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False Doctrine!  False Teacher!  False Apostle!  False Prophet!  False Brethren!
Cult Supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement!


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False Prophet
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False Doctrine!  False Teachers!  False Prophets!-1.png

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Romans 16:18 (AKJB)

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses,

teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre’s sake."

Titus 1:11 (AKJB)

NAR Supporter
Unbiblical Prophecies
UnBiblical Prophecies!   Heretical Babbling!.png

"Let no man deceive you with vain words:
for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 

Be not ye therefore partakers with them."

Ephesians 5:6-7 (AKJB)


Wesley and his wife, Stacey, are the founders of RevivalNOW! Ministries ( and “Be A Hero” ( They are the senior pastors of New Life Church in Kelowna, in British Columbia, Canada.

Stacey is a prophetic voice to this generation and has a passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values. She is the founder and facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council, and serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Dr. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs. Stacey has been ordained by Dr. Bill Hammond and is on the apostolic team of Harvest International Ministries (H.I.M.) under Che Ahn.

Wesley is a member of the teaching faculty of the Wagner Leadership Institute, and is a very gifted teacher. His passion for seeing revival touch the entire world will inspire you, and his teachings on “Praying the Bible” will lead you into a greater fulfillment of the first commandment – to love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. Wesley is the producer of the “Praying the Bible” CDs and has authored several books. His history as a missionary, church planter, pastor and ministry in the wider Body of Christ gives his teaching a depth and authority that can only come from personal experience.


  • This kind of behavior is abundant among the word of faith, prosperity crowd. This woman is actually tame compared to some of the practices in Bethel, and other assembly of God type churches. These people are charlatans and conmen, and have nothing to do with true biblical Christianity.

  • As a christian i found that terrifying. That is NOTHING like what the bible describes prophesy as. may God have mercy on our Nations

  • My husband and I encountered a woman who was in Todd Bentley's "ministry" team. She shook her head violently, growled & hissed when she "prayed" & false prophesied (you see the same demonic spirit operating in many false prophets like Stacey & Jessa). She did not work for a living & avoided church. She lied & said the Holy Spirit told her there is redemption in hell, then further lied & blasphemed in Holy Spirit's name to declare evil on us. We immediately left & shook the dust off our feet

  • I've actually seen her in person. It's scary. If there was a "revival" to come from this, I don't think I've seen any repentance, any brokenness over sin or ANYONE getting saved.

  • This is painful. And yet few people are voicing their opposition to this disgrace.

  • This is not demonic!! This is 100% human made. Look how she coordinates her moves very well. This commissioning was a total embarrasement.

  • This video shows the power of peer group persuasion; what saddens me is that some people still believe this to be godly prophecy, perhaps out of sheer embarrassment more than anything else.

  • She prophesies that the revival is starting through Todd. Didn't happen. Even before the story broke that he was having an adulterous affair, he decided to leave the Lakeland revival and go on a "world tour." The big kick off was at the former property owned by Jimmy & Tammy Faye Bakker, and put on by Rick Joyner (new owner) on August 8, 2008. It was a big failure. Hardly anyone showed up. Then his sin was found out and he had to be "rehabilitated" quickly because all these ministries had connected themselves to him. And now - in 2019 - he calls himself an "apostolic visionary" and is on tour again.

  • They should have took the mic from her the moment she started shaking...They should have instantly layed hands on her to cast out that unclean spirit...scary..

  • This is the kundilini spirit, folks. Don't be mislead. It may sound "churchy" but in reality is designed to mislead!

  • Well, the problem is that this is a New Age Revival. Non biblical in every way, therefore anything goes and is fully accepted.

  • This is the kind of 'prophecy' today's church wants.... and boy, does it make money.

  • the lady seems to be able to turn this stuff on like a tap. it looks like she has made quite a living out of it since then what with books appearences all over the world etc in the charismatic Christian world the adage a sucker is born every minute is ever true.

  • I was so dIsquieted in my spirit, I had to fast forward past a lot of her does she speak clearly through all of that anyway? Whether for theatrics'sake or some demonic possession, her reliance on this experiential manifestation is leading vulnerable people astray. This is false teachIng of another "Jesus", and needs to be exposed.

  • This is so disturbing I can’t watch her shaking her head like that. That is definitely not the Holy Spirit, so many people are deceived

  • I feel so sorry for the audience it just breaks my heart to see them cheer and get excited over something that is just said by a person, rather than looking to the word of God and getting their counsel from there.

  • I went to a ladies conference back in the early 90s and she was the featured speaker. She has not changed since then. It's the same message and same head shaking. I was in the NAR movement for over 22 years and was delivered from it a few years ago. So glad God opened my eyes. I do not believe it's the Holy Spirit. They put people like her on such a high pedestal and almost bow down to worship them. They go from conference to conference trying to catch the next great glory wave. Especially being from Canada we have heard this for so many years that there will be a great revival coming from the north. I'm still waiting for this "great revival" so far all I see is our nation falling more and more away into deprivation just as the scriptures said would happen. These people are so deceived, stay away!!

  • Kundalini deception. They are deceived themselves. Blind leading the blind. So heartbreaking

  • I think this shaking thing may also be a deliberate gimmick to make people think that someone is being filled with the Holy Spirit. This works quite well to gullible people who have no knowledge of God's Word.

  • i used to believe that they were faking, but after watching videos of the kundalini spirit manifestations, the similarities are shocking!

  • this movement surely cannot be faked! I tried to do was impossible. This is pure demonic manifestation.

  • I agree with you this is put on. A gimmick. A selling point. But still a wicked heart to deceive

  • they even hiss like serpents

  • Pray for these people. While they’re still alive God will still show mercy to them.

  • That was definitely something else. Actually felt a disturbance in my gut/heart/soul. I do not understand, outside completely deceived, anyone can view this and not understand it is not of the Holy Spirit.

  • It’s terrifying because you can tell she’s not controlling it whatsoever. And she’s making the “shh shh shh” sound too. Simply frightening

  • Creepy weird! Is it any wonder that non Christians think we're all weird? How do you come back from that?!

  • Peter nor Paul shook their heads in such a manner while proclaiming the gospel

  • It's weird to me and I'm sure to non believers. Do they want to go into a Church setting to see that?!!

  • I think weird is the right word. But the sad part is the crowd don't understand this is not of God. But it isn't strange or weird in the occult.

  • This is totally bizarre. Who in their right mind would think this is normal or of the Holy Spirit?! I pray that these people find the truth.

  • Funny how she rapidly calmed down as she ended and just walked back to her seat as if nothing had happened.

  • But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 2 Timothy 3: 1-5

  • That was something else, for sure. We must continue to pray against such deception.

  • this is God sending them a strong delusion. They have swapped good for bad and bad for good. The audience hates the truth, they are in darkness. They love their ears tickled.

  • Wasn’t our Lord’s ministry on earth was to cast out demons & to heal the sick? This woman needs deliverance!

  • Where do we see in scripture when someone is shaking or being thrown around. Only when someone had a demon in them what she is doing is not from the Holy spirit.

  • Yup. I'm positive if someone walking with Jesus did any of this he would cast a demon out of them or several demons

  • Strangely, her son says he's ever witnessed her prophesy outside of the church. Wonder why that is?

  • This is PAINFUL to watch literally! As someone who's had a neck fusion I can only imagine the damage this will cause this nut case long term. What is wrong with these people? They are filled with a spirit all right a demonic one don't be fooled like their congregation NEVER in Biblical history did they ever behave in this manner I'm appalled!

  • The other people on the stage : “ This is too much, but hey we’re up here, so we better go along with it “

  • If this doesn't give you the creeps nothing will

  • I can’t even look at her... she gives me the CREEPS !!!!!!

  • listening also is a nightmare!

  • Amazing what we’ll do for attention and accolades!

  • I would be so embarrassed if there was a video of me doing this

  • The prophet said, "And my people love it so." Jesus, Paul, Peter and Jude warned us about such lunacy and those who would follow them.

  • Aside from the obnoxious shaking, the fact that all of those so called prophecies did not come to pass, speaks volumes. Such blasphemous crowd of people. To believe such things came from God, you had to have such low view of God.

  • The demons don't just cause physical manifestation but they cloud and distort the reality of the peoples mind.

  • It is unbelievable that anyone could fall for her charade.

  • I see that, she is manifesting a demon, I was getting sick watching her. A Move of The Spirit? Yes, But Definitely Not The holy Spirit!

  • The Devil IS doing Signs and wonders, Just Like The magicians of The Pharao. Repent people

  • I went to a service with stacy shaking. The person that invited me told me that some people thought it was demonic. At the time I didnt know what to think but it tipped me off to scrutinize everything. God showed me these people passing the spirit through laying on of hands. Example two shaking people were brought over to lay hands on woman who was being focused on. I thought I wouldnt want the spirit that the two shaking people had they looked like dopers. It was a great revelation as I watched the demons reveal their works over and over.

  • Second hand embarrassment is a real thing. And I feel embarrassed just watching this. May God have mercy on these people so that they may be able to repent and to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for Eternal Life and Salvation!

  • This reminds of the exorcist back in the 70's. Very demonic!! Had to fast forward.

  • Definitely something, but certainly not the Holy Spirit! To carry on shaking like that for so long and still talk at the same time, unbelievable, scary!!! The fruit of the Spirit, gentleness, SELF CONTROL. Satan is deceiving many with this foolish, empty talk, this is mockery!! May God forgive these people, and deliver them from this evil

  • Can’t begin to imagine how ANYONE could believe that this is from our wonderful God.

  • The most common thing I see with this spirit is the hissing like a snake. That's demonic

  • I can’t take this serious at all. The whole thing is completely terrifying that anyone could be deceived by this.

  • barely started watching this,that's what would happen if I saw this in church, I'd be outta there!!!

  • Are these people totally deceived or total liars? When you see Todd's affair while in the ministry we know he is a liar. I pray these people would repent publicly so all those caught in these teachings will wake up.

  • This isn't biblical it's just demonic even the sounds she makes are weird i don't think she is doing it here self but that she possessed


  • even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12  Authorized (King James) Version

  • I wonder why anyone let her hold that mic and speak like that. Its disrespectful to the Holy spirit to act like that on stage and say that you are born again after acting like that. I doubt that any of the apostles or disciples of the first church did anything like this and it would be them rebuking the demons in this moment if they were here. Thank you Jesus for exposing these false prophets through this channel! Praise the Lord!

  • I’m SO embarrassed for her (them)!! I bet she gets terrible headaches doing that . ZERO reverence...a total mockery of our faith

  • I hope the corruption in these false churches is revealed on a nationwide but I also fear for the ones who thought this was really God when they realize they have been deceived

  • This passes for normal in the "new christianity."

  • Sometime I think this Is the spirit of showmanship

  • When my patients shake like this, i put them on Keppra for seizures. But I’m pretty sure these people have kundalini spirit going on

  • This is certainly any other spirit except The Holy Spirit of grace.

  • Ya know.... this is a testament to how loving and merciful our God is.... if we weren't under the covenant of Christ she would have been struck down a WHILE ago. Pray that she repents and stops these false manifestations

  • The sound she makes is the same snake like sound Kenneth Hagin would make when the "spirit" fell on him.

  • I have no words for this insane manifestation of the dEVIL... It's a huge insult to declare this crazy display as a work of the Lord and His Holy Spirit!!!

  • This is pure Jezebelic spirit

  • The HOLY SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD is so heartbroken and grieved over this despicable blasphemy. I used to believe they were just deceived and turned over to a reprobate mind. After listening to the John, the Heresy Hunter, I agree with his assessment. They KNOW they are deliberately destroying GOD'S church because they're witches and warlocks. Anyone buying in to this gross deception is being led down a wide path of destruction.

  • This is disgusting,and makes me angry and sad.... I have been posessed after sermony in colombia. And i had noo control of my body and speech. .i knew emediately i was posessed and i was fighting for 6 hours in the mud. I was shaking and throwing up maggots and had 3/ 60 vision.i saw the demons and they followd me and tormented me for years ,until Jesus set me free. Praise almight GOD.

  • Do you think maybe it's just a show and not even any sort of spirit? Either way she's certainly found her ”marketing niche”. I agree this is not an exhibit of the Holy Spirits presence.

  • Definitely NOT the Holy Spirit of a Holy God!

  • What she is doing is actually scary. How on earth can someone act like that and then still call on the Name of Jesus?

  • It like a demonic possession manifesting in front of us. She is hissing like a snake. So disturbing

  • Did anyone of them have ever read what Jesus have told us about these days? Or read the book of Daniel? All NARs "prophecies" are always about how everything will become great and awesome. No one would ever "prophesy" something bad- and if, no one would listen anyway. It reminds me of the end of Ahab, where everyone prophesies good outcomes - but Micha is the exception and that made him unpopular. Of course, Ahab didn't listen and died because of it.

  • The same thing is going on inside of her, as with anyone who thinks God is speaking to them or through them. She's considerably more animated, but her source is the same as anyone who hears from God. Her words are her own words. Human. Same as everyone else. I find it very ironic when religious people critique other religious people. You're doing the same thing, it's just different flavors.

  • Oh, my, those people are so fraud that makes me sick. They are demon possessed and very good pretenders too.

  • Just wondering if she entered into a trance through self-hypnosis to channel some invisible force to which she and others would claim to be the Holy Spirit. The sound of hissing/rattling was concerning. Then with all that head shaking her balance didn't seem affected too much at the end. If she was in a state of altered consciousness she may not have been aware of what she was saying or doing at the time; she submitted to became a mouthpiece for the enemy's use. She's one among many manifesting strange behaviors leading many astray. That was unscriptural claptrap and unpleasant to watch. May God's truth and grace reign.

  • I feel motion sick watching this! Try moving like that. It can't be done. This is truly Kundalini.This is A spirit! Andrew Strom's videos are great resources on that. If Yeshua didn't do it and the disciples didn't do it, we shouldn't be doing it either!

  • Some one once said it was a evil and adulterous generation that seeks for a sign. The heretical Pentecostal/charismatic/assemblies of God and now the Nar are all under the false assumption Joel 2 applies to them when it actually applies to Israel just before the end time and the return of Yeshua.

  • The test is if the “prophesy “ comes true. If you listen to what she said, it was all vague and grandiose. No real way to check if it comes true or not. In any case, having a Pentecostal back ground, this is nothing scary or weird, unless you’re not a Christian or a Christian from a Pentecostal background. It is definitely not being done to bring attention to Jesus. Demonic; depends on your definition of that word.

  • These ppl are pure evil. Something wicked and demonic in these people. And the audience, smh, just cheering them along.

  • Are we supposed to believe that she's come under some kind of ecstatic control of the Spirit and getting a word from the Lord? Did you rush to get out your pen and paper to write down the profound revelation she was proclaiming so you wouldn't miss anything? I mean, listen to her words, the genius of what has just been spoken. Now if I can just figure out what to do with information. Can anybody help me out?

  • Don't ever give her the microphone again!

  • Demons walk amongst us

  • This is really really disturbing I can’t watch for long before I have to look away it makes me very unsettled.

  • Sadly the devil is shaking her so bad and they think it's God. That's the biggest deception ever

  • Something foul entered the church at Toronto.

  • i think the shaking is just her flesh. like you said: it is action time and she manifests. dont think this is caused in this instance by any spirit

  • A ministry which I attend she is a prophetess and literally seen god is with her she does god approval not man approval but one thing makes me very doubt i.e if people don't fall back she says devil is not allowing the flow of anointing holy spirit(holy spirit manifestation).is it compulsory that holy spirit manifestation must take place by falling back?

  • They tell her come forth so that they have the manifestation....they don't look for God, they look to feel sensation

  • People why can’t you see she is a charlatan?

  • I feel it's very blasphemous! God wouldn't want us to be distracted by her "shaking" when sharing His Word.


  • Scammin & shakin all the way to the bank.

  • That was hard to watch. Not because of what was happening to her body. But because I don't enjoy watching demons.

  • I mean how in the world does one's assumed this is from God? The folk on stage knows that this is a hoax, but they have to keep with the script.

  • Manifesting a demon. That demon is causing people to commit BLASPHEMY because they think she is manifesting the Holy Spirit. It is an unholy spirit. They are blind may God have mercy on them and send His Spirit of Truth unto them and bring them out of that snare of the devil.

  • As far as I'm concerned, ALL of their souls are damned. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. All of these "evangelists" are mocking the Holy Spirit and making a handsome profit in process. If that's not blasphemy, then nothing else is

  • If I were looking for a church to get some insight of how to be a Christion and I saw something as wild as this lady, I would do a 180 and get out of there! She is out of her mind. She is serving the wrong master.

  • You have to have zero discernment to fall for such nonsense. I think it is just her schtick she uses to generate interest in her so-called ministry.

  • Anyone with even the smallest discernment can see this is NOT from God. It’s disturbing and unsettling.

  • False prophetess shakey Campbell

  • Yep that’s god. The god of this world. UN-Believable ANYONE goes for this. So gross. Their little piece of rock stardom.

  • She hissing like a snake. It's uncomfortable to watch.

  • So what did she say in that "shaking show"? Nothing really...just word salad and stuff made up as God never speaks anything different from what he has already revealed in his Word.

  • This is NOT Biblical Christianity.

  • and the name of Jesus Christ isn't gospel, no forgiveness of sins won by Jesus Christ on the cross. Instead all you have is a show featuring Stacy Campbell shaking her head furiously.

Todd Coconato

Question sent in to us:

“Is there ANY instance in the Bible where someone shook their head rapidly while giving a prophetic word?”



No. There are no specific instances in the Bible where it mentions people shaking their heads rapidly while praying or prophesying.

The Bible describes various postures and gestures during prayer and prophecy, but shaking one's head rapidly is not a mentioned practice in the biblical texts. Its important to note that different Christian denominations and traditions may have their own variations of worship practices, but these are not necessarily derived from specific biblical references.

We also need to be careful, ask the Holy Spirit, and use discernment with such things, as some people confuse emotional expression or a fleshly response for something of the Spirit. While we don’t limit what the Spirit can do, we also look to the Bible for guidance in such matters in order to avoid confusion or ungodly disorder.

Could it happen? Possibly, but just make sure to test the spirits.

Ponzi Scam


BCSC settlement helps investors partially recoup money lost in Ponzi scheme

Vancouver - British Columbia residents, who lost about $1.3-million in a U.S.-based "Ponzi" scheme, could recover about half of their money after the B.C. Securities Commission negotiated a settlement with four men involved in getting people - mostly Christian evangelicals - to invest in the venture.

John DeVries, Ernest Reed Grafke, Ralph Bromley and Wesley Campbell have admitted that they directly or indirectly got B.C. residents to invest in securities of Amber Enterprises without being registered and without filing a prospectus as required under securities laws.

DeVries, a Turks and Caicos resident, established Amber to allow people to invest in IPIC Investments - a California-based operation that supposedly ran an import-export business, but was found to be a Ponzi scheme after U.S. regulators raided it and a receiver took over its affairs. (A Ponzi is an investment scam that pays out current investors with money from new investors.)

In the settlement, DeVries and Grafke have together agreed to pay $500,000 to the BCSC for restitution to B.C. Amber investors. DeVries was the president, secretary and sole shareholder of Amber and Grafke is a Texas pastor who introduced DeVries to Gregory Setser, a former pastor who ran IPIC. Grafke was also responsible for overseeing the production and dissemination of information materials to potential investors in Amber.

As part of the settlement, DeVries and Grafke agreed they will consent to an order by the Supreme Court of British Columbia enabling the B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office (CFO) to provide restitution to investors. The BCSC will forward the monies collected from the two men to the CFO once the Court issues the consent order. Devries and Grafke have also been banned from the B.C. capital markets, with DeVries out for 17 years and Grafke out for 15 years.

Bromley, a former pastor at Kelowna-based New Life Church, has agreed to pay the BCSC $9,000 and has been banned from the capital markets for five years except in limited circumstances.

Campbell, a co-founder and former pastor of New Life Church, received a two-year ban from the capital markets except in limited circumstances.

The B.C. Securities Commission is the independent provincial government agency responsible for regulating trading in securities within the province. You may view the settlement on our website by typing in the search box the names of the individuals or Amber Enterprises or 2007 BCSECCOM 54. If you have questions, contact Andrew Poon, Media Relations, 604-899-6880.

The Civil Forfeiture Act was brought into force on April 20, 2006.  It is intended to deter unlawful activity by providing the legal mechanisms necessary to allow for the forfeiture of property acquired through unlawful activity. The Act also allows the Civil Forfeiture Office to manage and dispose of forfeited proceeds, and includes the authority to make payments to eligible victims, as in this case.

2006 BCSECCOM 251

Notice of Hearing

John DeVries, David DeVries, Ernest Reed Grafke,
Ralph Bromley and Wesley Campbell

Section 161 of the Securities Act, RSBC 1996, c. 418

1 The Commission will hold a hearing at which the Executive Director will tender evidence, make submissions and apply for orders against John DeVries, David DeVries, Ernest Reed Grafke, Ralph Bromley, and Wesley Campbell (collectively, the Respondents) under sections 161, 162 and 174 of the Securities Act, RSBC 1996, c. 418. (the Act).

¶2 The Executive Director alleges that the following conduct and activity was contrary to the public interest.

1. Amber Enterprises Ltd. (Amber) was incorporated in the Bahamas. It has never filed a prospectus under the Act.

2. John DeVries has residences in Peachland, British Columbia and the Turks and Caicos Islands. He was the President, Secretary, Director and sole shareholder of Amber.

3. David DeVries is the son of John DeVries. He is a resident of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

4. Ernest Reed Grafke (Grafke) is a resident of Texas in the United States.

5. John Devries, David DeVries, and Grafke managed the day to day operations of Amber.

6. The New Life Church (NLC) is located in Kelowna, British Columbia. Hope for the Nations (HFTN) is a registered charitable organization operated largely by members of NLC. Wealth for the Nations (WFTN) is the governing body that oversees and distributes charitable funds generated through companies such as Amber. WFTN is based out of Barbados. The members of these organizations share certain common religious beliefs.

7. Ralph Bromley (Bromley) is a resident of Kelowna, British Columbia. He is a close personal friend of John DeVries and the President of HFTN and a pastor at NLC.

8. Wesley Campbell (Campbell) is a resident of Kelowna, British Columbia. He was a director of HFTN and a co-founder and pastor of NLC.

9. None of the Respondents has ever been registered under the Act.

10. Between the spring of 2002 and November of 2003, John DeVries, with the assistance of the other Respondents, obtained funds from investors based on the promise that if they invested in Amber, they would receive the full return of their principal investment, together with a fixed amount of interest, in a single payment within a few months following their initial investment.

11. The Respondents told investors that the interest to be paid on the principal investments in Amber would be derived from profits earned by IPIC International Inc. (IPIC). Amber entered into joint venture agreements with IPIC who purportedly used investors’ capital to purchase bulk lots of goods overseas for import to the United States and resale to large well-known retailers within the United States.

12. Investors invested by entering into partnership agreements with Amber (Partnership Agreements).

13. John DeVries was the guiding mind behind the Amber promotion.

14. David DeVries was responsible for overseeing administrative operations, including reviewing and approving all applications for investment in Amber by potential investors.

15. Grafke’s management responsibilities included overseeing the production and dissemination of information materials to potential investors in Amber.

16. Many of the investors in Amber were members of NLC, affiliated churches or regular contributors to HFTN. Campbell and Bromley both used their positions as pastors of NLC to solicit investments in Amber by members of HFTN and NLC.

17. For its services, Amber collected fees that were paid out to John DeVries, David DeVries and Grafke.

Illegal Trading and Distribution
18. All of the Respondents were directly or indirectly involved in soliciting, facilitating or negotiating the Amber securities, contrary to 34(1) and 61 of the Act.

Misrepresentation and Fraud
19. John DeVries and Grafke, in promoting the Partnership Agreements, made false statements to investors and potential investors, including, among other things, claims that:

(a) Investors would be guaranteed margins which were higher than anything they could receive in the stock market;

(b) Amber had conducted proper due diligence on the buyers and sellers involved in the IPIC investments;

(c) Amber’s business would expand from hundreds of millions to billions;

(d) Amber was completely compliant with respect to securities laws and up to date on all filings; and

(e) Amber was spending significant funds to comply with securities regulations.

20. In making these and other statements, John DeVries and Grafke made misrepresentations, contrary to section 50(1)(d) of the Act.

21. John DeVries and Grafke also omitted to advise investors and potential investors of certain material facts on a timely basis or at all, including, among other things, that:

    • (a) Amber had no other source of revenue other than its dealings with IPIC;

      (b) Amber was owed almost $60 million by IPIC; and

      (c) countless products supposedly purchased by IPIC with investors’ monies had been stolen or had gone missing.

22. By failing to inform investors and potential investors of these and other facts, John DeVries and Grafke made misrepresentations, contrary to section 50(1)(d) of the Act.

23. In making deceitful statements to them and by failing to inform them of material facts, John DeVries and Grafke perpetrated a fraud against investors, contrary to sections 57 and 57.1 of the Act.

24. Overall, investors suffered losses totaling approximately $10 million USD. British Columbia investors suffered losses totaling approximately $2 million USD.

Unfair Practice
25. John DeVries and Grafke, while engaging in investor relations activities or with the intention of effecting a trade in a security or both, represented to religiously devout individuals that a investment in Amber was sanctioned by God. This put unreasonable pressure on these individuals by exploiting their beliefs and the trust shared among them within their religious community, contrary to section 50(1)(e) of the Act.

26. John DeVries and Grafke exploited the common religious affiliation and beliefs among potential investors by making representations about investing in Amber that could not be objectively verified.

Hearing Process

3 At the Hearing, the Respondents may be represented by counsel, make submissions and tender evidence. The Respondents are requested to advise the Commission of their intention to attend the Hearing by informing the Secretary to the Commission at PO Box 10142, Pacific Centre, 701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1L2 phone: (604) 899-6500; email:

4 The Respondents or their counsel are required to attend at the 12th Floor Hearing Room, 701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, on Monday, June 5, 2006, at 10:30 am if they wish to be heard before the Commission sets a date for the Hearing.

5 If the Respondents or their counsel do not appear at the Hearing, the Executive Director will apply to have questions of liability and sanction heard at the same time. Determinations adverse to the Respondents may be made in their absence.

6 May 4, 2006
Brenda M. Leong, Executive Director

Alleged scam connected to British Columbia church

Bilked investors of $10 million

KELOWNA, B.C. — Three Central Okanagan residents have been told to appear before the B.C. Securities Exchange Commission to face charges of an investment scam connected to the New Life Church in Kelowna.

It’s alleged that a ‘Ponzi’ pyramid scheme cost investors more than $10 million, including $2 million in losses incurred by Okanagan residents who bought into the scheme.

John DeVries, who ran the investment program under Amber Enterprises; Ralph Bromley, president of the Hope for the Nations (HFTN) charity — which is run by New Life Church (NLC); and Wesley Campbell, a director of Hope for the Nations and New Life Church pastor, have been summoned to face a commission hearing.

The commission alleges they acted “contrary to the public interest” and will seek fines against them.

Also called before the commission are David DeVries, John’s son who lives in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and Reed Gafke of Texas.

“There were over 100 (investors) here,” said one Kelowna investor, who asked not to be named.

“Some people put second mortgages on their houses. Some were single moms who lost everything. There are some human stories that are terrible in this.”

Investment money was raised among members of the church by John DeVries through two companies: Amber Enterprises and Wealth for the Nations (WFTN).

The investments failed after the U.S.-based partner of Amber and Wealth for the Nations — Gregory Setser and his company, IPIC International — were indicted by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States.

The U.S. government alleges Setser illegally raised $160 million from investors associated with evangelical Christian congregations

The commission’s filing states that Setser has spoken in Kelowna at Wealth for the Nations investment seminars organized by DeVries, where Setser promised investors returns that were higher than anything they could make in the stock market.

John DeVries also lives in the Turks and Caicos Islands as well as having a residence in B.C.’s Peachland.

He could not be reached for comment on the allegations.

A Ponzi scheme is a type of illegal pyramid named after Charles Ponzi, who duped thousands of Americans into investing in a postage stamp speculation scheme in the 1920s.

New Life Church is located on Highway 97 in the Okanagan.

Hope for the Nations is a registered charitable organization operated largely by members of New Life Church.

Wealth for the Nations, which is based in Barbados, is the governing body of Hope for the Nations, reports the commission.

“Many of the investors in Amber were members of NLC, affiliated churches or regular contributors to HFTN,” said the filing by the commission.

“Campbell and Bromley both used their positions as pastors of NLC to solicit investments in Amber by members,” It said.

Neither Campbell nor Bromley were available for comment Friday.

Malcolm Petch, an elder of the church, issued a written response Friday.

“As you can imagine, those who lost money, including those named in the (B.C. commission’s) notice of hearing, were devastated and embarrassed by the developments that came to light in late 2003.

“We believe that our church members were acting from the heart to give, and to help children in need,” wrote Petch.

“The church continues to support all of our members and stands with them as they walk through these matters.”

He said Bromley, Campbell and John DeVries have pledged to co-operate with the regulatory bodies.

In a Dec. 13, 2003, story in The Okanagan Saturday which first brought the situation to light, DeVries stated in a letter to investors that his company in B.C. “was in no way aware of any of the alleged wrongdoing by Greg Setser.

“This does not mean that our business is finished; rather, we are transforming and developing plans to go forward,” wrote DeVries. “We would very much appreciate your joining us in prayer for the wisdom of the staff and the efforts of the government regulators and others involved in the investigation and recouping of assets.

“You have the unwavering commitment of the WFTN and Amber team to conduct all areas of our business prayerfully, honestly, with every ounce of wisdom God entrusts to us.

“Thank you for your prayers demonstrating you really are in this with us for Kingdoms sake.”

The alleged wrongdoing occurred between the spring of 2002 and November 2003.

No date has been set for the commissions hearing.

Millions of dollars lost to con artists

By FRANK STIRK Senior Correspondent | June 9, 2006

ABBOTSFORD, BC—Three years into a government-funded program of alerting churches about people who attach themselves to congregations just to steal their money, hospital chaplain John Haycock believes the message is beginning to make a difference.

"We stopped a scam at a church here in Abbotsford," he says. "We stopped a person who at that point already scammed almost half a million dollars from that church and close to $5 million from the bigger community."

With a grant from the B.C. Securities Commission, Haycock and Seamus Mackrell, a fellow chaplain at a hospital in nearby Chilliwack, tour churches with a multimedia presentation on how to avoid becoming victims of what is known as "affinity fraud."

Commission spokesman Andrew Poon calls it "fraud among friends."

"Often what [affinity fraudsters] do," he says, "is pitch an investment scheme to some of the higher profile members in the group, convince them…this is something you can 'legitimately' gain a return on, and then use the fact that they have high-profile members involved to sway other members in the community."

Haycock adds they are highly adept at "what language to speak, what words to use…to scam you from your money."

So in a church setting, for example, they can easily con members into thinking they share the same beliefs as a way of building trust.

Yet once trust is gained, the investment pitched and the money changes hands, they disappear, leaving their victims financially ruined. "They've no remorse, they've no guilt—nothing," says Haycock.

Sometimes, the con man may have little direct contact with the church—which is what apparently happened at New Life Church in Kelowna.

In early May, the commission named two of its pastors, Wesley Campbell and Ralph Bromley, and members John DeVries and his son David in a "notice of hearing" on various fraud-related charges. Also named was Dallas, Texas preacher Ernest Grafke.

The commission alleges that in early 2002, John DeVries set up a company called Amber Enterprises to obtain funds from investors who were then invested in IPIC International Inc., an import-export company headed by Gregory Setser of California.

In November 2003, IPIC collapsed. It was revealed it had defrauded investors of $10 million U.S. worldwide, including $2 million U.S. from B.C. investors, some of them members of New Life Church.

Among the allegations leveled by the commission, DeVries and Grafke were said to have claimed "that an investment in Amber was sanctioned by God," and that Campbell and Bromley both purportedly "used their positions as pastors" to solicit investments.

In a statement, the church insisted that these individuals had also been scammed. It also pointed out that every investor had agreed in advance that part of their profits would go "to help children in need."

Lead pastor Kim Unrau says his members "responded very well" when told of the notice of hearing.

"We did some stuff out of James—'Rejoice and count it pure joy when you face testing and trials,'" he says. "They chose to rejoice in the test, even though we don't like it, we don't understand it."

Haycock commends New Life's stated willingness "to support all of our members and [to stand] with them as they walk through these matters."

But he cautions pastors whose churches have been hit by affinity fraud not to overlook the "secondary losses" that can last for decades.

"Are you going to allow people honestly to tell their stories, share the pain of the community?" he asks. "Many of these people would be on the verge of retirement, so…what they dreamed about is gone."

A date for a hearing into the commission's allegations will be set on June 12. It can ban individuals found guilty from the B.C. securities market for life and fine them up to $250,000. Companies can be fined as much as $500,000.

New law brings restitution in faith-based Ponzi scheme

B.C. Securities Commission invokes the province’s Civil Forfeiture Act to secure $500,000 for 80 B.C. investors

The B.C. Securities Commission has, for the first time, invoked the province’s Civil Forfeiture Act to secure $500,000 restitution for 80 investors from British Columbia who lost a combined $1.3 million in a massive faith-based Ponzi scheme run out of California.

The restitution is included in a settlement agreement the commission negotiated on Jan. 25 with John DeVries, a leader of the New Life Church in Kelowna, B.C.; Reed Grafke, a pastor at the Gateway Church in Southlake, Tex.; and two other men connected to the NLC in Kelowna, Ralph Bromley and Wesley Campbell.

The BCSC also broke new ground by alleging the respondents exploited the religious affiliation of investors by claiming the investment was “sanctioned by God.” However, because the case was settled in advance of a hearing, this allegation was not formally tested.

The investment scheme was the brainchild of Gregory Setser, a pastor from California. In 1999, he and several others set up International Product Investment Corp. to buy bulk goods from overseas suppliers and sell them to major retailers such as Home Depot and Costco. Investors were promised returns of 25%-50% within three to six months, which they could donate to charity.

Setser and his colleagues pitched their scheme through evangeli-cal churches in the U.S. and Canada. One person who liked the idea was DeVries, an influential member of the NLC in Kelowna. DeVries set up a Bahamian-registered company called Amber Enterprises Ltd. , through which he solicited investments in IPIC. In all, he raised US$30 million from 440 investors, including C$5.8 million from 80 investors in B.C. Most were Christian evangelicals and some were members of the NLC.

The scheme initially appeared to work. Money flowed back to Amber, which, in turn, forwarded about US$1.5 million of profits to charitable organizations on behalf of investors. But in the summer of 2003, payments began to slow. DeVries became suspicious and halted further investments.

The U.S. Securities and Ex-change Commission and the FBI conducted an investigation and found no evidence of an import business. They said Setser used the money to finance a luxurious lifestyle, including a 33-metre yacht, a private aircraft, a helicopter and numerous exotic homes.

In November 2003, the SEC raided IPIC’s office and charged Setser and several others with fraud and operating a Ponzi scheme. The company collapsed and a receiver was appointed. When the dust settled, investors had collectively lost US$160 million. Setser and several others were subsequently convicted of fraud and are to be sentenced shortly.

In May 2006, BCSC executive director Brenda Leong issued a notice of hearing alleging that DeVries, Grafke and the two pastors at the NLC, Bromley and Campbell, had sold or facilitated the sale of Amber securities, which had not been registered for sale in B.C.

Leong alleged De-Vries was the “guiding mind” behind the promotion, and that Grafke helped produce and distribute promotional material. She also alleged the two men made misleading statements about IPIC and the returns it would produce.

She further alleged that DeVries and Grafke had engaged in unfair practices by telling church members that investments in Amber had been sanctioned by God: “De-Vries and Grafke exploited the com-mon religious affiliation and beliefs among potential investors by making representations about investing in Amber that could not be objectively verified.”

This was a key component of the BCSC’s case. The commission has been waging an educational campaign to combat so-called “affinity fraud,” in which promoters use their membership in an organization — often a church group — to gain the trust of other members. This was the first time it had been cited as an unfair practice.

In the settlement agreement, all four admitted they had sold unregistered securities, but otherwise denied any wrongdoing. They said they had no idea Setser was running a Ponzi scheme and insisted they were victims.

DeVries noted that he and his family lost C$1.1 million in the scheme, and he had contributed US $430,000 to a trust set up by the receiver to compensate Amber investors. He also had undertaken not to file any personal claims with the receiver.

But Leong still wasn’t satisfied. “We were very firm that we expected restitution to be made in this case,” she says.

Under the settlement agreement, DeVries and Grafke agreed to pay C$500,000 to victims through the B.C. Civil Forfeiture Act, which came into effect last April. The act enables the province to seize property, goods or cash deemed by a civil court judge — on a balance of probabilities rather than the criminal standard of beyond reasonable doubt — to have been gained illegally or used in the commission of an illegal act. It is the first time the BCSC has used the act.

@page_break@DeVries and Grafke have agreed to pay the money to B.C. Supreme Court in two instalments: $300,000 on Feb. 28 and $200,000 on April 28. The court will then forward it to the B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office for distribution to victims.

DeVries also has agreed to a 17-year suspension from the B.C. securities market; Grafke, to a 15-year suspension. Bromley and Campbell have agreed to five- and two-year suspensions, respectively. Bromley also has agreed to pay $9,000 restitution.

As far as the religious aspect is concerned, DeVries and Grafke admitted only that “IPIC, through Amber, was able to expand the Ponzi scheme into the B.C. evangelical community, causing significant losses to the investors.”

There was no reference to using religious affiliation or invoking God to exploit investors. “This was a novel allegation and one that has not ever been tested,” says Leong.

“Had the negotiations fallen apart, we were quite prepared to go to a hearing and present evidence on all the allegations,” she continues. “But in the interests of the restitution order, we agreed to the settlement as you see it.” IE

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It’s no surprise to discover that many involved with “The Change” event taking place on Aug. 4, 2023, at the Estadia de Luz (Stadium of Light) in Lisbon, Portugal are part of the NAR and have been ecumenical for quite some time now…

Today’s post concerns Stacey Campbell, one of the outspoken promoters of this event ( The purpose of this post is to show the many concerning Campbell and to provide more information concerning “The Change.”

Stacey Campbell is the founder of the Canadian Prophetic Council, and has helped launch prophetic roundtables in several nations. She serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Dr. Cindy Jacobs. Stacey is a board member of Iris Global (Heidi Baker) and she and her husband, Wesley, serve on the Apostolic Team of HIM (Che Ahn’s Harvest International Ministries). (

Campbell is quite ecumenical and in these discussion notes ( - with Tammy Cheetham), we learn that in 2004 she was invited to the Vatican with Catholics and non-denominational leaders to discuss the divisions in the church world. Then, in 2007, Matteo Calisi invited her to an ecumenical event concerning John 17 in Argentina. (Note: Matteo Calisi and Lou Engle were involved in the infamous reconciliatory feet-kissing incident at Azusa Now in 2016). At this ecumenical event in Argentina, Campbell ended up praying for Cardinal Bergoglio and gave this word she claimed was from the Lord: “Because you’ve so humbled yourself I am going to highly exalt you and give you the highest name in the Catholic church and you will be the next pope.”

Regarding the fact this word came to pass, I believe this is a time Deut. 13:1-3 would apply:

1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,

2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;

3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

In this video ( we see she was part of the Apostolic and Prophetic team that “commissioned” Todd Bentley at the Lakeland “Revival” in June of 2008. C. Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson, Che Ahn, Rick Joyner, John Arnott, Georgian Banov, Wesley Campbell, Dutch Sheets, and Cindy Jacobs were the other well-known NAR leaders and members of this team.

Patricia King is another NAR adherent promoting this event. As this poster ( indicates, King hosted the 25th anniversary of her “Women on the Frontlines” conferences on May 4-6. Stacey Campbell spoke at this event.

Regarding Campbell’s message, Patricia King states: “Stacey Campbell shares regarding an upcoming historical and pivotal event that will display supernatural unity unto harvest and the release of kingdom life and power.”

In this video ( we hear Stacey Campbell make the following points:

9:52 “We’re in a time that’s a great fulfillment of prophecy…When we get a word it’s the job of us to pray those words into fulfillment.

Commentary: "Pray those words into fulfillment"? Who knew?

11:29 “Since early 1983 Bob Jones began to prophesy that when the Kansas City Chiefs go to the Super Bowl and win, this will be a signpost that the billion-soul youth harvest is beginning.” (Note: she later connects the billion soul harvest to “The Change”).

Commentary: Except that according to this article ( at the age of 63 Jones was removed from his ministry position:

“The sins for which Bob has been removed from ministry include using his gifts to manipulate people for his personal desires, sexual misconduct, rebelling against pastoral authority, slandering leaders and the promotion of bitterness within the body of Christ.”

In this video ( we hear Jones describe the following mystical experience: “On August 7th of 1975, I was driving a pickup truck with my wife and my dog. And there came a ball of light in the pickup truck and it really frightened me, it was about the size of a basketball. And I was looking for a place to pull over the pickup and the light spoke and said, ‘Peace, you don’t have to be afraid of me, fear not’.”

Yet, Bob Jones is essentially a hero in the NAR and most NAR leaders have quoted his billion-soul harvest prophecy.

14:47: “The very week that the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl, just a few days before, the Asbury Revival broke out.”

Commentary: However, as this article ( so aptly notes concerning the Asbury “revival”:

“It was just another in a long line of experiential, NAR moments packaged as a move of God, marketed as a revival, and sold to the unsuspecting masses as something equal to the word of God, which if you remember, was not needed.”

15:54 “In addition to all these breakouts (after Asbury), there’s something historic that is going on that is, that I am kind of on the frontlines with, that to me is possibly one of the biggest things that I’ve ever been involved with in my entire life.”

She begins to discuss Rodrigues Pereira (initiator of “The Change”) and says in January of 2022 he heard the audible voice of God state, “Go and rent the stadium.” Long story short, the event was originally planned for June of 2024, but it was moved up to Aug. 4, 2023, to coincide with the Catholic World Youth Days from Aug. 1-6, also in Lisbon.

Commentary: Now, anyone familiar with the NAR knows one of their beliefs is that God regularly speaks in an audible manner to Christians. There has been a proliferation of tales of messages from God and angelic visitations in recent decades by the NAR crowd. Some try to excuse this by pointing to Biblical examples of such. However, these examples were few and far between in comparison to today when we consider the Bible covers approximately 4000 years of history. And, these cases have been recorded in God’s word so we are assured of their authenticity. We have no such assurance concerning the plethora of tales coming from the NAR crowd.

33:47 (Speaking of John 17) “He prays that they would be one so that, okay, dependent clause following, ‘so that the world may believe that You sent Me.’ This is revival power. When we become one the entire world will believe that the Father sent Jesus.”

Commentary: However, in John 17:11, Jesus asks God the Father to keep the brethren together as one. He did NOT say a unified movement is something we are responsible for establishing. The prayer is addressed to God the Father; it is not a command given to men. It is not something man yet needs to do; it is something God has already done. This unity is already an established fact for believers who are united in the truth. Verse 17 of this chapter says, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” Those born-again believers who love and obey the word of God, those who acknowledge God’s word as the truth, can worship and fellowship together. This fellowship would not include those who name the name of Jesus, but believe unbiblical teachings about Him, or hold to doctrines not found in God’s word.

So, this fellowship would not include those caught up in the manmade religious system of Catholicism because they are not like-minded believers. They deny that Christ’s work was finished on the cross evidenced by their practice of the mass. Also, their belief in purgatory demonstrates their lack of understanding of Christ’s atonement. They do not believe in justification by faith alone. The anathemas declared by the Council of Trent against those who do believe in justification by faith have never been rescinded. With these beliefs and others, they show they have another Jesus and another gospel.

42:32 “And, we are going into a time, I believe, where this will not be optional. Oneness, unity, will not be optional. Very volatile, economically, you know, looming wars, all kinds of things, and we have to get our act together. Not just for the saving of our own selves, but for the saving of cities and nations. We have to come together.”

Commentary: The only oneness and unity NOT optional for believers is with the Godhead, not with the antichrist system Campbell seems to describe above. I pray everyone reading has eyes to see and that they mark and avoid “The Change.”

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