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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Vain Babblings of False APOSTLE DON HUGHES


Finally been through enough and proved God's Word over and over that I now have something to say.


Alignment also defines as proper positioning and adjustment The Holy Spirit is making adjustments within his body in the same way a chiropractor does. Proper adjustment brings alignment thus the body functions at its "full" potential. Just saying... . The main tool of the chiropractor is his hand. The hand of God (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) is aligning his body to produce its full potential in this new season. Selah !!!

Much love


Leadership is not for the weak hearted, it is not for the easily offended, it is not for those who walk in unforgiveness, it is not for those who won't release their past and use that as an excuse as to why they "are the way they are."

Leadership is not for those who wear their feelings on their shoulders, it is not for a novice (newly come into the faith), it is not for those who cause division or suspicion (suspicion is not discernment), it is not for those who think they have arrived and know all, it is not for those who can't repent, apologize, or at least attempt to make things right.

These are things I know from 48+ years of being on both sides of the coin, right and wrong, humble and self-righteous, cocky and confident, receiving correction and rejecting it, being talked about and talking about others.

Keeping it real!


Just gonna say this! They may be your pastor but not be your spiritual father.


After years of being encouraged by men and women of God, minister's, and even business folks to consider a partnership program for our ministry, I have sought counsel and tonight officially launching:

"Kingdom Restorations 100" partnership program.

We are believing for 100 monthly partners (individuals, families, churches, minister's, and business leaders) at a minimum of $25 a month.

You can email me at:

We will set you up whichever way is most convenient for you. Zelle, PayPal, Venmo. Cashapp, Debit or Credit Card.

Thank you in advance for your prayerful considering and much love to you and yours.

We will keep you posted as the partnerships begin to come in.

Dr. Don Hughes

Apostolic Leader

Rev House Fellowship

Love & Unity Senior Concil

RHSOM (Rev House School of Ministry)

Author/Mentor/Spiritual Father to some.

I heard this today in my coffee/quiet time.

Spirit FILLED and doing what???


Dr. Don Hughes


Bishops don't commission Apostles!!!

If they can't speak honest and open to you, if you don't want to hear, they are not your spiritual father or mother.

They are an acquaintance.

Dr. Don Hughes


Apostolic Leader


It is high time for the mature son, the true Ekklesia to arise and reveal His Kingdom. We should be about the Father's business just like Jesus was about His father's business. Not our own agendas, not an island to ourselves but a corporate Christ in the earth, working together to promote love and unity among our brethren.


Dr. Don Hughes


The message of the Kingdom is being released and revealed in a dimension like never before. Religious blinders are being removed!


So called prophetic words used about the time they take an offering. Hummmmm? ??


Im NOT against the words, I'm against the spiritual prostitutes abusing them for their own gain against immature, hurting, WOUNDED gullible, last hope Christians


Godly counsel is not control...

There is safety (wisdom) in the multitude of counsel...Proverbs 11:14...

Far too many are searching, looking to find what I call "convenient" counsel...NOT correct counsel...

It is a dangerous slippery slope when one says, "I don't need any man telling me what to do, I just listen to God"...hummm? How is that working for you? Be honest, check the fruit!

I have some men and women in my life that I share my strengths and weaknesses with...

I ask them for counsel, I seek their wisdom, and they are free to challenge me...

That doesn't mean I am weak, it's called wisdom!

It proves I don't know everything and have not always done the right thing in my past and don't want to repeat them...

The difference between "seasoned" leaders and "non-seasoned" leaders is NOT that one is better, more perfect, or necessarily knows more, it's that they have acknowledged when they were wrong, sought godly counsel, repented, learned from and grew through it and fruit now exist in that area.


Dr. Don Hughes

Apostolic Leader

Rev House Fellowship


The prophet said, God open my servants eyes that he may see what I already know (Hughes paraphrase) 2 Kings 6:17


Stop chasing the spectacular and just live in the supernatural!


Many folks run quickly "from" discipleship like they run quickly "to" Walmart for black Friday...selah!


Do NOT prophecy out of your flesh, feelings, emotions, or political views, you prophecy from the spirit, by the spirit, through the spirit. Remember, it is called the "spirit of prophecy." Also, what is the scriptural foundation for the "word?" God is Spirit, however He is also the Word, you can't operate in one without the other.


Our gifts are NOT our own, God gave them to us, until we use them and SERVE in His Kingdom, we think we own them.


Minister's of the Gospel, be careful that you don't become judge and jury on every single post that other minister's post. You nor I know everything! I've been in this 48 years and I'm still learning, growing and being challenged on things. It's ok to admit we don't know everything and are still hungry for growth.


Quiet time, drinking my coffee and I sense this so strongly, OK, I tell you what, I'll declare it with you now, outloud:

I love you, I forgive you, I release you, I bless you, I wish God's best for you...


It is really not about how many people go to the altar and how often as much as it is about how many people leave changed.


Revealing the clarity of scripture through the lense of kingdom truth, not the glasses of religious minsets and structures, especially concerning what Jesus said, why he said it and who he said it to is a matter of life or death. Selah!!!


The wilderness is NOT punishment from God, it is preparation for your purpose and destiny. It's a removal of anything that would hinder your destiny. No matter who or what that might be. They all won't go with you. Selah!


There is a BIG difference in teaching on "what people want to hear" verses what "they need to hear!"


Lead Instructor at REV House School of Ministry, RHSOM

Apostolic Leader/REV House Ministries, REV House Fellowship at REV House


Come Join us this Sunday, April 2nd, 2023, at 10amCST for a Meeting of Destiny with Apostle Dr. Don Hughes at The Way to Jerusalem Church.


When God plants you in a place, brings confirmation of it, He doesn't change his mind in a couple weeks. "WENT" or "SENT"...not the same. You thinking you are ready and leaving before your forming process hardly ever ends well.

I know from my own mistakes in my past.

Dr. Don Hughes


Remember, every decision you make is not always going to be the right one. Shake yourself, don't allow people or the enemy to bring you into self pity. Kick the dust off, stand straight and put your hand back on the plow of kingdom work. Your not perfect, welcome to the ministry.


Dr Hughes


Godly counsel is not control...

There is safety (wisdom) in the multitude of counsel...Proverbs 11:14...

Far too many are searching, looking to find what I call "convenient" counsel...NOT correct counsel...

It is a dangerous slippery slope when one says, "I don't need any man telling me what to do, I just listen to God"...hummm? How is that working for you? Be honest, check the fruit!

I have some men and women in my life that I share my strengths and weaknesses with...

I ask them for counsel, I seek their wisdom, and they are free to challenge me...

That doesn't mean I am weak, it's called wisdom!

It proves I don't know everything and have not always done the right thing in my past and don't want to repeat them...

The difference between "seasoned" leaders and "non-seasoned" leaders is NOT that one is better, more perfect, or necessarily knows more, it's that they have acknowledged when they were wrong, sought godly counsel, repented, learned from and grew through it and fruit now exist in that area.


Dr. Don Hughes

Apostolic Leader

Rev House Fellowship

I Speak Into This Week On My Knees!

This shall be a week of Back To Back Testimonies!

I Prophesy, you and your household shall testify to the goodness of God this week!

You shall be the Head and not the tail!

You shall be Above and not below!

You shall be Blessed and not cursed!

You shall be blessed in all ramifications !!!

Receive it IJN!!!!

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