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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


False Prophet
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult Supporter
Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical Babblings of False Apostle Chuck Pierce


This is the official Facebook page of Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce.



We are so grateful that you would choose to give into the work of this ministry.  There are many functions of Glory of Zion International. We operate both locally and across the globe in several different facets. Read the information below to gain a better understanding of the categories you can give into.



Glory of Zion International gathers across the world every week. Our local body gathers at the Global Spheres Center in Corinth, Texas while our family from across the globe connects via live stream.



God gave His best, His only son. Therefore, because of our gratitude for that gift, we are excited to give our best. Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats with new wine!” When we give a firstfruits to Him, we continue to move from blessing to blessing.



God came to Israel first to redeem and restore communion to Himself. They are His chosen people. As those (Gentiles) who have been grafted into God’s covenant, we are called to stand and give into His covenant land to be united in faith as “One New Man”. Your giving will help support multiple ministries called to the land of Israel and its people.



Glory of Zion Jerusalem considers God’s desire for the creation of one new man through the salvation of believers from both gentile and Jewish backgrounds to be foundational, both to this ministry and to seeking the restoration of God’s glory in Zion.



We have now entered a harvest season. Each Passover in this 10 year era should be a road sign of us maturing in our harvest mentality.  Now is the time to initiate and make available a new organism for alignment: The Kingdom Harvest Alliance. This alliance will function from Global Spheres Center out of Glory of Zion International Ministries.  This will be a new wineskin that includes each one of us developing a harvest mentality for the sphere and calling we have. 



Stretch out your stakes! The Global Spheres Center is a miracle of restoration, but there’s still land to take. As we continue to expand our reach into the community, your giving is not only helping establish an Apostolic Center, but also creating new boundaries for further community development.



The Israel Prayer Garden is a visual expression of our identification with and support of Israel. The Prayer Garden is constantly changing and evolving to reflect God’s expression of love for His people. Your giving supports this incredible expression of the nature of God.



We believe in freely gathering. Giving towards Conferences means you’re giving towards hosting the presence of God. We appreciate you helping us facilitate others.



Giving into Beulah Acres Center is like giving straight into the community. Whether it be baby showers, farmer’s markets, or holiday festivals, you’re helping provide a place for the community to gather. It’s church outside the four walls.



Apostle Chuck is the point of the arrow that is launched from GZI. He maintains a rigorous travel schedule ministering all over the globe, and oversees a leadership team at home that helps reach millions of people.



GZI has several community sports and local campus outreaches. We also host toy, food, and clothing drives during the holidays, as well as regional benefits and sponsorships throughout the year. Illuminate! Creative Arts Studio and Shiloh Fitness are two of our established



Life happens, but there’s always a way of escape. By giving, you are directly affecting the lives of those hit by disaster. We show mercy because we’ve all needed it.



We enjoy helping the most vulnerable among us; that’s why we support our widows and orphans. Whether it be transportation, housing, medical, or any other need, your giving is helping secure their future.



We are constantly sending out teams to minister, and are so blessed to be a house full of good fruit! If you have a preferred minister you’d like to give into, you may make your designation here. Your seed is being sown throughout the world!




My Wind is Blowing for Your Lost Seeds to Prosper and Bear Fruit!

The Lord is able to shift, transform and accelerate harvest in the earth realm. We must welcome the breath of His Spirit and stir our expectation for the best that is yet ahead. Here is a portion of the prophetic revelation that came forth yesterday. May His wind cause your seed to prosper in new ways.

“The wind of the Lord is changing. What was desolate will spring forth at noonday as the wind blows over it. The seed that was sown yesterday that you thought was lost will begin to spring up for you by the end of the eve. Watch and see My changing wind. Just like Holy Spirit comes as the wind, I Am releasing the wind to come not only from the west and the south, but from the north and the east. One is designed to bring one thing, but the other thing will be brought by a wind that you least expect because the day of restoration has come over you.

“I have placed you in the archway. You have prayed for this, and you have longed for the transformation. I Am extending My hand for you to walk into the place that you previously did not want to go. By my Spirit, I Am going to give you the enablement to do that and put on the clothes that you did not previously want to wear. My clothing is all that you need.

“I sacked up your lost seeds, and I have kept them in a box of remembrance. Now, I Am shaking the box of your lost seed. When I blow My wind and cast those seeds into the wind, they will come back in a new way with many flowers and much fruit!

“We have reached a tipping point! I need you to get your expectation up because I Am getting ready to tip over the bowls! You will see signs, wonders, and miracles! We are at the tipping point!” (Shatece McLeod, Keith Pierce, Mark Waldrep, Chuck Pierce, William Cosey)


I am so grateful for how the Holy Spirit moves and speaks through this prophetic portal. What came forth yesterday will direct your steps and cadence. Don’t stop moving forward in your calling. I encourage you to rehearse and meditate on this portion of revelation that was released during our Celebration Service. Rise up with resurrection power!

“This week will be a time of promotion for My people. You have endured, now step forward. You have resisted, now step forward. I will promote you, favor you and give you an opening you’ve been looking for. Accept your promotion this week! This is a week to walk with the beat of a different drum. Whatever you’ve been walking through and whatever you’ve been walking to, change your cadence, change your beat, and walk to the beat of a different drum!

“This is the time the grave clothes are coming off My people. Where the enemy thought he could kill your dream, where the enemy thought he could kill your finances, where the enemy thought he could put out the future and the destiny I have for you – the wind of My Spirit is blowing, and the fire that used to burn so brightly, the wind is blowing upon that fire once again. The grave clothes are coming off, and resurrection power is coming to My people. I am about to resurrect dreams! I am about to resurrect finances! I am about to resurrect destiny! As the wind - My Spirit - blows upon you, those grave clothes can’t hold back the future that I have for you. You are stepping into a new place, a new season, and I am bringing life to all that the enemy tried to kill. This is resurrection power! Let the wind of God blow upon you! Grave clothes lose their power, resurrection is bringing new life again!

“Raise up your sail! Raise up your sail! That wind is blowing -- raise up your sail and catch that wind! You don’t have to strive forward -- you can fly forward! Catch the wind! I am sending you forth on the field you have not planted. You will reap what you have not sown. I am sending you to a field you have not planted -- go and reap in Jesus’ name!” (Chuck D. Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, John Dickson, Dayna Milam)


We never want to lose our expectation for the supernatural greatness of our God! His power to multiply is beyond what we can ask or imagine. Here is a portion of the prophetic revelation that came forth yesterday. May His desire to multiply your giving unlock the leftovers that will bless many!

“I Am taking away that worry and that anxiety, but you’re going to have to release and let go. I know how hard this is in this moment. There are certain things, little foxes, that are spoiling the entire vine, but I Am here so that you can give that to Me, and I can pour out My love over you. There is an extravagant offering I Am wanting from you so that I can pour out extravagantly over you. If you will take what you have and give it back to Me, then I will multiply it over you. This is a spiritual principle … that if you will give back and dedicate to Me what I have given to you, then you will see what I begin to do with your offering.

“You desire a miracle, but your fears, anxieties, and familiarities have caused you to lose your expectation for supernatural increase. When I multiplied the loaves and the fish, there were basketsful of leftovers. I Am bigger than your fears, bigger than your shortcomings, and bigger than your sin. I love you above and beyond what you can hope. Not only do I want to multiply, but I want to give you leftovers. Break your limited expectation of the power that I have to multiply and do a miracle. When I do a miracle, there are always leftovers to use again and again and again. Sow your seed with the expectation of leftovers, for My multiplication will produce basketsful of leftovers.” (Robyn Vincent, Keith Pierce, Chuck Pierce)

Create a FAITH SPACE! As Robyn Vincent exhorted us on Sunday morning, the Lord is calling His children to step out and away from the familiar and into a new place of faith. This is so important as we prepare to celebrate Firstfruits on Sunday. We do not want to allow any voice of unbelief to remain within the boundaries of our faith space. Tammuz is a month to be brilliant as we worship in spirit and in truth, so determine to advance as a carrier of His glory. When we praise, God comes in and leads us forth. He does not just visit, but He abides and aligns us with Himself and walks with us into the path that He has chosen. This truth is vital for the month ahead, and I hope you will join me on June 18 as we bring our first and best in worship to the Lord.

I am already preparing my Firstfruits offering for this Sunday. You may wonder why Firstfruits giving is so important to me and what it accomplishes. Here are four reasons:

1. Firstfruits giving honors God as your source … a declaration that your blessings come from God!

2. Firstfruits giving sanctifies (makes holy) the rest of your income! (Rom. 11:16)

3. Firstfruits giving releases the fullness of God’s blessing. (Ez. 44:30)

4. Firstfruits giving opens us to receive God’s overflowing provision. (Prov. 3:9-10)

Since I was 18, my whole life has been built around the principle of Firstfruits. I fully believe that understanding and celebrating Firstfruits is the key to prospering in God’s time and order. I hope you will join me this Sunday at 9 AM for our Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Celebration! Following the service, there will be fresh produce and more at the Beulah Acres Farmers Market in The Branch, as well as Shabbat wine and olive oil from Israel at The Vine. You are also welcome to enjoy spending time in the Israel Prayer Garden – which is just breathtaking.

In this month of testing, we want to keep advancing from conflict to conflict until we have been enlarged with a new capacity to overcome. That is why Shabbat is so important – taking time to stop and look at what you’ve been through (and where the enemy tried to stop you) so you can rest and be reset for the next conflict you face off. We have prepared a special Shabbat Service to help you gain wholeness and be sent into the week ahead.

Joining me this evening are Isaac Pierce, Elaine Priestly, Justin Rana and Simon Lyons. We will also have incredible worship, a “Who is Like You” dance with Illuminate, and time in the garden with Tracey Liggett’s newest video. Whether you join live at 6 PM CST or by replay, I declare you will gain a new wind, a new energy, and a new evaluation of your vision to go forward into your future.


God has a Divine Plan for your life! Never let your desires trump God’s purpose for you. As we press towards Passover, the Lord is inviting us to purify our desires so we yearn to be established in the midst of His promises. A great example of this is the life of Moses. His forty-year “desert detour” didn’t stop the Lord’s call on his life nor the destiny of His covenant people.

Just as with Moses, you can move beyond your past mistakes and any “who am I” insecurities. We hope you will join us this Sunday as Chuck Pierce ministers on “Moses: God’s Divine Plan of Deliverance for Your Life!” Our Celebration Service begins at 9 AM CDT with water baptisms, worship, and a call for you to experience the divine return of His purposes!


God has a plan of deliverance for your life! However, we must respond in faith. As I shared from the life of Moses, his mother had three months of faith to hide him from the Egyptians. Her faith act created the future for the nation of Israel. And despite some of his choices, God had been preparing Moses all of his life to be found and used for the Lord’s covenant promises. In this month of Adar, a time of endings and beginnings, I declare you are being sent forth into and through your transition. If you could not join us yesterday, be sure to watch the replay and celebrate His strategy of victory and deliverance for you.


What we are hosting the week of Passover will be historic. Prior to our Passover Celebration, I will be partnering with Apostle Negiel Bigpond for The Gathering of the Sacred Nations of the Land. Never before has an assembly like this occurred in America. If this nation wants to shift, we must see such a gathering where our Native Tribes are brought together to be honored and released as “first”. Without the First People being restored to the authority that God initially gave them over what is now this nation, America cannot be restored.

All of you are invited to join us for The Gathering of the Sacred Nations on April 5-7, 2023, for a historic and spiritual assembly of all 574 Tribes within the boundaries of the United States of America. We know that when this gathering is successful, a nation will return to the blessing that God, our Creator, intended for His creation.

Click here to register to join us -


You are anointed to worship and war! Known as the “King of All Months,” Nisan is associated with the tribe of Judah and is our Passover month. Our praise will help determine our course to conquest, and how we access harvest in the land. How we sow our first and best is so vital, and I hope you will choose to celebrate Nisan Firstfruits this Sunday. Make plans to enter in here at the Global Spheres Center or online at 9 AM CDT and declare that spring has come!


Many times we do not stop to answer questions about who we are and how to fully walk in our gifts and calling. Particularly as we approach this Passover of Conquest, we want to be confident that we are advancing in our Kingdom purpose. James and Stella Timmons are two leaders who I greatly respect in their call to the Body.

For tonight’s Prophetic Empowerment, I have asked them to help all of us consider what defines us and how we accelerate in our calling. I encourage you to join us online at 7 PM CDT for “Identity and Assignment: Advancing in Your Kingdom Purpose!”


Shabbat is key in developing our expectations, and tonight’s online service will help set our course to celebrate the blessings associated with Nisan. Since Judah goes first, our Judah Team will help us form the path of praise to our Nisan Firstfruits Celebration.

Whether you join us live at 6 PM CDT or by replay, we declare your warring worship will be unlocked in this month associated with the tribe who knew how to worship and war!


Welcome to Nisan … our Passover month of conquest! This month (also known as Abib) is not only associated with Judah going first but is also a time when the Firstfruits harvest fully matured. God has an order for breakthrough, and Firstfruits is part of this divine order. When we worship the Lord, what we bring to Him multiplies and our whole “lump” is blessed. What we sow in one season determines our harvest in the next.

Enter into Nisan Firstfruits this Sunday at 9 AM CDT to celebrate and be activated for harvest. I encourage you to bring your first and best in worship, and enter into Robert Heidler’s teaching on “The Hebrew Month of Nisan 2023: A Month to Declare Spring Has Come!” Allow your praise to establish your course to conquest.


This Passover is about conquest! Day by day, we are contending to overcome and cross over into our promise. Although there may be difficulties and resistance, I declare we are a people who will enter our conquest!

We hope you will join us on April 7-9 here at the Global Spheres Center in Corinth, Texas for a CROSSOVER OF CONQUEST!

Chuck D, Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Isaac Pitre, Kent Mattox, Robert Heidler, Venner Alston and other incredible leaders will provide a Passover charge to help us step into our inheritance.

This celebration will begin on Friday, April 7, at 7 PM and conclude on Sunday, April 9, by noon.

Join us onsite or online … YOUR FUTURE AWAITS!


I can sense a growing determination in the Body as we approach Passover 5783. We are being equipped to crossover and possess our promises. We are to be clothed in the power of His might so we can stand and withstand.

As you will hear from Chris Hayward in tonight’s Prophetic Empowerment, the Breastplate of Righteousness is an incredible piece of armor enabling us to be strong in the Lord. We must walk in a grace dimension to overcome in the season ahead. And as Pasqual Urrabazo shares this evening, we must also be prepared to watch, stand fast in faith, and be brave and strong to secure the harvest.

I encourage you to join us online at 7 PM CDT to be activated and sent forth to vanquish the darkness!


Prior to our Passover Celebration, Chuck D. Pierce will be partnering with Apostle Negiel Bigpond for The Gathering of the Sacred Nations of the Land. If this nation wants to shift, we must see such a gathering where our Native Tribes are brought together to be honored and released as “first.”

All of you are invited to join this historic assembly on April 5-7. Without the First People being restored to the authority that God initially gave them over what is now this nation, America cannot be restored.


We are approaching one of the most important times of the year. PASSOVER is a celebration of redemption and deliverance by the power of the Blood. This feast celebrates Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, but also our deliverance from Satan and sin, by the Blood of Jesus, our Passover Lamb. Many Christians don’t realize that Passover is just as much a New Testament feast as an Old Testament feast. For hundreds of years, Passover was the most important yearly celebration in the early church!

Robert and Linda Heidler have an incredible testimony of how they came to an understanding of why Passover is so important for Christians. I have asked them to share about the history of Passover, as well as how they began celebrating this lasting ordinance for all generations. Watch their video and enter into the power of Passover!


We are preparing for our final Shabbat before Passover 5783. This coming week is a unique time of fulfillment and beginning. Therefore, we have prepared a special Shabbat Service to help us end and begin, and set our course for conquest. What our Judah team shares will awaken you to the intensity of what it will take to cross over.

Whether you join us live at 6 PM CDT or by replay, we declare your warring worship will be unlocked and you will be sent forth to your Crossover of Conquest!


There is a place and time God shows each one of us that whatever we need and whenever we have a need, we are fulfilled in Him -- since He has all. However, in that moment will we recognize His presence and choose to receive what He presents? Or will we reject our moment of change since it doesn’t line up with our expectations? I hope you will join me this Sunday when I minister on “Recognizing the Moment of Change!” Our Celebration Service will begin at 9 AM CDT with Judah going first in this month associated with worship and warfare. As we advance to Passover, embrace your call to enter your redemptive destiny.


As Passover approaches ask the Lord to Deliver you! This is from a long time friend, Talya, who lives in Michigan.

I sat by this dirt mound for two hours and got deliverance yesterday.

I got free from a religious spirit over the weekend that I didn’t even know was attached to me

The enemy has beat me up for years that I am disqualified from ministry because of my trauma and the things I’ve seen etc .. which further drives, self hatred and condemnation

My husband and I have been fasting for a couple months intermittently and I have been able to get out for prayer walks daily.. I seek the Lord by pacing back-and-forth out in the woods

So much breakthrough is happening

It’s a Passover deliverance season for me

The Lord delivered me into a very good and rich land.. but now I must learn how to live in this expansive place

So much all across the board has been dismantled in ministry many radical changes… a religious spirit is really getting dealt with

Yay God!!


To help prepare yourself for this Passover ahead, I have developed this three-day prayer focus. Enter in and declare you will abar!

Day 1: Read Joshua 3. There comes a time for your new beginning. Set yourself aside before the Lord to experience a new place of crossing into your promise. Joshua 3:15-17 says, “And those who bore the ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the time of harvest) ... and the people crossed over completely to the other side of the Jordan.” I believe we are moving in God’s perfect time. Timing is so important. “In Him, we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:24-26, Col. 1:19, 2:9). I am praying for you to be in God’s perfect timing.

Day 2: Read Joshua 5. When you read Joshua 3 yesterday, you found that this is a time of preparation. In preparing, each one of us must know how to follow (the ark and the priests) into our future. Let me suggest a day of fasting. Focus on your place of crossing over for this season. Also, ask the Lord about those you are in relationship with that are helping you move forward. Be re-circumcised!! Let the Lord revive your life by re-circumcising your heart. So many of us hang on to last season's provision. THIS IS A TIME OF OPENING UP NEW SUPPLY LINES. Declare that new provision will begin. The manna ceased and they had to learn to use the provision in their Promised Land. This allowed them to reinstate the Feast of Passover to get them back on track. They were unable to do Passover for 40 years since all they had was manna and quail. God changes our provision many times to get us back in synch with His full plan. Get ready to face that thing that has always seemed invincible to you.

Day 3: Read Numbers 14, Joshua 6. Praise God! Ask the Lord for the strategy of worship that will dethrone that which is invincible in your life and is stopping you from moving forward in your promise. Decree that every reproach of unbelief from the past generation that is connected to your life, your inheritance, and future will be "ROLLED AWAY"!

Join us for a week of Crossover!


Never before! The Gathering of the Sacred Nations of the Land has been nothing short of historic! As the First Nations made their grand entry last night, you could feel the atmosphere shift. And today, we have only accelerated in seeing our Host People being restored to the authority that God initially gave them over what is now the United States. I encourage you to enter into being a part of honoring God’s principle of “first” in our First People and seeing a nation restored.


After a historic Gathering of the Sacred Nations, we are ready to begin celebrating Passover 5783. Robert Heidler will be joining me this evening to share on “Crossover for Conquest: Overcoming the Enemy by Power, by the Blood, and by the Wind!” Many of you have already arrived here in Corinth from other states and nations, and I know that many more of you are still traveling or will be joining online this evening. As you can see below, we have an amazing weekend prepared.

Each of these sessions will be available for 24 hours so if you cannot watch a session live, the replay will air for 24 hours after the conclusion of the live session. To watch a replay, you will either need a "Limited Access Account" which is free on GZI TV, or an "All Access Account", which opens up the entire catalog of digital video content to you. All Access subscribers will be able to watch the replays anytime (even after the 24-hour window), anywhere, from virtually any device on GZI TV.

Do not stop advancing! If you cannot join us here at the Global Spheres Center, I encourage you to webcast. Your future awaits!


We are a people who are crossing over and being activated for CONQUEST! We hope you can join us at 7 PM CDT for a Night of Impartation! The sound of Judah is developing our path and causing us to align for breakthrough. We want to continue advancing in the Lord’s movement to receive a new anointing as we go through a “Fire Tunnel!” Plan for incredible worship and a blowout ministry service!

Then tomorrow morning, we conclude our Passover Week with more baptisms and Kingdom Harvest Commissionings beginning at 8 AM, as well as resurrection worship and a call to come higher with Isaac Pitre. Whether you join onsite or online, declare you are crossing over!

Stream on our website -

Stream on our streaming platform GZI TV -

[There is no charge to attend Passover 5783, whether you join us at the Global Spheres Center in person or by livestream. Both streams are completely free and 24hr replays will be available after the stream ends. To watch a replay, you will either need a "Limited Access Account" which is free on GZI TV or or an "All Access Account", which opens up the entire catalog of digital video content to you.]


We have been positioned for conquest! As we advance from Passover 5783 to secure the promises that await, we must be alert to what the Lord is showing us. Our call is being defined in a new way as we possess the land, and it is important that we are passionate in our pursuit of His provision.

For tonight’s Prophetic Empowerment, I have asked Norma Urrabazo to press us forward in this time of conquesting our future. As you may recall, I commissioned her and her husband, Pasqual, as Kingdom ambassadors to accelerate the connections we have in the Latin world. What Norma shares will spark an urgency for you to advance into your promised land with expectation and vigilance.

I encourage you to join online at 7 PM CDT for “Sounding the Alarm to Sharpen Your Call!”


What transpired as our First Nations were repositioned back into God’s covenant order, and their voice was restored to our land, was nothing short of historic! Hosting the Gathering of the Sacred Nations of the Land was a tremendous honor, and I believe what happened here will help return the blessings that God intended for this nation. This video captures much of what occurred during those three days – including the Grand Entry of the Nations, the dedication of the Miracle Center, and the honoring of our Host People.

Let’s continue to celebrate and honor the gifts of our First Nations people as they are restored and operative to advance the Kingdom of God in this land.


As we go into this Shabbat, I want you to encourage you stop, look at where you’ve come from, and consider where you are going. I believe if we listen carefully and heed the checks the Lord is providing on our path then we will remain in our abiding place.

To help us advance in God’s order, our Judah Team has prepared a special worship service from the Miracle Center. Our First Nations blessed this area last week, and we want to see a miracle anointing rest on each of you.

Whether you join us live at 6 PM CDT or by replay, I declare you will be awakened in worship to the intensity of what will be required to cross over in this harvest season.


What a historic Passover week! After bringing together our First Nations under a Kingdom anointing and sending them forth with restored authority, we accelerated into a Crossover of Conquest! Every message was amazing, and the impartation service on Saturday night was beyond. When we concluded with Isaac Pitre taking us into an “Ascension Dimension,” we were activated and empowered to possess our promises. This video captures some of the highlights that will define Passover 5783 as our divine crossover!

If you were not able to join the live sessions or watch the 24-hour replays, all of the sessions are now available in the “conferences” category on GZI TV ALL ACCESS. If you are uncertain if this on-demand optional service is for you, this is a great time to learn more with a free seven-day trial.


You are anointed for conquest! In this year of divine recovery and opening up new supply lines, we must advance in God’s timing. When the Hebrew people first crossed into their Promised Land, the Lord told them to stop and become vulnerable before Him (Joshua 5). In the land of the enemy, they were to become defenseless in such a way that they could only trust God to protect them and not their flesh. To move forward, they had to stop for a time of circumcision—a cutting away of the reproach of the past! This is always necessary if we are to advance into our future.

This Sunday, Robert Heidler is going to share on why Gilgal was crucial to Israel’s victory in the land and how you can discover your own Gilgal. Join us at 9 AM CDT for worship, water baptism, and the call to “Gilgal: Key to Conquering Your Land!”


The Lord is saying, “RENEW!” He wants us to wear renewal as we advance in conquest. It is one thing to enter into the promise God has given us, but it’s another thing to conquest in that promise. Once we cross into our promised land, we must not stop because we approach a Jericho – something that appears invincible. As Robert Heidler taught yesterday, there are keys to possessing your promise:

- Know what God has promised.

- Be ready for conflict.

- Seek God for strategy and obey Him.

- Be willing to persevere until you win.

- Don’t stop short!

The Israelites had to learn that Passover not only meant being delivered out of Egypt, but also into the Promised Land. Their entry required them to leave behind the strength, supply, and self-reliance of the past season. If you were not able to join our Celebration Service, I encourage you to watch the replay and REMEMBER GILGAL!

As you remember what God has done for you in the past, I declare you will gain faith for the future and be empowered for conquest.


Pentecost in the Miracle Center!

Sign Up Now to Join Us May 26-28 for Anointing and Impartation for Miracle Breakthrough!

Pentecost is the appointed time for the heavens to open. I heard the Lord say, “My eyes are running to and fro looking for My miracle hand to move … stir the Faith for the Movement!” What better time to stir faith for miracles than at Pentecost in the newly dedicated Miracle Center!

This weekend of anointing and impartation for miracle breakthrough will include:

• Releasing the Gift of Faith! (Chuck Pierce)

• A House of Healing and Miracles! (Demontae Edmonds)

• A Night of Breakthrough Worship! (James & Robyn Vincent)

• The Power of Pentecost! (Robert Heidler)

• and just confirmed, TY Bello !

Our Pentecost Celebration will begin on Friday, May 26, at 7 PM CDT and conclude on Sunday, May 28 by noon. Whether you join us at the Global Spheres Center or by livestream, register today and prepare for the feast of the open heavens.

Click here to register -


We are called to pray for our cities. Jeremiah even told the people who went to Babylon to pray for the city where they were captives. Sunday morning, Penny Jackson said the Holy Spirit prompted her to ask about Houston. The Lord began to speak to her the incredible exhortation below. I want to encourage each one of you to use this as a model for your city. Just take where she has placed Houston in the body of this exhortation and replace it with the name of your city or the region you are praying for. Many of my books will give you great revelation on how to pray for your city and how the apostolic-prophetic prayer movement will change the course of history there. I so appreciate each one of you who continue to press forward.

“I will move in Houston! I am putting some things in place that needed to be done. Repentance has gone forth and old ties severed. Much groundwork has been completed. Old paradigms are shifting and changing.

“Once My move starts, despite all that has been done there, this awakening will still appear as a SUDDENLY. When I manifest, what I manifest will not come as you expected for all those years you have prayed and asked. This move won’t come from where you looked for it before. That is an old way of seeking. Look again!

Look for how I move in the least expected places. Watch this move come forth in a form all its own. This city is unique; therefore, this will be a very different move. What I do won’t come from the churches in the city or even through them but it will affect them if they open their hearts to it.

“No, this will come from the people, from the great variety of the people there. Look to an unusual people. Look to the unexpected people. Be ready to join with them as they go forth. It will be like Pentecost when people from different lands heard their languages spoken by the Spirit in Jerusalem. It will start as sparks in these different groups within the region, and suddenly these sparks will just unite into one big flame.

“Keep your ear to the ground and listen for the rumbling. Feel the earth tremble as the ground swell approaches. Look a different direction than you have in the past. Open your hearts to the different and new. You will see signs on the horizon of the beginning of this move, then SUDDENLY I will manifest here.

“Yes, watch Me work. I have no limitations. I can start a fire anywhere and in any way. That is not a hard thing for Me.

“Those who have grown up hearing about Me aren’t as flammable as those for whom the whole process is unfamiliar. There is a passion and enthusiasm that doesn’t come forth in those who think they know Me and have settled for too little. They don’t understand how needy they are. The unchurched know their need.

“The move in Houston won’t just affect the nation. This move will affect the nations of the world. As this nation became a melting pot from so many countries as people came, so it will be a melting pot as My move comes forward.

“I can start a spark anywhere, and where there is dry wood, fire will arise. Pray for those in the church who don’t even know they are dry wood, who have settled that area of their lives by their baptism or the joining of the church. Pray for those who feel safe because they grew up in the church. Pray that they will see their need, that they too may become dry wood so the spark will ignite them as well and go toward the fire they hear about. The fire of revival! I will burn away their complacency if they will only come.

“It’s not up to you to imagine how I will do this. I have this all planned. You just need to keep open to what I am doing. Most will not expect what happens. The church feels pretty secure in itself. Religion feels very comfortable here in Houston. That is why this won’t and can’t be a religious move. All you need to do is to keep your heart open to what I am doing. Do not think this couldn’t possibly happen this way or in this place.”


The Hebrew month of Iyar is associated with Issachar – the tribe who understood times and seasons. This is one of my favorite months to celebrate Firstfruits since the Issachar anointing is an important weapon for our future. One of the most important things to comprehend about timing is an understanding of Rosh Chodesh (Hebrew for “head of the month”), which brings us into a deep awareness of worship as we give our best to the Lord.

I encourage you to join me this Sunday at 9 AM CDT as we celebrate Iyar Firstfruits by pouring out our first and best and are activated to align with God’s cycle of blessing in this Issachar month.


With Iyar being one of my favorite months, I am particularly looking forward to tonight’s Shabbat Service as we cross into Iyar. Last week’s service was great, but this one is beyond! I will begin by developing the significance of this “connecting month,” and Susan Shaulis will also share a blessing for Iyar. Then our Judah Collective team has prepared a special time of worship from the Garden Pavilion to form our path to Sunday’s Firstfruits Celebration.

Whether you join us live at 6 PM CDT or by replay, I declare your time is being aligned between the months of redemption and giving.


We are preparing to step into Iyar -- the hinge (or vav) month that connects Redemption with Giving and Outpouring. If we move correctly in this new month, the rest of our year connects properly. Understanding times and seasons is vital in Iyar, and this Firstfruits Celebration will help activate the Issachar anointing in your life. This is one of my favorite months since understanding timing is so important to make our connections and be positioned in God’s cycle of blessing.

We encourage you to bring your first and best in worship this Sunday at 9 AM CDT as we celebrate Iyar Firstfruits, and enter into Robert Heidler’s teaching on “The Hebrew Month of Iyar 2023: Gaining the Anointing of Issachar to Understand the Times!”

Join us and be positioned for the power of multiplication!


As we advance from Passover to Pentecost, we want our worship to rise to new heights. TONIGHT, James and Robyn Vincent will be leading THE LIFT, a monthly prophetic gathering of ascending in worship. All of you in the region are welcome to join them in the Upper Room for a time of enthroning the Lord in the month of Iyar.

If you cannot be with them in the Upper Room at 7 PM CDT, you can join by live webcast, 24-hour replay or GZI TV All Access.


Your SEED is Blessed!

Firstfruits celebrations not only align us with God’s calendar but also serve as our faith seed for the future. As we entered into the power of celebration Sunday, the Spirit of God began to speak on the SEED. Declare your seed is blessed and will bear great fruit!

“When the flock gathers and the gate opens, the seed that is sown will not be trampled, but it will be planted. And it will be planted with such tender, loving care that there will be a 30-60-100 fold release. But do not forget the thousandfold release. I Am coming and have called the flock to dance a dance of victory and called the victory to release the celebration. Yesterday’s despair and anguish will be broken with the seed that is sown before the flock is brought forth.

“I have come for My seed. The seed I have sown, I have now come to reap. I have come to collect the seed that I have put in the earth for such a time as this. I have come down to execute My judgment on the Ahabs that have encroached on My vineyard. Did My Word not say, ‘Do not remove the ancient landmarks?’ Many people have come to the landmarks and said, ‘I will buy, I will buy,’ but I have come to collect the seeds that I have sown. Be careful what you buy, for I Am here to collect.

“I Am doing a work of accelerated germination. This is not a time to say, ‘Four more months, and then comes the harvest.’ I Am creating a supernatural activation of seeds that have been sown; financial seeds, gifts, worship, and expressions of love and humility will be empowered to germinate and flourish. These seeds will break through ground that you have described as forsaken desert – but I Am able to bring life into the desert! I Am able to restore broken relationships. I Am able to bring life into bones that were brittle and cracking. I Am causing My seed to multiply! I Am causing My seed to germinate, and to break forth and accelerate! Look for the harvest! Look for the harvest! Look for the harvest, for My people will not be those that continue to look at the ground and wonder, ‘Will it come up? Will I need to do more?’ My people will see the seed begin to grow up and come to a fullness -- for there will be a harvest! Lift up your eyes! Lift up your eyes! Lift up your eyes, because I Am loosing My harvest! I Am loosing My angels of harvest. Let your seed be anointed, for this is an hour that it will bring great harvest!

“Believe in My power to produce the blossom! Believe again in My power to make things grow when it’s impossible! I Am challenging you to believe in the power of the blossom! Believe in the power of the springtime -- I have harvest on My mind!” (Keith Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Brian Kooiman)


The month of Iyar is our time to advance with an Issachar anointing! This is an anointing of timing, and my desire is that each of you are activated to interpret the times and know what decisions to make. If we get into God’s process of time, then we will advance with a mentality of harvest. This includes Shabbat and Firstfruits, as well as celebrating the Feasts. To help us move forward correctly in this connecting month, tonight’s Prophetic Empowerment will be an encore of our “Worship Your Way into Iyar” Shabbat service.

As we prepared to cross into this new month, I shared with you the significance of Iyar before we all entered into worship on the pavilion with Judah Collective. Join us online at 7 PM CDT for another opportunity to align in God’s cycle of blessing and express your heart to Him as we worship our way through Iyar.


The chaos in the world keeps mounting. Don’t forget Shabbat tonight. The Lord triumphed over chaos by speaking and creatively reordering the world. He then shabbated. Don’t miss tonight… why Shabbat and overcoming go together.

Click here to join us TONIGHT @ 6PM CDT on GZI TV -

This morning…Penny Jackson sent the following Word from the Lord to me. This word captures the time ….

Hell’s stand will grow stronger in days ahead. Things are coming to a head and will grow more challenging. But it is not for long, and hell showing its hand will avail much. Clarity will come to many who could not see. I am getting all of the pieces in place. Hell will fail, but it will send a very strong final push before this season shifts.

My people will be covered in the midst of this…sheltered, protected. It will be a Psalm 91 experience. ( “Though a thousand will fall at your side, though ten thousand will fall at your right hand, it will not come nigh you.”)

People will turn on one another, attack one another in their frustration and rage. I am training you and preparing you for this, to rise above this, to love in the midst of it.

Stand your ground as this begins. My people will not be alone in this chaos. You are never alone. You won’t be in this. I will send my angels to protect you and My Spirit will be within you to guide you. You will be fine.

Rest in the timing. Trust in the timing. Don’t try to second guess when this will happen. At precisely the right time, all will occur.

The enemy has no surprises up his sleeve that I don’t already know. His plan has not changed since the creation of this world. While he may be more sophisticated, the plan is the same…to dominate. To rule this world.

My Kingdom is being established in this world now. My Ekklesia have joined the battle, fully armed and knowing who they are. This will only increase in days ahead as more and more learn of My Kingdom, as more and more are prepared, as more are made battle ready. Many are just now seeing the battle clearly, are fully understanding the part they can play.

This will be a time of such power here on earth. While the battle rages in the heavenlies, My violent Kingdom warriors will triumph in the battle on earth. My people will go forth in fullness of power that I have given them, fully equipped. And the world will never be the same.


The Hebraic month of Iyar reminds us to keep our momentum moving forward in the perfect timing of the Lord. To become the sharp threshing instruments God is preparing us to be, we must learn to walk in an Issachar anointing. In each step, we “Passover” daily into a greater release of power and revelation.

I hope you will join me this Sunday when Robert Heidler better helps us understand this transition as he shares on “The Transition Month of Iyar: From Redemption at Passover to POWER at Pentecost!” Our Celebration Service will begin at 9 AM CDT, with Judah paving the way.


There was such an unusual prophetic anointing in our Celebration Service and we could sense the interaction between Heaven and Earth. In this time of transition, allow the Spirit of God to change your desires and cause you to stand in His victory.

“Tell My people not to get frustrated during May, for I Am going to be washing away what has seemed to soil their garments. There is no condemnation for what you allowed to be mistakes in the past, but this will be a month of washing away. Then, I Am going to change your desire for the lovers of your past. The things you were drawn to in one season, and the things that motivated you in another season, will start to change in the month ahead. You will find yourself saying ‘I don’t know what happened to me, but my desires have been purified.’

“Not only will I purify, but I will rectify your desires. Some of you have thought you were supposed to be going after certain things, but I Am readjusting your focus into a different field. I Am going to give you a different field that you did not fully expect. I Am going to rectify and square up your desires in a way that really fits with who you are and with what is in your heart. I Am purifying and changing your desires to become rooted in who you are in Me.

“I brought you from the land to rule your land. I brought you up and out of the land and put life in you to bring forth life. I never meant for the land to rule you, but I created a people who could stand in their portion and bring forth and multiply their portion. There is a new wind blowing across the land and when chaos is in your portion, know I have allowed that chaos to come into your portion so you rule that chaos. This is the time that I Am drawing forth the fullness of My plan that I have for each one in My land. Ready yourself for the conflicts ahead – I Am already releasing triumph into you!”


We have started on a journey and want you to continue with us in this season of deliverance. As Janice Swinney and Linda Heidler shared last week, we have seen an amazing increase in the anointing for this ministry.

For tonight’s Prophetic Empowerment, we want to accelerate in this new movement of liberation. Robert and Linda Heidler will be sharing a “Deliverance Now!” charge and teaching us how to be set free. Deliverance is one of the most important and effective ministries that Jesus has given His Church, and one we hope you pursue for your freedom and restoration.

Join us online at 7 PM CDT for “Releasing God’s Flow of Life: Restoring Your Moral Walls!” and six areas of deliverance ministry that will help you live in freedom, as well as equip you to set others free.


The Lord instructed me to celebrate Pentecost 5783 in the Miracle Center. There is a “push” the Lord wants us to bring forth, and I hope you will join me on May 26-28 as we birth our future!

Click here to register today -



FULLNESS is a “time word” that we must understand. Our lives are keyed around times of FULLNESS where in a moment everything we have been waiting for manifests and time changes. (Acts 17: 20-26). He predetermines our time and place so we can grab hold of our purpose. Faith, our response to the One who knit us together in our Mother’s womb, works from time and place.

Billie Alexander sent me this picture of a beautiful full moon of Iyar tonight in San Diego—the fullness of the month of healing!!! Receiving and praying for many!

“Who is this that looks down like the dawn, Fair and beautiful as the full moon, Clear and pure as the sun, As majestic as an army with banners?” Song of Solomon

We learn His plan of FULLNESS for our life as we Shabbat, celebrate Firstfruits, and understand Feast Times, like Passover, Pentecost, and Feast of Tabernacles.

Your days are timed in the earth realm. He made you to enjoy life and war as you press toward your times of FULLNESS.


There is usually a process in everything. Process is the course of something developing and eventually coming into its full operation; we go through a process to reach our destiny. If we get into God’s process of time, then we will advance with a mentality of harvest. This includes Shabbat and Firstfruits, as well as celebrating the Feasts.

Helping us align our time with God’s calendar for tonight’s Shabbat are Justin Rana, Joshua Awbrey, Chad Foxworth, Tobias Lyons, and Simon Lyons. We will also have worship with Joshua Black, and time in the garden with Tracey Liggett’s newest video.

Whether you join live at 6 PM CDT or by replay, we declare your steps for the week ahead will be ordered afresh to bring you to your next place of triumph.


Process is a wonderful word to understand since your whole life is one! In this month of Iyar, it's so important we are activated into God’s process of time. Process is linked with passage, and that is what makes process a “time” word. Also, for a process to be complete, you must proceed. But what happens when circumstances seem to overwhelm and block your advance? The Lord has been speaking to me from Proverbs 3 and Jeremiah 12, and this Sunday I look forward to ministering on how we can make it through the “jungle” ahead.

Let’s mount up to race with the horses in a “Triumphing Through Your Process” Celebration Service, Sunday at 9 AM CDT, to gain new strength and vision as we advance through the jungle!


What a joy it was to sit down with this pioneer of a young lady this past week. Victory Boyd is a song bird and a warrior in the Kingdom who is pressing beyond the walls of church and into some of the most tightly held bastions of secular society. This is what she was (and WE ARE) created for!

As the Lord brings new connections into all of our lives, let’s pray we will all go past the footmen, the horses, and KEEP GOING toward all He has for us to accomplish in the midst of battle!

Her newest album, Glory Hour, is out NOW on all platforms. Visit the link below to listen!


Supernatural! My faith exploded when the Spirit of God gave me Jeremiah 12:5 and confirmed it as a NOW word for how to explain the process ahead. So many do not understand the conflict we are living in and the three phases in the war for our future. There are footmen! There are horses! And there are lions to overcome! Don’t get lost in the process as you face the “jungle” before you.

If you could not join us yesterday for the roar of worship, the “shock-drop” exhortation, and what I shared on “Triumphing Through Your Process”, I encourage you to watch the replay and be awakened with the revelation that will help you face the jungle and overcome what keeps you from advancing.



The goal of “process” is to get us positioned at the right place at the right time so we can clearly hear what God is saying to us. Sunday's service was supernatural, and here is a portion of the revelation that come forth.

“This is the day to fret not, for I Am with you. Commit to the path that I have for you and re-open and re-dig the well that is inside of you. Fret not the evildoers that are coming against you, for I already have a well inside of you that you need to re-dig and come up out of you. Fret not this week, fret not your finances this week, for I have a well inside of you that will bubble this week. Through your fretting, you are being confused and deceived. Fret not anymore—I Am ready to come in and realign so you’ll not be deceived any longer. Be exposed to My truth so you will fret not! As faith rises up in you, every false construct of fear, anxiety, and stress is falling to the wayside. Let faith rise up!

“I will make you a shock factor this week against the enemy! Get ready -- there is a shock factor in you that has never been flipped on. Get ready -- I will flip your switch this week! I Am going to shell-shock whatever’s been trying to keep you in the past and in a place of trauma. I am going to shell-shock it and it’s not going to bother you anymore! Watch for My suddenlies since you do not know how I will shod you in the next season and what I will place on your feet.

“When a plan gets sabotaged, or the enemy does something in your life, know that I always have a recovery mode to come through the back door and defeat him! No matter what you’ve gone through, no matter what you’re going through, I have a plan for your divine recovery this year! Decree divine recovery and multiplication! Decree you are going beyond any place you have ever been! My love causes you to multiply! Sabotage is such a deception, and the enemy has come to deceive. He would like for you to be stopped in your tracks because he would sabotage you. But today is the day of light, and Jesus is shining forth the light to reveal everything that deception brings. You will not be deceived, you will not be stopped because of the attack of the enemy, because My light will dispel every darkness!

“I have called you to be the gatekeeper. No one else but you can forbid or permit what comes in and out and moves along your path. I Am waiting on your path. Therefore, I call you and cause you to have authority over every gate on that path. This is an hour to forbid or permit -- let it rise up within you! I Am the Deliverer, and I have a roar of My own. Do not let your roar be premature; there is a time to release your roar so it's effective. There is a confidence arising in My children – built through trauma, pain, hopelessness, doubt, and fear. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? When that roar arises out of you, it’s not just you -- it’s the Lion of the Tribe of Judah backing you and in front of you. That roar is a praise that you’ve not known of. Watch your response. Let the Lion of the Tribe of Judah time your roar in this season.” (Shatece McLeod, Keevy Phillips, Chad Foxworth, Michelle Hadley, Chuck Pierce, Amman Beeftu, Justin Rana, LeAnn Squier, Stella Timmons, Melinda Richardson)


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