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Joseph Prince (11) - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg

False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Prophet
Joseph Prince (11) - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Robbie van Staden

"Lance Wallnau is a new age warlock posing as a Christian minister." If he were of God he’d be preaching the original Gospel and all of it’s doctrines. God is turning you over to “strong delusion” for rejecting His truth – for rejecting Christ for a sinful man who is Christ’s enemy (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

The “modern apostles” who want to reshape America and the world ahead of the end times (with an emphasis on prosperity of course)

NAR Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
Unbiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,

deceiving, and being deceived."

2 Timothy 3:13 (AKJB)

The UnBiblical Prophecies and Vain Heretical Babblings and Jangles of False Prophet Lance Wallnau

Self-Acclaimed Intro

Speaker, Author, CEO Lance Learning Group



Global Chaos and Prophecy: How far are we into the Last Days?

Today's broadcast challenges common perceptions of Jesus among Christians, suggesting that a different view of Christ is needed. The left has taken over the key mountains of culture, and the church so far hasn't fought back. We need to understand that there is a warrior aspect to Jesus, so join Lance as he shares prophets and passages from the bible about Jesus coming back to judge nations.


Unveiling the Prophetic Patterns: From Isaiah to Cyrus, Lessons for America's Destiny

On today's broadcast, Lance discusses major revelations around the end times and God's plan for rebuilding his house. He draws parallels between events in the Bible and current world events, and argues that God is raising up a new ecclesia made of small groups with divine assignments. It's of huge importance that Christians engage in government and occupy the gates of influence. Check out this explosive perspective on God's plans and the role of the church.


Understanding Israel’s Prophetic Place in the End Times Puzzle

On today's broadcast, we're discussing current events in Israel and how they relate to biblical prophecy. Lance and Mercedes analyze recent history in the region and argue that events fulfill Jesus' prediction of Jerusalem being surrounded by armies. You don't want to miss this as we critique common narratives about peace processes and identifies lies told about the conflict.


The "Last Days Glory Basket" highlights the disposition of God's Abundance. He does not want us just to "make it" but to have more than enough.

In every move of God, it's God's nature to give you more than you use. The Last Days Glory Basket looks at Biblical heroes and the anointing that is "left over" for our use today. In this session, you'll open our eyes to how we as believers can reach into the portion of everything God ever provided that was never used. Every miracle now, in the Bible, has the potential for going farther than its application in the Bible - because there was always more there.

There were fragments left of the abundance of God that must be used. He believes that we're living in a time when all of the miracles and experiences in the Bible are going to be accessed and manifested in one generation.

As believers, we must see what is in heaven that we have access to now. By walking out with God now what we see in the future we can continue to bring heavenly solutions and glory manifestations to our culture.


Your Angels Are Waiting For You To Do This

On today's broadcast, we're discussing how to get clear on convergence, and the need for the church to work together in unity, no matter the challenges we face. Lance shares the ultimate test for all of us and why God chooses people perfectly adapted to the assignment he gives them. We're exploring everything from revival and religious spirit to hate speech laws, so you don't want to miss this!


How to Receive Your Reward at the Judgment Seat

Explore the complex nature of Jesus in this thought-provoking episode, where we challenge common perceptions and reveal his roles as both a forgiving figure and a firm judge. Dive into stories of miraculous healings, joyful gatherings, and a unique tale of sacrifice, ensuring an eye-opening and enriching experience for all our viewers.


Unveiling the Antichrist: what’s holding him back?

Today's episode examines the conflict in Israel through a prophetic lens, linking current events to biblical end-times prophecies. America's global influence is secretly restraining forces that want to usher in a new world order, but this restraint may not last much longer. We're drawing intriguing parallels between past and future prophecies and raising questions about what may soon be unleashed on the global stage. If you want to know how it could all unfold and if America's days as a "superpower" may be numbered - you should tune in to today's broadcast!


America’s Future might surprise you: End Time Events and the U.S.A.

On today's broadcast, we're diving into what lies ahead as we dissect prophecies about geopolitical power shifts, the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, and the emergence of a mysterious world leader. We're exploring the identity and origins of the Antichrist and when he may emerge based on passages from Daniel and Thessalonians. Join our discussion challenging common assumptions while raising thought-provoking connections between ancient warnings and modern developments in the Middle East. The big question is whether current events may set the stage for civilization-altering changes foretold long ago.


Strategies for Spiritual Growth: Thriving in Uncertain Times

Have you ever felt stuck in life, unable to achieve your dreams? Today's podcast explores how past experiences program our beliefs and limit us. Lance shares a powerful process for examining your life story with new eyes to rewrite the narrative. Carl and Mercedes discuss unlocking your hidden potential through reframing your identity and past. Discover the keys to transforming your life and destiny on today's show!


Why you need to rethink what you were told about the Last Days

Join us as we dive deep into the prophetic insights and revelations about God's ultimate plan for the nations. Discover the secrets of End Time Jesus, the shaking of nations, and the rise of the charismatic church in this captivating discussion. You won't want to miss this thought-provoking and inspiring episode that will leave you craving for more divine wisdom and understanding.


Here’s Why The Devil Will Not Stop You Or Get America

There's a different 'you' than the person showing up. If you're in an atmosphere of prophetic worship, decrees, and teaching, and you respond to that atmosphere, you'll be transformed by renewing your mind. A new you will rise from the rubble of the old you. Today we're exploring the difference between revival and reformation centers, the definition of dominion, and why the gates of hell will not prevail in America.


Unraveling the Mysteries: Israel and the United States Prophecies

Embark on a journey through the scriptures as we unlock the prophetic significance of current events and their alignment with the End Times. Discover how the chaos of our age is not without divine order, and learn the keys to navigate these turbulent times with faith and wisdom. This episode is a beacon for believers seeking to stand firm in their calling, offering insights that merge ancient prophecies with our modern world.


God just gave us a warning about 2024

Join us on a compelling journey through the aftermath of recent elections. In this episode, we unravel the complexities of leadership, scrutinize the Republican party's struggles, and gain insights into the cultural undercurrents shaping political landscapes. If you crave a nuanced understanding of recent political shifts then this episode is a must-listen. We're diving deep into the heart of elections, providing thought-provoking perspectives on leadership, party dynamics, and the pivotal choices that will define the nation's trajectory.

Podcast Episode 1188: God just gave us a warning about 2024

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