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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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False Doctrine!   False Teacher!   False Prophet!.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
Cult Supporter
UnBiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of DARREN CANNING


Husband, father, artist, blogger, author, preacher, and world traveler. Seeks God with whole heart.


I declare that you are being washed in the river of God and your afflictions will flow away. The Lord is going to change your circumstances. You will have the mind of Christ that will help you to overcome. You are a conqueror and nothing will take you out. You will have hope in all things.

I declare the gifts of the Holy Spirit pouring out of your life like gold. Everywhere you turn your voice to strengthen people, people will know that God is using you. I see you forming people's lives with the voice of God. I see you walking in the abundance of God's rain and as you walk into places people are getting healed because the Holy Spirit is with you.

I declare that you are a runner in the great race and that you will run the race well. I see all these places along the route where there will be strengthening. I see angels that are assigned to you to bring you water and food to help you run faster and stronger. You will not run out of God's grace so continue to build with him. He will bless you in mighty ways. You will go from strength to strength and from Faith to Faith in the most wonderful way.

Jonny and I are on our way to Cranbrook, BC where tonight we will be doing a meeting with Dennis Hockley. We will be driving close to 2000 kms over the next few days and have four more nights of meetings. God has shown himself powerful in the services and many are being touched deeply.

We are in the Rocky Mountains the next two nights and can use your help to travel. To fill a tank with gas is $80 Cad or about $60 USD plus we will have to get a hotel tomorrow night. If you feel lead you could help with a small donation even $55 or $10 goes a long way on a journey.

You can give by PayPal at

Or if you are Canadian you can give by e-transfer at


Greater measures of peace and joy are coming your way. You will be revived by Jesus


I see a coat hanging on a hook and I heard that this represents a promise that you've been hanging onto. It is a beautiful promise that will manifest in your life. God's promises are yes and amen. I believe that this promise is going to start unfolding. Begin to pray and ask God for clarification and strategy to walk into the things that He has in store. He's a good Father, who gives good gifts to His children. What greater gift can you get, then to have direction to walk in God’s will for your life.


I got a picture of a person who has faced many spiritual headaches. These are problems that have come against you burden you. I declare you're going to fly above the storms like an eagle in the sky. What was meant to destroy you will not destroy you, but you will fly above it. You're going to get the mind of Christ that will help you to enter the greatest things that God has for you and these headaches will end in Jesus’ name.


I saw you crying out to God asking him to speak to you. I declare that he will speak to you and tell you wonderful things (Jeremiah 33:3). As you call out to him in this season expect him to respond. He has plans for you that you cannot even imagine until you hear them. I believe that the Lord will bless you with a joyful heart filled with the oil of his presence.


I see the Lord bringing peace to your body which will bring healing in many ways. I declare distress, anxiety and fear will not prevail against you. I saw what looked like a wild windstorm that came against you that was trying to uproot you. The storm ended, and now you shall see new growth and New Life. You shall see the beginning of something new in this season. A greater understanding and wisdom from God will rest upon you.


Hi everyone, I am glad you joined me today. If you wish to contribute to our online ministry work please go to the following

Or if you are in Canada you can e-transfer to


I saw what looked like a living light that was focussed upon your mind. This is the Holy Spirit, and He will give you divine wisdom and knowledge to help you live the fullest life possible. I see the Lord giving you wisdom even for your health. He will add years to your life in a very simple way. I declare that as you focus upon him you will have great joy at the victories that will come. I see even now God's hand forming a powerful blessing. You will not miss what He is about to do.



On June 15, 2020 I received a word from the Lord that I believe is significant for our day.

I saw in the Spirit a bottle of vintage wine that had been encased in ice for who knows how long. It felt like this wine had been preserved by the Lord from the beginning for our day. In the natural it may be that wine encased in ice would ruin it, but it did not affect this wine. This bottle of wine is the new wine of His Spirit being poured out on His church in these last days. I saw the ice that encased the bottle begin to fall away revealing the bottle. That which has been hidden from the beginning God is now revealing and pouring out upon His church. I got the feeling that God had saved the very best for the last! Ready yourselves with a new wine skin church, because what God is about to pour on His church the world has never seen.


The Father is bringing you down a wonderful path and although it may be narrow, you are going to experience His peace and joy. I see you pilgrimaging with the Lord, and you are not even finding it difficult, because His glory is so strong in your life. I now see you on a mountaintop and you are worshipping the Lord. I feel like prophetic utterances will come forth from you as declarations, that will even touch nations.


It has been a while since I have been online doing ministry. I will be prophesying and praying for you this morning. God is good and He has plans to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future. I believe this with all my heart. It was one of the first things that He spoke to me.

I am about to head out on the roads again for the next two weeks. I will be traveling to 7 different communities in three Canadian Provinces. Perhaps you would like to sow to help us go

You can by


E-transfer for Canadians:

Or Mailing address:

Darren Canning

PO Box 1286

Almonte, Ontario

K0A 1A0


Blessings to you all,


Hi everyone, I am glad you joined me today. If you wish to contribute to our online ministry work please go to the following

Or if you are in Canada you can e-transfer to


I saw the Lord filling all the broken places of your life with the gold of Heaven. Do not fret and do not be afraid the Lord is Redeeming the Times. I declare that even though you have faced many curses you shall be redeemed. The Lord is setting a blessing upon your life, and he will keep you in that place of blessing and whatever the enemy has said that you would never be free of you'll be free of now in Jesus’ name.


In the book of Acts chapter 2 the Holy Spirit fell upon the people, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with fire. This changed them from the inside out. A greater boldness arose in their lives. I see the Lord doing this with you and suddenly you are just ministering to people without fear. This is a new day and God will open for you even to the Nations. God will use you as a voice in this hour.


I pray for all of you that work hard in jobs and do ministry too. I know it takes endurance but God is gracious. You will see blessing and prosperity.



I got a picture of an oil jar that was being poured out over your life. This jar was in the spirit realm and as it poured, I could tell it would never run dry. This is a picture of the anointing that you will walk under. You will be a source of healing and deliverance for many around you. Just walk faithfully each day loving those that you meet. God will use you to touch them deeply with the words that rise from your heart.


I declare that you are a runner in the great race and that you will run the race well. I see all these places along the route where there will be strengthening. I see angels that are assigned to you to bring you water and food to help you run faster and stronger. You will not run out of God's grace so continue to build with him. He will bless you in mighty ways. You will go from strength to strength and from Faith to Faith in the most wonderful way.


I saw you like Jacob and you were wrestling with God. I declare that you will overcome and see new growth in the season ahead. God's revelation will come to you through his word, and you will grow into a giant proclaiming the good things of the Lord to those you meet. It does not matter if you are received or not received. What matters is that you are faithful to what God tells you to do. Wipe your feet and move on and declare his word in other places.


I declare a double portion of God's goodness coming into your life. I declare that there is a well that you will drink of that will never run dry. You are going to taste the goodness of the Lord in this season, and I see a new vitality forming inside of you that will bring you from glory to glory over the next few years.


I declare a double portion of God's goodness coming into your life. I declare that there is a well that you will drink of that will never run dry. You are going to taste the goodness of the Lord in this season, and I see a new vitality forming inside of you that will bring you from glory to glory over the next few years.


I declare a day of breakthrough for you. I am now seeing a new morning. I see you sitting by a lake drinking a refreshing drink and seeing the sunrise in the most beautiful way. To me this is a reflection of the thoughts that God has for your life. They will bring breakthrough and peace.


What I heard was even the Lilies of the Field were dressed much more beautifully than Solomon. God is intimately concerned about the details of your life. You will lack for nothing, but you will rejoice in the supernatural provision that comes to you. Even now I feel like the Lord is going to bring you more than you can even imagine. I declare that you will have a breakthrough financially in the season ahead.


Nothing can stop you. You will accomplish all things you are called to in Christ.


The blood of Jesus has set you free from every curse. I see the Lord cutting every lie from your life. You do not have to perform for God; he loves you like a child. He takes pleasure in just watching you live and play. I declare a new pasture and a new rest coming to you. The Lord is going to guide you into a Greater Hope and a greater peace. I see you standing in a place where you have many choices and each one of them will result in good things.


I saw you seeing things by the Holy Spirit. I feel like you may have been seeing things for a long time. In the beginning it may have been seeing a negative thing like a demonic force trying to harass you. But I declare that in this season God is going to open your eyes in a new way. You will see the mountains of the Lord and the high places. Your life will be transformed by His loving hands touching your life by His Word.


Jesus is taking the wheel. He is going to help you bring back a balance to your life. I feel like some things started to go off the rails, but as you rest in Him in this season this will change. I declare over you even a mantle for seeing in the Spirit which will help you to only step into the things that God has for you. I see you prospering as you seek Him, and an increase in blessings.


I heard an old song that we used to sing when I was young that Jesus was the peace that broke down every wall. I declare all your walls falling like they did in Jericho. You will inherit the lands of the Giants because you will have faith to step into the things that God has ordained for your life. I declare that you will operate in the gift of faith and with the spirit of discernment. You will know the things that you should do that will give glory to God and blessings to you.


I saw some people who tried to throw water on the fire in your life. Forgive them and move on. God is going to use you powerfully. Everything you set your hand to do will be blessed. I see you lifting the heads of those who would have accused you. You will lead the naysayers and the tormentors into their victory. You will be a mature son/daughter of the King.


I saw you as one who was hiking across a great distance. Everyone was surprised because you went further than they thought you could go. I declare that you will have vision for the journey and that you will see the great things that God has in store. You will not fear in faith, and you will build up others. You will be remembered for the love of Jesus flowing through your heart.


I declare that the gift of Prophecy will operate through your life. Many people will come to you to be encouraged by the words of God. The essence of Prophecy is encouragement, comfort and building up the body. You will do this effortlessly. You will not even realize that you are prophesying.


I felt a feeling of absence and sadness. Perhaps you have gone through hard times, and perhaps you are mourning something that you have lost. God will heal that place and fill it with gold. I declare that you will rise out of the ashes of what the enemy did to you and your voice will begin to be heard in a new way.


The Lord wants to unlock your thoughts so that you can receive His supernatural resources. I declare the keys are falling from heaven.

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