment of the Lord.



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Restoring the biblical foundation in the church is essential for maintaining a strong, authentic Christian faith. In an ever-changing world, grounding the church in the timeless truths of the Bible helps to preserve its core beliefs and values. A solid biblical foundation provides clear guidance for the church's mission, strengthens believers' faith, and fosters a deeper understanding of God's character and plan. By adhering to biblical principles, the church can effectively navigate societal challenges, foster spiritual growth, and ensure that it remains a beacon of hope and a source of truth for all who seek it.


Sometimes it’s harder to get people to believe what’s true, than it is to get them to stop believing a lie.


Walking in Wisdom and Discernment: Navigating Through the Sea of New Age Deceptions

As we gather today, I am burdened to address a topic that has infiltrated our society and even the church - the rise of false New Age teachings. In a world awash with spiritual ideologies and alluring doctrines, we are called to be vigilant, wise, and discerning.

Let us delve deep into the Word of God to understand the contrasts between New Age philosophies and sound Christian doctrine, as well as how to overcome the spirit of Jezebel that seeks to ensnare us.

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How do you know if a preacher is a false preacher according to the Bible?

In the Bible, there are several criteria given to help identify false preachers. These criteria can be found in various passages, and they highlight the importance of discernment and testing the teachings of spiritual leaders.

Here are some key points to consider:

1. **Contradiction to Scripture:** False preachers may teach doctrines that are inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible. In Acts 17:11, the Bereans are commended for examining the Scriptures daily to see if what they were being taught was true.

2. **Immoral Behavior:** False preachers may demonstrate a lifestyle that contradicts the moral standards set by the Bible. Jesus warns about false prophets who come in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves, and He says you will recognize them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20).

3. **Greed and Exploitation:** 2 Peter 2:3 refers to false teachers who, in their greed, will exploit people with false words.

4. **Denial of Jesus' Nature:** False preachers may deny fundamental truths about Jesus Christ, such as His divinity or His unique role as the Savior of humanity. 1 John 4:1-3 warns against false spirits that do not confess Jesus as Lord and Christ.

5. **Promotion of False Signs and Wonders:** Jesus warns about false christs and false prophets who will perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matthew 24:24).

6. **Self-Centered Focus:** False preachers may draw attention to themselves rather than directing people to God and His Word. The focus should be on the Gospel, not on the preacher's charisma or personal achievements.

It's important to note that not all pastors or preachers who make mistakes are automatically false preachers. We must have grace and remember people are people. We shouldn’t put anyone on a pedestal, but we should honor real leaders as the Bible says to do so.

Everyone is human and may err. However, if someone consistently and knowingly promotes teachings that are clearly in opposition to the Bible or demonstrates characteristics consistent with false preaching, it is essential for believers to be discerning and seek the truth according to God's Word.

Remember, the Bible encourages believers to be discerning and to test all teachings against the standard of Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1). Seeking wisdom through prayer and studying the Bible will help followers of Christ identify false preachers and remain steadfast in the truth.


The only solution for America and this world is a major move of God. That’s why our number one focus is souls. We must get back to teaching and preaching the entire Word of God!


There are literal witches masquerading as “prophets”! Test the spirits! Don’t fall for the counterfeits!


I believe the Lord is testing me. Saying “Todd, are you willing to speak the truth even when it costs you finances, followers, likes, friendships, speaking engagements, and popularity”?

The truth is…no matter what, I have to choose the truth. Those things are not the reason I do what I do. I care too much about righteousness. I care too much about YOU!

I love the Lord with all my heart. I want to please HIM! I serve an audience of One. In the end, it’s the TRUTH that sets the captive free!

Christians are known by their fruit and Gods love. Not everyone who claims Christ is of Him.


God often likes to call me around 3am. How many have gotten that same call?


17 years pastoring in Los Angeles (top) and now a new chapter of ministry in north Nashville (below).

So much is different…yet the mission remains the same—SOULS & Kingdom business!

Tomorrow we will have the grand opening celebration night. The “RRC”. (Remnant Revival Center)

Address: 425 East Main Street, Gallatin, Tennessee.


Thank you to everyone who has helped and sowed into this Kingdom work. We greatly appreciate you and your heart to partner with this ministry and mission! God is on the move!

Expectant and excited for tomorrow!

Vision to fruition!!!!


A season of BIG faith! The hour is late!

THANK so much to those who have given! We appreciate you more than words!

Please pray about sowing into our building fund. We are on a mission and ramping up toward May 5th, 2023!!!

We know returning to God is the only way this nation will change.

We have some needs...Please pray about these.

We need chairs and seating. ($3000)

We need livestream equipment ($3500)

We need a sound equipment ($850)

We need cords. ($400)

We need a platform ($1000)

We need church computers ($2500)

These are just a few of the things we need to purchase this month. Please pray about helping us in this very exciting time and season.

We want to see the altars full every night!!!!

I believe God honors the seeds planted.

To give and partner you can go to

Thank you.


Sunday Service @ The Remnant with Pastor Todd Coconato | "The Cross and The Lamb"

Our website is (if you want to get in touch with us, use the "contact us")

To give, please go to


It’s time to get our houses in order. 
Eyes on Jesus! No fence sitting here on out…


American Christian’s have been so inundated with inspirational and positive feel good messages for so many years now that many don’t know how to discern the times nor want to hear anything other than positive feel good things. It’s concerning.


If someone has a critical spirit, and posts something demeaning or inappropriate on our pages, we just block and move on. At this point, I don’t engage critical spirit type people as I simply don’t have the time. Too many hungry people that want Godly advice and counsel to deal with the draining people who just want to argue.

Pastor Todd @ Harvest Sound Church: "You were made for a time as this"


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We need to make the main thing, the main thing again.

God is saying this to me in prayer today: He wants to move in a mighty and powerful way in this generation. In such a way that we have yet to see. There is a tremendous harvest before us. Is the church ready for this?

This is a period of cleaning and right-setting. Much needed and necessary to go where we are about to go. We have to repent of aligning with and/or falling into vein imaginations. False prophecy and teaching must be repented of. Repentance will clean the slate and heart. It will set us up for success in our walk and as a Body!

We must be teachable, willing to hear the voice of the Lord, and obey. We must be real and authentic in our desire to be in Gods will-not our own. To do His work, not our own. It will not work to be powered by flesh. Not in this hour. We must be led and guided by the Spirit. We must adhere to sound doctrine and teaching. Everything else is an aberration.

Strive for consecration. Holiness, righteousness. Gods word.

Don’t compare.

Don’t get ahead of God.

Don’t try and make it happen.

Create in us a clean heart, renew a right spirit within us. Hallelujah! Let it be so!


I am so humbled and blessed by what God is doing in availing this space for us to meet and hold gatherings, prayer sessions, and so much more in Gallatin, Tennessee starting May 5th, 2023!

We will also meet THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! (details on this Facebook page a few posts back)

Please pray about partnering with us at this time. This is truly a grassroots effort, and we are taking a major move of faith!

We appreciate this remnant community so much. You all saw this happen from vision to fruition. Your prayers and encouragement made this all happen.

To help give, please go to

Thank you so so much. So many lives will be touched at this location. I truly believe it!


Pastor Todd Coconato is a national speaker, evangelist, radio host, and Christian commentator.

Pastor Todd Coconato is an ordained minister since 2004. He is also a national speaker and evangelist.

Pastor Todd appears in the media, and speaks at conferences, churches, and events.

He is the President of the Religious Liberty Coalition (RLC), which is a non-profit, national coalition of pastors and ministry leaders. He is also the founder of Remnant News, which is a Christian News publication. Todd is the host of the radio show "The Todd Coconato Show -- The Remnant" and serves as the head of Todd Coconato Ministries.

Pastor Todd is fervently praying and believing for revival and spiritual awakening in the United States and beyond.


We don’t usually post this, but it’s worth noting…

This month we have seen over 150 salvations of people either in person or reaching out regarding their accepting the Lord Jesus Christ during a Sunday service broadcast. God is good!

Over 1 million people have visited the websites in the last two months.

Over 100K have downloaded the podcasts in the last 2 months.

And we have sent emails to over 150K people this month with our newsletter.

Also, we have had over 200K people watch our broadcasts this month on social media, Brighteon TV, HisGlory TV, AMP news, and on the Remnant Channel.

We have broadcast radio on 93.3FM RealTalk Radio (and their app) as well as on WCF radio app worldwide. Thank you to both of these stations!

We are making an important stand. We are reaching people with the truth of Jesus Christ in this critical hour. This is a frontline effort.

Now, we are embarking on a major walk of faith as we step into this new season and open the Remnent Revival Center here in Nashville, TN. Look what the Lord has done!

YOU are a major part of this remnant warriors. We simply could not do this without you!

We need your help!

Please consider partnering with us at Please pray about being a monthly partner as to stand we us as we take this timely stand for righteousness as the word of God instructs!

If not now, when?

If not us, who?

If not here, then where?

Thank you so much!

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