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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!



You can block us all you want however, you will not and cannot stop us from exposing you and your false ministry. Blocking us without reasonable Christian discussion only proves you as a false self-acclaimed apostle, prophet and teacher. Reprove the Deceivers has acquired unlimited volunteer NAR informants who keep us well informed of false NAR apostles, prophets and adherents and their activities throughout the world. Many attend your ministries, your revivals, your schools, your conferences, your zoom meetings and even your church. God commands the Body of Christ to expose, and to mark and avoid satan’s ministers.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather reprove them.”

Ephesians 5:11 (AKJB)

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;

and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 (AKJB)

False Apostle
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“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

Cult supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation!.png
SATAN'S MINISTERS! Satan and his ministers can mimic God and do miracles!
Apostle Axel Sippach, False Prophet
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)

  • UnBiblical Prophecies and Heretical VAIN Babblings of False Apostle Axel Sippach


Apostle to the Nations:



Every Spirit-filled, Pentecostal, Full Gospel, Charismatic, baptized in the Holy Spirit believer has a mandate from heaven to prophesy. In Acts 2, the Joel prophesy is fulfilled: Your sons and daughters will prophesy.

If you are baptized in the Spirit and do not prophesy, you are living far beneath the purpose for this empowerment. You cannot fully be His empowered witnesses if you do not prophesy.

Prophecy is one of the primary ways heaven partners with us on the earth to advance the Kingdom of God.

We are anointed as kings, priests and prophets by the power of the Spirit.

As priests we pray/worship our God in heaven.

As prophets we prophesy from what we hear heaven has decided on.

As kings we rule and expand the Kingdom.

So covet to prophesy - strongly desire to prophesy - and come into partnership with heaven as you become His voice in the earth.

"The lion has roared-- who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken - who can but prophesy?" Amos 3:8

Axel Sippach



I remember when I was a relatively new in the ministry, and was so open and hungry for God. I was invited to a Full Gospel Businessmen's lunch where some prophets were speaking. One guy began to prophesy over my life.

But something was wrong. It wasn't necessarily the words he was saying, but a false spirit behind them. It was too late - I had received a false word from the false spirit of a false prophet. It was like witchcraft affecting my spirit. I had to go back to my office and pray for hours to break it and get free from it and cleansed from the effects of it.

That experience taught me to always make sure I do not allow a prophesy from someone I do not know to be received in my spirit without me first testing it by filtering it - testing it first keeping up your shield of faith and wearing that breastplate of righteousness.

If it doesn't immediately feel right, I say excuse me - thanks, but no thanks. I would rather the person be offended than me having to go and do hours of spiritual warfare to get rid of it. If it doesn't feel right, politely say thank you and walk away while praying in the Spirit.

You must protect your spirit in terms of what you allow to enter it. Test it. Don't receive what is not witnessing with your spirit.

Axel Sippach


There are times we just need El Gibbor - the Warrior God of the Angelic Host to send a powerful angel to handle business and take out spiritual enemies opposing us and our callings and destinies in times of great pressure or challenges. There are times we must fight. But then there are times we must be still, and allow our God to fight for us. God says I GOT THIS!!

Axel Sippach


We have too much preaching that fosters a #SinConsciousness rather than a #RighteousnessConsciousness in believers. This has to change, and is changing. There is no way children of God #MATURE into Sons and Daughters of God if they are struggling with a sin consciousness. The Bible says it is High Time to #Awake unto Righteousness!! Our DOING must flow from BEING...from our true identity in Christ as sons.

The Amplified Bible says in Romans 5:17 that we are to #reign as #kings in this life through the abundant provision of God's #grace and the gift of #righteousness we have received. This is key to ruling and reigning with Christ. May preachers and teachers focus more on feeding the new man created in true righteousness and holiness. Its time to ditch the legalism that just keeps the saints bound in sin consciousness. Time to wake up!! Time to develop a righteousness consciousness in Christ and reign as #kings!!

Axel Sippach


Listen, when your haters - your enemies - when they conspire to lie about you on Facebook or other social media platforms in order to do you harm, do your best to keep your heart at peace and bless and pray for your enemies. This will actually allow a time of more grace and mercy to be in their lives to repent before God says "enough is enough" and deals with them for "touching His anointed." God will vindicate you. #TrustTheText

Axel Sippach



Nehemiah's are arising that God will promote and elevate - leaders who have the spirit of Nehemiah - those who have become passionately concerned where His city - the Church, has been broken down, and its gates burned with fire.

God's is going to anoint those who will receive His burden for the condition of His city, and supernaturally open doors for those leaders that no man or devil can shut in order to accomplish His assignment.

Those leaders will not only have the apostolic strategies and wisdom of how to do it, but also have the ability, favor and grace to inspire, motivate and mobilize people to work with them in great unity and synergy that will lead them to victory after victory in spite of great demonic oppostion, and God will fight for them and grant great success.

And it will happen in miraculous incredible timing that could not have happened without these leaders having the prophetic discernment needed to stay ahead of the enemy and to crush every demonic conspiracy against them.

The leadership of the Nehemiahs and the willingness of the people to work in Scripture prepared the way for revival - an awakening to be released in the city where they began to weep and worship as they carefully heard the Word of God read and understood it. This was followed by great joy and celebration. They renewed their committment to God's Word, as reformation followed revival. Mixture of that which was foreign was purged from God's people.

God is now activating a new generation of Nehemiahs in this season. They are beginning their journey and their mission to rebuild the city. They will accomplish what God has said in record time. And what they are about to do will open the door for repentance, revival and reformation.

These trusted and faithful ones have proven themselves as loyal servants of earthly kings, and now they are about to be promoted and elevated and become sent ones on mission for the heavenly King. God will back them and accomplish an accelerated work of His grace through them.

The Nehemiahs are coming forth! God loves His Church too much to leave it in the condition it is in.

It is time to Arise and Build...whether it is his "nuclear" church or "extended" church on the 7 Mountains of Influence. What are you ready to build that will "build" His people and "advance" His Kingdom? God is with you "Sent Ones!!"

Axel Sippach


Great Morning and Happy Monday FB Fam!!

There is for the most part perhaps only one main ingredient that can keep you in the land of the living when huge challenges hit your life: PURPOSE!! More important than exercise, more important than supplements, more important than healthy eating, although all of those are very important.


It is your lifeline. It will pull you into your prophetic future. It will pull you out of the pain of your past or now. PURPOSE will cause you to overcome every challenge, even if the devil is trying to kill you. Jesus has you on the earth for a PURPOSE.

It is your WHY!! Why you get out of bed in the morning and push through the circumstances that may be challenging you. Today- this week, revisit your CALLING. Rediscover your PURPOSE and DESTINY.

Let new CLARITY come into your life.

Let new MOMENTUM be ignited in your life.

Yes, you may be processing pain, but pursuing PURPOSE will pull you out of it into your prophetic future!!

Axel Sippach


We see a lot of people concerned about separation of church and state, but believers need to be more concerned about the separation there has been between church and Kingdom.

Axel Sippach



The Great Commission was first given to apostles. It's an Apostolic Commission. And it's all about discipling nations. It will take having the apostolic dimension activated in disciples of Jesus to carry it out in each generation.

The essence of the "apostolic" is the biblical concept of being "sent" - sent by God on mission for the King and His Kingdom. And the main focus of that mission is to make disciples. True disciples reproduce disciples. And true disciplemakers reproduce disciplemakers.... disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

That is the primary way the Kingdom of God expands in the nations of the earth. Church members reproduce church members... disciples reproduce disciples. Making disciples should be a strong part of the Kingdom culture of any apostolic church. It is the Great Commission. It is the healthiest way for churches to grow and for the Kingdom to expand.

Making disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. That is the Jesus way.

Axel Sippach


FATHER, may we always be anointed with fresh oil that will destroy every yoke of bondage and cause us to be free, so we may be fresh and flourishing in the courts of our God. May we flourish like the palm tree, and grow in stature like the cedars of Lebanon as we are planted in the house of the Lord. May our ears hear our enemies being routed and our eyes see their defeat. May we have the strength of a wild ox. May we stay fresh and green, even bearing fruit when we become older. FATHER, we proclaim your love every morning, and your faithfulness every night. We declare YOU are exalted forever!!!

Axel Sippach




"It will become a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them." Isaiah 19:20

There is a cry from earth reaching heaven and a call coming from heaven.

A cry reaching God from a generation that is tired of oppression - especially religious oppression. It's a cry for deliverance. It's a cry for the shackles of religious slavery to be broken. It's a cry from religious plantations for freedom. It's a cry to be free to serve Christ even according to the pattern in the New Covenant Scriptures.

It's a cry for an authentic, organic church that seeks to model what the word of God reveals. It's a cry for fathers in the faith that free and raise up the sons and daughters into destiny.

And God is responding and calling and sending Moses "deliverers" to bring freedom and to navigate a new course to destiny - to the Promised Land. God has heard the cry of a generation as many have wept in their prayer closets saying Lord - there must be more - is there more?

Deliverance is coming! Freedom is coming! God is responding! He is hearing the cry of the Joshuas and Calebs in chains. He will thrust forth His Moses deliverers into the midst of the pain of a generation to faciliate their deliverance. It will be miraculous, and it will be His doing.

A cry from earth - a call from heaven.......may the genuine apostolic Moses deliverers answer the call and get ready to face off with Pharaoh. Yahweh said He would make Moses like elohim to Pharaoh. And that's just what He did.

Is there a burning bush from which a voice is speaking near you? Don't say you're too old to answer the call. Moses was 80 when he started this apostolic journey. Supernatural strength was his portion. And he understood the power of the rod - the staff he had been given to work miracles and part seas. He went in the power and authority of Yahweh to respond to the cry of a generation. Will you?

Axel Sippach


As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS, if not THE most important thing I can leave behind as an inheritance to the next generation is AN INCREASE IN WISDOM. Ecclesiastes 10:10 states: "If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened more strength is needed but skill will bring success. "Skill" can also mean "wisdom" as it is translated in many other versions. THE NEXT GENERATION should have greater success in ministry and in advancing the Kingdom of God because of the apostolic wisdom I am able to impart into them. Jesus said to his disciples that they would do greater works. That should be our apostolic pattern also.

Axel Sippach


An apostolic


PURPOSE discovering

POTENTIAL ignited by

PASSION guided by

PRINCIPLES living in


PROCLAIMING God's Kingdom will shake this


POWER and establish true


That's the #Ekklesia! #ThisWillPreach #KingdomAdvancement

Axel Sippach


The "Sons of Issachar" prophetic TIME TRAVELER in the spirit who sees and reaches the future first, is the one who will come back with the creativity and innovation needed to successfully change the now. Are you ready for the Spirit of God to take you to a place in visions and dreams where the curtain is parted and the future is seen?

Axel Sippach


* it can become religious when we don't sense the anointing and authority of the Holy Spirit on it and say, just another prophecy

* it can become religious when it becomes routinized as just another part of the service, after which everyone claps, but by the time the service is over, no one remembers what was prophesied

* it can become religious when we don't bother writing down the prophesies and reviewing them periodically to see if we're on track

* it can become religious when we can almost guess verbatim what the prophet is going to say next because we have heard it a thousand times

* it can become religious when it loses its freshness and is stale

* it can become religious when senior leaders are no longer really concerned with what their prophets are prophesying because they feel their prophets have lost their cutting edge and have nothing serious to say


Axel Sippach





There are some prophets uniquely built and anointed for transition seasons in the church like John the Baptist who was a voice crying out in the wilderness - prepare the way for the Lord.- make straight a highway for our God.

He was the transition prophet - the Elijah to come, closing out the Old Covenant and preparing the way for the New that would be inaugurated through the Messiah - Christ Jesus. His prophetic ministry had this mandate:

1) valleys or low places would be raised

2) mountains and hills made low

3) crooked places made straight

4) rough places made smooth

Transition prophets are not necessarily popular. But they can attract crowds when God gives them that platform. They come to shift mindsets - paradigms - by saying Repent - the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. They are the forerunners. They announce the Dawning of a New Day - the Dawning of a New Era. They have an Elijah anointing to turn hearts and align generations.

They are misunderstood and hated by the religious leaders who despise their message. But they are used by God to prepare the way for what He has planned - a new move of God that will radically shift things in His church and Kingdom. They are the transition prophets. And they have a message from God that is burning within them.

Axel Sippach





In Revelation 5 we see the apostle John's apocalyptic vision of the throne in heaven with God seated upon it holding a scroll with 7 seals in His right hand. At first it appears that no one is worthy to break open the seals and open this scroll causing John to weep bitterly. But then he sees the triumphant LION of the Tribe of Judah whom an elder tells him can open the scroll and seals.

But as he looks again, it is a LAMB looking as it had been slain that he sees, and this lamb takes the scroll and begins to break open the seals. The seals of course represent judgments, but the scroll represents the Mystery of God - the Mystery of Redemption, which at the 7th seal and the 7th trumpet in Rev. 10:7 and 11:15 is finally complete.

APOSTOLIC PRINCIPLE: this scroll represents the mystery of God which one can only understand by revelation of the Spirit of God. Even though Christ is now the Triumphant Lion - the King of Kings, He also is still revealed in this apocalyptic vision as the LAMB, and it is the LAMB that is able to break the seals of judgment and open the scroll that reveals the mystery of God.

As apostles and prophets of God, part of our mandate and ministry is to reveal the mysteries of God to His people. But both receiving and revealing heaven's mysteries must be done through the LAMB NATURE OF CHRIST. Our BOLDNESS must flow from BROKENNESS and HUMILITY.

The LION NATURE must come forth from the LAMB NATURE. If it doesn't, then it just becomes fleshly pride, making us no different from the Pharisees that we challenge. Taking DOMINION for the Kingdom of God is first about laying our lives down for the One Who laid His life down for us.

LOVE must be the primary motivating influence in all we do for Him and His Kingdom. Or else how are we any different from the world? GREAT GRACE requires GREAT HUMILITY which we absolutely need to bring true long-lasting reformation to His church. Even with all the revelation we receive, let's always pray: Lord, help keep us apostles and prophets from the sin of pride.

Axel Sippach


Listen, there is passionate anointed preaching that not only stirs the soul but actually reaches the spirit of man to bring transformation. But then there is a lot of emotion and hype that may stir the soul but NEVER reach the spirit. Then there is intellectual heady teaching that may tickle the ears but without the anointing of the Spirit only give information that never becomes revelation. It can sound "deep" but at the end of the day you are not changed.



There is preaching that stirs the soul, but never reaches the spirit where the seed of the Word of can be planted to produce real faith and change.

Then there is preaching that not only stirs the souls, but goes beyond the soul gate into the spirit of man, where the Word becomes planted to produce 30-60 and 100 fold.

We must not just be satisfied with preaching that only stirs our emotions, but never affects a true change and transformation in us because it has not touched and affected our spirit.

I love fiery anointed Holy Ghost preaching from consecrated vessels that goes through the soul gate of the emotions directly impacting the spirit and creates capacity for "glory to glory" change and transformation.

It will ignite something in one's spirit that will not extinguish on Monday, but become life-changing.

Axel Sippach




An intensifying glory is about to be released upon his faithful intercessors - the warriors of El Gibbor - God your Warrior - the Lord of Hosts - the Lord of Heaven's Armies. You will celebrate with joy the glorious victories achieved in the spirit realm. The spoils of war are about to be collected from the battlefield as those victories manifest in the natural realm. Faithful intercessors - be encouraged. Your day has come. The tide of many battles has turned, and the smell of victory is in the air. Get ready to collect the spoils - the wealth of the enemy. You are my glory warriors says the Lord!!

Axel Sippach


God is birthing fresh new organic and authentic apostolic movements in this season around the world with those leaders who have been through a challenging time of transition in a cave season of their lives where powerful encounters with the Lord have released Kingdom revelation to actually initiate and ignite these strategic movements on God's heart and agenda. It's very important to align in the right time and not get "left behind" in previous movements that are struggling to survive because they have begun to lose their relevancy.

Axel Sippach


When God wants to get your attention He doesn't beat around the bush, He sets the bush on fire and appears in the bush with a message regarding your destiny. Get ready for "I Am That I AM" to reveal Himself in some unusual places. Get ready for Yahweh Elohim to reveal a new mandate for your life that will liberate and bless many.

Axel Sippach


The Lion has roared - who can but prophesy!!

May the true prophets Lord you have raised up for such a time as this stand in The Council of the Lord to hear Your voice and prophesy the decrees You have released for America and the nations.

May not only the watcher angels watch over the nation, but may your intercessors stand in the gap and "shamar" and watch over this nation as never before and thwart in the spirit the attacks the enemy has planned.

Lord, send revival - pour out your Spirit upon us and may another great "Awakening" come to our nation and bless us as did the First and Second Great Awakening in our history. Lord, we are hungry and thirsty for you.

Hear the prayers of your righteous remnant. Summon your prophets O Lord to Your Council Chambers.

May they hear and prophesy with a pure anointing and with Your passion and heart for this nation and its people. America - the Lord loves you and He is not finished with this nation and the destiny He has written in His scrolls in heaven for it.

The knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover this land. Church arise - you shall be a City of Light set upon a hill for all to see. O Lord - let it be so. Amen and amen.

Axel Sippach




For many of you that have been preparing yourselves with expectant faith in the spirit through prayer, consecration, fasting, studying and meditating in the Word, worship, etc, and in the natural through reading, research, equipping yourself, planning, etc, should expect to begin to see breakthroughs, acceleration, many answers to prayer and increase take place in your life.

It may at first feel like there is strong opposition and inertia to overcome, but be diligent and persistent and see the breaker anointing rise up within you to breakthrough every obstacle and hindrance.

This is a key month, halfway through the year to not give up or give in, but push ahead and breakthrough. This month for many of you will set the pace for the rest of your year. Stay vigilant and strong in the spirit. And strong in faith. Do what you need to do in the natural, and watch God's supernatural take over. Increase is your portion.

Axel Sippach


Deliverance ministry is valid. But one reason people over and over love the deliverance line is it negates them having personal responsibility to remain free and become renwed and transformed by the Word and by the Spirit. Many Christians today do not want personal responsibilty. There always has to be a "they" or "them" keeping them from changing....not looking within. Or it always has to be a demon so its not them. There is a place for deliverance ministry. But then discipleship is the key to staying free as a follower of Christ.

Axel Sippach


IF it were possible, HOW would you do it?

You are full of incredible #potential. You live in a world full of #possibilities. #Opportunities abound everywhere. A #supernatural Kingdom is within you. The most powerful #EnergyForce that created the universe and raised Jesus from the dead- the #HolySpirit also lives within you, ready to be activated and released by your faith.

Also, the most powerful tool of #SpiritualTechnology is at your disposal to move heaven and earth - #prayer. Plus God Most High, Yahweh Elohim is your #AbbaFather, and your are His royal, anointed #sons and #daughters, who also says "Nothing is Impossible to those who Believe." He slso declares "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can even ask, think, or imagine." All according to that power of tge resurrection at work in you.

IF it were possible, HOW would you do it?

By now I hope you are convinced it is possible!! So how would you do it?? How would you begin to fulfill the dream or great desire in your heart? What would be your first steps? How would you start? Are you intentional about it? Are you serious about? Will you work at it? Or just play at it? Do you believe it not only can but will happen? Are you seriously praying with faith and expectation about it? Are you acting on your faith? Do you have a plan of action?

Will it please God? Then expect heaven and earth to conspire together for it to happen. In a world of possibilities where would you start? Will you let another dream get archived or will you be proactive and daily work at it to see it come to pass? Where there is a will there is a way!!

Don't give up on your dreams. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Pursue them with passion. So now what is it currently in your heart you really want to do? You really want to achieve?

IF it were possible, HOW would you do it?

By now you know its possible. So HOW would you do it? What are possible ways in which you could begin to achieve it? How would you start? What are your next steps? If NO is not an option...where will you begin?

You want to go to college or university. You want to start a business. You want to start a ministry. You want to travel to a nation. You want to buy a house. You want to write a book. You want to grow your social media presence. You want to run for office. You want to start a school. You want to be a voice for justice. You want to become wealthy. You want to help orphans. You want to empower women. You want to empower youth. You want be a coach. You want to change the world.

IF it were possible, HOW would you do it?

Axel Sippach



Some, like even our father of faith Abraham once did, may have given birth in the past to a WILD ASS like "Ishmael" because they tried to help God out to fulfill His promise to them and went into the wrong tent. But it was in the 13th year of Ishmael's life that a 90 year old barren woman's womb was opened, and a 99 year old man felt romantic once again without any Viagra, and the child of promise was conceived and birthed 9 months later. No more wild asses!! I just want to declare: YOUR ISAAC IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PROMISE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!! FULFILLMENT IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't settle for the son of the flesh, but wait for the son of promise!

Axel Sippach



In John 1:21 when John the Baptist was asked by the priests and Levites from Jerusalem if he was Elijah, he said emphatically no. He just saw himself as that voice crying in the wilderness "make straight the way for the Lord."

And yet, Jesus in Matthew 11:14 and 17:12 said for those who had ears to hear and were willing to accept it, that John was the Elijah to come. As great as John was, and focused on being that voice in the wilderness, he still did not have full understanding that the spirit and anointing of Elijah was upon him.

Is it possible that not comprehending this aspect of his prophetic calling contributed to him doubting whether Jesus was the Messiah when he was in prison? Just thinking out loud. It's interesting how doubt now is challenging him in the prison just before his execution, and he sends his disciples to question Jesus.

There are times we may not fully understand the totality of our minisry calling even though we are focused and working hard on some aspects of it. But God will send apostles and prophets to recognize, reveal and confirm things to us that will inspire us to launch into new areas previously concealed.

Even though there are those who have brought reproach to the apostolic and prophetic, I thank God for those who have maintained their integrity and are such a great blessing to the body of Christ. May we never despise or quench prophesy, but prove all things and hold on to the good.

Axel Sippach



How is it we have "prophets" who took a detour years ago from the church into New Age psychic and Egyptian mysticism, including things like Sylva Mind Control and more that polluted their prophetic stream, that later became "has beens" on that "circuit" and have reinvented themselves as "MASTER PROPHETS" to get back into "church circles" so they can get paid, but have never repented or asked the body of Christ to forgive them for their part in the deception. Can we please "wake up" and realize we are being "duped" once again?? Where is our discernment these days? Perhaps people don't care. Whether people do or not, I still care. And as an apostle, I have a responsibility to declare when "THIS" is definitely not "THAT!!!"

Axel Sippach


There is a major departure of members from mainline religious churches, not because people are losing interest in God, but because they are actually gaining interest in God, and are tired of being suffocated by the spirit of religion, and are looking to be illuminated by the Spirit of God.

Axel Sippach



There are some prophets uniquely built and anointed for transition seasons in the church like John the Baptist who was a voice crying out in the wilderness - prepare the way for the Lord.- make straight a highway for our God.

He was the transition prophet - the Elijah to come, closing out the Old Covenant and preparing the way for the New that would be inaugurated through the Messiah - Christ Jesus. His prophetic ministry had this mandate:

1) valleys or low places would be raised

2) mountains and hills made low

3) crooked places made straight

4) rough places made smooth


They are the forerunners. They announce the Dawning of a New Day - the Dawning of a New Era. They have an Elijah anointing to turn hearts and align generations.

They are misunderstood and hated by the religious leaders who despise their message. But they are used by God to prepare the way for what He has planned - a new move of God that will radically shift things in His church and Kingdom.

They are the transition prophets. And they have a message from God that is burning within them.

Axel Sippach



The Apostle Paul teaches that #prophecy is for #edification (building), #exhortation (encouragement) and #comfort (consolation). There is a strong "edification" or "building" dimension within the #prophetic. #Jeremiah was told to "build and plant" after he was told to root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down.

Many times some #apostles have a hard time working with some #prophets. I believe perhaps one the reasons could be, when prophets do not step into a stronger role and anointing to "build." Apostles are "wise master builders" - this is on the forefront of their minds - to #build - building people's lives on the revelation of #Christ - and building the #church which is the vehicle through which the kingdom expands.

If prophets will connect with this #building #dimension of the apostle to the building dimension of the prophetic that is in them, perhaps the apostle/prophet relationship would be more fruitful, and more could be accomplished for the advance of the #kingdom of God.

Axel Sippach


Pat Robertson of CBN passed away at 93.

From 1983-1985 I was CBN 700 Club's Asst. Area Director for Washington State when the West Coast Prayer and Counseling Center was in Seattle. I recruited and trained counselors from area churches and was involved in planning Operation Blessing initiatives, etc. I also obtained their first corporate grant approval for annual funding of $25,000 which was renewed for many years after I left. My time there was a great opportunity and experience for a young minister.

Axel Sippach

PS: That's me with the beard in the paper


SECRET PLACE: There is a #SecretPlace in our relationship with God where the visible and the invisible meet. A mystical place in Christ - a spiritual reality where the presence of the invisible realm can overshadow us. A place where we can dwell in the shadow and presence of eternity while still living in time. Finding this place results in supernatural peace, protection, provision and promotion, even in the midst of chaos, conflict and confusion.

David found this place and in Psalm 91 by revelation spoke of it. We must seek to find this special place of intimate experiential communion and presence with all of our heart. Call upon Him and He will surely answer. What He is desiring to reveal to you in that secret place is beyond anything you can think or imagine. Friendship with God in that secret place is an invitation extended to all His sons and daughters. Will you respond?

Axel Sippach


THIS POST IS NOT FOR EVERYONE.....(for Reformers only)



The Jeremiahs are coming! Ready or not – like it or not – they are coming. Some are on the scene already. Just try to stop them. You might get burned. They have fire shut up in their bones. And God is on their side. He actually is sending them.

There is a NEXT GENERATION PROPHETIC THROW-DOWN about to take place. And God is about to raise up young prophetic and apostolic warriors for this throw-down.

They have been called from their mother’s womb. The enemy of this generation has sought to destroy them. It says of Moses that he was not an ordinary child. And Pharaoh issued order to have his contemporaries thrown into the Nile. Oh – but a prophetic throw-down was coming for Pharaoh.

At the time of Jesus’ birth, King Herod issued orders for His contemporaries to be killed. Oh – but a throw-down was coming for Herod and all those who opposed the will of God in Israel.

The enemy seeks to destroy an “extraordinary” generation that has great potential to make him back up as the Kingdom of God powerfully advances through them.

Isaiah 41:4 says God calls forth the generations from the beginning. The NLT says it this way: Summoning each new generation from the beginning of time. God has summoned this generation of Jeremiahs for such a time as this, as He has summoned this generation for His plans and purposes to reveal and carry them out.

It is a generation with “extraordinary” potential. A generation of deliverers on fire for God. As Obadiah prophesies about them: The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame setting on fire the house of Esau and consuming it (vs18). He says deliverers will go up on Mt. Zion to govern the mountains of Esau and the Kingdom will be the Lord’s. Halleluja!!

They are a prophetic generation. They are an apostolic generation. They are all about the Kingdom – about their Father’s business!!

A Jeremiah throw-down is coming. Even as the enemy has sought to destroy them, God has been secretly preparing them. These “sons of glory” are about to be revealed. They are about to manifest – about to manifest their sonship – about to manifest the glory of sonship the Father has put in them. There is a groaning and travailing in the earth for their appearing – their unveiling.

God called Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations. He must represent – represent His Lord and be God’s voice to that generation. When he expresses his inability to fulfill this assignment (found in Jeremiah1), God tells him not to say he is only a youth – only a young man. God touches his mouth and says He has given Him His words to speak. He commissions him for the task ahead.

And God lays out Jeremiah’s prophetic assignment: root out; pull down; destroy; throw-down – then, build and plant. Pretty serious stuff!! No instructions here to prepare for future TV ministry peddling green prosperity handkerchiefs; prophetic prosperity soap; or miracle spring water. No – he’s about to challenge the rampant, unrepentant idolatry of God’s covenant-breaking people. Not a good way to grow your mailing list.

Did you notice that there are in Jeremiah’s assignment 4 negatives first, before 2 positives. Before he can successfully build and plant, he must root out; pull down; destroy; throw-down.

God is raising up a new generation – a radical prophetic remnant of young people with a call similar to Jeremiah’s. They may not have too much experience yet because of their youth, but God is touching them in a powerful way and speaking to them what is in His heart.

They are tired of religion. And they are receiving a fresh vision of what God desires to build and plant for His Church and Kingdom in the earth in this generation.

They are ready to REPRESENT - the Lord Jesus Christ. And they are ready to throw-down tired old fossilized religion! One translation says “overthrow.” They are ready to challenge church as usual. They are reformers. They are radical. They are authentics – true voices not copies.

They are ready to shake some things up. They have a dream to simply see what they read in the Word of God operating in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. They want to see the “real deal.”

Of course this creates conflict. Because the young Jeremiahs are challenging the status quo to change. And the status quo is not really very happy about it. They are content to stay where they are at.

But this is where it will take apostolic fathers who recognize the change is in the air, to embrace the Jeremiahs with love, and impart wisdom to them concerning the transition season, so that the Jeremiah’s passion and purpose can be maximized in successfully seeing a new wineskin emerge in their generation.

Without connection and relationship with apostolic fathers, the generational disconnect will be greater, and some of these Jeremiahs will experience the same kind of rejection and terrible abuse that the Prophet Jeremiah went through.

True apostolic fathers must follow the principle in Malachi 4:6 and first turn their hearts to these Jeremiahs.

When the Jeremiahs sense that it is real – genuine, they will surely drop their walls of defense and become transparent and open their hearts to the apostolic fathers, and the curse of rejection can and will be broken. The enemy will not have “rejection” as an open door to derail the Jeremiahs of this generation. The anointing of Elijah breaks fatherlessness and accompanying rejection, and the enemy will not find an open door.

These honest Holy Spirit inspired and initiated Kingdom relationships will genuine Kingdom partnership with these Jeremiahs so that it will not only be about rooting out, pulling down – destroying only…..but also about the desired end-result of Jeremiah’s commission, which is building and planting for a new generation.

These Jeremiahs will at times “weep” (Jeremiah 8:21-9:1) as Jesus wept over Jerusalem. They are coming also to “purify” the prophetic from toxicity that has crept in too weaken and discredit it. They will not be like false prophets – broken cisterns who cannot hold water (Jeremiah 2:11-13) – that have no fresh supply source and cannot hold anything.

No – the Jeremiahs will be connected to the river of Living Water that will never run dry. And out of their belly shall flow those Living Water of the Supply of the Spirit.

The Jeremiahs will be valiant for truth (9:3). They will not back off of what they know from God’s Word to be true. They will challenge and destroy the high altars of idolatry to Baal. The Word will be like fire shut up in their bones. They will break down and cleanse strange-fire prophetic altars. They will bring correction and the result will be repentance or judgment.

The Jeremiah prophets are coming. A prophetic and apostolic generation of extraordinary young leaders ready to bring deliverance to a generation and to nations. We must identify them. We must love them. We must father them. We must equip and empower them. We must send them. We must risk our reputations for them. We must bless them, and release the Father’s blessing upon them. We must guard them from rejection and abuse.

We must make sure the curse of fatherlessness is broken off of them. We must make sure they enemy can find no open door – no kink in their armor in which to lodge wicked fiery darts.

The Jeremiah are prophets are coming - in fact they are already on the scene emerging and arising with a burning call from heaven inside them. They are firebrands. They are reformers. They have been commissioned in the Divine Council of heaven and heard the decree of the Lord. They will give their lives for the King and His Kingdom.

#JeremiahProphets #NewBreedProphets #RemnantProphets #AuthenticProphets #DivineCouncilProphets #NewBreedApostles ##RemnantApostles #AuthenticApostles #DivineCouncilApostles

Axel Sippach


I know everyone's excited about being activated in the prophetic which is awesome. But how about we also ask Jesus to activate us afresh in the evangelistic dimension so we can again become "fishers of men." I'm just sayin'.....

Axel Sippach



We must always be seeking #increase in every area of our lives. Scripture teaches that to him that has, more shall be given, but to him that does not have, even the little he has, shall be taken away. If we are not moving #forward, we will eventually be moving backwards. This principle applies to spiritual things such as revelation, the anointing, etc. It also applies to growing in knowledge, wisdom, understanding. And it also applies to our health, our finances, etc etc. Faith is the currency of the Kingdom. Let us never cease to pursue increase.

Axel Sippach


Apostle Axel Sippach

Let us PLEASE see a purification in the prophetic from all the toxicity and mixture that has come in from false prophets. I believe God will do it with a New Breed of prophets He is raising up!!!


TRUE RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY PROPHETS MUST BUILD ALTARS of consecration and worship that result in powerful heavenly visitation from the True and Living God, even in the midst of the perversion of Baal worship promoted by Jezebel and her seducing false prophets.

Axel Sippach


The highest goal of my apostleship, through all my teaching, preaching, prophesying, etc etc, is to make sons and daughters for Abba Father through which He may be glorified in the earth, bringing great joy to His heart. #sonship

Axel Sippach



The power and blessing of genuine prophets and the prophetic gift is amazing in terms of how that gift can bring blessing, deliverance, healing, restoration, breakthrough, upgrade, etc. etc.

But those operating from a polluted toxic "prophetic well" bring distraction, confusion, and even manipulation and witchcraft-type control.

We must be the people of God with discernment to distinguish between the false and the true. And that means we must be a people of the Word of God to know if something is biblically accurate or not.

Where is the prophetic movement headed? What does a 21st century prophet look like? How can the prophetic be not only a "blessing" but also a "building" gift to build local churches? What should the primary focus of 21st century prophets be?

Axel Sippach

Those are definate questions the church and its leaders need to be asking and answering in this hour.

Axel Sippach


Listen, there is so much toxic mixture in some church circles that after a deliverance minister has done one weekend in a church, you have to bring another deliverance minister in a week later to get the "delivered" free from new demons they didn't even have 2 weeks before. SMH.....

Axel Sippach

Reginald Amara

A church /person lacking the Holy spirit will often use philosophies to explain spiritual realities

Apostle Axel Sippach

Reginald Amara thats not what we are talking about here



The Spirit of God is beginning to take a remnant beyond the limitations of current theological thought and understanding to new realms and dimensions through the revelation of mysteries in Scripture. They have been there all the time right in front of our physical eyes, but we did not have our spiritual eyes opened yet to the place of seeing these mysteries accurately where they would begin to illuminate us to the place where we could walk in them. These secrets Christ said belong to us. We are about to experience the Mind of Christ in a way we never have before.

Axel Sippach



If a #woman has led thousands of souls to Christ - planted many churches - and raised up many spiritual sons and daughters as leaders, and powerfully affected a nation or nations, and has done a powerful apostolic work with great apostolic fruit, do we call her something else other than an #APOSTLE, say, like a missionary, just because she is a woman? What say you?

Axel Sippach


Our movement in this season must radically shift from mainly focus on the apostle, to God's people truly becoming apostolic.

Axel Sippach



Somewhere we got the idea recently in some parts of the church that apostleship was something you get promoted to – something you get elevated to – something you have an “enthronement” service for.

Let me first say that in the first century church, the role of bishop in the church was that of overseer or supervisor. Titus (1:5-9) was instructed by the Apostle Paul to appoint or ordain elders "presbuteros" in every city in Crete that would act as "episkopos" or bishops as the KJV translates it. Other newer translations use overseer or supervisor.

"Whether [any do enquire] of Titus, [he is] my partner and fellowhelper concerning you: or our brethren [be enquired of, they are] the messengers of the churches, [and] the glory of Christ." 2 Corinthians 8:23 KJV The word "messengers" is the Greek word "apostolos" which is apostle - or a sent one. So Titus was an apostle and co-laborer with the Apostle Paul whom Paul said must appoint elders to be bishops or overseers.

We also see the Apostle Paul refer to his son Timothy in 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:6 as an apostle. Timothy could also ordain not only deacons but bishops or overseers. That is why Paul in his epistle to him give hi the qualifications.

You could desire to become a bishop, which is a man appointed position in the church, if you had leadership abilities and meet certain qualifications, and the Holy Spirit revealed to leadership that you were ready for this very important responsibility.

But this is not true of the apostle or any 5-fold ministy office. It is Christ who gives those ascension gifts to the church.

You can desire to be a deacon, elder or bishop (1 Timothy 3:1). But all the desiring in the world is not going to make you an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher.

Now most apostles at some level are also bishops because they are overseers of God’s church(es).

But not all bishops are apostles, unless God has specifically called them to apostleship. There is a lot of confusion in the church about this lately. And it is very important to make this distinction to bring clarity to the subject.

When an apostle is ordained or commissioned, it is a recognition of what heaven has decided on already. And in the right timing of the Holy Spirit, it is a public recognition of, and placing honor on that gift.

Now I can appoint/ordain elders as I see fit, being led by the Holy Spirit. I can appoint bishop if I chose. That’s what apostles do.

But I can not make anyone an apostle. I can only encourage and help develop the gift God has already chosen. Now God may have an apostle function for a season in one of the other 5-fold gifts to gain experience and maturity.

Paul and Barnabbas ministered in Antioch as prophets and teachers, until the Holy Spirit sends them out from there to other parts of Asia. After that they seemingly stepped into the fullness of their apostleship and were known as apostles.

This wasn’t an “elevation” – an “enthronement.” They were simply being set apart for their next assignment which was stepping into the fullness of their apostleship.

But I also need to add, that if you are called to the office of prophet, don’t think you now have to work to get promoted or elevated to apostle as your next step, if God has not called you to the office of apostle. It will be a big mistake in your life and may ultimately mess up your ministry really bad.

If you are a prophet – don’t be a “wanna-be” apostle. Not unless you have a calling to genuine apostleship. The same is true of pastor, evangelist and teacher. Be confident in your calling and confidently and boldly access the grace of your calling.

Now having said that, we have discovered over these past 2 decades of promoting the new apostolic reformation movement, that there are a number pastors who truly have a call to apostleship, and have been very frustrated ministering in a setting that didn’t acknowledge there were apostles still around today.

When these pastors would hear a message about apostles or the apostolic, its like the light would go on in the spirit, and their apostleship would become activated in a greater degree. They realized they were trying to do an apostolic work with a pastoral paradigm.

The revelation would liberate them and many would then begin to step into their apostleship, that pastoral ministry had actually given them some preparation and experience for.

Be who God has called you to be.

Number one – be secure in your ultimate high calling of God in Christ – and that is to SONSHIP. And then be secure in your ministry calling. Don’t try to be something God has not called you or given your grace for. Be all that God has called you to be.

Its not about a title – not about postions – its about our position in Christ – being a member of his body.

Titles, if you use them. should only describe our calling, your function. Be secure that you are a son or daughter of God though Christ. That is the absolute greatest calling. It is why Christ came.

I believe it is important for apostles to bring biblical clarity to this, as it is creating much confusion in the body of Christ.

I have no problem with someone using the title of bishop if they believe it describes their function in the church, in the same way elder or deacon is appropriate. Personally, I do not believe all the of the pomp and circumstance with clerical outfits is necessary to ordain a bishop. I do not see that in the New Testament anywhere.

Apostles must bring clarity to the church concerning these extremely important matters as they concern how God's church is function properly and effectively.

Axel Sippach

Epic warriors of the Most High - the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has got your back!!




There are times and seasons in the church were God must raise up "apostolic provocateurs" who are willing to risk being ostracized by the mainstream church, and even risk being called by the "H" word - "heretic," in order to initiate powerful reformation movements affecting church doctrine and practice.

These "apostolic provocateurs" become stirred in their spirit by the Holy Spirit and by revelation from Holy Scripture that launches them on a journey of biblical truth them to be willing to sacrifice their lives on the altar of that uncompromising truth. The Bible along with church history gives us so many examples.

Online dictionaries define provocateur as: agitator, firebrand, instigator, provoker, radical, spark, ring-leader, trouble-maker, fighter, champion, heretic, revolutionary, zealot, rebel, inflamer..........

"Apostolic provocateurs" are champions for truth - "holy rebels" with a cause, burning with a passion to see the church of the Lord Jesus Christ liberated from unbiblical religious doctine, bondage and practices that not only enslave the sons and daughters of God, but also represent the Lord in the earth in a way that Scripture does not.

Few will be daring enough to risk to become such revolutionary change-agents.

But God always has in each generation apostolic leaders that He calls and anoints for the task. They will rally a hungry remnant ready to defy the religious status quo of the day, and see the flames of a holy reformation burn in their generation for present truth.

Axel Sippach


#Deliverance w/o Discipleship could invite 7 more demons into one's life. #transform


Out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of Kingdom influence!!





SOAR - Sold Out And Radical - has launched!! Sold Out about Jesus And Radical about your destiny. People have been joining and are excited to be part of this new platform and community we're developing. The introductory offer is only $19 month and it will have so many features to help you move into all that God has for your life and destiny. Don't wait - Come grow with us!! Go to now for more info and to join this incredible new community. I'm looking forward to being your Destiny Coach, Mentor and Master Class Instructor. The first Master Class unlocks March 31.

Axel Sippach

Your Destiny Coach

& Master Class Instructor



Hey FB Fam!! I was at a place of prayer close to my house very early just before sunrise 2 days ago, and when I was about to leave a gust of wind began to blow in the tops of the trees where I was. Now we get lots of wind here, but my spirit began to take notice of it and it felt so supernatural that I couldn't stop looking up into the fir tree tops. It lasted for a couple minutes. I firmly believed it was a prophetic sign showing that many of us are in a season of acceleration and that we must be ever so careful to steward this wind from heaven very wisely to optimize and maximize its potential for acceletation and subsequent increase. Please pray about this for your life.

Axel Sippach



Great Morning!! I am so excited to announce that April's Master Class in the SOAR platform has unlocked early for its members this morning. Its under the Baptized with Fire series, and the first 70 minute class is in 2 parts: Mystery of Sonship and Mystery of the Divine Council. May's Master Class is Mystery of Melchizedek King/Priests. There will be a 60 minute Live debrief, discussion and Q&A at the end of each month to go over the Master Class. If you have not yet joined our new community "SOAR" why not take the plunge today with the introductory price of only $19 per month and grow with us. You will be so glad you did!! Go to and Join Us now!! See you soon!!


Beware of "church prophets" who have stopped following Jesus and no longer are receiving prophetic revelation from the Holy Spirit, but now from divination and familiar psychic spirits. Do not allow your discernment to be dull in this season. Test and prove all things!! Your life may depend on it.

Axel Sippach



When God is doing a #NewThing, old school #leaders from previous moves of God who have not #SHIFTED in their thinking and are still operating out of the paradigm of the old move - they will not be able to help #lead, #build on, #maximize and #optimize the #traction and #momentum created through the energy of the #NEW God is doing.

That is why Barnabas chose Saul of Tarsus (Apostle Paul) to invest in the NEW in #Antioch instead of the Jerusalem Church apostles and leaders that were struggling in the "mother church" with the tension and conflict created because of the transition from the OLD to the NEW.

Paul was the man for the job, along with #Barnabbas, to help keep upgrading Antioch and prepare them to #shift into the #ApostolicHub of #GlobalInfluence that they would become.

The Jerusalem apostles would not have been able to do it. They would have ended up holding them back.

#Leadership is the #KEY! The right leadership makes all the difference between #success or failure.

- Apostle Axel Sippach



JUNIA was an "outstanding" female apostle (Romans 16:7) who with an "Issachar" understanding of the "times" and a prophetic ability to "see" the future and knew how to lean into the "emerging future" and bring it into her "now."

God's spotlight of favor from heaven is about to shine on many "Junia" apostolic women leaders as never before in 2023. Prepare yourselves. Get ready. The curtain is being pulled back and God is about to bring many of you center stage to showcase you, your gifts, talents, abilities and give platform to your voice.

The "Junia's" are about to be showcased in supernatural ways with miraculous doors opening to those who are ready to have destinies unlocked and ready to make history.

"Junia" - you're coming out of obscurity into the light. This is your time. Use it wisely. Your voice is about to be amplified. You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.

Axel Sippach



I just want to say to all the incredible anointed women of God that are friends on my page, inspite of the male chauvanism that still exists in the church and challenges the call of God upon your life - YOU ARE CALLED, CHOSEN, ANOINTED & APPOINTED & on ASSIGNMENT!! Don't let nobody or nothing stop your pursuit of destiny and purpose, and your sending forth with mandate and mission. #JuniaArise!!!#JuniaForever!!! #WomensHistoryMonth

Axel Sippach




Psalm 68:11-12a Amplified Bible (AMP)

"The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host. The kings of the enemies’ armies, they flee, they flee!......."

Ok - I'm just waiting for the "heresy hunters" to come on this post and say women can't preach. It's too late for you mysogynists. This is 2023. Women can do more than fry chicken in the church. The word of God is full of strong anointed women doing great expoits for God.

In this Psalm 68 Scripture a great army of them preaching the Word cause the enemies to flee. They are God's secret weapon. They advance the Kingdom. They are bold, and they are warriors - even if they got 6 inch high heel stilettos on with their fatigues.

They are anointed to lead, preach, prophesy, teach, cast out demons, heal the sick, evangelize, disciple, lead in worship, sing the song of the Lord, etc etc. They are anointed for breakthrough!! They have been such a blessing to so many nations, they are incredible.

They know how to move in the Spirit. They know how to open the heavens. They know how to cause demonic princes to back up in a territory, and see the enemy flee.

God has had some amazing anointed women apostolic and prophetic leaders and preachers in the church. And he is about to spotlight and headline more in this season.

And its not that these women necessarily want to be famous. But they want the Name of Jesus to be glorified and made famous in the earth in the nations. And they are not afraid to use whatever notoriety they receive, to make Him known in the earth. And they realize that in Christ they have an inheritance. And that inheritance included the nations.

In the EPIC Global Network I lead, I'm proud of the fact that we have some very powerfully anointed apostolic and prophetic women of God that are leaders in this tribe, bringing change and tranformation. They are a force to be reckoned with, advancing God's Kingdom, and glorifying the name of Jesus. They are EPIC Women of Destiny!! #WeAreEPIC #WomensHistoryMonth

Axel Sippach



On the road again.....

Heading home to Seattle area from LAX after an incredible weekend at AWAKEN YOUR PASSION in Norwalk, California hosted by ny spiritual son and EPIC leader Apostle Hector Gomez and New Branch Ministries. What an amazing time in the presence of The Lord. All of the speakers walked heavy in the anointing. The worship was off the chain. I was so blessed ministering and even more so receiving.



The #APOSTOLIC is not just a trendy buzzword to use....the APOSTOLIC is a LIFESTYLE!!

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